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Breakthrough Page 10

by Sarah Stevens

  I get Callie some dinner while I wait to see what storm will happen next in my life. I’m so angry with the world, Grandma, and also my feelings for Parker. I sit, take a deep breath, and let it out slowly then start feeding Callie her dinner. Grandma still hasn’t arrived back home and as angry as I am at her, I start to get worried. After I have Callie all cleaned up, we go to the living room where I set her on the floor to play and grab my phone. Nothing. Then I notice the headlights beaming through the window and stand to look out the window. I see Cam and Parker getting a tree down from the roof of one of the cars. And grandma standing there directing them on where to bring it. I go to meet them at the door my body tense with the anger I have buzzing through me. As they enter through the threshold, I stand there with my arms crossed over my chest, a bit of a mistake because it lifts my boobs up, gaining the attention of Parker. “Well, don’t we have a friendly bunch here.” Then turn and scoop Callie up off the floor taking her to get her ready for a bath and bed.

  I can hear Grandma letting the guys know where to set the tree up as her voice gets louder the closer, she gets to me.

  I’m putting Callie in the tub when she emerges in the doorway of the bathroom, “Never thought you’d leave me behind. Good thing I had Parker and Cameron there to give me a ride and help get the tree you left behind. What is going on with you Mandy? Is it really that hard to accept you have feelings for that goalie? Ignore all your rules for once and do something that makes you happy.”

  “He proved my point last night. Grandma he kissed another girl, there are no excuses for that. Even if we aren’t officially together, that is no way to get me to date him. So, no I can’t date him, be with him, at this point I don’t even know if I can be friends with him. I start my job in two weeks, working for his team. I need to keep it professional from this point on. I have one focus and that is Callie.” I’m done saying my piece and go back to giving my full attention to Callie, ending the conversation. I hear her quietly leave behind me and all the hurt of the day comes crashing down on my shoulders and I silently cry as I wash my daughter’s hair.



  She won’t answer my calls, she replied to Cam, still refusing to talk to me. We continue our day, me in a pissed off mood until Maggie texts me requesting I meet her at a tree farm by their house.

  “Hey Cam, we’ve got to go to this tree farm in about an hour. Maggie told me to meet her and Mandy there. Maybe I’ll get to talk to her, and it isn’t a set up that’s going to piss Mandy off.”

  “Something tells me Mandy won’t be happy to see you. Maggie seems like a firecracker and will stick her nose in the middle of all this.” Cam laughs “Let’s get going, can’t be late with all the traffic heading that way.”

  We make it in exactly one hour, the traffic of course, is as bad as we expected. Everyone and their mother is heading out of the city. When we pull up, I see Mandy’s car but no sign of them anywhere. Cam and I start walking, then I hear her voice, she’s excited about a tree she found. Hearing her happy pulls at my heart, knowing I most likely ruined her day with one fuck up and a photo. I have to admit I’m grateful the video hasn’t come out yet. I’m sure it will go over like a ton of bricks.

  Mandy turns around with the most beautiful smile on her face until she spots me. She accuses her grandma of setting this up and storms off leaving Cam and I standing there with Maggie.

  “Well that went well,” she says to us then moves toward the tree, picking up the saw and starts sawing away.

  “Maggie, let me do that,” Cam steps in and cuts down the tree Mandy had picked out. We both take an end and start walking with Maggie back to the little building to get it wrapped up and paid for.

  “Maggie, I’ve got this.” I pull out my card and pay before we strap the damn thing to the roof of my Benz, hoping like hell it won’t scratch my paint but feeling like shit because I pissed Mandy off enough for her to leave her grandmother behind. Though I think she was mad at all three of us.

  Cam takes the back seat leaving the front for Maggie. “Anyone hungry?” I ask as we pull out of the tree farm.

  “I suppose it is dinnertime, Mandy and I were going to stop and grab some Chinese on the way home. I’ll call and place an order for pick up. What do you boys want?”

  “Are you sure we’ll be welcome to stay and eat or shoved out the door the second we’re done setting this tree up for you?” Cam asks with a hint of laughter behind his words.

  “Boys, it’s my house. You will be welcome to stay as long as you like,” she says with a laugh. “So, what will it be?

  “I guess I’ll take some beef and broccoli, white rice and an egg roll” Cam answers

  “I’d like some spice in mine so how about some General Tso’s and fried rice. Thank you for offering dinner by the way.”

  “You’re welcome. I did lure you out here to end up hauling a tree. I’ll talk to her when we get home.” She then calls in the order for dinner.

  We make a quick stop to pick up the food, then to Maggie’s house where Cam and I set up the tree as directed. Maggie makes her way to the back of the house where Mandy is hiding with Callie. I hear splashes so she must be giving her daughter a bath.

  When we have the tree all set up, one that stands a few feet taller than both of us, probably eight-foot if not more, we go to the kitchen to start unloading all the food.

  Maggie comes into the kitchen a few moments later with a grim look on her face. “I’m sorry Parker. Seems as if that photo made a valid point in her head to why she doesn’t date goalies, hockey players, or anyone who is a professional sports player, or someone she works with. She’s adamant about keeping to her rules.”

  “God damn it,” I say under my breath as I run my hands through my hair in frustration. I have a sinking feeling in my belly and know I’ve blown it. One stupid mistake, that she knows about. If she finds out about the video, I’m good as dead.

  Quietly the three of us finish our food before we excuse ourselves to leave.

  “I appreciate you trying, Maggie. I wish she had let me talk to her, but I’ll just have to bide my time. Maybe I can convince her once she’s working in the locker room.” I give her a hug and walk to my car, leaving Cam at the door. He says a few words to Maggie before getting in the car and heading back to the city.

  The drive is quiet, I feel defeated and the worse is yet to come. Christmas is in three days. We have a game tomorrow night. Cam will kill me if I let this shit get in the way of my job on the ice. We’re so close to clinching a top spot in the playoffs, even with the season almost half over.

  I drop Cam off at his place, then make my way home to hang my head in shame and defeat.

  I wake with a throbbing headache. I try consuming some extra coffee, seeing if the extra caffeine will kick the throbbing out. It doesn’t work so; I pop a couple Tylenol. Getting dressed, I try and ignore the throbbing that won’t go away and head to practice. The drive is a struggle even my shades don’t help the light sensitivity. Parking in the players lot I walk into the locker room and get ready for our morning skate. The light is still bothering me, so I hang my head, trying to block it all out. Cam comes over and take a seat next to me, “You all right man?”

  “Not in the least. I have a migraine, and nothing is working.”

  “Coach isn’t going to be happy. Think you can make it through this morning’s skate?”

  “I don’t know man, give me ten and I’ll let you know.”

  “Okay, go lay down in the trainer’s room in the dark and I’ll cover for you. It’s been a while since you’ve had a migraine.”

  “Yeah I know.” Getting up I walk to the dark room and lay down on the uncomfortable table.

  It feels like I just closed my eyes when Coach walks into the training room.

  “Marsh, you good to go? We need you tonight. I let you rest for about thirty minutes.”

  I sit up slowly coming back to life and realize my head isn’t throbbing as much. “Yea
h coach, I’m good.”

  “Good, then get your ass out on the ice.”

  “On my way.” I quickly grab my pads and put them on and then hit the ice, stretching quickly. Just enough so I won’t hurt myself in net.

  Practice goes okay, my head is still hurting like a motherfucker, but at least I can see straight now. We’re released off the ice to go and take a pre-game nap and eat a good meal. I’m sitting removing my pads when coach comes up to me.

  “Hey Marsh, I know you have a lot going on in that head of yours with everything that happened after the game the other night, but you need to get your head straight for tonight’s game.”

  “I know coach, let me go eat and get a nap, and I’ll be good to go.”

  “I hope you’re right. Go rest and eat and I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Later coach.”

  I do exactly what I said I’d do, hoping I was telling the truth and I’ll be on point tonight.



  After the guys leave, I grab some food, bringing it to my room. I’m not in the mood to hash things out again with Grandma, so I avoid her. A long hot bath before bed is what I need and exactly what I do.

  Snuggling in bed I try and get a good night’s sleep, though I end up tossing and turning all night. I finally drag myself out of bed in the morning when I hear Callie stirring in her crib.

  “Good morning Callie Girl, how’d ya sleep?” I pick her up cuddling her close to my heart. Right now, she’s the only one who is making me happy. After changing her diaper, I cautiously walk into the kitchen, hoping I can get a cup of coffee in me before Grandma starts in on me. She’s nowhere to be found, so I start the coffee pot and go about making Callie a bottle while I wait.

  Of course, once I have my cup and Callie is in her highchair snacking on Cheerios and her bottle grandma enters the kitchen, so much for a little peace before she starts in on me.

  “Good morning Mandy, how did you sleep?” she asks like nothing happened last night and she didn’t try to interfere with my life.

  “Could have been better,” I reply taking a sip of my steaming coffee and giving my attention back to Callie.

  “How long are you going to be mad at me? I don’t like this one bit,” she asks as I pick up a Cheerio and hand it to Callie, who is sitting there full of giggles this morning. At least she had a good night’s sleep.

  “Are you going to stop interfering with my love life?” I ask.

  With a humph, she settles in the chair next to me, thinking about my question for a second before answering.

  “Even if I think he will be a good fit for you, mistake and all, I will let it go. I just want you to be happy Mandy. I want you to have love like I did with your goalie grandfather. They aren’t all bad like your dad. They all mess up, and the second it happens regret it. I’m not saying what he did was right, because it sure as heck isn’t. What I’m saying is you both have to trust each other, whomever it is by your side. You need to be committed to each other and be in it for the long haul, otherwise it will not work. But, Mandy, you have to remember you two aren’t in a committed relationship, as you put it, you’re friends. You need to remember that before you take him down to his knees for this, though I think you already have. That man definitely feels more for you and that little girl than friendship. I don’t know why what happened occurred, I didn’t ask. All I do know is he feels like shit for it.”

  I gasp at her use of the word shit, she isn’t known to swear. “Grandma! Did you just curse?” I ask shocked and with a hint of a chuckle.

  “Girl, you have me fired up. I was trying to help, get you to talk to him, let him explain to you what that picture was all about. But, let it all rest for now, we have Christmas to celebrate, Christmas eve is tomorrow, and we have to show this little girl what all the hoopla is about.”

  “I love you Grandma, and I hear you. You might think he is good for me, but I’m about to be his and the entire team’s athletic trainer. I made the mistake of dating one of the players on my team before. I don’t know if I can do it again.”

  “I get it sweetheart. I really do. Sometimes you have to look at the heart of the player and not just the player.”

  She gets up to start making breakfast for us and I sit there in silence, thinking about what all she said. Realizing I need to get over myself and my past I decide to go into my new job and life with open eyes. I still think keeping Parker in the friend zone will be best. I can at least be his friend.

  I clean the kitchen after breakfast, while Grandma has Callie, I go out to the car to unload all the Christmas presents we bought yesterday and because I was so angry left in the car. I sneak them into my room and secure them in the closet. Knowing I still have a few things to buy for the big day I get dressed and grab my purse.

  “I’m heading to the store to get the last few things and wrapping. Will you be okay with Callie for a while?”

  “We’ll be fine, go finish your shopping and we’ll be here when you get back.”

  “I won’t be long,” I say as I peck a kiss on Callie’s head and then leave.

  The day goes by quickly, I realize I’m hungry and I haven’t had lunch yet. I stop by the coffee shop and get a muffin and a caramel latte. While sitting in the shop enjoying my mid-day snack, I start thinking about the last few weeks. I have an asshole who wants to take by little girl away from me, I still don’t know what his agenda is, then I have a hunk of a goalie who wants me yet pisses me off more than makes me smile. Still I need to stick to what’s important and that is working and Callie. I can’t screw up this amazing opportunity I’ve been given by the Notes organization. So again, I stand firm on my decision. Friends only. I guess I need to talk to him though, give him some respect, now that I’m over myself, still salty he’d pursue me and still go and kiss some chick at a bar so soon after saying goodnight to Callie, Grandma and me.

  I finish my muffin, taking my coffee with me I start for home. Time to get wrapping so I’m not up all-night Christmas eve.

  When I arrive home, Grandma has Callie in her highchair and she’s baking sugar cookies.

  “Yum, are those to decorate for Santa?” I ask like the child I still feel like sometimes when I’m in this house.

  “They sure are. Callie was taste testing, or should I say slobbering all over one.”

  I laugh as I look at my sweet girl covered in cookie goo and kiss her little head. “I’m going to go bring all this stuff to my room and start to wrap if you have things covered in here. Let me know when it’s time to decorate, that’s always been my favorite part.”

  “I will honey, then we can put the game on and decorate the tree.”

  My smile fades a little at the mention of the game, but I move past it, “Sure, sounds good.”

  My back is killing me, and I have tape in places I didn’t know it could stick. I’ve never had to wrap so much in my entire life. It was usually just a few gifts for Grandma and Grandpa. A hint of sadness overtakes me as it clicks this will be the first Christmas without Grandpa here and a few tears slide down my cheek. I didn’t even realize I was crying. I’ve been so concerned about myself and making sure Callie has the best Christmas ever it never dawned on me what grandma might be going through this holiday. I stop what I’m doing and go back out to the kitchen, walk over to Grandma and wrap my arms around her.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too. What is this all about?” she asks.

  “It dawned on me I’ve been so focused on myself, my drama, and Callie that this is the first Christmas without grandpa. I wanted to give you a hug.”

  “Oh, Mandy. It has been so hectic around here, I haven’t put much thought into it either, the holiday honestly feels like it snuck up on me this year. I was concentrating so much on having you and Callie here this year for the holiday. It’s been a good distraction. I do miss him, very much. He would have given me hell for what I did yesterday.” She laughs

  “Maggie, leave the girl alone a
nd let her make her own decisions, he would have said.”

  “You’re right he would have said something like that.” I notice a lone tear fall down her face and take my thumb and wipe it away. “We need to take the time and remember him, not let this crazy life get in the way. I do agree though, Callie has been a good distraction this year, keeping the smiles going and the laughter surrounding us. He would have loved sitting here playing with her, feeding her all the cookies, even though her teeth are still coming in.” I laugh.

  “What is one thing you remember your grandpa did every year that we can continue doing, for all of us?” she asks.

  “I remember every year on Christmas eve we would sit by the tree, with all the lights sparling, making the living room glow and he would read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. I think we need to do that tomorrow night and every year from now on, carry on his tradition for Callie. What do you think?”

  “I think that is a great idea.” She looks over and gives me a sad smile. “The cookies are just about done. Why don’t you let me clean up in here while you go and get all the decorations for the tree? I’ll bring Callie in when we’re done in here, she needs a little cleaning up herself. I got so busy in here tonight dinner escaped me, so I have a pizza on the way. It should be here in about ten minutes.”

  “Okay, I’ll meet you by the tree.”

  I runoff to get all the tree decorations and as I place the last tote by the tree the doorbell rings.

  “Pizza’s here!” I holler to the kitchen, right as Grandma and Callie come around the corner. I get the door and am shocked to see Connor standing there.


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