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Lily's Mirage (Hell Yeah! )

Page 25

by Sable Hunter

  “Let me get on top of you.” She nearly drove him mad, wiggling and scooting around on top of him until they were chest to breast, hip to hip, their hearts beating as one. Out of breath, she whispered, “Now, where were we?”

  God, he loved her so much. Chuckling, he pointed out the obvious. “I don’t think we can do 69 in this position, our wrong ends are lined up.”

  “Dang-it.” Blade laughed as he endured more wiggling and more scooting. But…when she was in the proper position, all he could do was whisper a prayer-like curse, “Oh, my fuckin…”

  “You’re looking at me.” Lily closed her eyes tightly, stating the obvious. She felt vulnerable and exposed.

  “Yea, I am. And you’re beautiful.” Deeply pink, glistening with excitement, the tempting lips just beginning to unfurl. “You want me.” Her answering moan excited him. Slipping one finger between her folds, he licked his lips and smiled as she arched her hips to meet him. Her arousal coated his fingers. “Damn, baby.” She was going to burn him alive, no doubt about it. Siding his fingers between her feminine petals, Blade rubbed her own silky moisture all around her swelling clit.

  “Oh, Blade, I…” She opened her eyes and remembered what she was supposed to be doing. “Oh, hello. How could I forget?” Standing before her eyes, in all its glory, was Blade’s magnificent cock. She blinked, licked her lips, and tried to concentrate on the task before her – even as her own nether regions were being pleasured by Mr. Sexiest Man Alive himself. “Forgive me. This may be harder than I thought.”

  Blade chuckled again as he thrust his fingers deeper into the well of her vagina. She was so feminine. So damn hot. So sweet. “I’m always hard for you.”

  “Good.” Her reply feathered across his sensitive head, shooting shivers of lust through his veins. His manhood jerked and a bead of precum shone on the smooth tip. “Here goes nothing,” Lily whispered as she took the broad head into her mouth, bathing it with her tongue.

  The slide of her lips over the hungry head of his cock ripped a groan from his throat. He tried to focus on his own pleasurable task, stroking her clit, vying with her as to where they would put their focus. As her breathing deteriorated into an uneven rhythm, he upped his ante, stroking and circling faster, pressing harder. He wanted her to come first. This wasn’t a game, this was pure love. Soon, they would begin their lives together and he wanted to be her rock. Her reason to smile.

  “Feel good?” Blade asked as he placed his tongue against her clit, licking and rubbing it, teasing the little bundle of nerves until it was tight. Feeling her begin to tense, he braced his hands on the back of her knees to push her legs farther apart, more open and accessible to his tongue and teeth. Even with the glide of her hot little tongue making hash of his control, his cock twitching in her mouth, Blade loved on her tenderly, listening to her whimpers and moans, giving her more pressure as she needed. “Here comes your first orgasm, are you ready?”

  “Oh, God!” she moaned around his cock as he sucked her clit into his mouth and clamped it with his teeth. Blade felt the tremor rock through her as the orgasm pulsed through her body. Wanting to give her more, he lapped at her clit as she shook, sipping her cream, his dick strutted to bursting as she released it to sob his name. “Blade, oh Blade!” He continued to suckle lightly until the last ripple shuddered through her.

  “Your turn now,” she whispered, licking a path from his root to the tip. Rising over him, she took him back in her mouth, her tongue lashing around the big head. Her lips and tongue moved with zeal, forging a searing need within him, there was no way he could hold back for long. “I love you, Lily,” he cried out, causing her to suck even harder. “You’re perfect.” So passionate, so his. Her teeth grazed the glans underneath and he’d have sunk to his knees had he been standing aright.

  Lily loved the way he responded to her. His whole body reacted to every little gift she gave him. This man was a dream come true, her dream come true. He was her world, the center of her universe. She wanted to feel like this forever. A shiver shook her from head to toe.

  No, she wouldn’t think about…that now.

  Determined to live in the moment, Lily surrendered to the fire flashing along her nerve endings, making her hips grind against Blade’s face and all coherent thought fly away. She soared with the sensation, reveled in it. Being with him felt so good. So right. Masterfully, he kept her poised on the brink of bliss with her pussy aching and her nipples throbbing.

  “Ready for another one?” Lily’s only response was a gasp and a whimper when he dove back in, tasting the cream of her orgasm and the tang of her pleasure. “I’ll never get enough of you, never.” After all the heartaches he’d suffered, she was the gift that life bestowed on him – for what good deed, he didn’t know. “You’re mine, Lily. Mine.” With slow circles, he licked the small bud, letting his tongue linger. When she pushed back against his face, he applied even more pressure, circling and lapping. Her body stiffened, her thighs quivered. She tasted so good, so perfect – like all the sunrises he’d ever seen all rolled into one. He couldn’t get enough. He kissed and licked her faster, pushing her higher. Her body quivered on top of him. Wanting to give her everything, he spread her wider and covered her clit with his mouth. Blade could tell she was in the throes of ecstasy, she tried so hard to keep pleasuring him. Bucking his hips, he gave her as much as she could take and she rewarded him with hums of appreciation.

  Slipping her fingers between his thighs, Lily cupped Blade’s balls in her palm. When she felt his cock grow harder and his balls drawing up, she slid her fingers behind his balls, pushing up hard.

  “Fuck, Lily!” he bellowed and she smiled around his girth.

  Blade wanted to go on and on, but he couldn’t. The tingles were already rushing up his spine. Fighting the overwhelming urge to come, to offer her his seed, he spoke to her, “Come for me, kitten. One more time.” Burying his face between her legs, he stroked her clit with his tongue – harder. Faster.

  “Blade, I can’t!” She twisted and moaned.

  His balls pulled tight, his own climax building. “Come for me, Lily!” With a delicate slap to the pad of her pussy, he pushed her to the edge. She froze, her back bowing, gasping around his cock. Spearing his tongue deep within her, he sent her over. She jerked in his arms as he continued to kiss her, feeling her pussy pulse around his tongue. His own explosion caught him by surprise, flashing over him like fire, wresting his control away and bringing her name to his lips. “Lily!” Even in the midst of her rapture, her lips milked his cock and his body convulsed, his seed jetting from his balls. She swallowed every spurt from his cock with absolute acceptance.

  Lily loved how he came hot and sweet on her tongue. Reluctantly, she let him go and laid her head on his lower abdomen, kissing the pleasure dampened flesh.

  “I love you, Lily,” he repeated and her silence afterward was thunderous.

  Finally, she could no longer hold back her thoughts. “You’re my every dream, Blade. I never expected someone like you to come to me in this lifetime. Being with you is like touching the sun. I…shouldn’t love you, it isn’t fair.”

  Oh, hell no. Blade shifted her in his arms until he could hold her, tucking her head under his chin. “What’s this? You can’t take back your love. I refuse to let you take it back.”

  How could her heart be breaking when it was so full of love? “I feel like life has handed me everything, just so I can watch it disappear.”

  Blade hugged her tight. “I won’t let it disappear, Lily. Trust me. I’m about to make all your dreams come true.” Vowing to do everything in his power to make her happy, he prayed that his faith would be rewarded by grace.

  Blade was counting on a miracle.

  Over the next few days, Lily took care of business and Blade worked behind the scenes. He endeavored to make every day joyful, doing small things for her, checking things off her list, little dreams that she’d never taken time to fulfill for herself – like a triple chocolate fudge sundae
and a hot air balloon ride over the city. At night, he loved her to sleep and stayed awake to watch her dream.

  Surprisingly, his biggest supporter was Flora. She kept in frequent touch with him and proved to be invaluable, making sure all the last-minute details were taken care of for the extravaganza they were planning.

  As the weekend drew nearer, Blade grew nervous. He wanted nothing to interfere with Lily’s special day. Due to the whole affair being a surprise, he couldn’t insist that life not go on, Blade had to just work around whatever came up and help Lily deal with everything as best he could. One bright spot was when Ma Dyer left the hospital after surgery and Blade and Lily escorted her home, Blade even arranged for the older woman to have an attendant when they learned her insurance wouldn’t cover the help.

  “I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you,” she told him, tears in her eyes.

  “You just get to feeling better, that will be pay enough.” He kissed her cheek. While he helped the aide set up the lift by the bed, Lily found places to set the flowers they’d brought from her hospital room. Seeing a pile of mail on the kitchen counter, she reached to pick it up to take to their patient. When she scooped up the assortment of letters and periodicals, a magazine fell out and Lily’s jaw dropped. On the cover was a photo of her and Blade taken the day he showed up at Oschner’s during her treatment. The headline said it all: Blade Jensen Visits Dying Girlfriend In Hospital and in smaller letters Lily Bastien’s Top Secret Identity Exposed! Apparently, Ma loved her gossip rags, for Lily scarcely caught her breath over those bombshells before another magazine slipped from her grip, the cover a collage of photos of her and Blade, including a shot of Katy, her killer, Lily as a little girl, and a shot of Lily’s doomed parents. The title of the article made Lily want to throw up. Are These Star-crossed Lovers Cursed? “Oh, my God!”

  “I’ve got Ma Dyer settled, kitten.” Blade came up behind her. Seeing Lily’s distress, he touched her arm. “What’s wrong?”

  “Look.” She spread the offending celebrity magazines out for him to see. “I can’t do this. This is crazy. They’re right.” Lily started out of the house without saying goodbye.

  “Wait.” Blade hastened to speak to the aide, then rushed to follow Lily from the house to the car. “Lily! Stop!”

  Lily slowed her steps, covering her eyes against the harsh sun reflecting off the parking lot that was blinding her as much as the tears she couldn’t hold back. “Let me go, Blade. This whole situation is hopeless. You’ve had enough heartbreak in your life, you don’t need me to add to it.”

  “Hush, precious.” Blade enfolded his love in his arms. “Everything is going to be fine. I promise you.”

  “You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep.” She let him hold her. “I need to go back in and apologize to Ms. Dyer.”

  “She’s resting, let’s get you home. You’ve got a big day ahead of you tomorrow, your friends are all coming for a spa day.” Blade rubbed her back, his every thought on giving Lily everything she wanted, everything she deserved.

  He just wished it was in his power to give her time, the one thing that was out of his control.

  “Yea, I’m looking forward to a girl’s day out.” She let out a long breath. “I just don’t understand why people want to profit from someone else’s heartbreak. How do you think the story got out there?”

  “I don’t know, probably one of the nurses at the hospital. Some of them were pretty star struck, they might’ve went to the press.”

  “Some folks are greedy, aren’t they?” Lily leaned on his arm as Blade walked them back to her car.

  He sought to tease her out of her mood. “Yea, I’m one of them.” Nuzzling her neck, he didn’t stop until she giggled. “Greedy for you.” Blade framed her face as she leaned against the passenger side door. “Don’t you know how happy you’ve made me?”

  Lily looked up into his eyes. “I know how happy you’ve made me. You’ve shown me more love and care in the short time we’ve been together than I’ve known in all my life before. How did you do it? How did you know what I needed?”

  Blade gave her a wicked, teasing grin. “I have my ways. Besides, I knew the only thing you really needed to make you happy – was me.”

  “William, I want William.” Lili’s heart was breaking as she struggled in the arms of the pirate. “Let me go!”

  “I captured you, you are my prize.” Blackbeard held the woman against her will. “Your lover is never coming back. I killed him.”

  The cruel words of her captor devastated Lili. “No!” Wrenching one hand from his grasp, she clawed at his face, the smoking tendrils of rope braided in his dark beard singed her skin. “I hate you!”

  Blackbeard laughed, shaking Lili like a ragdoll. “I don’t mind your hate, I like a little fire in my wench.”

  Jerking one arm from his grasp, she threw herself backwards and kicked out at him as hard as she could, her foot connecting to the soft flesh between his legs.

  “Bloody hell!”

  Seeing a chance for escape, Lili fled along the beach, her footsteps veering into the surf. “William! William!” Was it true? Could her beautiful William be dead? With tears clouding her vision, Lili knew the pirate Blackbeard was telling the truth. If her beloved was alive, he would be here, he would help her.

  “Where will you go, fair Lili?” He laughed with scorn. “Will you swim to safety?”

  Lili looked around, he was correct, there was nowhere to go. On one hand, there was Blackbeard and his men, on the other, the roaring ocean. Closing her eyes, she made her choice. Holding up her skirt, she ran into the waves, her clothes becoming sodden and heavy. Better to surrender herself to the depths of the sea than to Blackbeard the Pirate.

  As the water covered her head, Lili prayed she would see William again.

  “No! No!” Lily fought to awaken, feeling as if she were choking.

  Sitting up in bed, she turned to see Blade was still fast asleep. Shaking with the aftereffects of the dream, she laid back down, shivering with the memory.

  “I can’t believe you’ve hooked Mr. Big Fish himself,” Dinah murmured dreamily as she lay on the masseuse table. The cucumber slices placed over her eyelids prevented Dinah from seeing the warning look her sister Bliss gave her.

  “He’s not hooked.” Lily sighed as the woman working on the tight muscles of her back applied a lotion that was more cold than soothing. “This is strictly a catch and release situation.”

  “Believe me,” Harper muttered with tight lips as a technician applied a mudpack to her face, “any man who springs to send you and all your friends to this high-class spa is definitely a keeper. Hey, who’s getting Brazilians today?”

  “Not me!” Glory answered quickly from the space-age looking station where she was receiving a manicure and a pedicure simultaneously. “The last time I got one of those, I couldn’t have sex for a week. T laid down the law, a close trim only.”

  Lily raised her hand. “I’m going bare again. I guess I’m immune to pain.” Compared to the plethora of medical procedures she’d endured in her life, a little waxing didn’t seem like a big deal.

  “Oh, Blade will be appreciative, I’m sure.” Bliss gave her a big smile, raising her own hand. “I’m going bare too, I plan on using every trick in the book to lure Calder Davis into my velvet trap.”

  “Oh, tell us more, Bliss,” Harper said, not daring to move too much, fearful of displacing her mudpack. “Who is Calder Davis?”

  “Oh, he’s my future husband. I’ve been waiting on him forever, it seems like. Calder is a mystery I can’t wait to solve,” was her ambiguous reply.

  Lily closed her eyes and listened to her friends’ chatter about everything and nothing. She knew Blade had insisted on this day to get her mind off next week’s appointment at Duke University to check on the progress of the trial procedure. Sometimes, she laid in bed at night and tried to imagine her immune system battling the cancer cells in her brain like knights charging into a crusade. Wh
at was in store for her she didn’t know. Blade was acting like everything would be fine, but Lily couldn’t be so certain. She’d been disappointed before.

  Her mind flew to the cruel articles in the tabloids, she hadn’t read them all, but she’d taken a quick peek online and quickly wished she hadn’t. People were having a field day speculating on their future, whether she would live or die…and whether they would marry. Lily wanted to lash out at them and proclaim none of it was their business, but from personal experience, she knew ignoring the gossip and conjecture was the best policy.

  “Hey, Lily. Did you know I used to have a Princess action figure?” Dinah was in the process of moving from the masseuse table to a station for a facial.

  Lily shook her head. “That antique must be a collector’s item by now.”

  “I have it in a place of honor on one of my bookshelves, it serves as inspiration for me when I feel down and out.”

  “Just don’t use it as a voodoo doll, please. I have enough problems.” Lily stood as the tech wrapped a towel around her.

  “Ready for your wax?” her tech asked with a bland expression on her face.

  “No, but let’s go.” Lily was about to walk off when Flora stormed in. “Sorry, I’m late! I got held up by traffic.” She stared into a mirror. “Oh, God, I see a gray hair!”

  “You always said you were full of wisdom, Flora. I think gray hair comes with the territory.” Glory laughed at Flora’s expression. “Oh, come on, it’s one. Everybody has one or two, just yank it out.”

  “I’ll have you know that I’m only two…four…”

  “Six years older than me and eight years older than Glory.” Lily filled in the blanks correctly. “But very, very wise.”

  Flora pressed her lips together. “Okay, if you’re going to be like this. I won’t give you all my surprise.”

  “A surprise?” Bliss yelled. “I’m up for a surprise!”

  “Flora, what did you do?” Lily asked, still not really sure what was going on. In all the year’s they’d known one another, this was the first time they’d done such an outing. A tinge of regret made her uneasy, she’d wasted so much time looking toward the end of her life that she’d really missed out on living it.


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