Book Read Free


Page 19

by Sasha Campbell

  The rest is history.

  Jrue took my hand in his. “What I’m trying to say is that I love you and it’s time for me to step up to the plate and do right by you.”

  I can’t even begin to tell you how long I had been waiting to hear those words coming from Jrue’s mouth. Finally, after months of praying and hoping, I finally had my man all to myself. Yet why didn’t it feel as triumphant as I had imagined?



  I was on my way to pick up Aiden from daycare when I decided to call Trinette and see how she was doing now that Leon had put her ass out.

  “Girl, I’m not even thinking about Leon. I’m with my baby’s father.”

  I didn’t even know why she was trying to lie. “But you’re not even sure he’s the father of your baby.”

  “Well, I’m almost certain and Jrue thinks he is, so that’s all that really matters.”

  Sometimes I wish I could record Trinette just so she could hear just how stupid she sounds. I don’t care what she said, I know she still can’t believe that Leon dumped her ass. Hell, I can’t believe it either. I mean that man had been putting up with her shit for years and had taken her back despite all of the trifling things she has done. I told Trinette she was pushing her luck and that at some point Leon was going to have enough, but, of course, she thinks her coochie doesn’t stink and look where it got her. Now she’s shacking up in a condo paid for by her suspect baby daddy. I just don’t get that girl. It wasn’t like she even wanted the baby in the first place, and now she’s playing house with a married man.

  “I really think you need to just get your own place, at least until the baby is born and Jrue leaves his wife.”

  She smacked her lips. “Jrue left his wife last week.”


  “Girl, yes! She confronted him about the baby and he admitted it was his.”

  “Okay, hold up. Confronted? What made her think you were carrying his child?” Like I said before, I hate when someone starts explaining at the middle of the damn story.

  “Well,” she paused and chuckled. “I might have been instrumental in making that happen, but all that matters is that Jrue is now all mine.” I didn’t even want to know what she had done this time.

  “And how long do you think that is going to last?”

  “Why are you being a hater?” she spat into the phone.

  “I’m not hating. But one of us has to be realistic about the situation, and it sure in the hell ain’t you. You need to start working on a backup plan because this shit isn’t over. I guarantee you. It never is.”

  My response was met by a rude snort. “Nikki, you worry too much!”

  “Maybe so, but I think in this situation you have more to worry about than just yourself.”

  I was still shaking my head long after I got off the phone. Trinette was more work than I had time for this evening.

  I pulled up at Aiden’s daycare center and climbed out of the car. I followed the cracked sidewalk around back where the kids played in the playground while waiting to be picked up. I scanned the area especially the jungle gym, which was Aiden’s favorite, and didn’t find him anywhere.

  “Mrs. Truth?”

  Coming toward my left was Jeannie, one of the childcare assistants. She was a tall, blond, child psychology major. I smiled. “Hi, Jeannie. Did my husband already pick Aiden up?” I asked, although I swore Donovan told me he was working late tonight.

  She frowned and shook her head. “No, Aiden wasn’t here today.”

  “What?” I said, then I quickly pulled it together. “Oh, that’s right. Donovan was taking him to the zoo today.” I lied, then waved and turned away. Big Mama always said what happens between a man and his wife is their business. Last thing I wanted was for the daycare to know that I was having problems in my home.

  As soon as I rounded the corner I grabbed the phone from my purse and dialed Donovan’s cell. The longer the phone rang, the more frustrated I became. Stupid me. Something had told me to drop Aiden off myself this morning like I’d been doing ever since Donovan had been waiting for me in the parking lot of the radio station drunk; but instead, this morning I allowed my husband to roll me over onto my back for some good loving and then was running late. He was supposed to have dropped Aiden off on his way to the barbershop. When I got his voice mail again, I decided to call the barbershop.

  “A Cut Above the Rest.”

  “Gabby . . . is Donovan there?”

  “No, he was here about two hours ago; then he left.” She had an annoying habit of popping gum in your ear between syllables.

  “Did he have Aiden with him?”

  “Nope, haven’t seen him.”

  My brain started racing with possibilities. Where the hell were they?

  “Hey, Nikki.” There was a pause. “What’s up with Don?”

  Now it was my time to hesitate. “Why do you ask?”

  “Because ever since Lorenzo died, he hasn’t been himself. I know he’s taking it hard, we all are, but . . . he’s just been acting really weird.”

  “Can you blame him? His best friend was killed.”

  “I know.” Gabby hesitated. “But even after going into the hospital something still seems off about him.”

  She had no idea how badly I wanted to agree. Only I was not about to discuss my marriage with Ms. Gossip Queen. “I’m sure he’ll be fine. If you hear from him, tell him to give me a call.”

  “Sure,” she said, and I ended the call.

  I made a left at the next corner, then hit the highway racing down I-70. I dialed the house and got no answer, then kept dialing Donovan’s cell. This time it didn’t even ring; instead, it went directly to voice mail. I pulled onto our street and pressed the remote. The second the garage door rose and I saw Donovan’s Escalade inside, I got mad.

  “Ain’t this a bitch,” I muttered, then slammed the car door shut. He had scared the shit out of me again for nothing.

  I stormed inside the kitchen and noticed that on the counter was a half-empty tequila bottle.

  “Don!” I called as I moved up the stairs. I hurried into our bedroom and when I found it empty, I went across the hall into Aiden’s and looked over at his bed. He wasn’t there. “Don!” I screamed, then raced down the stairs and stepped into the living room.

  “What took you so long to get home?”

  Startled, I turned around so fast I bumped into the coffee table. Damn, I’ve been doing that a lot. Ignoring the stabbing pain at my shin, I stared at Don, sitting comfortably at the head of my dining room table with a drinking glass in his hand.

  “Don, what are you doing sitting in here?” Especially since the only time we used the room was during the holidays. That $5,000 solid oak dining room set was strictly for show. Well, at least that’s what I used to use it for because there at the center of the table was a long white envelope. But that wasn’t what made my pulse race. Nope. It was the large butcher knife that had been jabbed straight through the paper all the way clear through my table.

  I took a nervous step into the dining room. “Donovan, what the hell is going on?”

  He took a sip before replying, “You tell me.” His eyes darted to the envelope on the table; then he tilted his head. “Go ahead. Read it.”

  I was almost too afraid to walk farther into that room. There was a calm about him that was almost eerie. “Where’s Aiden?” I asked.

  Again, he brought the glass to his lips. “Why don’t you read the letter first?” he replied in a voice that was as crazy as it was soft as he pointed to the envelope.

  In my panicked state, I kept an eye on him as I moved cautiously over to the table, yanked the knife out of the table, and then reached down for the envelope. As soon as I saw the return address, my knees almost gave out.

  Fulton State Hospital.

  Kenyon had sent a letter to my house. I dropped it onto the table like my fingers were on fire.

  “What’s wrong? Your man sends you a letter and yo
u can’t even take the time to read it. I’m so disappointed.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm.

  I looked at Donovan and saw the anger in his eyes and face. “Baby, please, give me a chance to explain,” I cried desperately.

  “What the fuck is there to explain?” he asked, then tossed the glass back and finished it in one gulp. “While I was deployed you were messing around with that mothafucka, weren’t you?”

  Oh, my God. How in the world was I going to be able to explain something that I should have told him years ago? Back then we had been trying so hard to fix our marriage and make things work that I didn’t know how to tell him.

  “Yes, but that was because I thought our marriage was over, I swear to you. The second you called and we talked about working things out, I ended the relationship.”

  “You must think I’m fucking stupid!” he shouted, then jumped up from the chair so fast I flinched.

  “Donovan, please! I swear to you. I ended it. After you returned I never talked to him again.”

  “Oh, really? Then why the fuck was he talking about how much he enjoyed your recent telephone conversations?” Donovan started walking around the table and I was so scared at what he might do that I snatched up the knife and gripped it for dear life.

  “Because he’s crazy! Didn’t you notice the letter came from a mental institution?”

  He stopped walking and quirked an eyebrow in my direction. “Why you got that knife in your hand?”

  “Because I don’t like the way you’re looking at me.” I backed into the living room while Donovan had the nerve to start laughing.

  “You know I can take that knife from you, don’t you?” I felt his anger from several feet away.

  “Donovan, just listen to me! I have been committed to our marriage. I swear to you.”

  “That’s what your mouth says, but your thighs tell a totally different story. Aiden is that man’s son, isn’t he?”

  My eyes widened. No he didn’t just say what I thought he said. “What? You sound like a fool! That’s your son and you know it.”

  “How the hell I know that? I hadn’t been home a month and next thing I know you’re pregnant. For all I know, Aiden could be that nigga’s son.”

  I struck a pose and pointed the knife at him. “Now you’re talking crazy! Aiden’s our son. If you don’t believe me, call Trinette and ask her about Kenyon’s crazy ass.”

  “I ain’t asking that bitch shit. She’d say anything for a damn dollar.” His frown deepened. “Y’all just alike. I spoke to my man Leon last week and according to him Trinette tried to pull the wool over his eyes with the same dumb shit.”

  No, this wasn’t happening. “Okay, so maybe Trinette did try to play Leon, but she and I are two different people. Now tell me where the hell Aiden is!” I demanded. I was tired of playing this game with him.

  “Aiden’s away from the bullshit,” he replied; then he just stared. “You’re just like all the rest. My boys were coming home finding out their wives had been fucking in their beds, but I was like, my wife wouldn’t do that.” He shook his head and took two steps toward me and I froze. “Come to find out not only were you fucking around, but you had a baby by another mothafucka.” Donovan then snatched me up so fast I didn’t even have a chance to blink. “Do you have any idea how much I loved you?”

  Did he just use past tense? “And I love you, so please listen to me w-when I say I’m sorry. I-It only happened that one time and only . . . only because I thought our marriage was over. If I had thought we had a chance, I-I never would have dated him.” I was pleading and hoping that I could get him to listen to me. “The second you came home, I ended the relationship. I swear to you.”

  Donovan reached down and I gave no resistance as he took the knife out of my hand. “Then why didn’t you tell me?”

  He had that crazy look in his eyes again. Quickly, I jerked free, putting a little space between us. “Because I didn’t know how to tell you. We were trying to rebuild the trust, and I was afraid that if I told you about it I would have ruined any chance of getting my husband back. I’m sorry. I swear to you.”

  “So am I.”

  His expression was so cold that I decided maybe it was time to snatch up my keys and go get Aiden while he cooled off. Chances were my son was at Mama’s. I was about to leave the room when Donovan reached underneath his shirt and pulled out a gun.

  “What the hell . . . ?” My heart slammed against my chest. “Donovan, put that gun away. You don’t have to do this.”

  He slammed his fist against the wall. “Yes, I’m afraid I do.”

  Trembling, I brought my palms together and pleaded with him. “Baby, you need help. Serious help. I promise to be there with you.”

  “Shut up. Just shut the fuck up!” he screamed, waving the gun in his hand. “You don’t give a damn about me. All I am is a fucking joke to you!”

  Then everything happened as if we were moving in slow motion. Donovan fired a shot that whipped past my ear and shattered the glass china cabinet. I dove behind the table and tried to miss the next two shots while I scrambled across the floor. And when he pointed the gun at me again, I jumped up from the floor and tried to wrestle it from his hands.

  And then the gun went off.



  “I can’t believe you did all this for me!” I cried when I stepped into Zakiya’s house. It was Friday evening and everyone from my department was gathered around in her tiny living room for my baby shower.

  “We wanted to surprise you.” Zakiya beamed like the proud hostess and she should be. Everything looked fabulous. Food was on the table and gifts on the floor. “Come on in and have a seat over there on the couch while I get you something to eat. I invited the entire office, including Jrue. He said he’ll drop by later if he can.”

  I had to hide a grin. We were so good those chicks still had no idea that they were having a shower for Jrue’s baby.

  The last two weeks had been amazing. Jrue and I were living together at the condo planning a future that included marriage. Nikki was just being a hater, which was why I had hurried and got off the phone with her. I can’t understand why she just couldn’t be happy for me. Instead, she wanted to pollute my happy world with negative energy. Fuck Leon, Nikki, and Charlotte. I was in love and nothing else mattered except me, Jrue, and our unborn child.

  “All this for little old me?” I batted my eyelashes and acted innocent. I’d had a feeling when Zakiya had invited me to her house that she was planning something special. I just had no idea the evening would be all about me. Not that I was complaining. In fact, it really meant a lot that she had gone to so much trouble to plan me a shower because, besides Nikki, I truly never expected anyone to do something so nice for me.

  I took a seat on the couch and played all the stupid baby games; then we ate finger foods that didn’t do anything but make me crave a steak and potatoes. Trust and believe, I’ll be sending Jrue out later for takeout.

  The doorbell rang and Zakiya went to answer it while I opened another gift. Inside was a $200 gift card to a new baby boutique I had found in Ladue. Zakiya and I had discovered it during lunch one afternoon. “Thank you,” I said, beaming with excitement. My baby was going to be rocking some slamming outfits.

  I looked up at the doorway just in time to see Jrue standing there and I smiled over at him. “Welcome to all the fun.”

  He gave a nervous laugh as he glanced around at all the women’s envious looks. Jrue had a reputation of being the hottest man on campus. Luckily, they were under the impression that he and Charlotte were still together; otherwise, all these heifers would be all over him. “Hello, ladies. I’m not staying. I just wanted to drop off my gift and talk to Trinette for a moment. That’s if I can steal you away.”

  With a nod Zakiya took the box from his hand and added it to the others.

  “Sure. Y’all excuse me a minute.” With the help of one of the ladies, I rose from the chair. I made my way through
all the gifts and followed Jrue out onto the porch. “Hey, baby, I’m surprised to see you here,” I purred softly.

  Jrue walked down to the bottom step before he swung around and I noticed his expression had turned serious. “We’ve gotta problem.”

  I didn’t like the way he was looking at me. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a folded sheet of paper and held it out to me.

  “What is it?” I asked. I was suddenly afraid.

  “Proof that the baby you’re carrying isn’t mine.”

  It took everything I had to keep a straight face. There was no way he said what I thought he said. Yet the moment I took the paper from his hands and stared down at it, I felt like my feet had slipped out from under me.

  “Charlotte has been seeing a doctor for weeks about infertility.” He paused for a moment while he paced the length of the porch. “A week ago, Charlotte agreed not to go after my inheritance in the divorce if I agreed to be tested. She knew. She knew all along there was no way you were carrying my child.”


  Somehow, I managed to stay calm. “The test isn’t one hundred percent.”

  “Maybe not, but it’s enough to make me question what is happening here.”

  I hoped I didn’t look as panic-stricken as I felt. “What reason do I have to lie to you?”

  “Every reason,” he replied, then crossed his arms and gave me a cold stare. “Leon was under the impression you were carrying his child. I thought he was impotent.”

  “Well . . . I . . .” Damn, I was so busted.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Zakiya looking between the vertical blinds. Nosy ass. The last thing I wanted was for any of them to know what was going on in my personal life, so I tried to explain in a low voice, “I didn’t say we never had sex, I said he had a hard time performing even when he could get it up. Leon thought he had managed to get me pregnant, so I let him think that.”

  “Just like you let me think that baby you’re carrying is mine.”

  “That’s because it is!” I yelled at him, then remembered we had an audience. “Why are you treating me like this? I love you.”


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