Dancing With Myself
Page 36
Stein, Jeff, 191–92, 205
Stein, Seymour, 93
Steinberg, Billy, 296
Stephenson, Neal, 290
Stevens, Cat, 303
Stevens, Steve, 140, 147, 148, 150, 153, 155, 164–68, 170, 174, 180–82, 187, 190, 194, 200–201, 202, 204, 206, 207, 213, 215, 216, 234, 236, 240, 245, 254, 263, 293, 294, 296, 299–304
Stewart, Dave, 217
Stewart, Rod, 303
Stills, Stephen, 247
Sting, 81
Stone, 171
Stone, Oliver, 249–51, 265, 270, 271
Strange, Steve, 71, 79–80, 87, 96, 116
Stranglers, 64, 79, 105
Stray, 44
Stray Cats, 190
Streets of Fire, 210
Strummer, Joe, 53, 68
Subway Sect, 86
suedeheads, 40
Sugarhill Gang, 137
Sugerman, Danny, 251
Suicide, 109–10, 148, 157
Summer, Donna, 116, 124, 130
Summers, Andy, 81
Sunset Marquis, 163–65
“Super Overdrive”, 300
Sussex University, 47–48, 53
Susskind, David, 149
Sweet, 97
“Sweet Sixteen”, 215–16, 234
Sylvain, Syl, 110
Taylor, Robert, 17
technology, 291
teddy boys, 78, 88–90, 113
Tee, Richard, 215
Temple, Julien, 69, 96
Tennant, Neil, 203
Terminator 2, 271–72
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The, 175, 178
Thailand, 6, 257–61, 289
Them, 23
Thin Lizzy, 120
Thompson, Hunter S., 194
Thompson, Linda, 48
Thompson, Richard, 48
Throbbing Gristle, 63–64
Thunders, Johnny, 76, 151
Tichy, Brian, 299–301
Tiffany, 235
“To Be a Lover”, 215, 224, 228, 229
video for, 228–29, 234
Today, 68–69
Tolkien, J. R. R., 29
Tommy James and the Shondells, 142, 145
“Tomorrow People”, 289
Tom Robinson Band, 126
Top of the Pops (TOTP), 98, 100, 108, 114, 202
Tortola, 204
Towe, John, 63, 65, 85–86
Townshend, Pete, 23, 86, 90
Tracks, 140
Traffic, 303
Travis, Geoff, 215
Travolta, John, 192
T. Rex, 46
Trigg, Dr., 232
“Trouble with the Sweet Stuff”, 253
Trudeau, Paul, 304
“Trying for Kicks”, 94
Tudor, Stephanie, 213
TW, 105
20th Century Fox, 212
Twin Shadow, 302
two-tone bands, 100
“Ugly Rash”, 126
unions, 74
Universal Studios, 212
University of Leicester, 82
University of Sussex, 47–48, 53
“Untouchables”, 123, 144, 145, 189
Uriah Heep, 31
Usenet, 291
U2, 154
Valley of the Dolls, 112–15, 129, 301–2
“Valley of the Dolls”, 113, 114
Van Halen, 194
Vanity, 207
Vasquez Rocks, 242
Vaughan, Paris, 265
Vaughan, Sarah, 265
Vega, Alan, 109, 131, 157–58, 227
Velvet Underground, 41, 44, 102, 148, 159, 185
Venus in Furs (Sacher-Masoch), 185
Very Best of Billy Idol, The: Idolize Yourself, 301
Vibrators, 81
Vincent, Gene, 96, 100, 215
Vicious, Sid, 58, 63, 76, 82, 111
Victor, The, 19
Viper Room, 165
Virgin Records, 83, 93
Visage, 79
Vital Idol, 235
Vortex, 90, 94
Wahlberg, Donnie, 280
Wainman, Phil, 97, 99–100, 105, 106
Waits, Tom, 117
Wardle, John Joseph, 288
Warhol, Andy, 84, 249
Warner Bros., 236, 240
Waterloo, 106
Waters, Brigid, 213, 225–27, 232
Watts, Charlie, 198
Webster, Steve, 190
Wedding Singer, The, 294–95
Weedon, Bert, 41
Weeley, festival at, 45–46
WELL, 291
Weller, Paul, 81
Wembley Arena, 277–79
Wenner, Jann, 192
Werner, David, 253
Westlake Recording Studios, 146, 161–62
Westwood, Vivienne, clothing of, 51, 55, 57, 58, 172, 199, 206
Whiplash Smile, 214–17, 224, 226–30, 234–36, 239, 259, 262, 263
“Whiskey and Pills”, 299
Whisky a Go Go, 110
White, Bukka, 15
White Heat, 220
“White Wedding”, 162–68, 189, 253, 294, 302
video for, 42, 164, 171–73, 179
Who, 23, 32, 33, 45, 56, 86, 90, 94, 98, 103, 107, 158, 191
“Wild Dub”, 105, 110
Wild One, The, 267
“Wild Youth”, 73, 94, 99–100, 105, 308
Williams, Hank, 15
Williams, Hank, Jr., 254
Williams, Mars, 187
Wilson, Brian, 310–11
Winstanley, Alan, 105
Winston, Stan, 272
Wolfe, James, 244
Wonderland Avenue (Sugerman), 251
Wood, Jo, 181
Wood, Ron, 181, 219, 264
Wordsworth, William, 1
“World Comin’ Down”, 300
Worthing High School, 28–30, 35, 38, 40
Wright, Chris, 92
Yes, 204, 240, 303
Yeux sans visage, Les (Eyes Without a Face), 179–80
Young, Neil, 246–47
Young, Pegi, 246
Young Comedians Special, 284
Younger-Smith, Mark, 245, 247, 254–55, 280, 284, 285, 289, 293
Young Winston, 19
“Your Generation”, 66, 68, 73, 87, 97–98
“Youth Youth Youth”, 62, 64, 68, 73, 87
Yuan, Robin, 264
Zappa, Frank, 44, 53
Zero Dark Thirty, 255
Zimmer, Hans, 273
Zowie, 74–75
Zuckerberg, Mark, 296
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Copyright © 2014 by Billy Idol
Note to readers: Some names and identifying details of people portrayed in this book have been changed.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Touchstone Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.
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Designed by Akasha Archer
Jacket Photographs: Front by Greg Gorman, Back by Sheila Rock
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Idol, Billy.
Dancing with myself / Billy Idol.
pages cm
1. Idol, Billy. 2. Rock musicians—England—Biography. I. Title.
ML420.I33A3 2014
782.42166092—dc23 [B]
ISBN 978-1-4516-2850-0
/> ISBN 978-1-4516-2852-4 (ebook)