When Danny Met Horatio

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by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  When Danny met Horatio...

  The Band #1

  Heather Mar-Gerrison Copyright 2018

  Beautiful front cover courtesy of Shutterstock designs

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. The Author holds exclusive rights to this work.



  I wasn’t gay. That was my brother, Jules... stepbrother actually so we didn’t even share DNA... I was the straight one of the family. I was normal.

  I never wanted to be like Julian. Jeez. He even had a poofter’s name. Julian. For fuck’s sake – his Mum must have known when she first laid eyes on him to call him that...

  But for all his gayness – Jules was, without any doubt whatsoever, comfortable in his skin. Something that I was not – and I fucking hated him for it. Well, I didn’t really hate him... that’s a strong word and if I’m honest, deep down inside, I secretly admired him for being out and proud but I was never gonna let him know that. No. I preferred to chase girls with my mates and to take the piss out of guys like Jules, mercilessly. I wasn’t into gay bashing or anything like that but they were fair game for taking the piss out of and jeering at. They were bum-bandits or shit-stabbers – or turd-burglars – anything that we could piss ourselves laughing about – even if we did secretly wonder just what it would be like to feel another guy’s cock inside us... Or maybe that was just me...

  But that was before I grew up... and grew a pair.

  I liked to think that I’d matured since my school days. I was married now – newly married to my girlfriend, Mara and we were happy... or at least she was happy when I was doing what she wanted. When I wasn’t doing what she wanted me to do – well, let’s say we had a volatile relationship...

  We’d moved into our own place and I’d joined the gym. There was a five-a-side football team that I’d been asked to join too – and that was where I’d met Horatio.

  I was completely intrigued with him from the moment we met.

  I didn’t think much about it to begin with, since I was absolutely convinced I was straight. Hell, I’d been around Jules growing up and I was quite sure that I was nothing like him. I loved sport. Jules didn’t. I wanted to be a mechanic – Jules loved hairdressing. I chased girls – he chased boys. We were nothing alike and I therefore assumed I was straight...

  And I was straight – or at least, I was straight until I met Horatio...

  Chapter 1 – After game drinks...


  I loved being in the band. I loved having mates that didn’t care that I fancied guys rather than girls – even if I had no romantic feelings for any of them and I loved playing five-a-side football to escape them and all their artistic temperaments from time to time, too. I wasn’t your typical flamboyant, made-up and sweet-smelling twinky gay guy that everyone envisages when you mention that you’re gay. I was a regular guy, built like every other hairy-arsed bloke. I just happened to fancy other hairy-arsed blokes instead of women.

  And besides, you can’t spend every waking moment with your best mates – no matter how close you all are...

  It was playing five-a-side football when I first met Danny. I couldn’t help noticing how pretty he was from the first time I ever laid eyes on him. We’d played the game and gone for a drink afterwards and I’d been the last to get to the bar due to Karl, our lead singer, calling me.

  I rocked up just in time for Jayson, a big, daft lad who was only really good enough to put in goal, to turn back from the bar to hand Danny his pint and he looked at me, “Oh, Horatio!” he grinned, “There you are – usual?”

  I nodded, grinning, as Danny turned and I’m not gonna lie, my heart did a total flip-flop in my chest. Those eyes! Man, I didn’t think I’d ever get used to them...

  He had the bluest eyes ever – and the longest lashes. Fuck he was beautiful...

  Danny’s eyes widened slightly in recognition and he grinned, “Hey, man – I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on.”

  I grinned back at him and raised an eyebrow. I couldn’t help the flirtatious chuckle that escaped against my will, “Really?” I drawled, “Want me to take something off?”

  He snorted into his drink and shook his head, “No, dude,” He said, “I’m good.”

  Jayson shook his head and disappeared off to join the others, leaving Danny still sat at the bar. He nodded to the barstool beside him, “Are you gonna sit down – or are you joining the others, too?”

  I blinked, “Aren’t you?”

  He shook his head and sighed, “I have to go in a minute – the wife’ll be waiting.”

  My jaw dropped as my heart plummeted. No way? He didn’t look old enough to be married... “Y-you’re married?” Well, that was a fucking disappointment.

  He nodded and held up his left hand where a fine gold band circled his third finger. I frowned at it. That wasn’t a wedding ring. If he was my husband I’d buy him a solid platinum ring that could be seen from space – well, okay, slight exaggeration – but it would be a ring to be proud of – and I’d have one to match, too...

  Still, I was getting ahead of myself. We’d only just met – and there was the small matter of him being married – and therefore, presumably straight. And I was a flaky, butch – but still gay-as-a-rainbow – wannabe rock-star...

  “Wow,” I murmured, “You don’t look old enough.” It was lame, but I had nothing else.

  He grinned, “Yeah, I guess we are pretty young – we’re both twenty-four.”

  I shook my head, “Jesus,” I replied with a sheepish grin, “I’m twenty-three and I’ve never once had any inclination to settle down.”

  He shrugged, “We’re all different, I guess – you’ve just not met the right girl yet. That’s all.”

  Apart from the fact that he’d guessed the sex of my perfect partner wrong, I begged to differ. I’d just this minute found the right one – albeit a little late since he’d already gone at gotten married while I wasn’t paying attention...

  We sat there in silence for a moment both of us lost in our own thoughts and drinking our beers. I was kind of pleased to see that he was drinking the same beer as mine. For some reason, I was really interested in finding out more about him. Sure, he was married and all – but that didn’t mean we couldn’t be friends... did it?

  Danny however, seemed to be desperate to finish his drink and to get going. He kept glancing at his watch and switching his phone on every couple of minutes to check the time.

  After the fourth time in as many minutes it was beginning to stress me out too. “Have you got to be somewhere?” I asked, “You’re like a cat on a hot tin roof.” I smiled at him.

  He stared back at me, his eyes on my mouth as I spoke and then they flickered back to my eyes. Wow, he was stunning... “I, uh, yeah – I’m sorry to run out on you but I’ve really gotta go.” He nodded and stood up. Grabbing his sports-bag he smiled apologetically at me and darted past.

  I grabbed his arm before he could disappear on me altogether, “You’re coming on Thursday, though, right?” I asked.

  He nodded, “Oh, uh, yeah – sure.” He flashed an adorable smile, making my heart beat a little quicker, “See you then.”

  I let out the breath I wasn’t aware I was holding, “Cool,” I said with a relieved smile, “I’ll see you then.”

  Chapter 2 – Fight for love...


  I pressed the button
on the alarm fob of my car keys and climbed in. Throwing my bag onto the passenger seat, I crossed my arms over the steering wheel and rested my head on my arms, “Oh, God.” I muttered, “Why now?”

  It wasn’t that I hadn’t been attracted to guys before – I had. But I’d always thought that I was just admiring their physiques in an ‘I wish I looked like that’ kind of way. To realise that I’d actually fancied them all this time made me feel, first and foremost, completely ashamed of myself for giving my stepbrother such a hard time – and horrified that it had taken me so damned long to work out what I’d been feeling all this time. Lastly, I felt stupid. I was married... to a girl. How the hell was I supposed to tell Mara that I fancied guys?

  I started the car, still thinking about Horatio. God he was attractive. All muscle and tattoos and beautiful dark skin... But it was his kind, soft, brown eyes that I really couldn’t get out of my mind. Mara never had kindness in her eyes – she was a beautiful woman, don’t get me wrong. And I guess she had her good points. She was clever; she had a great job – allowing me to continue with my mechanics degree – and a great sense of humour when she felt like it. But she also had a temper on her that was fiery to say the least. She’d broken cups and plates by throwing them in a temper – narrowly missing me a couple of times, then there had been the pan of hot water that had been really quite terrifying and once or twice she had physically attacked me. She’d always been really apologetic and mortified with herself afterwards and always vowed never to do it again. It hadn’t recurred in the last couple of months but to say I was wary about upsetting her was putting it mildly...

  I pulled up outside the house and pasted on my happy face. I stuck my key in the lock and opened the door. “Mara?”

  I let out a sigh of relief that she wasn’t home already and headed for the kitchen. If I got dinner started it was one less thing that she could have a go at me over.

  I wasn’t the best cook in the world but I made a decent enough lasagne so I got on with that. As I stirred in the tomatoes and added the puree, my mind drifted back to Horatio. What a fucking cool name...


  Fear clenched my stomach as I heard Mara’s key in the door. This was ridiculous. I wasn’t supposed to be afraid of my wife – but I couldn’t help it. If I was going to be completely honest, she scared the living shit out of me. I was never sure if she was going to be in a good mood – or if she was just gonna go bat-shit crazy on me...

  Thankfully she had a smile on her face so I was relatively safe... “Babe,” she sniffed the air, “You made lasagne.” She leaned in and kissed me and I breathed in the scent of her. She always smelled so damned good. I fucking loved Chanel...

  “Did you have a good day?” I asked as I popped my masterpiece in the oven and set the time. Grabbing a couple of glasses from the cupboard I poured us a red wine each and then followed her into the lounge.

  She shrugged, “Busy – but it was good – we’ve acquired a new partner so things are gonna be crazy-busy for a while but it’ll really put us on the map....”

  I nodded and smiled in all the right places, but my mind kept on drifting back to Horatio. His smile – it was so genuine and so damned friendly. He really didn’t seem to have a hidden agenda – and that was so refreshing.

  I found myself wondering what he was doing now. Did he have a girlfriend or did he live alone – or with parents? I sighed, suddenly wishing that I was single and still at home with Dad... Life had been so much better back then. I missed him. I needed to call him...

  “Are you even listening to me?” Mara’s voice cut into my daydreaming sharply.

  “Uh?” I blinked. Fuck. I really had missed most of what she’d just been talking about. “Sorry, baby – I’m just a bit tired...”

  She snorted, “Fuck off.” She said derisively, “Like playing football and throwing together a lasagne’s anything like what I have to do every day.” She was glaring at me.

  I swallowed, “I said I was sorry.”

  Her lip curled, “I’m going to have a bath.”

  “But your dinner...”

  “I’ll have it later,” She snapped, “It’s not as if it’s going to ruin.”

  I swallowed hard. No, it wouldn’t ruin. It was just shitty lasagne, after all. Nothing special...

  I flicked the TV on and sat back, my good mood from earlier disappearing along with hers. Fuck. Talk about a fun-sponge. She was damned near impossible to please.

  Chapter 3 – Definitely attracted...


  I was playing the guitar like my fingers were made of bits of putty. Shit. Focus Horatio!

  “Rayshe?” Justin looked over at me as if I was a complete idiot, “What the fuck is wrong with you today, man?”

  I shook my head, “Nothing... sorry.” I mumbled. My face was on fire and I could see that the guys were all looking at each other out of the corner of my eye. Shit. They’d start asking any second... now.

  “Who is he?” That was Justin.

  “What’s his name?” That was Noah.

  “Where did you meet him?” That was Karl.

  They all asked at exactly the same time and we all looked at each other in surprise before we all fell about laughing. This was the thing about being mates forever – we knew each other – very well.

  I shook my head, “It’s just a crush.” I said with a sigh, “His name’s Danny. I play five-a-side football with him – it can’t go anywhere. He’s married – and very straight.”

  Justin frowned, “So why bother?” he asked.

  I shrugged, “I don’t know.” I sighed again, “He’s really nice...”

  Noah cocked his head to one side, reminding me strongly of my dog, “You’ve spent time together?”

  I nodded. We’d had that drink together at the bar the other night and we were seeing each other tomorrow again at football, “Not loads of time but you know how you can just tell when you meet someone you click with?”

  He nodded, smiling. “Yeah, I know.”

  “I’m gonna invite him to come and watch us play on Friday.”

  Karl’s jaw dropped, “At Studs?” he asked incredulously, “You’ve just said the guy was straight. Do you honestly think he’ll come?”

  I shrugged, “I don’t know. I hope so. Why wouldn’t he?”

  Karl frowned around at the rest of the guys, “Uh, because, and I quote, ‘he’s very straight’ – and married.”

  I grimaced. Damn. Why did everyone have to keep focusing on that?

  “Wait a minute – would he even know it’s a gay club if he’s so straight and married?” Justin chucked his two-penneth in...

  Well, to be honest I had absolutely no idea. We’d hardly talked to each other but I really wanted him to come and see me play. Call me idealistic if you like...

  “And uh, what are you gonna do if he comes with his wife?” He looked at me incredulously.

  Shit I really hadn’t thought this through. “I don’t know.” I snapped, “I haven’t even asked him yet.” And now I felt stupid for even thinking about it.

  Still, I couldn’t actually part with the idea and so the next day I went ahead and asked...


  “So, I uh, I play in a band at the weekends.” We were sat together in the changing rooms. I was pulling on my football boots and he was ahead of me already and stuffing everything he’d taken off into his sports bag.

  Danny raised an eyebrow, “What sort of band?” he asked.

  I blinked. What sort of band were we? Rock band? Sort of... “Um, we’re kind of soft rock, I guess.”

  He brightened, “Ooh, sounds good. What do you play?”

  I grinned, “I’m the bass guitarist.”

  He grinned back, “I can see that about you.” He said – and I’d like to think he said it a little flirtatiously, “Do you sing as well?”

  I shrugged, “I do backing vocals and harmonies – Karl’s our lead singer. He’s great.”

  He nodded, “Wow, I think it�
�s great that you do that.” He said enthusiastically, “What’s your band called?”

  I chuckled at the absurdity of our band’s name, “Uh, Xavier’s sister.” I said.

  Danny nodded, “Okay.” He said, “Who’s Xavier?”

  I felt my face blushing – not that he would really notice with my skin tone, “Uh, he was some guy we met on Fistral Beach in Newquay a couple of years back.” I’d slept with him and we’d tried keeping in touch but the distance had made things impossible. We’d parted as friends but that was the last I’d ever heard of him.

  Danny raised an eyebrow, “Ah,” he said with a laugh, “I get it – and his sister was hot.”

  Fuck. Not exactly. It was Xavier who was hot – and really good at giving head… I just laughed along with him. I took a deep breath, “Would you like to come on Friday night? Next week, I mean...” I stammered, “not tomorrow...” Fuck, could I be more tongue-tied and teenager-ish? I felt like a kid with my first crush.

  His smile was stunning. “I’d really like that.” He said, nodding along enthusiastically, “Where are you playing?”

  I told him the name of the venue and held my breath a little that he’d immediately know that it was the best-known gay club in the area. He didn’t bat an eyelid though, which could have meant that he knew but he was totally cool about it – or he had absolutely no clue and was cool with the idea because he didn’t know that it was a gay club... I didn’t tell him it was a gay club and neither did I divulge that I was gay... I didn’t want to wreck the tentative friendship we were building this soon.

  He nodded and we carried on getting ready for the game. Nothing else was discussed about it all night while we played and he’d disappeared before I could catch him at the end of the session.


  Since we had an imminent gig, we were practicing again the next night and the guys were all desperate for the next instalment in my sad little lack of a love life...


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