Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 3

by Candace Blevins

  Cold lube squirted into her ass seconds before harsh fingers invaded. She always loathed the very beginning of anything anal. Having something up her ass, even a single finger, was a horribly unwanted invasion, at first. Once she was used to it the feelings of violation went away, but she doubted she’d ever stop hating the initial penetration.

  Master James started with two fingers, but gave her ample time to become accustomed before adding a third, and she was enjoying the sensations by then. She heard herself moaning from the pleasure/pain of it, and an open tube of lubricant immediately appeared beside the dildo. “Lube it up while I fuck your ass with my fingers, Kitten.”

  Raising enough to balance on her legs, she squirted lube on the cold metal dildo and took her time distributing it. When she stopped and replaced her hand on the chair, Master James abruptly withdrew his fingers and patted her on the ass.

  “Turn around and sit, Kitten. No, step away from the chair and lean your bottom back. Slowly, I’ll help guide you.”

  She knew she had to trust him, so she bent her legs and leaned back, her legs far enough away from the chair she had no control over how quickly or slowly she sat. He was true to his word and maneuvered her so her asshole was on the phallus, and she felt the invasion of it as she sat, and it was once again the hated violation, not pleasant. She cried out in pain. It was too big. It hurt and burned and stretched, but she couldn’t reverse direction, and gravity just took her farther and farther onto it without a way to stop. He stepped between her legs to keep her from using them to brace herself, and though he was still holding her arms, he no longer held her up.

  The weight of her body pushed her onto the huge metal cock and there was nothing she could do. She let out an almost-scream just as her bottom finally touched the chair, and she gasped as she tried to regulate her breathing and manage the burning stretch.

  As soon as her weight rested on the seat, he wiped the lube from her hand and fastened her wrists to the top of the back legs of the chair, and her ankles to the bottom of the same legs. She was still breathing with effort, obviously in distress as he methodically pushed her knees apart and lifted the small flaps to hold her knees on the outside edge of the chair.

  His steady hands pulled straps over the tops of her spread-open thighs and fastened them down tight. The wide band didn’t restrict circulation, but she wouldn’t be going anywhere. He didn’t so much as glance at her face as he secured more straps above and below her breasts, firmly tethering her torso to the back of the chair.

  Finally, he attached a cushioned and rounded pad behind her head, and used another strap to circle her forehead. The pad’s curved angle aimed her head down so she’d be able to see what he was doing, without allowing her to move her head or see him if he walked off to the side.

  “Tell me what you’re feeling, Kitten.”

  “Scared. Nervous. Excited. Horny. Scared.”

  “You said scared twice.”

  “Not terrified, Sir. Just scared. Anxious.”

  “Why are you scared?”

  “My ass is spread so wide, barely on the edge of what I can handle, and you know it but didn’t have mercy when you strapped me in. It gives me an idea of how the evening is going to go, but I’m always scared at this point, Sir — restrained, but not in subspace yet. I trust you, plus I know club security is there as a safety net if something goes wrong…but this is where I wonder why I’ve put myself in a position to be hurt.”

  Their eyes connected again and her heart somersaulted in her chest. She swallowed and continued. “I know it’ll hurt. Especially at first. At some point the pain will become something good, something I want more of, but it’s still pain. The part of my brain that’s still sane has sense enough to be scared of the pain, even if the insane part of me is horny because of it.”

  “You think you’re insane for wanting this?”

  “No Sir. Well, not completely. It’s just a figure of speech. A way to explain how part of me is horny and part of me is scared?”

  He raised his eyebrows. “And you just want me to get started already and stop talking, right?”

  Well, yes, but she didn’t say it out loud. She figured he saw it in her eyes though, so she said, “I’d never say something like that to you, Sir.”

  “But you might to another?”

  She smiled, “Yes Sir. I might.”

  “Why not me?”

  “Some would think nothing of it, and others might not allow it, but the punishment wouldn’t be too bad and might even be enjoyable.” She paused, considering her words. “But I could never say something like that to you. For one thing, you’d see it as a sign I didn’t want to submit to you, and it would hurt me, for you to think that. There’s also the fact that punishment from you is never enjoyable, but it’s not why I wouldn’t say it, Sir. I wouldn’t say it because I want to give you my submission.”

  “Oh, Kitten.” He cupped her cheek in his warm hand. “You’ve given me such a gift. Thank you.”

  Viv didn’t trust her voice, so she smiled, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the warmth and gentle strength of his hand as she tried not to cry — it was way too soon to feel this much emotion for him. He pulled his hand away and kissed her cheek, and pain bloomed in her left nipple. She looked down and saw a tweezer clamp hanging from it.

  Her eyes tracked up to his and she recognized the sadist in him looking out, and her excitement level soared skyward. She focused on his hand as it moved, bringing the other tweezer clamp to her other nipple, and she unsuccessfully tried to shy away as he deftly attached it and fire shot through her nerve endings. She concentrated on her breathing, reminding herself the intense pain would only last a little while before giving way to a more manageable level.

  But Master James had other things in mind. She watched him pull a bag of chrome clothespins into her view, and knew from experience these hurt much worse than the garden-variety wooden clothespin. She gasped as the first shiny clothespin pinched her breast just to the side of her nipple, and moaned as he clamped four more in a horizontal line.

  Ten minutes later Viv bore five straight lines radiating out from each nipple. She tried to focus on her breathing in an attempt to deal with the pain, but tears formed in her eyes and she wasn’t sure she could handle it much longer.

  She looked into his face, their gaze met, and she saw how much he needed this — how much he was getting off on her pain. A switch flipped inside her and she fell into the pain, welcoming it with open arms. She’d forgotten all about being horny, but her arousal flared bright, like gas on a dying fire as she embraced the fullness and stretch in her ass, and the biting pain on her breasts.

  Her body wiggled and squirmed involuntarily, and the steel phallus in her ass reminded her she should be still, but she ignored it and squirmed in her bonds as much as they’d allow.

  “Yes Kitten, fight the restraints. That’s it. It won’t do any good, but you’re welcome to try.” He stroked her cheek and seemed to peer into her soul as he said, “Hurt for me, Kitten.”

  All Viv could do was nod. She knew she should respond verbally, but couldn’t. Thank goodness he didn’t insist.

  Her heart sped as she recognized the vibrating nipple clamp. She winced at the thought of everything coming off her breasts and nipples, but realized he was headed down, not up.

  His fingers trailed down her stomach and kept going until he gently spread her lips, and she realized he intended to clamp her clit. Viv used every ounce of willpower to keep from exclaiming, “Please don’t!”

  The pain didn’t register as a clamp, but as a sharp and sudden agony. Her clit was on fire, her ass was full, her breasts and nipples hurt, and suddenly she wanted to come.

  “Sir, I need to come, please!”

  “I’ll count backwards from ten. You may come when I tell you to.” He took a breath and began to slowly count. “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one — and come for me Kitten. Come now.”

  Viv’s orgasm bucked and
jerked through her body. As she reached the pinnacle she watched Master James’ hand move towards her and yank the clamps from her nipples. She’d expected the pain to kill her orgasm, but the excruciating burn only sent her soaring higher.

  She needed to move but he’d restrained her body in so many ways that all she could do was scream and let the orgasm have free reign as it tore through her body.

  When the waves of pleasure finally waned and she could catch her breath, the clamp on her clit came to life, with the vibrator on just enough to mitigate the pain and help her find an edge again after the orgasm.

  Master James waited until the blood was mostly back into her nipples before gently massaging them. It hurt, but needed to be done, and she was thankful he was gentle. Her ass was beginning to convulse in pain around the dildo in her ass, but she knew better than to hope he’d let her up any time soon.

  “Open your eyes Kitten. I want you to see what’s coming next.”

  She looked up and saw the rubber flogger she’d learned to fear. The Squid.

  “I’m going to whip the clothespins off your breasts, Kitten.”

  “Oh, God.”

  He smiled his oh-so-sadistic smile and let loose with the flogger with no build-up, no hesitation — he just rained down lash after lash without pause. She started screaming and couldn’t stop, and when she wasn’t able to draw another breath, her mouth opened in a frozen and silent scream.

  “Take a few breaths Kitten,” he said when he stopped. “I’m not done yet and I don’t want you passing out from lack of oxygen. Come on baby, breathe. That’s it.”

  He bent down, wiped her tears, and talked to her until she caught her breath. He gave her an appraising look and abruptly stood and started in again without warning. She heard screaming and realized it was her, again. Nothing existed except the pain.

  The blows landed one after another, with some strikes ripping clothespins off, and others merely turning and twisting them. There was no time between the strikes, no chance to get on top of the pain.

  At some point she realized the clothespins were gone and he was just flogging her breasts. He struck the inside and then outside of her left breast, shifted to her right breast and struck the outside and then inside, and moved back to her left breast to continue in an endless series of figure eights. His hand never slowed or hesitated as the incessant lashes flowed in the never-ending rhythm, with no time to absorb the pain. Most strikes struck solid on her breasts, but for some circuits he pulled his arm back so the tips struck her nipples with full force and set them on fire. She moved as much as her restraints would allow — not much — and with every wiggle and jerk the huge phallus in her ass screamed almost as loud as her breasts.

  The flogging grew more intense as Master James increased the force of each strike after each circuit of left breast and then right breast. The force was suddenly too much and she screamed out “Rain-Yellow!”, because as the word rainbow was leaving her lips she remembered his instructions about finding her edge, and how he wanted to be able to continue without stopping.

  He immediately backed off so he was barely flogging her breasts. It still hurt, but she could breathe, and as she relaxed into the steady rhythm, she could enjoy it. The pain was there, but she could transmute it into pleasure.

  “Can you come for me, Kitten?”

  Could she? She wasn’t sure. Things were getting hazy, so she said, “I think so Sir, maybe. I’m not sure.”

  “You please me, Katrina. Just relax into it. If you want to come you can, but no pressure. Relax and enjoy, Kitten.”

  She did her best to let go and become one with the pain. His continuous rhythm helped her fall back into it, until it felt as if the blows were sustaining her. She relaxed and just took them, absorbing each impact into her body…her psyche. Finally, she became the blows. Her world, her existence, depended on them.

  Almost as soon as she relaxed into it another orgasm began to grow, but she soon realized she wasn’t going to find another climax. Her ass was hurting too bad around the huge metal cock, and her clit hurt even through the vibrations.

  She surprised herself with a moan, and then gave a small shriek as the vibrator on her clit went into overdrive.

  Blood rushed through her veins and the muscles around her clit began to jerk and spasm. It was like being catapulted up the hill on a roller coaster, and as she topped the hill and gravity pulled her down the tracks, her orgasm used the momentum to scream through her body.

  Clitoral orgasms always hit her different than vaginal orgasms. Sometimes the clitoral variety were more pain than pleasure — more of a forced orgasm, whether she wanted to or not. It was a release, but not a pleasurable one, and as the climax wound down she realized she was crying, with tears streaming down her face. Again.

  Master James removed the clamp and released her forehead before quickly freeing everything else. He helped her slowly stand, and she breathed a sigh of relief as the monster cock slipped from her ass. However, he immediately turned her around, bent her over, and inserted a plug. It was smaller than the cock, but still big enough she knew it was there. It didn’t hurt though, thank goodness.

  He turned her back around and caressed her cheek. “I plan to fuck you there later, and I want you open and ready.”

  Viv just nodded, not trusting her voice. The contrast between his harsh words and gentle touch was enough to completely undo her. Plus, she was floating in subspace and wasn’t exactly steady on her feet.

  Master James walked her to the table and Viv allowed him to support her as she leaned into his warmth. The plug made itself known when she was gingerly placed in another chair, but she was almost too far gone to care. She watched Master James return the bondage chair to the table before walking to the end of the room to retrieve the sawhorse she’d seen earlier. As he settled the device into the middle of the open space, Viv was happy to see he’d chosen the padded version.

  Almost in a trance, she watched Master James pull a large roll from the corner and unroll it across the bondage table, revealing a thick cushion that appeared much more comfortable than the firm padding used as a base for bondage activities. He secured the cushion to the sides of the table and settled a sheet and blanket over it, giving the appearance of a bed.

  He finally stepped back to her, tenderly helped her stand, and kissed her until she once again melted in his arms. He helped her to the sawhorse and leaned her over it, and her subspace kicked into overdrive when his hands went from tender to mechanical as he positioned her on the equipment.

  The padded knee-rest platforms were at the right height, but the forearm platforms had to be moved up a few notches. Her legs were systematically bound to the horse in multiple spots before Master James moved forward to bind her wrists to the platform they rested upon, and she knew she wasn’t going anywhere. She was still deep enough in subspace the fear wasn’t bad, but the anticipation of what might come next was front and center, and her heart rate ramped up as he added restraints.

  He stepped to her head and she realized the main platform — the one her head, chest, and stomach rested upon — was at the perfect height to fuck her mouth, and probably her pussy and ass, too. Her eyes fell to his hand and her stomach fluttered at the sight of three floggers, a tawse, and two canes. One of the canes was Lexan; the other looked like stainless steel.

  “Your choice Kitten.” He waited for her to meet his gaze before he continued. “If you’re done just say the word and I’ll take you to bed and make love to you, but if you can take more, I need more of your pain. I’ve already marked you; your breasts will be bruised and welted tomorrow, but I want to mark your ass as well.” He paused and held eye contact, his voice quiet, but so deep she could almost feel the vibrations caressing her skin. “It’s your choice though; if you’re done I’ll take you off the horse and make love to you on the comfy bed I put on the bondage table.”

  Viv closed her eyes and knew she couldn’t end the scene if he wasn’t ready to stop. He’d been r
ight when he said she needed this.

  “I’m yours tonight Master James. I trust your judgment on how much more I can take, Sir.” Floating as she was, she wasn’t sure the sentence had come out right, but hoped he’d understand what she was trying to say.

  He stepped out of sight and a crash, immediately followed by a wide slash of fire on her left ass cheek had her sucking air into her lungs. There’d been no warning, and it felt as if he’d used his full strength behind one of the floggers. She inhaled and exhaled a few times, eyes shut to darkness as she tried to accept the pain. He’d started with a flogger that just fucking hurt.

  “Ten strokes with this and I’ll move to a nicer one, Kitten. Take nine more strokes of this one for me and then we’ll move back to it later, after your ass is warmed up.”

  Ten strokes. Five on each cheek. She could do that. Right?

  The second stroke landed in the same spot and she cried out this time.

  She’d barely drawn a breath when he delivered three more strikes in the same spot without pausing, and her screams lasted long after the final blow. He paused and rubbed her bottom until she stopped screaming, but she was still reeling from the shock and pain when she heard, “Five more; right side this time. You can do it. Here goes.”

  She held her breath through the first two, but an involuntary scream took control of her lungs and vocal chords and once again continued long after he’d stopped.

  Viv jerked when a finger pushed into her, but then futilely tried to push back against it, wanting more. He chuckled and commented on how wet she was before casually removing it.

  Master James moved to a flogger with as much weight behind it, but less sting, and she could relax and sink back into her nice, warm, subspace. The endorphins from those ten hits had probably helped some, too.


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