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Submission and Surrender: The Billionaire's Temptation Series

Page 6

by Cali MacKay

  “Oh, I’m not, babe.” She gave him a sarcastic smile and batted her eyelashes at him while pressing the button for the third floor. “But if you think it means I’m going to keep sleeping with you until you’ve ruined my career, you can guess again. Frankly, I don’t care who you fuck or where you fuck them—as long as you leave me the hell alone.”

  “And here I thought we were having fun.” Gabe pulled her to him, wrapping a strong arm around her waist and holding her firmly to him, ignoring her struggles. “Surely, I wasn’t imagining it when I made you come, or all the times you kissed me back. Like this…”

  Gabe captured her mouth in one kiss after another, his head bent to hers as she momentarily softened in his arms, before trying to push him away again, finally averting her head when she couldn’t put any distance between them. “What the hell do you want from me? This is getting ridiculous.”

  “Ridiculous? No, sweetheart—it might be a lot of things, but ridiculous isn’t one of them.” When the elevator doors slid open on the third floor, he tightened his hold on her and hit the button that would send the doors closing shut.

  “Are you kidding me?” When she shoved him, he decided to let her go, knowing the next stop the elevator would be making would be his penthouse suite. “You’re a real ass, Gabe.”

  “Just come in and have a drink. We can go over all the new information you got from my family, and I can give you any insight I might have. Fill in the blanks, and answer your questions.” When the doors slid opened, he grabbed her hand and stepped into his apartment. “Come on, sweetheart. It’s just work.”

  “Fine.” The word was spoken through gritted teeth, though she let him pull her off the elevator. “But you better behave yourself.”

  “I promise, I’ll be good.” In so many ways.

  She glared at him as if second-guessing the meaning of his words, but then let it go, her gaze shifting to take in his home, as Gabe took off his sweater and dropped it onto the sofa, leaving him in the form-fitting t-shirt he’d been wearing underneath. Her eyes went wide as she looked around—and frankly, he couldn’t blame her when faced with the large expanse of glass, and the breathtaking view of Portmore, with the ocean just beyond. Complementing the views were high ceilings, a large stone fireplace, a chef’s kitchen, and classically contemporary yet comfortable furnishings. Definitely a long way from the cramped apartment he grew up in.

  Gabe rested against the arm of his sofa, as Hadley wandered farther into the great room, turning slowly to take it all in. “This is…impressive, Gabe. I’ll give you that.”

  When she got within arm’s reach, he snagged her, and pulled her close, nestling her between his legs. He knew there was a good chance he’d piss her off, but he didn’t care as long as he got to touch her, and feel her body against his.

  “Does that mean you like it?” Maybe it was because Hadley was the first woman he’d brought to his home, but he wanted her approval.

  “I think it suits you perfectly—and yes, I like it. But if you don’t let go of me, I’m putting in for a transfer first thing in the morning.” She looked at him matter-of-factly, with an expression of sheer stubbornness on her face.

  “I need you on the case, Hadley.” Gabe couldn’t let her walk away. No fucking way. “But I also need you in my bed—more than you know.”

  “Well, that’s not happening.” She shook her head and tested his hold on her, her eyes narrowing at him when he didn’t let her go. “Why me, Gabe? What the hell? It’s not like you can’t get laid. Just go find someone else. Move on—just like you always do.”

  “That bothers you. Doesn’t it?” It made him wonder if it was because it made her feel like she was one of many, or if there was something more behind it all—like that ex-husband of hers. His jaw tightened at the thought of someone mistreating her.

  “No—it doesn’t. Because you know what? This was only supposed to be a one-off. That’s it. One night, Gabe. One fucking night.” She bit her lip as her eyes shimmered for a moment, before she squeezed them shut and got her emotions under control.

  “Sweetheart…it kills me to see you upset.” Needing to feel the softness of her skin, he cupped her cheek, his eyes locked on hers. And then he let her go. “Let me get you that drink.”

  As she slipped out of his arms, he felt her absence with a strange pang that he refused to explore. Needing to distract himself, he strode to the bar and poured himself a whiskey. Maybe his approach was all wrong. The last few days seemed to have wound her tight. So, maybe he just needed to get her to relax.

  “What can I get you, darling?”

  “I’ll have what you’re having.” She ran a hand over the soft leather of his sofa, wandering over towards him.

  “Whiskey?” She nodded, though he couldn’t remember any of his dates ever ordering it. And damn, but he liked that Hadley was different from them, right down to her choice of drink. He poured two whiskeys and handed her the glass, his fingers touching hers ever so briefly.

  “We can get to work if you’d like—or leave it until morning, since you’ve been at it this all day.” Gabe wandered over to his fireplace and flicked it on, the flames leaping up from a sea of iridescent crystals. Though he preferred a nice wood fire, the gas fireplace was more convenient with his busy schedule.

  She took a seat on the sofa, her eyes on him as he wandered over and sat by her side. “Work is the only reason I’m here, Gabe. Besides, I’d like to go over the information I gathered, since I do have a few questions.”

  “Certainly not the only reason. And work can wait just a little while. I want to hang out here on the sofa, enjoy our drinks, watch the fire, and get to know each other better.” He took a long sip of his drink, and shifted sideways, resting his elbow on the back of the sofa. The girl had gotten under his skin, and something needed to be done about it. And yet, he couldn’t really think past wanting to be with her again. “You’re beautiful, you know.”

  “Gabe… We’re supposed to be keeping things professional.” She looked away from him, her brow furrowed with worry. “You understand that, right?”

  “You won’t lose your job.” He knew it was a valid concern of hers, but damn…it wasn’t like he was going to shout it from the rooftops. “You’re trying to fight a losing battle, love. Especially when it’s something we both want. Even your body insists on betraying you. Don’t you think that means something?”

  “What it means is that I shouldn’t be seeing you outside of an office environment where other people are present, since you insist on blurring the lines.” She threw back her drink and got to her feet. “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go. I’ll see you in the morning, Gabe—at the station. We can finish going through the information then.”

  He snagged her hand to keep her from going, and got to his feet. “Just stay, Hadley…I want to revisit our first night together, and I can’t do that if you’re always pushing me away. I want to make things right between us—and I want you. More than anything.”

  “Look, I’m not saying I don’t like you—because clearly I do. But I can’t do this. Why can’t you see that? It’d be one thing if I weren’t on the case, but I am. Besides, I really can’t do the sort of casual relationship you’re looking for. It was one thing when it was just one night and I was…” Her words trailed off and ended with a weary sigh, as she turned to look away from him, clearly struggling with her emotions.

  He tilted her chin towards him so she’d be forced to face him, and then cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her skin as he forced himself to take a deep breath. Forced himself not to go hunt down the bastard she’d been married to and pummel him for hurting Hadley. “I’m not your ex-husband, you know. I don’t know what he did to you, but I can tell you that you didn’t deserve it—and he sure as fuck didn’t deserve you. I have no interest in hurting you, Hadley.”

  “You may not want to hurt me, but there’s only one way this thing between us will ever play out, and that’s with me getting the shit end of
the stick.”

  Chapter Nine

  Hadley didn’t know why she was having such a hard time walking away from Gabe. It should be a simple matter, even beyond the simple task of putting one foot in front of the other. And yet, instead of putting some distance between them like any sane woman would do, she found herself wrapped in his arms and trying increasingly hard not to lean into his touch as he cupped her cheek.

  Even harder was not leaning forward to kiss him.

  “Babe…” The way he said it, with his voice deep and gravelly, sounding so sweet and laced with genuine concern… It melted all her defenses, and she didn’t know how long she’d manage to resist him. “What did that bastard do to you? I’ll fucking destroy him for hurting you like this.”

  Hadley could feel Gabe’s power, his anger, all of it contained in the tension within his body as he just barely held it together. That he would get so upset on her behalf, like some knight in shining armor, there to defend her and her just felt so noble, so chivalrous, so loyal. It wasn’t that she couldn’t take care of herself, but it was damn nice that someone cared enough to want to do it for her—and it felt damn nice to feel wanted, something she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  It was totally messing with her emotions. Making her feel things, want things, long for things that she had no right to want or feel—not if she had any hope of walking away from this with her heart intact. “What happened doesn’t matter, since it’s finally over.”

  “It better be. Because the thought of him coming around and fucking with you, hurting you—touching you. I’d break him, Hadley.” As big a guy as Gabe was, she had no doubt he’d be more than capable.

  “Coming around would take too much effort on his part—and I’ve never been worth the effort to him. He might be pissed about the divorce finally getting pushed through, but he’s not that sort of guy. He was never violent. Just a lying, gambling, cheating ass.” And it should serve as a reminder that she couldn’t be trusted to make wise choices when it came to men.

  With his eyes locked on hers, he tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, the gesture so gentle for a guy so big and dominating. “Is the divorce recent then?”

  “About twenty-four hours old.” And damn, but she couldn’t help the tears that stung her eyes.

  “Fuck…I’m so sorry, babe.” And this time, when he pulled her into his arms, she let him. He kissed the top of her head as she breathed in his clean scent, letting his warmth envelope her as she got control of her emotions. When he spoke, there was such an intensity in his voice. It caught her off guard that he could get so worked up over her—her—while Matt couldn’t even bother to get his act together when their marriage was on the line. “I’m not him, Hadley. I’m not the guy who hurt you. I could never be. And I need to get to know you better, because my interest in you? It’s not temporary. That’s not something I’m used to—and shit, but it’s got to mean something. Because to me, babe? You’re worth every fucking effort under the sun.”

  “Gabe, you’re really sweet, but…this thing between us doesn’t mean anything—it can’t. Because I refuse to risk everything I’ve worked so hard for, even if I do like you. And we both know that none of this would be happening if I wasn’t the first woman to push you away or kick you out of bed in the morning.” She suspected that was part of it for him. The first woman not to give him everything he wanted and swoon at his feet. The first woman to offer him a bit of a challenge.

  “Fuck, Hadley…I like you. A lot. And I want to see this through—no matter what it ends up being, and no matter what the reason behind it. We’ve only had twenty-four hours together, but already you’re making me crazy. And it’s nowhere near enough time. Not for either of us.” His gaze drifted to watch his thumb slowly brush across her lips, before wandering back up to look in her eyes with an intensity that had her breath catching. “You need to give me a chance, sweetheart, especially since I can’t take no for an answer. Not when I want you so bad it fucking hurts.”

  With his words echoing in her head, he kissed her slowly, but with such passion, she couldn’t help but give in to him, ignoring all logical thought that told her to keep her distance. His tongue danced over hers as he fisted her hair, deepening their kiss until she felt a corresponding tug on her clit, her body still deliciously achy from all the times he’d fucked her.

  Twenty-four hours…a mere day and she already felt as though she was in too deep.

  Tugging on her hair, he pulled her head back and dragged his teeth down the length of her neck, before nipping at her pulse where it raced just under her skin, a needy moan escaping her lips before she could stifle it. Her clit throbbed as he feasted on her neck and cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples as she went wet for him, her body arching against his in offer. He shouldn’t have such an effect on her, and yet she found herself helpless to push him away.

  “Gabe…I can’t…” And yet she was doing little to make him stop, her body reacting to every touch, every kiss, the feel of his muscular arms and broad chest only making her want him more.

  “You have my word that what we’re doing won’t get in the way of your job or your career.” When he started shifting her towards his bedroom, she finally got a grip.

  “I can’t, Gabe. I’m sorry. I’ve got to go.” And to his credit, Gabe let her.


  After a restless night, Hadley made the call to her boss that she’d been dreading. Feeling distraught, Hadley tried her best to keep the emotion from her voice as she answered his questions, knowing she was not only screwed, since she was still on the Ryker case, but because she’d also made herself look bad for wanting off the case. “No… I understand it’s short notice and Wilson’s still ill… Yes, sir… I’ll do my best.”

  Hadley hung up and cursed. She couldn’t tell him the real reason she wanted off the case, and short of quitting or getting herself fired, her options were few and far between. How the hell was she supposed to continue working with Gabe, when he insisted on getting physical with her—and she couldn’t help but want him?

  Her assigned partner would be ready to work with her in the next day or so. Once she had him at her side, Gabe would have to behave himself. And in the meantime, she’d just have to try harder not to succumb to his many charms.

  Grabbing a cup of coffee from the kitchenette in her suite, she sat down to check her email, knowing she had about a half hour to spare before getting ready. She deleted most of what was in her inbox, but that left her with a handful of work emails—and worse, an email from her ex.

  Her gut clenched in knots, and she knew, even before she opened it, the sort of crap she was in for. She contemplated deleting it outright, but in the end clicked on it. Oh, man… Matt was pissed about the divorce. Beyond pissed. It wasn’t as though he didn’t know it was coming. And yet she knew that even for her, it hadn’t felt real until she’d gotten that call from her lawyer.

  Matt was blaming her, not only for their problems, but for all his problems too. As if the fact that she had a job while he’d been unemployed was her fault. As if she was the reason he gambled and fucked other women. He even had the audacity, after all his ranting, to tell her that he still loved her and wanted her back. Well, she had to let her past go. She refused to let him drag her back into his messes, and she was determined to get her new life off the ground—and that meant leaving the bad parts of her past behind.

  By the time she got through with his email, he had not only reminded her why they were getting divorced, but why she’d remained single these last two years. And though she was completely pissed off at Matt, her anger would serve her well if she was dealing with Gabe and his distractions.

  Feeling fired up, she was determined to keep Gabe from sidetracking her. She had to get to the bottom of the attacks. That way she could wrap up the case and head back home, where she’d be safe from Gabe and his all-too-sexy ways.

  Hadley took a quick shower, but was still toweling off when there was a kno
ck at her door. Throwing on a robe, she went to her door but knew better than to open it. It had to be Gabe, since she hadn’t ordered room service.

  More pounding. “Hadley…I know you’re there. Come on. Open up.”

  She groaned, knowing he wouldn’t go away until she’d answered the door, and already regretting it as she turned the knob and let him in. “What do you want? I’m trying to get ready for work.”

  Gabe closed the door as he grabbed the tie of her robe and pulled Hadley to him, earning him a glare as he slipped an arm around her waist. Mischief lit up his blue eyes, and played upon his lips, making them kick up into a smile. “I know. Figured we could commute into work. Save the environment, and all that.”

  He ran a slow finger down her neck and along the slope of her shoulder, catching her robe to expose an expanse of skin. A shiver of need shimmied down her spine and tugged at her clit, leaving her to wonder how a simple touch from him was enough to get her going. And damn, but he looked smoking hot in a casual suit, and smelled even better—soap and shampoo, just a hint of some aftershave and his own unique male scent. The combination went to her head.

  “Don’t, Gabe.” But even she could hear the want in her voice, and she found it impossible to pull away from him.

  “Babe…I bet you’re just so fucking ready for me. I can see it in the way your breath catches and your skin flushes pink…how your voice gets so light, so needy. The way you can’t help but lean into my touch, my body. I bet if I touched your pussy, I’d find it all creamy and wet with wanting me…and I fucking love how responsive you are…” He bit her bottom lip, the sliver of pain only making her want him more. “And yet you insist on fighting what’s between us.”


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