Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series)

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Safeword: Rainbow (2013 extended edition) (Safeword Series) Page 4

by Candace Blevins

  After perhaps fifty strikes with the second flogger she realized things were more intense, and he was striking her harder, or perhaps situating the strands differently for more of a sting. She endured another twenty-five or thirty lashes after he made it more intense — part of her wanting it to stop while the rest of her craved more.

  He paused a few seconds, and when he started again she gasped and tried to writhe on the horse as she recognized the biting strands of the first flogger. Her ass was prepared for it this time but it still hurt a great deal more than the second flogger.

  She tensed her bottom and thighs, and heard, “Try to stay relaxed, Kitten. We’re getting close to the end and I’m preparing you for what comes next.” He dealt another half dozen blows before saying, “The next flogger has knotted strands, then comes the tawse, and then the canes.”

  Viv concentrated on trying to relax the muscles in her bottom and upper legs. She never managed to completely relax and just absorb it, but she managed to keep from tensing up as much. After a couple dozen strikes she heard him lay the flogger down and pick up another.

  “Twelve strikes with this flogger. Eight strikes with the tawse. Six with the Lexan cane. I’ll decide how many you’ll take with the stainless cane at that time, but you’ll take at least two. Would you like a drink of water before we proceed?”

  “Please, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  His footfalls sounded ominous as he walked to her, but she hadn’t realized how dry her mouth and throat were until the cool water soothed her from lips to stomach. She opened her eyes to see him holding the straw, and the dichotomy between his taking care of her and the sadistic look in his eyes sent her stomach fluttering again.

  She used her tongue to push the straw from her mouth before she took in too much, and he leaned in to kiss her forehead and then her cheek as he lovingly ran his fingers through her hair. Part of her wondered if he knew it was a wig. She felt disassociated from herself, and her thoughts were all over the place.

  He walked back to the table, put the water down, picked up the flogger, and spoke quietly as he returned. “Four at a time, three times. Take it for me, Kitten.”

  The first vicious lash landed as his sentence ended, and as promised the other three were right behind. It felt as if he only gave her around thirty seconds between sets of four, but she was still disappointed when the red light came on. She appreciated Ron watching out for her, and even understood him wanting to do a safeword check under the circumstances, but she didn’t want the rhythm of the pain to stop.

  “Looks like your friend is monitoring us, as promised. I’m glad you have someone who cares enough to step in, even if it is a touch annoying.” He stepped in front of her and leaned down until his face was level with hers. “If you wanted to safeword, if you wanted me to stop, what would you say?”

  Viv licked her lips and swallowed, hoping her voice would work. “I’d say Rainbow, Sir.” It was scratchy, but otherwise sounded fine.

  “Do you see Rainbows, Kitten?”

  “No Sir. Well, I guess I see them, but I don’t want to tell you about them. Sir.”

  The red light turned off and he smiled. “Okay Kitten, four more with this flogger and I’ll give you a break while I fuck that sweet little ass.”

  True to his word, the next four strikes may as well have been fire raining down the backs of her thighs.

  Her breath caught as she heard the condom wrapper opening, and she gasped and moaned a few seconds later as the plug stretched her ass on its way out.

  Without warning, his cock shoved in. Just barged right in. All the way in. And then he was moving, and she was trapped — she couldn’t get away or move towards him, though she had no idea which she’d opt for if given a choice.

  His hammering cock registered in her brain as a violation, but in her present state of mind it was exactly what she needed. She could barely put a sentence together, all she could manage was, “Come... please... need to come... Sir, Master, Please!”

  “Come for me Kitten. Let me feel your asshole spasm around my cock while you come… ahhhhhh… that’s good, Kitten… coming while you get your little ass fucked… all tied up. Just take it. Come as much as you want, but warn me before you do.”

  Viv came two more times, and her final orgasm brought Master James over the edge as well. When he was done, she felt well and truly reamed.

  Once he’d recovered his breath, he rubbed her shoulders and back a little before pulling out. His footsteps led towards the bathroom, and she heard water running. When he returned he was fully dressed once again, and his voice was brisk as he said, “Eight with the tawse, six with the Lexan cane, and then we’ll see what you can handle with the stainless. This will hurt beyond anything I’ve done to you Kitten, but I’ll take my time.”

  The first stroke of the tawse hurt worse than any single stroke of anything Viv could remember. She’d been hit with a tawse before, but didn’t recall it hurting this bad. Maybe he was using a meaner tawse? She didn’t know if they came in different weights and thicknesses, like floggers, or if there was a standard size; but as with most things in the world of BDSM, you could make an implement nicer or harsher, and she guessed this was one of the nastier varieties.

  Her eyes watered at the initial strike, but tears flowed from her eyes after the second. The third took her breath away and made her fear she’d lose control of her bladder. On the fourth strike she screamed, “Yellow!”, but he said, “I’m sorry Kitten; I’m not going to back off of these final strokes. I’ve told you exactly how many are left. If you want to Rainbow out of them, I’ll stop and we’ll have aftercare and I’ll still take care of you and make sure you know you’re special, but there’ll be nothing else sexual. Or, you can take the rest of what I want to give you and I’ll drive you crazy with my mouth on your pussy before I make love to you. Tell me what you want — either safeword or ask me to keep going.”

  Tears streamed down her face, and her breathing was choppy, but she managed to say, “Please keep going, Master James.”

  Viv screamed and cussed and cried through the next strikes, certain each impact created a bruise. In a sick sort of way, she looked forward to the souvenirs, even as she desperately hoped he’d take pity on her and either cut the number short or put less muscle into the strikes.

  “Two more Kitten, harder than the others. I’ll do them quickly to get them over with.”

  The combination of thud, sting, and raw force took her breath away and jarred her to her bones. Her body was paralyzed, and it was a good five or ten seconds before she regained control over anything but her vocal chords — she screamed louder and longer than she’d thought possible. When she could move again, the sawhorse shifted and flexed as she fought the restraints, but it was a heavy-duty piece of equipment designed to take a lot more than Viv’s small frame was capable of doling out. Hands spread her pussy and a single finger entered and pulled out before circling her clit a few times, and then it was gone.

  She heard him walk to her head and felt him massaging her neck and shoulders. He stepped into her line of vision and she was surprised to see him hard again under his pants so soon after what sounded like an incredible orgasm while he was buried in her ass.

  He pressed the fabric beside his cock and said, “Do you see how it turns me on to hurt you, Kitten?”

  She sobbed out, “Yes, Sir.” Her voice was scratchy from screaming, and she cleared her throat and swallowed a few times, hoping it would sound better if she needed to answer another question.

  He walked to a table, returned with a few tissues, wiped the snot from under her nose with one, then held another at her nostrils and said, “Blow.” She complied without arguing, too far gone to care how unsexy it was. He tossed the tissues in the trash before squatting to bring them face-to-face once more. “Six strokes with the Lexan can. One stroke every thirty seconds will take us two and a half minutes to get through this instrument. I’ll give three from your left side and then three from your right.
” One corner of his mouth lifted. “You’ll have diamonds on your ass, Kitten.”

  He ran a finger across her cheek and pulled it away, glistening wet. “I love your tears. I love how you’re enduring my pain and submitting to me, and I love how your cunt is soaking wet while I’m hurting you. Have you caught your breath yet? Are you ready to head into the next two and a half minutes?”

  Viv nodded, but he said, “No, I need to hear it out loud, Kitten. Tell me if you’re ready to proceed. Ask me for the cane.”

  “I’m ready, Sir.” He didn’t move and she added. “I’m ready for the cane, Sir.”

  He gently kissed her cheek as he stood and walked to the table to retrieve the cane.

  The first strike hurt. Bad. But the real pain came after the strike. Sure enough, a second and a half later a line of fire slammed into her senses. She’d remained quiet at the initial strike, but she sounded like a wounded animal when the secondary pain hit.

  She tried to breathe through the pain, and desperately wanted to rub her ass and try to smooth the torment away — it wouldn’t help, but the instinct was always there.

  The second strike hit before she was ready. Surely it hadn’t been thirty seconds? She cried out at the strike, only to scream an instant later when it really hurt. But then she started talking — silently — to herself, as she realized this didn’t hurt as bad as the tawse. She could handle four more of these.

  He delivered the third cut and Viv managed only a short scream followed by much gasping as she attempted to control her breathing.

  When he switched sides and delivered the fourth, she rethought whether she could handle it or not.

  For one thing, he’d put more force behind it. For another, the cane’s angle crossed over the lines of the first three cuts. She heard herself chanting and screaming and moaning, “It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it HURTS it hurts it hurts it hurts.” over and over again. His hand settled on the small of her back, and his warm strength helped center her and bring her back from the pain a little.

  He talked her through the next two cuts, telling her how much this turned him on, how good she was being. When she’d recovered enough from the final cut to breathe again without gasping for air he said, “Those strikes were all diagonal, Kitten. I’ll give you two horizontal strikes with the stainless cane and then we’re done. I’ll give you time to recover from the first, but will make it as quick as I can.”

  Viv didn’t make a sound when the stainless cane slammed into her ass — it hurt too bad. Both hits quite literally took her breath away, and screaming was impossible. He waited maybe fifteen seconds between, and as soon as the second strike landed he started releasing her. Before she knew it, he’d carried her to the bed atop the bondage table and gently laid her on the sheet. She didn’t resist as he restrained her arms out to the side, though she tested her bonds when he moved away. She had enough slack to move her hands around and even bend her elbows a few inches, but she wouldn’t be able to touch him when he made love to her.

  He’d settled her with her legs in missionary position, and she realized he’d placed every hit to her lower bottom and the tops of her legs. Lying as she was, none of the skin touching the table had been hit.

  She turned her head and watched him undress – he was truly a beautiful man. Strong and muscled, but not too bulked up. He was light on his feet, and had an economy of movement and an awareness of body mechanics you’d expect from a dancer, though she had more of an impression of martial arts as he stretched out on the table between her legs.

  Hands gently spread her legs, and soft lips surrounded her clit as his warm tongue circled it. She moved her hips around and felt the vibrations of a chuckle before he shifted to her pussy and drove her crazy with his tongue and mouth. He pulled back just long enough to say, “Come as many times as you want. You don’t have to ask permission or warn me.”

  Viv gingerly placed her heels on his shoulders and let herself get lost in the sensations, and the ecstasy, as orgasm after orgasm took her. Just when she thought she couldn’t possibly come again, Master James rose above her, entered her ever so gently, and made love to her. Her ass and the backs of her legs screamed when she wrapped her legs around him, but the pain just made her that much hornier, and made her want his cock even more.

  He made love to her slowly at first, his eyes holding hers, mesmerizing her with their intensity. She’d have sworn she felt the two of them merge into one being for a piece of eternity. It was like nothing she’d ever experienced.

  They made love for what seemed hours, lost in each other. When a particularly long and strong orgasm racked her body, Master James came with her, further joining them into a single being.

  When he’d recovered, he disposed of the condom and went to the bathroom to retrieve towels. He cleaned her up, released her wrist cuffs from the table, and had her lie on her stomach as he put a cold towel on her ass and the backs of her legs. She closed her eyes and relaxed as he pulled a warm blanket up to her knees, and she leaned into him as he stretched out beside her. Soft lips touched her shoulder, and strong hands gently rubbed and caressed her back, shoulders, and arms.

  They lay together for a long time, just relaxing into each other. At ten o’clock he indicated the time and asked how she felt.

  She smiled, but didn’t open her eyes. “Rough, Sir, but I’m not complaining.”

  “I didn’t know what you’d wear here, so I brought a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie in your size.”

  “Thank you, Sir. You think of everything.”

  “Let me help you into them, then I have one more thing we need to do.” She opened her eyes in alarm and he said, “No more physical pain. I promise. But we aren’t quite finished for the night.”

  He helped her into the luxuriously soft clothes and asked if she could sit up or if she needed to lie on her side. She thought she could sit with the extra cushion on the bondage table, and tested it by rolling up and crossing her legs in front of her. It hurt, but she could handle it.

  She watched in confusion as he clipped her wrist cuffs to her ankle cuffs before using rope to attach her ankles to two rings at either end of the table — both out of her reach. She was comfortable enough, but she wasn’t going anywhere until he released her.

  “Ron,” he said, looking at the camera. “If you’re still watching blink the red light once, please.”

  The red light blinked on and back off, and Master James said, “Good. Please continue to watch.”

  Looking back at Viv, he lifted his hand to display a butterfly gag. She hoped her eyes showed she didn’t understand.

  “I promise; no more physical pain. No need for a safeword. But if it’ll make you feel better I can give you a bell to drop if you want things to stop.”

  No way would she agree to a butterfly gag without an alternate way to safeword. She held her hand out and said, “Yes, I need a way to safeword. Sir.”

  He nodded and placed a small bell in her palm and gently curled her fingers around it. “Please understand, Kitten, if you drop the bell, or throw it at me, or whatever; I’ll turn around and walk out the door. Your friend Ron is watching so he can come get you. If you want me to get lost, drop the bell.”

  Viv nodded and he put the gag through a strap before working the uninflated plastic into her mouth. Steady hands fastened the buckle behind her head, but when he came around front and inflated the gag, she could see the conflict in his eyes. Whatever he was conflicted about didn’t make him back off on silencing her, though, as he kept squeezing the bulb until her cheeks stretched uncomfortably. With most gags, the wearer can still talk enough to be understood, but with this one, no sound would leave her mouth.

  Master James began dressing, talking as he worked. “I was in town for three days, Kitten, and I wasn’t supposed to fall in love.” His eyes met hers and she saw a flash of pain before he looked away. “But I think I did, and now we have to say goodbye.”

  He focused on his pants as he stepped into
them and worked the button and zipper. “I’m boarding a plane in a few hours to fly half way around the world. If this were a city I thought I’d return to I’d ask for a way to contact you later, but I don’t see myself ever coming back here, so there’s no point.”

  His gaze met hers again with an intensity that made her want to rush to him. Or perhaps drop to her knees at his feet. “I want you to know you didn’t imagine the connection; I felt it too. I don’t want you to keep coming to the club and looking for me, so I’m letting you know I won’t be back.”

  Viv thought she saw his eyes watering as he turned away to retrieve his shirt, but couldn’t be sure as he busied himself with the buttons. He was a quiet few moments, and looked up to meet her eyes once again, allowing her to see his anguish. “I’m sorry; I wish things were different. My gift to you is showing you how far you can go, how high you can fly, and you how good it can be with the right person.” His smile was sad. “I hope you find someone else who can give you what you need. Please, take care of yourself Katrina. You’ll always be in my heart as my Kitten, even if you can’t be in my life.”

  And he turned, lifted a bag from the floor, and walked out the door. She was sure she’d seen his eyes watering when he said the last sentence, and was certain he’d meant it and wasn’t just feeding her a line.

  A few minutes later Ron came in and removed the gag before releasing her cuffs from the table, and from each other, without saying anything. He looked furious, but he was super gentle with her.

  Viv broke the silence as he was unbuckling her ankle cuffs. “You heard?”

  Ron’s feet were heavy as he walked to the camera. He typed in a code to turn the audio off, and when he turned back to her he hesitated a few seconds before moving. His steps were measured as he returned, and he wrapped her in his arms protectively when he reached her. “Yeah. He’s a bastard. I’m sorry Viv.”

  “I’m not so sure. I mean, it would’ve been easier for him to just walk away.” She turned her head to rest on his chest. “I’m glad he told me he felt it, too. And I’m glad I know not to keep looking for him. If he hadn’t told me, I’d keep hoping he would show up again, and it would’ve drawn the pain out for weeks. Now, I don’t have to guess; I know he’s gone.”


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