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A Darkening of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 0.5

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by J. L. Clayton

  I sucked in a sharp breath and cocked my head to the side. I felt different. I was lost. I looked up at Wicked, pleading with her to help me because I knew I was about to kill my only friend.

  She frowned. “I’m sorry. If I would’ve known he was going to cast a compulsion spell on you, I would have unlocked your powers, but as it is now, not even I can fix this. I mean, damn, your father has some good mojo.”

  I felt tears falling down my face and frowned. It amazed me that I could still cry. The last time I cried was when my father told me that my mother was dead. My body shook as I fought against the spell. I gritted my teeth and hit the floor with my fist repeatedly, bringing blood to my knuckles.

  “I will not obey!” I shouted. “I will not obey!”

  Father knelt down beside me placing one hand on my shoulder. “Oh, but my son, that is where you are wrong.” He handed me a dagger and said, “Now, kill her!”

  I fought with everything inside of me, but the spell was too strong. I was no longer in control of my body. I walked over to her, each step agonizingly sad. Sweat rolled down my brow, and I trembled with the effort of fighting the spell.

  “Crispin, all you are doing is hurting yourself, and no matter what, I will die today. Please, stop fighting it.” Nicole’s voice came out soft and shaky.

  I was on top of her, looking deep into her eyes as all my strength drained away, leaving me raw.

  I whispered, “I will have vengeance for you, my sweet, beautiful Nicole.” She smiled and closed her eyes. I plunged the dagger deep into her chest, ending the struggle and allowing the spell to have its way.

  Horror replaced her lovely smile as death took her. I lowered her limp body to the floor and watched as her blood brightly bloomed from her chest.

  She was a beautiful sight in death.

  I turned to my father. Hatred filled my soul, my heart nothing more than a black hole filled with emptiness. Ice coursed through my veins. He will pay for this. I am going to make sure his suffering is vast.

  Everything around me seemed to be closing in as the edges of my vision started to fade.

  Chapter Ten


  I came to in my chambers. My head felt like it was going to fall off. I moaned.

  “Ah, finally,” Wicked said, coming in close. “You’re awake.”

  My mouth felt dry, I licked my lips and asked, “What happened?”

  She grinned, holding up one finger. “I bound us together.” She held up another finger. “Your Daddy cast a wicked spell on you. Pun intended.” She winked, threw up a third finger, and said, “You killed that girl.” She made a motion with her hand as if she was stabbing me. “Then, it was lights out, sleepy time for you.” She brushed her hands off.

  I narrowed my eyes. “I think it is time you do what you were supposed to do when I cast the spell.”

  She sighed. “Fine, fine. Don’t get your panties in a twist.”

  I looked at her, baffled. “Panties?”

  She laughed. “Right, you don’t know what panties are. I’ll fill you in later. Right now, it is business as usual. Okay?” She touched my head and said, “Unleash, remember, immortality. Oh, this may hurt.” Then, she pushed.

  A bright light flashed, and my body started to float. A euphoria settled over me. I felt so much power, more power than I could have imagined. Then, the memories once locked away pushed through my mind and flooded my senses with wave after wave of forgotten thoughts.

  I knew everything my father had kept from me. Everything he told me about my mother was a lie. My mother loved me! My mother wanted me! My mother was a beautiful soul, and he took her away from me. He killed her! When the time was right, I was going to rid my father of this existence.

  “Thank you, Wicked. You have given me everything I need.” I stood up and ran a hand down her face. She blinked, looking at me with wide eyes. I leaned in and kissed her. Opening her mouth with my tongue, I breathed into her. She gasped, and then I pushed whatever she had put inside of me back into her.

  She crumpled to the floor, and wailed, “Why? Now I’ll have to leave when my father calls. Why would you do that?”

  I grinned. “Do you think I owe you something? Do you believe you are worthy of being bound to me?” I pointed at my chest. She opened her mouth, but I cut her off. “Then you are gravely mistaken. You mean nothing. You are my sheep. I am forever. I am now a god. You are so lucky to still be alive.”

  The demon felt the truth within my words, and she started to cry. I shook my head. I could not believe that a demon was capable of crying. “Get up and stop crying. We have work to do,” I told her, sounding like my father.

  She stood up. “But how can I help you if my father summons me home?”

  “You are a very foolish demon. I did not say that your father has control over you. I am the one with full power. I am your master now.”

  I shook my head and headed out of the room, leaving a very shocked Wicked behind.

  Chapter Eleven


  I looked out at the rolling green hills. This was a land that I had never before seen on this plane. Today was the day of my birth, and today, I found this land. It was a perfect place to mark the twenty-fifth year of my life. I looked out over the land and felt at ease, something I had not felt in a very long time.

  Today, I will take over my kingdom! I am powerful enough now to succeed. This will be the greatest birthday present, indeed.

  I inhaled and teleported myself back to my chambers. I sat down, placing my head into my hands, letting out a weary sigh.

  “I know what can make that all better,” a seductively melodic voice purred.

  “You do, do you?” I asked, tilting my chin.

  “Oh, my Lord, I do.” She trilled her fingers down my arm and then swiftly spun away.

  I shivered, feeling my body harden. “I do believe you are right.”

  “Then what would you have me to do, my Lord?” Quilisa hummed.

  I gazed at her with heavy, lidded eyes and smiled. She licked her fangs and got down on the floor. Slowly, she made her way towards me, crawling on her hands and knees in a predatory manner. She worked her way up my body, agonizingly slow. Her wavy, brown locks framed her face. She was striking. Quilisa gazed up at me, her eyes glowed a rich russet color in the light.

  “I only want what every man who looks upon your beauty would want,” I mused.

  “Yes, my Lord. I am willing to provide to you my utmost service,” she teased.

  That was all I could take. I picked her up and slammed her body against the wall. She gasped.

  “In this moment, you are mine and only mine.”

  I pulled her hair, bringing her lips up to meet mine. I kissed her deeply, running my tongue over her teeth.

  “You taste so damn good,” she breathed.

  I glided my hands down her spine and across her ass. She gasped. I quickly ripped off her dress, leaving her standing unabashedly naked. I gazed upon her body with lust, silently drinking her in as I slowly took off my shirt. Her eyes shifted to glow a bright red hue. She spread her arms out and smiled.

  Waiting! Watching! Wanting!

  I slowly pulled off the rest of my garments, watching her eyes light up as each article fell to the floor.

  “I do believe I have something you may want,” I said, fisting my cock in my hand. I began to work my hand up and down the shaft.

  She hissed, showing fangs.

  I rubbed the head of my groin slowly, teasing Quilisa as the precum provided lubrication.

  “Come over here, now!” I ordered.

  She rushed me, moving fast, but I was faster. I picked her up and slammed her on the bed.

  I grabbed her hair and pulled, exposing her lovely neck. Leaning in, I began to kiss my way over her collarbone and down her body, stopping when I reached one of her hardened nipples. I licked the pink tip before I bit down, taking her soft mound into my mouth and
sucking. She moved under me, panting out little gasps. I pulled away and trailed my tongue over to the other nipple. Her breathing turned ragged. I smiled inwardly at the reaction I was getting and proceeded to slide my tongue along the length of her midriff, stopping only when I reached the top of her core.

  I breathed, blowing hot air over her clit. She quivered and inhaled. I grinned up at her as I lowered my face between her thighs. I licked and sucked, covering her folds with my mouth. She shook, grabbing the bed and crying out as an orgasm hit her. I tasted her sweet juices as she came for me. I rose up, licking my lips. Waiting.

  “My Lord, I want to feel you moving inside of,” she begged.

  I waited, drawing out her pleasure, knowing that, soon, my cock would be cocooned deep within her.

  “Please!” she breathed.

  I grabbed her wrist and pulled her body against mine. Picking her up and placing her over the top of my shaft, I pulled her down, plunging my cock deep into her wet sheath. I inhaled.

  She felt so damn good.

  We began to move together in a rhythm of passion and heat. The closer I came to climax, the more frantic my movements became. Then, she struck, sinking her teeth into my neck and sending blissful sensations throughout my body. I pumped into her one more time—finishing.

  I moved her off me and stood. “It is time!”

  Quilisa smiled, licking the blood off her lips. “Long live the king!”

  Chapter Twelve


  “Father, I have something I need to talk to you about. Would you care to go for a walk?” I asked, coming into his chambers.

  “Ah, my son, just the man I was looking for. Yes, let us step outside. There is something I have to tell you as well.” He patted me on the back as we headed outside.

  I looked at him, waiting for the perfect time to strike, the perfect time to kill him.

  “See this land? It will one day be yours. Of course, you will have some obstacles and people rooting for your downfall—Eli and the Elders for one. But also, a girl. She has something of yours that you will need, but that can all wait,” he said.

  “Father, what do you mean there is a girl that has something of mine?” I asked, feeling frustrated.

  He laughed. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll have the Hags of Fate tell you when I believe it is time for you to know.”

  He thinks he has the upper hand. He thinks he still has control over me. I was about to prove him wrong in thinking such foolish thoughts. I believed it was time to show my father what he had created in a son.

  “You are right. The Hags will tell me but not by your command. Not any longer.” I pulled on my greatest power, and I struck, draining the life out of him.

  My father tried retaliating, throwing spells that just bounced off my frame.

  I shook my head and stood over my dying father. “Is this not what you wanted me to become, Father?”

  He coughed and looked up at me in fear.

  “Why?” he huffed out. “Why son? I thought you loved me!”

  I laughed at him. “You, of all people, should know that love is only a word to creatures such as us. The only things I ever loved were Nicole and my mother, but you took them both away from me. I think it is only fair I repay you the kindness you bestowed upon my mother and Nicole. Would you not agree?”

  His face paled of all color. I relished in the power I had over him. For twenty-five years, he ruled over me. Now, it was my turn, and unfortunately, there can only be one all-powerful being.

  “Why do you look as if you have seen a ghost, Father?” I cocked my head and winked at him. “Oh, but I know why. You thought that little magic trick would work on me forever? That I would forget all about her and what you made me watch? That I would never remember? You thought wrong!”

  He reached out a hand, pleading with me. “Please son, I made you who you are today. Please show mercy.”

  My eyes narrowed to a pinprick, “You may have played a part in making me who I am today because you did, after all, donate your sperm, but I was meant to be what I have become." I smiled down at him. "Oh, one more thing before you leave this plane of existence,” I sneered. “I have learned something new about myself and the magic flowing within my blood. It is actually a fitting way for your life to be extracted from this world. Allow me to show you.”

  I snapped my fingers together and watched in awe as his magic, his power, his life transformed into a flowing river from his body into mine. As he slowly faded and his life extinguished, I found it ironic that my mother’s magic I had inherited, something he thought was of no use, would turn out to be one of my most powerful weapons.

  Upon his final breath, I looked into his eyes, knowing he knew what magic I was using on him. I snarled, “Yes, Father, my mother, and Nicole have come back for their vengeance through me.”

  He gasped out, “No!” right before his body turned to ash and floated away.

  I shook my head.

  “You were too easy of a kill, Father.”

  I stood up and looked out over my immense Kingdom and thought paradoxically.

  My mother wanted me to be like her, but my father got what he wanted after all. I am sure he did not bargain for me being even more vicious than him.

  I smiled, knowing that the next chapter of my reign had just begun, and it starts with - Her!


  16 years later….

  “Hello, I’m Charlie. Do I know you?”

  Author Spotlights

  Here are some authors that I love. I wanted to share with my readers. These are some spotlights of their work.

  By Regina Oconnell: Wren

  I am special. My mother always told me this. My voice has power. From the moment, I could, I sang. The songs I sang had power. That is how I came to be here in this small, gray cell. Now I am mute. I cannot sing or even talk. I try and there is nothing. I don't know what they have given me or done to me for this to happen. Singing is magic. Singing makes things happen. It can change your way of thinking; it makes you smile, laugh, or weep. For some, like me, singing is life. For some, like me, singing brings death.

  Like what you read and want to know more? Here are the links to find her -

  Twitter @regina_oconnell




  Carissa Ann Lynch: Cheerleaders can be Murder

  The Sociopath Do you want to know what death smells like? What it really smells like? Take a pound of raw meat—I recommend ground chuck. Stick it in a vacuum-sealed container. Place the container in the fridge and leave it there. A few months later, take it out. Remove the lid. Nothing can prepare you for the brick wall that smacks your face, filling every orifice of your body simultaneously. That smell… not only will it blow you away, but smells like that, they stick with you.

  Lifeless meat in a tight, confined space produces a smell sharp enough to burn the lashes off your eyelids. So, for the rest of the day you’ll be moving along… and then some small thing reminds you—little Tommy’s Happy Meal or a dump truck rolling by on garbage day—and your nose twitches, remembers, and the hairs inside your nostrils stiffen. Your throat tickles in the back, bile rising, and your belly rolls uncomfortably. You try to push the thought aside, to forget that smell, but… you can’t. Like I said, smells stick with you.

  Like what you read and want to know more? Here are the links to find her -

  Website: CarissaAnn




  Limitless Publishing:


  Amazon Author Page:

  Author Note – This series began as so many do, as a short story. The characters came alive and begged me to tell their tale. I hope you enjoy my slightly different twist to the Vampyre legend.

  Moonlight & Magic Series

  A Prequel to Shadows in the Moonlight


  By Rita Ames

  I saw you there beneath the moon

  A silhouette in black

  Shivers cold as ice

  Cutting slices down my back

  If I look real hard

  I see your eyes

  Blue as the deepest sea

  How I long to know the man inside

  To warm your blood with mine

  The sharpest tip

  Of porcelain fangs

  Breaks skin upon my lip

  Two souls that merge

  In vast eternity

  As human breath flies

  Into sweet deaths clouds

  This is where I want to be


  “You’re meant for better things,” my Father said as the love of my life was escorted away by his henchmen. I stood in shock, wondering exactly what he meant. I realised I should be chasing after Elise, after all she was ‘the one’ wasn’t she? As she was dragged roughly through the door my eyes made contact with hers and I saw the single tear roll down her cheek. Something inside me shifted. I didn’t care about what my Father wanted, Elise was my soul mate. I felt this truth deep inside me.


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