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Love Reaffirmed (Candle Light Book 1)

Page 10

by Christina OW

  “And you are okay with that?”

  She nodded, “I’ll still know she’s with me and you.” She placed her small palm on my cheek, “She wants me to take care of you just like you take care of me.”

  I felt like I was going to weep. I wasn’t raising our daughter alone, Kristy was helping me out just the way it was meant to be. Then I started laughing when the truth dawned on me. All this time I thought this beautiful confident girl was this perfect because of all my effort only to find out her mother had more to do with it than I did.

  “Daddy you should have written mommy’s name on the cake too, it’s also her birthday.”

  I stood up straight and walked to the door, my little girl skipping close to me, “Well you are both named Kristy, so both you’re names are on the cake.”

  “Oh yeah! You are so clever daddy!”

  “Thanks,” I picked her up and held her over my head. She spread her arms out and made like a plane as I rushed down the step. She was laughing hard when we got down. That was one stunt that has never gotten old as the years went by.

  “Hi Uncle Morris!” she yelled between giggles. I handed her to Morris.

  Morris hugged her then gave her a little box, “Hi little bug. Happy Birthday!”

  “Thanks.” She got down and walked to the piling heap of presents in the living room, shaking the box close to her ear. Her shoulders drooped when she couldn’t figure out what was in it. She placed it down and ran outside to join the other screaming children.

  “Hi Will. Why did you invite so many kids, I almost stepped on one on my way in,” Morris followed me to the kitchen. I took two beers out of the fridge and gave one to him. I opened mine and drank deeply. “If your mother sees you she’ll blame your ungentlemanly behaviour on my sister!”

  My mother always found something to blame Kristy for. “Speaking of your sister, do you remember the time I believed she was still alive?”

  “How can I ever forget? I thought you’d gone off the deep end for sure, until Sandra said she’d seen her once. What am I saying, Sandra is crazy.” He took a swig of his beer.

  “What if I told you Kristy saw her too?”

  Morris chocked on his beer. He coughed trying to speak at the same time, “Kristy saw her mother?” It sounded more like a shocked statement than a question. I nodded, “Are you sure?”

  “I found her talking to her today. According to Kristy, she’s been seeing her mother since the day she was born.”

  Morris was quiet for a while, “Is lunacy contagious became as much as I love my sister I can’t have spirits walk up to me asking for change?” He joked but I could hear the fear at the edge of his voice.

  “Morris, I’m not crazy and neither is Kristy.”

  “People say children can see spirits. Can you still see her?”

  I shook my head, “The last time I saw her was when Kristy was born.” That day had been a perfect memory for me. It had become the first day of a new life, for both baby Kristy and I.

  “I hope you didn’t do anything wrong because I don’t want to end up in a Ghost Whisperer episode,” Morris sounded uneasy.

  “Kristy says her mother is here to watch over her. She knows she’ll stop seeing her soon but she’s glad she’ll still know her mother is everywhere with her. She’s okay with it.”

  “Wow, she doesn’t trust you enough to leave you alone with your daughter. That’s harsh!” Morris laughed, “Just don’t tell your mother she has that shrink on speed dial. Did you tell Sandra?”

  We walked out the kitchen and back to the living room, “Your sister worries too much, it’s better not to tell her for now.”

  Sandra walked into the house as if on cue. She looked irritated. Her hands were clenched in tight fists. “Your brother is here. How is it you turned out so great and he’s such an ass! I’m going to check on Eric.” With a huff she left us and went upstairs stomping. Ron was the only one I knew who was capable of getting her so angry. We watched her, suppressing our laughs until she disappeared into the room.

  “William, how’s my kid brother?” Ronald’s cheerful voice boomed from the door.

  “Hallo Ronald.” It was great seeing my brother again, but not so great when Sandra was around. He always managed to get under her skin. “You should leave Sandra alone, she’s married with a child.”

  Ron laughed, “I thought she was lying to me just to get rid of me. Where is the lucky devil, I want to congratulate him?”

  “Hi Ronald, he isn’t here he had to work,” Morris answered him. One would think as a big brother he would warn Ronald off but he didn’t. He found the whole situation comical.

  “His loss my gain, I’ll have more time to spend with her without looking over my shoulder. You know Morris, if I get your sister to marry me all three of us will be brothers?”

  Morris chuckled. “Yeah right, that will never happen.”

  “A man can dream. William is that American beer you are drinking? Mother will have a fit if she sees you. She still blames the American air for the break down you had a few years ago.”

  “How is mother?” I hadn’t seen her since I last went to England after Kristy turned three.

  She didn’t like the fact I had a child with my dead wife but she still adored Kristy. She wanted me to put her in a private school in England so that she would grow up to be a well bred lady unlike her mother. I knew my mother was just informing me and she had already reserved a spot for Kristy. So the next day, we were on the earliest flight back home.

  “She’s well, still disappointed you won’t enroll her granddaughter in an English private school.” Ronald laughed hard, “I laughed for weeks after you fled from England. All mother did was complain of how you don’t appreciate her help and how her granddaughter will grow up to be a tree hugger like her mother.”

  “So she’s well?” I took another swig of my beer unconcerned with my mother’s present reason for complaining. She always had something to complain about.

  “She sent Kristy this,” he took out a small box from his jacket pocket. It was wrapped in expensive paper and had a silk bow at the top, “It’s a diamond tear drop. Don’t loose it,” he handed the box to me. I slide it into my pants pocket. Mother has always been extravagant.

  “She’s five, what will she do with a diamond? She’ll think it’s just a shinny glass,” Morris commented.

  “The better, she won’t be able to pawn it. So, how are you doing in the dating scenery? Point her out if she’s here, I don’t want to out shine you.”

  I looked at Ronald not at all surprised that women would be the second reason he came to Kristy’s birthday party. “I’m not seeing anyone. It’s too soon and Kristy is still too young.”

  “It’s been over five years. A woman like Kristy is irreplaceable. I don’t believe you’ll find someone who’ll come close to a star like her but you have to move on. I saw a pretty young thing outside. I’ll be your wing man if you like?”

  “Probably one of her teachers or a parent and I don’t need your help.”

  “Tell him the truth Will you are scared of my sister. Ron she’s back, but only Kristy can see her,” Morris whispered.

  Ronald looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and then he laughed, “I knew that little girl didn’t turn out so perfect because of your solo efforts!”

  “Uncle Ronald!” Kristy’s little voice shrieked as she came running into the house.

  Kristy loved him because he gave her different gifts from all over the world and told her stories of the places he had travelled to. Ronald dots on her because she is the only niece he has. She’s the one female who he sincerely says I love you to and means it.

  “Ooh, call me Uncle Ron only your grandmother calls me Ronald.” She ran into my brother’s waiting arms, “How’s the lady of my heart doing?”

  “I’m doing great! I’m turning five today,” she said proudly.

  “So I’ve heard. I brought you a present.”

  Kristy bounced up and down in h
is arms, her eyes wide with anticipation, “What is it?”

  “Why don’t you go outside and find out for yourself. It’s the one with a pretty white lily on it,” Ronald looked excited. He placed her down and followed her as she ran outside again. Morris and I followed close behind.

  “Why is it outside, how big is it?” I asked Ron. He turned to me with a wide grin on his face.

  “Big!” The excitement was heavily coating his voice.

  “You know she’s too young to drive and they won’t give her a license because she’s too short,” Morris joked.

  “She doesn’t need a license for this.”

  Ron’s statement spiked my curiosity, “What did you...” I was cut off by Kristy’s loud shriek. She came running back into the house and flung herself at Ron squeezing his wide neck in a hug.

  “Thank you Uncle Ron, thank you!” She turned to me ecstatically happy; “Uncle Ron got me a pony daddy!” She got down and ran disappearing from my view.

  I rushed out shocked to see the pony for myself. Morris was already on the yard following Kristy as she ran to her gift. It was charcoal grey, short and too big to be a pony. “Ronald, why on earth did you get her a pony?”

  He gave me a beaming smile, “Every little girl wants a pony. And anyway, it’s not a pony it’s a colt.”

  “That makes everything so much better,” I said sarcastically. “You need to stop spoiling her,” I wasn’t mad just irritated.

  “She’s the only niece I have, don’t be a wet blanket.”

  “Where are we going to keep it?”

  “I rented a barn for her on the ranch a few miles from here. Don’t worry, I already paid for four years in advance. I’m their favorite customer.”

  “Of course you are.” Ronald had no limitations when it came to getting Kristy gifts. I was sure it cost him a million dollars if not more, “Your children will be more spoilt than she is.”

  Ronald looked at me shocked and appalled, “Don’t say things like that! The world is populated enough and I have Kristy, I don’t want any more children.”

  “Good because one of you is enough in this world,” Sandra spoke behind us. She had Eric on her hip, he looked clean and all the stickiness was gone.

  “You have a very beautiful child Sandra, may I?” Ronald extended his hands towards Eric. Sandra looked at him suspiciously, quietly debating whether or not to hand her child to Ron. After a while she gave Eric to him.

  “Will, it’s time to cut the cake.” She tagged me forward not before she looked behind at her son.

  “You are such a handsome little man,” Ronald spoke to Eric. He gave Sandra a side glance, “Can I tell you a secret... I’m going to be your step-daddy!”

  Sandra’s eyes widened with shock. “Ronald!” the venom seeped out as she said his name.

  “You see, your mother secretly loves me but she won’t admit it to herself. But once I convince her to divorce your daddy all three of us will tour Europe together for our honeymoon.” Sandra gave him a lethal stare but it didn’t bother him. She was about to yank Eric from his arms but he took a step back laughing.

  I couldn’t help but laugh, Ronald had out done himself this time. This I had to tell Morris but first I needed to make sure Sandra doesn’t kill my brother. I wrapped my arms around her and turned a one-eighty and placed her down, “Sandra, remember the cake? It’s Kristy’s birthday not my brother’s funeral.”

  She stared past me at my brother then she shifted her gaze to me. She took a deep breath then spoke, “You’re right, I’ll deal with Ronald another time... with no witnesses.” She turned and walked to the already gathering crowd around the table.

  Kristy was standing on the table talking. I had been so preoccupied with Ronald and Sandra I hadn’t noticed. I stopped next to Morris who was standing behind her with a hand over his mouth.

  “What’s going on?”

  Morris pulled away his hands slowly revealing a huge smile, “Someone threw a paper plate in the wrong garbage bin,” he sniggered. “I hope you kept that account for bail money open, you are going to need it a lot sooner than you think.”

  I looked up at my daughter not at all shocked. She was turning into her mother, especially since her mother was with her everyday to couch her.

  “ would you please put the paper in the paper bin, plastic in the plastic bin and other dirt in the other dirt bin. There is a label on each bin and I know we can all read and those who can’t Miss Linzy our English teacher is here to help.” She pointed at her teacher- who gave a quick embarrassed wave- before she went on, “It’s my birthday I don’t want to spend the rest of it sorting them out.”

  “That’s my girl!” Ronald shouted. He was standing close to Sandra still holding Eric. Kristy flushed a beaming smile at Ron, appreciating his approval.

  She turned around and reached down for me. “Daddy, please help me down?”

  I reached up and held her, slowly lowering her to the ground. Everyone looked at her surprised. Ronald, Sandra and Morris were the only ones laughing.

  Sandra moved the cake close to Kristy and stood beside her. “How about we cut the cake now?”

  After the kids recovered and finished singing happy birthday, I lifted Kristy over the cake, “Make a wish honey.”

  She closed her eyes for a few seconds, “Happy birthday mommy,” she whispered then blew out the candles. It took me aback but I smiled glad my daughter had remembered to wish her mother a happy birthday. I carried her as Sandra busied herself serving cake to everyone.

  Kristy looked happy sited on my arm. I was glad she was happy and even gladder that she had spent time with her mother-as unconventional as it may have been. I was happy that they were both happy.

  “Happy birthday Kristy,” I kissed my daughter on her forehead. She looked at me with her dimpled smile on her face then she looked down and stretched her hand across my chest like she was reaching for something. I looked at her moving fingers, wondering if she was caressing her mother.

  I felt a tightness in my chest. It hurt knowing she could be standing right next to me and I couldn’t feel or see her.

  I shivered when I felt something cool brush across my cheek and then I felt a slight push on my chest.

  I smiled blinking back the tears, “And happy birthday Kristy, remember I will always love you.”

  Thanks for reading! Look out for Love Rekindled Book #2 of the Candle Light Series out in May!


  About the Author

  I’m the last of my mom’s three girls and I’m also a twin (she is an author too). It’s a lot of fun playing tricks on people with my twin sister. We did so a lot when we were younger but not so much now. We were raised by my mother and we owe her so much and try to make her proud every single day.

  I love to eat, mostly cake- red velvet and chocolate cakes (yum!) and burgers (wow!). You know the saying ‘a moment with your lips a life time with your hips’ thanks to my mother’s great genes I don’t have to worry much about gaining too much weight.

  I would rather curl up on the couch with a book than go out which also means I’m not into the night life. My pajamas are my best friend because they are so comfortable and only dress up when I go out if there is a good chance I’ll meet a hot guy!

  Connect with me either on my website blog or Facebook page- Christina OW and for my Newsletter use this link to sign up: Author Christina OW

  Other Romance Books by Christina OW

  Albury Affairs Series (IR Erotica)

  Her Venice Affair

  His Bahamas Affair

  His Paris Affair

  Black Widows Series (AA)

  Fatal Jealousy

  Dukkha Fate Series (IR/MC)

  The Beginning

  Fate Reborn

  Slave Bound Series (Regency Erotica)

  Trial Of Love

  A Lady Unbecoming

  Available now Fate Reborn,
Dukkha Fate Series #1

  Ashat is a werewolf who’s lived three centuries in sorrow and torment after his family was killed by an enemy-Baku. The only way he is able to bear his long life is drinking himself into a drunken stupor, women and hunting down Baku. His world suddenly changes when he meets Merilee and he is finally able to love and be happy again.

  Merilee lost her family in a fire when she was five. However she isn’t too sure about that, her nightmares show her something very different to what her shrink has been telling her for thirteen years. She was raised by her two adoptive sisters Ann and Maria in an orphanage. She has a fear of letting people in and losing them. This fear makes her put up with an obnoxious boyfriend Steve until she’s finally gets the courage to get rid of him.

  She finally meets a man who she instantly has a crush on and ultimately falls in love with after their first night together.

  But Merilee and Ashat have met before and in the worst of situations.


  “Steve, I don’t love you and you don’t love me so let’s cut the crap. I don’t have any money to give you, not today, not tomorrow, and not ever! Now get out!”

  All of a sudden, he grabbed her and pulled her toward him. His grip on her arms was tight and painful. “Will you stop being a brat? Now give me the keys, the car keys too!”

  Lee hadn’t seen this side of him—there was a lot she didn’t know about him and she was finding out too late. It both scared and annoyed her. Ann was about to hit him when Lee stopped her. She knew if she got involved, Maria would, and then Billy and Joe would join in. As much as Steve was hurting her, she wanted him to walk out of there alive.

  “Ann, don’t. Steve, get your hands off me. Now.”

  He sneered.“Or what? Give me the keys, Lee.”

  “Steve, let go of me, you are hurting me!” Lee was wiggling in his arms, trying to break free, but that only made him tighten his grip.

  “You want me to let go, you know what to do.” He was smug; he thought he was winning.

  “If you don’t let go of her, you’ll regret waking up this morning.” The voice was dangerously harsh.


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