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Judgment (The Alternate Earth Series, Book 3)

Page 24

by S. J. West

  “She needs to stand trial for her crimes,” Nina tells me. “I’ll take her back down to the graviton cage until we’re ready to make her pay for what she did.”

  “You won’t be able to kill her,” I tell Nina, feeling conflicted by what I’m about to say next. “Then you run the risk of martyring her.”

  “We’ll find a way to make her pay,” Nina promises me, “even if it’s just by keeping her locked up for the rest of her life. At least she won’t be able to produce another child to transfer her soul into. She’ll finally die like any other human.”

  Ravan hotly protests Nina’s idea of justice through her gag.

  “I would hate to be the one who has to take care of her for the rest of her life though,” I say, pitying this unknown person greatly.

  “We may have to take turns,” Nina replies dismally.

  I look up at Nina and say, “Maybe you won’t have to.”

  Nina looks perplexed. “What do you mean?”

  I glance over my shoulder at Rafe before looking back at her. “Do you love Rafe?”

  Without hesitation, Nina says, “You know I do.”

  “Then come back home with us.”

  “What if my father doesn’t want me to do that?”

  “But what if he does?” I ask. “You won’t know unless you try, Nina. When we’re ready to go back home, we’ll try to take you with us. We won’t know if it’ll work or not until then. I’m hoping at least one good thing will come from all the pain we’ve suffered through here. I think God owes us at least one happy ending.”

  Nina’s face fills with hope for her future, but I see the shade of cautious optimism being pulled down until she knows for certain what her fate is meant to be.

  After Nina takes Ravan back to her prison cell in the castle, the rest of us gather together in the library, to not only mourn the passing of our friend but to also celebrate his life and what he meant to us. We know that death is simply a rite of passage that we all have to make one day, and that we will reunite in Heaven eventually. However, for those of us who remain in the living world, we know our work is far from finished. The likelihood that this is the last mission we’ll ever be sent on is very small. However, I do pray this will be the last one we actually have to traverse realities in order to accomplish.

  I want to go back home, and I know the rest of my friends are ready to go, too.

  We quickly pack up our few belongings from this world and say our goodbyes to those we have grown close to during our time here.

  Everyone gathers outside the castle so we can view the finished Kinlan Ring before we leave. It’s a remarkable sight to behold, and I know Gabe would have felt proud to have such a marvel named after him.

  “I’m not sure there will ever be a way we can thank you enough for what you did for us… for our world,” Brand tells us, shaking hands with Mason and me. “We wouldn’t be standing here now if you hadn’t come back to help us.”

  “We will do our best to rebuild our nations in your honor,” Jai Lin promises. “It will take a great deal of time and hard work, but I believe we can do it.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find a way,” I tell Jai Lin, giving the petite Empress of China a hug.

  Jai Lin stands proudly by Brand’s side. He places an arm over her shoulders, and I know the two of them will find a way to make this broken world whole again.

  “Jess!” I look back up to the castle and see Carrig, Desmond’s son, and Abby walking out of the front door.

  Carrig walks up to me and hands me a small, black USB drive. “I made that video for the Desmond in your reality. You don’t think it’ll upset him to see me, do you?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t think so. I think he’ll appreciate knowing how his son would have turned out. Thank you for doing this for him.”

  “Thank you for coming here and saving us,” Carrig says, giving me a hug.

  “And tell your Abby how lucky she is to have all those kids running around,” Brand’s daughter tells me, also giving me a hug. “Maybe I’ll be that lucky one day.”

  “I’ll have a talk with God about that,” I promise, not seeing why this reality’s Watchers and their children shouldn’t be given the same opportunities as ours. If God was waiting for them to prove to themselves that they were worthy of forgiveness, I don’t see why the events of the past few weeks wouldn’t be enough to do just that.

  As we continue to say goodbye to our new friends in this world, I can’t help but notice Josh having what looks like a serious conversation with Leah. By the end of it, she gives him a hug, and he kisses her on a cheek before she joins the others vessels as they form a circle.

  “Where’s Xavier?” I ask Brand.

  “He thought you would want to keep things small and intimate for your departure.”

  “Do you know where he is?”

  “Yes. Do you want me to get him for you?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Brand phases, and returns with Xavier by his side a few seconds later.

  “Couldn’t leave without seeing me one more time, eh?” Xavier says cheekily.

  “That, and to give you this,” I tell him, handing him the sword we found in this world’s Eden.

  Xavier looks at the sword, then up at me again. “Why are you giving Jophiel’s sword to me?”

  “My gut tells me it’s meant for you to use and protect. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the flame is the same color as the Heaven’s Fire Leah and I produce. Since Gabe reopened the connection to Heaven, I think it’s meant to be used to help those who were infected by the birds to cross over, and I believe you’re the one who’s supposed to help them. I don’t know if Lucian will ever try to use the sixth trumpet since he needed the power the seventh trumpet was supposed to give him, but in case he does, it might come in handy. Will you take care of those who need your help and use the sword in the defense of others?”

  Xavier accepts the sword from my hands reverently.

  “Yes, I will,” he solemnly swears. “And I will protect the sword with my life.”

  “Thank you, Xavier.”

  “Um,” Nina says as she and Rafe come to stand with us, “so Rafe says all I need to do is stand in the middle of your circle.”

  “Yes,” I tell her, having a hard time not smiling at how nervous Nina looks. “If you’re meant to go home with us, you’ll be allowed into our inner realm.”

  “And if I’m not, I’ll just stay here.” Nina squeezes Rafe’s hand a little too hard, causing him to grimace in pain, but he doesn’t say anything, being the consummate gentleman that he is.

  “You’ll be allowed to go,” we hear Sophia call out as she, Logan, Ava, and Mia walk out of the castle to say goodbye to their friend.

  “There’s no guarantee that I will be,” Nina tells Sophia as she accepts a hug from her fellow Watcher.

  “You’re the best of us,” Ava says, also giving Nina a hug. “The Origin will be lucky to have you there.”

  “I hope God thinks so,” Nina replies, sounding as unsure as she looks.

  “No second-guessing yourself, soldier,” Brand tells Nina, with a crooked smile. “It’ll all work out for you, Nina. You deserve to find some peace and happiness in your life.”

  “Looks like the gang’s all here,” I hear Lucifer say behind me. “Does that mean we can finally leave this place?”

  I turn around to face him.

  “I thought you would have been here earlier,” I say to him, wondering why he didn’t stay with us after witnessing Gabe’s sacrifice.

  “I decided to take one last look at things before we left,” Lucifer tells me.

  “I hope you remember what happened here,” I reply.

  “Don’t worry,” Lucifer says rather cryptically. “I will.”

  As we all gather into a circle around Malcolm, Jered, Mason, Tristan, and Nina, I can see that my friends are wary of having Lucifer join our group, and who can blame them? He hasn’t exactly proven himself to be the most
trustworthy person in the world. Nevertheless, if there’s one thing I know about Lucifer, it’s this: he wants to go back home just as badly as the rest of us.

  “Just stand with the others,” Rafe instructs Nina.

  “What if this is the last time I see you, Rafe?” Nina worries.

  “It won’t be,” Rafe replies, full of confidence. “We were meant to find each other. He wouldn’t separate us now.”

  Nina drops her bag on the ground and grabs Rafe to her, kissing him full on the mouth in front of us all.

  “Really?” Lucifer says in disgust as he watches their public display of affection.

  “Oh, shut up,” Malcolm tells him. “Maybe one day you’ll love someone enough to feel that passionate about losing them.”

  “Heaven forbid,” Lucifer replies with a roll of his eyes.

  Nina finally loosens her grip on Rafe.

  “I love you,” she declares, as if it might be the last time she’s able to say it to him.

  “I love you, too,” Rafe replies with an easy grin, “and I will get the chance to tell you that every day for the rest of your life.”

  Nina nods, and tries to put on a confident smile as she strolls over to stand beside Mason.

  “You War Angels,” Malcolm says, giving Nina a friendly punch in the arm. “You might act all tough on the outside, but you’re just big softies on the inside.”

  “Softies who can beat your ass,” Nina replies good-naturedly.

  “Yeah, yeah, we’ll see about that.”

  “So how exactly do you people make your inner realm?” Lucifer asks, sounding ready to get things over with as quickly as possible.

  “Normally,” I say, “we close our eyes and concentrate on making it, but this time,” I look up at the ring of dust and rocks named after my lost friend, “I think we should concentrate on the memorial to Gabe’s sacrifice and how much he wanted us all to make it back home.”

  As we all stare up at the Kinlan Ring, I feel the warm pull of home and the sweetness of my children waiting for me there. In record time, we find ourselves within our inner realm and discover God is there waiting for us.

  I stare at God for a moment, unable to say anything to Him.

  I think He knows that my emotions are conflicted. I want to go to Him for comfort, but, at the same time, I want to slap Him hard across the face.

  “When you’re ready to talk,” God says to me, “I will come to you.”

  God looks at Nina, who has been allowed to join us this far on our way back home.

  “Nina,” God says, “it’s good to see you again. I was hoping things would work out between you and Rafe, and that he would help you find your way into a different life.”

  “Then you’re not going to separate us?” Nina asks anxiously, desperate to have an answer.

  “That depends on you.”

  Nina looks puzzled. “On me?”

  “In order for Me to allow you inside the Origin, you will have to give up something that you love.”

  Nina’s eyes grow wide in apprehension. “And what is that exactly?”

  “You will have to go there as a human and…”

  “Yes!” Nina says automatically, not having to hear the rest of what God was about to say.

  “Are you sure?” God questions, but He’s smiling at her in a way that makes me believe He already knows her answer.

  “I don’t need super strength or speed to be happy,” Nina tells God. “All I need are the friends I’ve made and the man I love. Nothing else matters to me. Nothing.”

  “Very well,” God says. “Welcome to the human race, Nina.”

  Nina smiles and throws herself into Rafe’s arms, laughing with joy and hugging her man tightly to her. I see Rafe smile.

  “That’s the first time you’ve hugged me and it hasn’t hurt,” he admits.

  Nina giggles and kisses Rafe.

  Having given great joy to one member of our group, God turns to face the saddest member of our party, JoJo. He holds out His arms to her, offering what comfort He can in her time of need.

  Without hesitation, JoJo goes to Him and accepts His love. She cries on His shoulder, and He simply holds her against Him. As she continues to cry her heart out, God says, “I have a secret to share with you, JoJo.”

  JoJo lifts her head from His shoulder to look up at Him.

  “What is it?” she asks.

  “The rest of your story with Gabe has yet to be told.” God leans down and whispers something into JoJo’s ear.

  I can’t hear what He says. I’m certain no one except JoJo is meant to.

  When He finishes telling her the secret, JoJo wipes away her tears and looks up at God with a sense of newfound hope.

  “That will happen?” she asks, sounding amazed by what God just told her.

  “In time, it will come to pass,” God promises. “But I’m afraid I can’t allow you to keep this knowledge, JoJo. I can allow the peace it has brought you to remain in your heart, but the reason will have to be lost to you until the time is right for you to remember.”

  JoJo nods. “I understand. Thank You for telling me.”

  JoJo hugs God one more time, and He kisses her on the forehead before she returns to her place within the circle.

  God then looks at Lucifer, tilting his head as he asks, “Did you learn anything during your visit, My son?”

  “Yeah,” Lucifer says, taking a defensive stance, his arms crossed over his chest. “I learned I was right about not opening the seals too soon. That moron back there didn’t know what he was doing.”

  God looks unconvinced that what Lucifer said was all that he learned during his time on alternate Earth.

  “I believe you learned more than that, Lucifer, but I am a patient parent. I can wait until you are ready to admit it to yourself.”

  “Father,” Mason says, taking a step forward, “I have a question for you.”


  Mason looks confused. “Yes, you’ll listen to what I want or is your answer yes to what I was about to ask?”

  “I see no reason not to give you what you want, Mason. I understand your reasons,” God glances in Lucifer’s direction briefly, “for asking me to grant your request.”

  “What request?” I have to ask, since their conversation is making no sense to me.

  Mason walks over to me.

  “Do you remember asking me to promise that I won’t die before you do?” my husband asks.

  “Of course…”

  “I found a way to make that promise to you.”

  “How?” I have to ask.

  “My father is going to allow me to stay a Watcher, but physically age the same as you. After you’ve passed away, I will ask him to make me human so I can join you in Heaven when the time comes.”

  “So that’s an option?” Malcolm asks God in surprise.

  God shrugs. “He asked. Brand and Aiden did not. Their greatest wish was to become human. Mason’s is to protect Jess from outside forces that require him to maintain his angelic abilities.”

  “Oh,” Malcolm says knowingly, “you mean protect her from the black sheep of the family.”

  “I did hear that, you know,” Lucifer tells Malcolm. “It doesn’t take a genius to figure out your non-subtle code names.”

  “Obviously,” Malcolm smirks. “Considering all the time you blackmailed Jess into spending with you every year, I can’t say I blame Mason for putting off becoming human.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask Mason, knowing how much he wants to be human. “You would give up the chance to live as a human, for me?”

  “I’m not giving up anything,” Mason assures me. “I’m keeping my sanity and making sure my family is kept safe. That’s what will make me happy.” Mason looks back at Malcolm. “But you will need to take leadership of the Watchers when we return home, Malcolm. I still want to step down so I can spend more time with Jess and the kids.”

  “What about your work with the Watcher Agency?” Malcolm questions

  “Jess and I can still help with that, but in a lesser capacity.”

  Malcolm nods in agreement to the terms.

  God looks back at me. “Your journey has been a long one, and your family is anxiously awaiting your return home. I have gathered them for you in the same place you left the Origin. When you need Me, Jess, all you have to do is pray, and I will come to you.”

  I nod my head because I don’t trust myself to speak. I’m not sure what might come out of my mouth, but I know it would be either words of anger or cries of sorrow. I’m not ready to talk to God, and He knows it.

  “Thank You for gathering our family and friends together,” Mason tells his father. “We’ve missed them.”

  “And they’ve missed you,” God tells us. “Max and Brynlee especially.”

  “Let’s go home,” I tell everyone, and I immediately begin to draw on their energy to make the dimensional gateway back to our reality.

  Almost instantly, the vortex of lavender-hued clouds with tiny dots of light intermixed within appears over my head. Off to the right, there is a light which shines brighter than the rest, beckoning me home. I reach out and touch it, welcoming the transitory pain of traveling through the portal because I know my children are waiting for me on the other side.

  I soon find myself lying flat on my back, staring up at a star-filled sky with one beautifully whole moon. The sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shore lull the deep ache inside my chest over Gabe’s loss, but it’s only when I see the two cherub-like faces of my children staring down at me that the ache is transformed into pure joy.

  “Mommy!” they both yell at the same time before lying down on either side of me in the sand to hug me tightly around the waist.

  As they begin to tell me everything that happened while I was gone, I close my eyes and listen to their sweet voices, not really paying attention to their words. I just lay there, enjoying the feel of their little warm bodies lying next to mine and the sound of their chatter. I sense Mason sit down near the top of my head and feel him caress my right cheek with the tips of his fingers. When I open my eyes, I notice how blurry my vision is, and realize for the first time that I’m crying, but this time my tears stem from happiness instead of heartache.


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