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Page 21

by Sybil Bartel

  Her small hands flew to my biceps as her breath hitched. Her head fell back, and a sexy fucking moan escaped from her gorgeous lips, but she didn’t answer me.

  My mouth against her throat, I smiled. “Answer the question, beautiful.”

  “What?” Her hips ground into my hand.

  I spelled it out. “You want kids?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Yes.”

  Fuck yeah. “You miss me?”

  Her fingers dug into me. “So much.”

  “I’m going to make you come so hard.” I stroked her G-spot.

  Her whole body trembled. “Oh my God.”

  Rubbing her clit, stroking her, I trailed my mouth down to her nipples. “This body is mine, baby. All mine.” No other man was ever going to touch her. I bit her nipple, then sucked through the sting.

  “Oh my God.”

  “Say it.” I moved to the other nipple.


  Her pussy started to contract around my finger. “Tell me you’re mine,” I demanded, shoving a second finger inside her.

  “Yours!” she panted. “I’m all yours.”

  “Come,” I demanded.

  Her legs shaking, her pussy contracting, her nipples hard as fuck, she exploded around me. Moaning, grinding her hips, she dug her fingers into my arms and fucking let go.

  My dick straining against my jeans, I almost came.

  Stroking through her aftershocks, I whipped my shirt off one-handed and gently pushed her back to the bed. Kissing her stomach, the top of her cunt, I replaced my thumb with my tongue and licked as I undid my pants.

  Shaking her head, she gripped two handfuls of my hair. “No more, I can’t.”

  I vowed then and there to never fucking cut my hair. “You can and you will.” I kicked my jeans off as I sucked her clit.

  “Oh my God, Ben.”

  Jesus, she tasted like heaven. “Right here, baby.” I crawled up her body, leaving a trail of kisses over every beautiful inch of her.

  Still gripping my hair, she pulled me up. “I want you inside me.”

  Fisting myself, I rubbed the head of my cock through her desire. “I’m coming inside you,” I warned.

  Staring at me, with love, with lust, she spread her legs wider.

  I shoved into her.

  Both of us gasped, and I stilled. “You okay?”

  “You’re so big,” she whispered.

  Brushing her hair from her face, fighting not to come on the spot, I stroked her cheek. “You’ll get used to me.”

  A shy smile spread across her face. “I have my whole life to.”

  My dick pulsed. “Yeah, baby, you do.” Jesus, I loved her. “You okay?”

  Her hands ran down my back and landed on my ass. “I’m good.”

  She was more than good. I pulled out a couple inches then gently rocked into her.

  “Harder,” she whispered.

  “Elyssia,” I warned.

  As if she knew I was holding back, as if she knew I’d always been gentle with her, but that it wasn’t how I usually was, she dug her fingers into my ass and thrust her hips up. “Show me,” she demanded. “Play me like you play your drums.”

  Jesus fucking Christ. “We’ll work up to that.” The memory of her injuries still fresh, I couldn’t pound her like I pounded my kit.

  “Please,” she begged, rocking into my every thrust. “Don’t hold back.”

  No hesitation, I gripped a handful of her hair in pure dominance, and drove into her. Hard.

  Her head fell back, and she let out a sound of shock. “Oh… my God.” Her throat moved on a swallow. “Again.”

  Adrenaline surged, and I flipped her over. “On your knees,” I barked, my voice guttural and harsh.

  Going on all fours, she raised her sweet ass in the air and looked over her shoulder at me.

  “Oh, baby.” I twisted my hand into her hair, letting all my dominance come out. “You look at me like that and you’re going to wish you hadn’t asked for this.”

  “No, I’m not.” Confident, but oh so innocent, she swayed her hips against mine.

  “Perfect,” I breathed, running a hand over her ass. “So fucking perfect.”

  She sucked in a breath of surprise at my cuss.

  Slow, sure, I drove into her as I dragged my lips and my teeth up her spine. “What surprises you more, my language or my dominance?” I bit the soft flesh where her neck met her back.

  She moaned. “Your language.”

  “You said yes,” I reminded her.

  She glanced at the rock on her finger and shivered. “I did.”

  I pulled back then shoved in deep and fast. “Do you know what that means?” Hitting her cervix, I bottomed out.

  She squeaked and crawled forward on the bed.

  I held her hips firm. “Deep breath, baby, deep breath.” I stroked her clit, but I stayed buried deep. “Now tell me if I’m actually hurting you, or if it’s just the fullness you’re not used to.”

  “Fullness,” she whispered. “It’s different, this angle. You’re….” Her chest rose and fell once.

  I lost patience. “I’m what?”

  “Surprising me,” she blurted.

  I thrummed my fingers over her clit, drumming a rhythm only I could hear as I stroked against her G-spot. “Good or bad surprise?”

  Her sweet cunt soaked my dick. “Oh my God.”

  “Answer the question, Elyssia.” Hitting her clit and G-spot in rhythm, I pinched her nipple.

  “Good!” A sound of pleasure crawled out of her throat as she slammed her hips back into me. “So good.”

  Fuck yes. “You’re so damn perfect.” I gripped her chin and turned her head. Plunging my tongue into her mouth as I shoved my cock deep, I kissed her.

  Then I fucked her.

  Hard, slow, deep, rough, I fucked her, I dominated her, and I made love to her, just like I’d always wanted to.

  She took every inch I gave her and begged for more.

  Her sweet cunt dripped desire down my dick as she started chanting my name. Then her back arched and her orgasm exploded around me. Constricting the hell out of my cock, her whole body convulsed.

  I fucking lost it.

  Shoving my cock deep, roaring out her name, I pumped her full of my seed.


  I never knew it could be like that.

  He fucked me. He made love to me. He touched every inch of my body with his lips.

  He dominated me all night.

  My legs shook, my core quivered, and he made me come again and again. The sun was rising out of the ocean, and I was so sore, but all I could think about was him taking me again. Touching me in ways I never knew were possible, he played my body like he played his drums. Furiously, rhythmically, persistently, his hands flew across my body and his lips whispered dirty and loving words that tangled all together and made me so wet, I couldn’t breathe.

  I loved every second of it.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” Rough, hoarse, his voice whispered across my shoulder.

  I shivered. “I love the sound of your voice.” Deep, hypnotic, and now I knew, so, so dominant.

  His finger drew a lazy line from my stomach and landed directly on my clit as if he knew exactly where it was. “I love when you say my name as you come.”

  I blushed. “You swear… during….” I trailed off, still so shy around him, despite every position he’d manipulated my body into last night.

  “During sex?” He circled my clit. “Or when I fuck you.”

  Chills raced up my back. “The latter.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  By the hint of humor in his voice, I knew he was teasing me. “No.”

  He shoved two fingers into me. “You got wetter every time I did.”

  I blushed so hard, the sheet under my cheek got hot. “I like it,” I barely whispered.

  “And I love how your body responds to me.” He kissed my neck like he’d done last night. His mouth open, his tee
th grazing, he bit and sucked and moved to the next spot he knew would drive me crazy.

  “I love you.”

  “Fuck,” he breathed out. “I love hearing you say that.”

  I smiled and said it again. “I love you.”

  “You want to be fucked, don’t you?” He stroked his fingers in and out of me.

  Wet, achy with need, sore, I wanted him so bad. “Yes, please.”

  He sucked in a sharp breath. “Oh, baby. You know what begging gets you.”

  I did. “I do.”

  “That’s it.” He bit my neck. “Keep practicing those two words.” His thumb circled my clit hard. “I’m going to make you come, but your tight little cunt is swollen from last night. You’re not getting my cock this morning.”

  I groaned, in frustration, in pleasure, as he fingered me with expert precision.

  “Come,” he whispered, deep and sexy.

  As if my body was already conditioned to do exactly what he commanded, a slow, low, rolling orgasm flooded my core and burst through like the sun rushing the sky.

  I groaned, I writhed, I called out his name, and he fed it. Every second, every burst of nerves, every ounce of my orgasm, he fed my release with his hands, his mouth, his breath, his heart.

  Whispering in my ear, “I love you,” he fingered my pulsing core until the very last contraction gripped his fingers then let go. Slow, gentle, he pulled out and kissed my neck. “That’s how I’m going to wake you every morning.”

  Oh my God. How had I lived so long without this? Without him? I rolled over to face him and his huge erection that’d been digging into my back. “I want to make you feel good like you make me feel good.”

  Stroking my face with the same fingers that’d been inside me, he had no shyness, no reservations about anything. “Do you know what you gave me last night?”

  My body? My heart? Everything I had to give? I shook my head, not sure what the right answer was.

  “Trust.” His thumb coasted across my bottom lip. “I couldn’t ask for more.”

  Tears welled. Everything between us was so new, and I felt so vulnerable, but he was right. I did trust him. I trusted him with my life and with my heart. I gave him the only words I knew how to give him because I knew he’d never heard them from anyone except me and my mother. “I love you, Bennett Abraham Stark.”

  “I love you, Elyssia Lauren Maher.” He smiled. “But we need to get that last name fixed.” He brushed my hair off my shoulder, and his phone rang. Without taking his eyes off mine, he reached behind him to the nightstand and brought the phone to his ear. “Hello?”

  My heart jumped to my throat, wondering if it was Tyler with news of my brother. Marcus? I mouthed.

  Ben’s gaze drifted. “Okay… understood.” He glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “How much?” He sat up and frowned, throwing his legs out of bed. “No fucking way.” He looked back over his shoulder at me and tipped his chin toward the bathroom then made a hurry up gesture with his finger.

  I rushed to the bathroom and turned the shower on. My hands suddenly shaking, I stepped in before the water was fully hot, and I quickly scrubbed the bar of soap all over my body. Frantic that Marcus was awake, but not wanting to show up at the hospital smelling like sex, I dumped Ben’s shampoo all over my hair and was lathering it in when I felt his hands on my waist.

  I yelped in surprise, and his hands tightened.

  “Sorry, I should’ve let you know I was coming.” He took over washing my hair.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, my voice cracking.

  He didn’t answer.

  I shoved his hands away and opened my eyes. “Ben? Damn it, don’t do this. Is Marcus okay?”

  He was staring at me, but not at my eyes. His gaze intense, he studied me. “Marcus is awake.”

  “And?” I was going to have a heart attack.

  “He’s going to be okay.”

  “Oh my God, then why are you staring at me like that?”

  “Killian Crowd. Marcus owes him. Big.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  He finally looked at me. “I want to pay him off. André disagrees. He wants to get the cops involved.”

  “Then that’s what we should do.” Why was this even a question?

  Ben held my gaze. “Marcus could go to jail. Or worse. Crowd could get to him first.”

  Shampoo in my hair, soap on my body, I just stood there.

  Slow, as if he were afraid I would freak out, Ben took the showerhead out of its holder and rinsed my hair and my body. “Dry off, and get dressed. We’ll go see him.”

  Jail. After all I’d done to keep Marcus alive.

  I couldn’t process it.

  Then anger, bright and red, flooded my veins.

  I didn’t remember drying off or getting dressed. I didn’t remember walking through an enormous luxury penthouse steeped in daylight with an ocean view sparkling from every window. I didn’t remember the ride to the hospital.

  All I felt was anger.

  And the steady hand of a man I was dragging down with me as he led me to my brother’s room.

  A few feet from Tyler, Ben stopped and turned to face me.

  He took my face in his hands. “You’re going to wait out here while I talk to him first. Then, if I think he’s going to be civil, you can see him. I’m not coming between you and your brother, I’m protecting what’s mine.” He kissed my forehead. “I know he’s your brother, but I’m not going to let him abuse you anymore. Understand?”

  I understood I didn’t deserve Ben, and he didn’t deserve to have to deal with this.

  “Don’t,” he warned, as if reading my thoughts. “You protected me. Now I’m protecting you.” He dropped his hands and turned toward Tyler. “She stays out here unless I say otherwise.”

  “Understood, sir.”

  Ben strode into my brother’s room.

  I STRODE INTO THE fucker’s room ready for a fight.

  I didn’t get one.

  His face swollen all to hell, his speech slurred like he was fucking hurting, he looked at me with utter fucking hopelessness. “Don’t let her in here.”

  “Why?” I demanded.

  “I fucked up.”

  I didn’t have an ounce of fucking sympathy for him. “You more than fucked up.”

  He turned his head. “She should’ve let me die,” he muttered.

  “So you could burden her even more? Crush her fucking heart?”

  “You love her.”

  He said it so quietly, I wasn’t sure at first what I’d heard. “What?”

  “I know you love her.”

  “I’m marrying her. She’s already wearing my ring.” And hopefully carrying my baby.

  Marcus didn’t react. I didn’t know if he was pumped on pain meds or still fucking high on whatever he’d taken, and I didn’t care. He was fucking selfish where she was concerned.

  “This is what’s going to happen.” I waited, but he didn’t respond. “Nod if you fucking understand me.”

  “I fucking hear you.”

  Good. “I’m going to give you a choice. You owe Killian Crowd. You borrowed money from him to bet on the fight you threw. You didn’t fucking pay him back. That fight was sanctioned.” God knew how he fucking pulled that off, but he did, which only made this more of a fucking mess. “He says you blew the money on hookers and blow. Seeing you now, I don’t fucking doubt it. Crowd’s got a price on your head. You’ve got forty-eight hours to pay up before he comes after you. So you either go to the cops and tell him what you and Crowd did, hope you can cut a deal, or…” I paused to make sure he was fucking listening. “Or I pay your fucking debt and you get whatever surgery you need here. Then you check into a facility of my choosing.”

  “You gonna pay for that too?” he asked bitterly.

  “Yes.” But not for his sake. “For Elyssia’s sake, I hope you make the right decision.”

  He finally looked at me, but this time, it wasn’t with the total d
isdain he’d given me for years. This time, he looked fucking broken. “And what’s that? Another set of shrinks and another round of drugs that fuck with my head?”

  “If that’s what it takes.” I used Talon’s words on him. “There’s a hundred different combinations of drugs and therapy to try. You keep trying them until you find the right recipe.”

  Guilt-ridden rage contorted his already fucked-up face. “I hit her. I hit my own damn sister. I deserve to die.”

  “You would’ve if I’d been there.” I wasn’t sugarcoating shit for him. He needed to see he was on bottom, and he needed to make a decision. “But now you’ve got a fucking choice and a second chance. Only you can make the decision.”

  He looked away again. “You gonna take care of her?”

  Fuck. Finally. I exhaled. “Yes.” He wasn’t gonna fight. “Always.”

  “She loves you, you know. She always has.”

  “I know.” I didn’t want to discuss her with him. “She loves you too.”

  “She shouldn’t.”

  “Then give her a reason to.”

  He looked back at me, and for the first time in years, I saw the Marcus who’d helped a foster kid being bullied. “What if rehab or wherever the fuck I wind up doing doesn’t work?”

  “It will.” If I could pull my ass out of the shit I came from, he could too. “But only if you fight for it.”

  “That’s all I’ve been doing.” His eyes welled. “I’m fucking tired of fighting.”

  “She needs you.” I didn’t have anything else. “If she’s not enough of a reason, I don’t know what is. If Helen was here, she’d tell you the same damn thing.”

  He leaned back and looked up at the ceiling. “I wanted to die.”

  I bit my fucking tongue and waited.

  “When I saw what I did to her, I wanted to end it. For real this time.”

  My hands fisted.

  “I didn’t remember it. I didn’t remember doing that to her.” Tears dripped down his face. “But she was limping and breathing funny, and I knew. Then I heard you’d taken her to the hospital.” He shook his head. “I can’t live like this anymore.”


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