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There You Are

Page 13

by E. L. Todd

  He slowly turned around. “You didn’t feel that way a second ago.” He crossed his arms over his chest and stared me down.

  “I just said that because I was upset. I’m sorry.”

  He continued to give me that ruthless look.

  “I’m sorry.” I apologized again because I didn’t know what else to do. “I wish I could take back what I said.”

  “Or you could just stop saying it.”

  “Yeah…that’d probably be better,” I said with a shrug.

  Conrad stared at the floor for a moment before he looked at me again. “What?”

  “What what?” I asked.

  “Are you leaving?”

  “Do you want me to…?” I was hoping I could stay after I apologized.

  He shrugged. “Yeah…that’d probably be better.” His smile told me he was being playful.

  The anxiety left my chest when I realized we were okay. “So…what’s for dinner?”

  “Why are you asking me?” he asked. “You’re the chef around here.”

  “What if I don’t want to cook tonight?”

  “We can order hot wings.”

  I grimaced. “I don’t want hot wings…”

  “Then what do you want?”

  “PB&J and Mac and cheese?” It was a childish meal but it sounded good to me.

  He chuckled. “That doesn’t sound bad. It makes me feel like I’m in college though.”

  “Those were good times.”

  He dropped his hands to his sides and came closer to me. When he was in front of me he stopped. “They were. But times have gotten a lot better.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I got the call. “Are they okay?”

  “Neither one of them were harmed,” the sergeant said. “Slade is covered in blood but none of it belongs to him. And they are pretty shaken up about it.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  “See you soon, Mr. Preston.”

  I hung up then hauled ass into the city. I knew I should call Mike and tell him what happened but I would have to implicate myself in the process. If he knew that I had knowledge about Trinity’s rape he would never forgive me.


  I didn’t feel like doing it in the car so I decided to wait until I got to the police station. If the argument became too heated I could lose focus and crash off the side of the road.

  When I got into the city I made it to the police station and practically ran inside. After questioning a few people I located Slade and Trinity. They were sitting together in an office. Slade’s clothes were lathered in blood but Trinity held onto him anyway. It looked like they just finished giving their testimony.

  I walked inside and felt a little better when I realized they were really okay. “I just got the call…” I was out of breath from all the running and speeding I just did.

  Slade had a grim look on his face.

  Trinity clung to him like she might die if he slipped away.

  Mike walked in, the phone pressed to his ear. “Baby, they’re okay. I’ll update you when I have more information.” He hung up and shoved the phone into his pocket.

  Well, if he was going to kill me at least there would be cops around.

  Mike turned to me. “Hey, how did you get here so fast?”

  “Bernard called me.” He was a detective I’d known for years. He’d gotten me out of a few jams and parking tickets.

  “Trinity and Slade just told me what happened,” he said. “I can’t believe it.” He shook his head and rubbed his chin. “I’m so glad they’re okay.”

  “Me too.” I gave Slade a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. I wondered if they told Mike what happened to Trinity. It would be difficult to talk about. Any parent wouldn’t want to hear it, especially Mike.

  “Why did he attack you?” Mike asked. “This just came out of nowhere.”

  Slade spoke because Trinity was too upset. “Trinity worked with him for a while and he didn’t seem totally right in the head…he seemed off. That’s when Trinity stopped working with him. Then he was at the top of the headlines for all the things he’d done. I think he came after Trinity because he thought she was the one who ratted him out.”


  “What is it Trinity?” Mike asked.

  “No.” Slade didn’t lie but he didn’t tell the truth either. “He came into the hotel and that’s when the fight began. And he shot himself.” He said it without any ounce of emotion.

  “Why were you in a hotel?” Mike asked. “Under a fake name?”

  How would Slade lie out of this one?

  “Trinity and I wanted to be romantic and adventurous.” It was easy for him to lie because he didn’t feel anything at the moment. He was totally numb. “So, we met at a hotel under different names. We used disguises too. I don’t know how he tracked us there.”

  “Shit.” Mike started to pace. “Why do people always have it out for Prestons?”

  “I couldn’t tell you,” I said. “But at least they’re okay and the guy is dead.”

  Mike came around the table then kneeled down beside Trinity. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  She nodded, her face pale and blank.

  “I’m here to talk. You know that.” He cupped her cheek then ran his hand down her arm.

  Slade turned his head away to give them some privacy.

  I looked at Slade then nodded out the door, telling him I wanted to speak in private.

  He slowly walked out, his limbs barely moving.

  When we were out of earshot I started talking. “Are you not going to tell him?”

  Slade shook his head.

  “Or the police?”

  He shook his head again.

  “Slade, I know you’ve been through a lot but you need to talk to me.” I kept my voice gentle so it wouldn’t seem like an interrogation. “You can’t lie to the police.”

  “The guy is dead, he’s already been accused of rape, and Trinity gains nothing from telling the truth. Everyone will know what happened to her and her image will never be the same. Our entire family doesn’t have to know what happened to her. Trust me, it’s better this way.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked. “You can’t just go back and change it.”

  “I know,” he said. “I think this is the best thing for Trinity. If people keep looking at her like she’s damaged goods she’ll never move on. And Mike will die if he ever finds out. I can’t do that to him…”

  I nodded in understanding. “I guess this stays between the three of us then.”

  Slade nodded. “It’s just a bad nightmare that we all need to forget about.”

  “I know that’s easier said than done.” I stared into my nephew’s face and saw something I recognized. He felt the same way I did when I killed Zack. There was no remorse there. “I’m always here if you need to talk.”

  “I’m okay, Uncle Sean. I’m just…overwhelmed at the moment.”

  “Well, if you need to get away the trip is on me.” I clapped his shoulder.

  “Sean?” He asked the question like he hadn’t just heard what I said.


  “When you killed Zack, what did you feel?”

  That was a loaded question. I decided to be honest because that’s what would help Slade get through this. “Relief.”

  “That he was gone?”

  I nodded. “But you didn’t kill Maximum. Unless that’s a lie too?”

  “It’s not,” Slade said immediately. “He didn’t even hesitate. It was clear he thought of the possibility before he came to the hotel. He knew there was no way out. We’d taken everything that ever meant anything to him. At that point, he was already dead. And he knew it.”

  “Then you have nothing to worry about, nothing to keep you awake at night.” “I guess…” He turned his gaze away, staring at the hall where people passed. “I worry about Trinity. Before he came to the hotel we…made a lot of progress.”

  I knew what he was referring to but I t
ried not to be uncomfortable by it.

  “I’m afraid this puts us back ten steps. I just want her to be better, to forget this whole thing and move on. All I want…is for her to be happy.”

  “I’m sure she’ll move on now that he’s dead, Slade.”

  “I hope.”

  “How’s the baby?”

  “The doctor said the baby is fine. She was out of the way most of the time so she wasn’t touched.”

  I eyed his broken nose and the bandage that covered it. “Will you be okay?”

  “I’m fine.” He brushed it off. “I’ve had worse. You know that.”

  I wrapped my arms around him because I was sure he needed something. I pulled him against my chest and held him there. He was my height and size now and it was strange to know that I never really got used to it. I guess he would always be a small boy in my eyes. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Uncle Sean.”

  “You want me to call your dad?”

  “Please.” His voice cracked slightly, showing the first sign of emotion. “I need to talk to him.”

  “Of course.” I pulled away then patted him on the shoulder. “He’ll be down here in a second.”

  “Okay.” Slade didn’t show emotion very often but it was clear he had a soft spot for his dad.

  Just the way I did.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Trinity’s hands were still shaking.

  No matter what I did or said she couldn’t calm down. She kept touching me, wanting to make sure I was okay. It was as if she feared I really had been shot but all the EMT’s missed it.

  “Baby, it’s okay.” We were about to be released from the police station because all the questioning had been completed. Maybe she would mellow out when all the fuss died down. When we were alone in our home the silence would comfort her. “We’re going home soon.”

  She stared at the floor.

  “Where’s my son?” Dad ran up to the counter and started spitting out words to whoever would listen. “Slade Sisco. Where is he? I’m his dad. He’s my boy.” Mom came up behind him, just as terrified.

  “Dad, we’re right here.” I waved from the other side of the room.

  He left the desk without saying another word to the cop. He headed right for me. Just when I thought he was about to hug me he turned to Trinity and hugged her. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  “I’m fine,” she said into his chest. “Slade took care of me.”

  He rubbed her back and rested his chin on her head. “I couldn’t be more proud of him.”

  I yearned for Dad’s touch but I was glad he was comforting Trinity. She needed it more than I did.

  “My baby.” Mom hugged me hard and practically squeezed me to death. “I’m so glad you’re alright. When Sean called we were terrified.” She sniffed and continued to hug me.

  Mom wasn’t big on emotion. She was usually bossy and no-bullshit. But on rare occasions she showed her maternal side. “We’re both okay.”

  “I’m so grateful. I love you to death, Son.”

  “I love you too, Mom.”

  She continued to hold me, treasuring me.

  “Wait…I thought you hated me?”

  “No. Never.” Her arms were permanently locked around me.

  Dad pulled away from Trinity then came toward me. “Janice, let’s switch.”

  Mom left my arms then embraced Trinity. “I’m so glad my girl is okay.”

  “Me too,” Trinity said into her ear. “Slade got us out of there.”

  Dad cupped both of my cheeks and looked into my face like he was memorizing it. All the emotion there said so much, that he loved me more than anything in the world. If something were to happen to me he wouldn’t have been able to go on. Dad was all fun and jokes. He was hardly serious like he was now. But he said everything he needed to say in just a look.

  “I love you too, Dad.”

  He kissed my forehead then rested his forehead against mine. He held me there, his breaths controlled and deep. His hands moved to my shoulders and he gripped me hard. “You’re my whole world.”

  “I know…”

  “My best friend.”

  “You’re my best friend too.” I took a deep breath and tried not to get teary-eyed. Dad had that effect on me. He could do so much so easily. He was the greatest dad in the world. Actually, he was the greatest person.

  “I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you.”

  “You never have to worry about that, Dad. I’m okay.”

  He pulled me into his chest and hugged me hard. He buried his face in my neck and cried quietly, gripping me like he needed to know I was real.

  I’d never seen my dad cry.


  And that made me cry. I took a deep breath and blinked my eyes to make it stop. But nothing I did worked. The tears fell and streaked down my cheeks. I felt everything he felt in that moment. Both Trinity and I were out of the woods but the possibility we may not have been was devastating.

  Dad didn’t let me go and it was clear he was going to hold me like that for a long time. He needed to feel my strong heartbeat. He needed to feel the warmth of my body.

  He needed to know this wasn’t all a dream.

  Dad held me for nearly ten minutes before he finally released me. His eyes were no longer wet but they were red and irritated. He didn’t seem ashamed of his emotion, not in the least. “Do you need anything?”

  I shook my head. “No. I have everything I need.”

  He nodded like he didn’t know what else to do. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “You are?” It was a miracle that I survived. If I hadn’t dropped my phone and bent over to pick it up I’d be dead right now. It was pure luck. It could have easily turned out differently.

  He lowered his voice so no one else could hear him speak. “Sean told me everything.”

  I nodded in acknowledgment.

  “You did exactly what any good husband would have done. And you’re going to be an even better father.”

  Those words hit me deep below the surface. I hated myself for letting Trinity be assaulted to begin with. It was my fault and I could have prevented it. The fact he said I’d made up for that meant a lot to me. Now I could get some sleep. “Thanks…” It meant a lot to me when Dad believed in me. Even though I didn’t always do well in school and I always marched to the beat of my own drum he was still proud of me.

  “Do you guys want to stay with us tonight?”

  “No.” I glanced at Trinity. “She’s still shaken up. I think she just needs to be alone right now. Calm down.”

  “Whatever you think is best.” He clapped my shoulder then wrapped his arm around me. “I hope you know how much I love you. Sometimes I worry I don’t say it enough.”

  “You do, Dad.” I put my arm over his shoulder. “Even when you don’t speak.”


  Trinity lay in bed beside me but she was completely stiff. The sun had already risen and the city was bright. But it was still darkness in our minds. “There’s no way I’m going to be able to sleep.”

  I lay beside her, feeling the same tension all over my body. “Just close your eyes. I’m right here.”

  “But I’m afraid of what I’ll see when I do.”

  “You might have nightmares for a while but they’ll pass.” I wrapped my entire body around her so she would feel safe. “Remember, no one can get to you while I’m here.”

  “I know…”

  “He’s gone now. He won’t ever come back.”

  “I know that too.”

  I ran my fingers through her hair and tried to calm her down with just my touch. “Remember what our lives were like before this happened?”


  “Tell me about it.”

  She looked at me like she wasn’t sure if I was being serious or not.

  “Tell me,” I repeated.

  “Well…I used to wake up in the morning to your body wrapped aroun
d mine. Most of the time you didn’t even look comfortable. Your arms were all over the place and so were your legs. But the second I moved out of the bed you would wake up and drag me back.

  “You would walk me to work then give me a hot kiss that made me want to stay. You’d look at me in this special way, like you were memorizing my features so you could think about them at work.

  “My day would go by in a flash because there was so much on my plate. But somehow, you crossed my mind from time-to-time. And every time I thought about you I would smile.

  “Whenever you picked me up from work you would put your hands all over me, like you couldn’t wait until we got home to do inappropriate things. Your hand would always move to my small belly and always ask how our baby was going.

  “After we went home we’d have dinner together. You would usually cook because you knew I was too tired to do it myself. Even though you hate brussel sprouts and spinage you would make it anyway because you knew I needed to eat it. Then we would watch TV on the couch until we both got too tired to stay awake.

  “Every night before bed we would make love that was slow and gentle. Even when it became late we kept going because we enjoyed it so much. And every morning I would wake up exhausted because I didn’t get enough sleep the night before. But it was always worth it…” When she finished she looked at me, waiting for me to react.

  “And that’s exactly how it will be—starting tomorrow.”

  Lost In You

  Book Forty-Eight of The Forever and Ever Series

  There will be a four-week period before the next installment is released.

  I know you guys hate the longer breaks but I desperately need to take some time away. My wrists need to rest, and I’ve spent too much time locked away in my office. Thank you for your understanding.


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  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading Skye and Cayson’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you could leave a short review, it would help me so much! Those reviews are the best kind of support you can give an author. Thank you!


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