Book Read Free

Taking the Plunge

Page 15

by E. L. Todd

“No, Thatcher. But thank you.”

  “The offer stands whenever you want it.”

  “You’re the coolest boss ever.”

  He smiled. “That’s what happens when the boss falls in love with his employee.”

  She stilled. “You’re in love with me?”

  “You didn’t catch that?”

  “It’s just hard to believe.”

  “I don’t see why.” He buried his face in her neck and held her close. “I know you’re in love with me too.”


  When Nancy opened her eyes the next morning, Thatcher was staring at her. His hand was tangled in her hair, lightly touching her. She released a deep breath and moved slightly, inching closer to him. His hand moved to her waist then under her shirt, resting on her small stomach. His thumb rubbed her gently, feeling warm against her skin.

  “How did you sleep?” she whispered.

  “Better than I have in a long time.”

  “I’m glad. I hope I had something to do with that.”

  Nancy rested her hand on his arm. “Thank you for letting me stay here.”

  “You can take the day off if you want. I can manage without you.”

  “Thank you. I need to move my things.”

  “I can give you a pay advance so you can get your apartment.”

  “I have money saved.”


  She moved closer to him, her face close to his. Being next to him made her feel better, safe. He took a deep breath when she came close to him, like he was caught off guard or excited.

  “What?” she asked.


  She rested her hand on his chest, feeling the fabric of his shirt.

  “I want to ask you something.”

  “Yeah?” she asked.

  “Can I change my promise?”

  “Change it?”

  “Can I kiss your forehead whenever I want?”

  “I like it when you do that.”

  He smiled then leaned toward her head, kissing her gently. “I like doing it too.”

  “I don’t want to get up and face the day,” she said with a sigh.

  “Don’t you have school?”

  “I’m not going.”

  “Now that you’re going to be a famous artist, you should just drop out.”

  “You think?”

  “I know.”

  “That sounds tempting.”

  “Nothing in life is guaranteed, but I’m certain about this one.”

  She was speechless. “You’ve done so much for me, Thatcher.”

  “No, you did it all. I didn’t paint those works of art. That was all you.”

  She sat up and tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “You want brunch?”

  “Brunch? What time is it?”


  She sighed. “I didn’t mean to sleep so late.”

  He touched her waist. “It’s okay.”

  “I have so much to do today.”

  “It’s alright. We’ll figure it out.”

  They walked into the kitchen and Thatcher made breakfast. He was quick and efficient. He made the waffles while he cooked the eggs and bacon, working all three pans at the same time.

  “You’re good at that,” she said while she drank her coffee.

  “Thank you. My mom was impressed too.” He set the plates on the table and they ate quietly. She loved wearing his clothes because they were so comfortable. And she loved the smell. Thatcher ate his food slowly, chewing each bite more than necessary.

  “You’re cute,” she whispered.

  “I’m cute?”

  “You eat so slow.”

  He laughed. “I’ve been teased for that my whole life.”

  “Why do you eat like that?”

  He shrugged. “It’s just how I am.”

  When she was done, she washed the dishes in his sink.

  He came next to her. “What are you doing?”

  “The dishes.”

  “You’re my guest. Don’t worry about it.”

  “You cook and I clean.”

  “We can do it together.”


  After she changed and got ready, they drove to her house and parked outside. Thatcher backed his trunk in the driveway so it would be easier to transport the furniture.

  Her father wasn’t home like she expected so they went into her room and moved her belongings. Thatcher carried the heavy things without any problems. He moved her dresser and her bed without hitting the walls or denting his truck.

  Nancy packed her glasses, clothes, and art supplies then placed them in the back of his truck. When she looked at the pile, she realized her possessions were pathetic. She didn’t have much of anything.

  Her father’s Lamborghini pulled into the driveway, and Nancy’s heart fell at the sight. She wasn’t expecting him to come home in the middle of the day on a Monday. She wondered if he had used the silent alarm to figure out when she returned. Her father didn’t love her, but he predicted her behavior accurately. He parked his car in front of Thatcher’s trunk, closing him in. Thatcher looked at Nancy, silently asking what she wanted him to do.

  Her father walked up, unbuttoning the front of his jacket as he moved. “What’s going on?”

  She took a deep breath and kept her back straight. “I’m moving.”

  “You’re moving?”

  “Yes. Please move your car.”

  “And where are you moving?”

  “An apartment.”

  “You’re so ungrateful. I give you everything and you don’t give a damn.”

  Thatcher stepped away, trying to give them some privacy.

  “I don’t care if you think I’m ungrateful,” Nancy said. “You don’t give me what I need.”

  “I pay for your education, buy you food, give you a place to live.”

  “Well, I don’t need that anymore so what’s left? What do you have to offer me?”

  He stared at her, his eyes glistening with menace.

  “I need a father, someone who loves me, not buys me things and holds it over my head every day. Now that the money is gone and I don’t need you anymore, what’s left? You don’t care about me, ask me about my day. You didn’t care about the painting I drew. You don’t eat dinner with me. You didn’t show up to my art show. You don’t care about anyone but yourself, your car, your money, and your stupid bimbos.”

  “What art show?”

  “I told you about it the night before the event. You said you would be there.”

  He sighed. “I’m sorry. It slipped my mind.”

  “Or you weren’t listening to begin with. Now move your car so I can get out of your life for good. You can entertain your girls here. You don’t have to worry about me anymore, not that you ever did.”

  He placed his suitcase on the ground then looked at her. “I’m sorry. What do you want me to say?”

  “That’s the worst apology I’ve ever heard. Don’t say something unless you mean it. It dilutes the purpose. Let’s be real here. You don’t love me, you don’t even like me. Let me leave and we’ll just forget about each other.”

  “Kiddo, of course I love you.”

  “It doesn’t seem like it,” she said. “Now get the fuck out of the way.”

  “Don’t talk to me like that.”

  “Or what? You’re going to cut me off?” She rolled her eyes. “You know what I miss? I miss when we lived in that beat up shack and we barely had enough food. You were my best friend and we did everything together. After you started the hotel, you became a different person. You used to fingerpaint with me, saying I could be an artist if I wanted to. You believed in me, told me to chase my dreams. But I bet you don’t even remember that. All you care about is ripping off your employees, making more money, and having your fancy cars. Now get the hell out of my life. You were never in it.”

  He stared at her then looked down at the ground, his hands on his hips. She marched to him then grab
bed the keys from his hand then advanced to the car.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “What? Are you afraid I’ll wreck it?” She got inside then pulled forward, getting it out of the way. She came back and threw the keys at his feet. “Have a good life, Dad. Let’s go, Thatcher.”

  Thatcher stepped forward and nodded to her father before he got into the car then drove away, heading back to his place. She said nothing on the drive, looking out the window so he couldn’t see her tears.

  He reached over and grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb over her skin. She didn’t look at him, focusing her gaze out the window. When she sniffed, he pulled his hand away then rested it on the back of her neck, massaging her gently. The touch immediately reminded her of the way Coen touched Sydney, the intimate embrace that was both possessive and gentle.

  They came back to his house with her luggage in tow. They walked back inside and she went into his bedroom, shutting the door behind her. Thatcher respected her privacy and left her alone. She felt like she would fall apart any moment and she needed a moment to collect herself. When she came out a few moments later, he was sitting at the kitchen table, his laptop on the surface along with a cup of coffee.

  He looked at her then patted the seat next to him. “I found a few places.”

  “You did?”


  She sat next to him and he dropped his arm over her shoulders.

  “These two apartments are close to work and affordable. I found a few closer to the university, but those aren’t in the best area. I found a few houses you can rent. They are more expensive but you should be able to afford it on your new salary.”

  “Thank you,” she said as she looked at him.

  He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. “Of course.”

  “I’ll check out these apartments.”


  She picked up her phone and made the call. Luckily, she was able to see it today. “I’ll be back.”

  “Are you going to check it out?”


  “I’ll come with you.”

  “No,” she said quickly. “You’ve taken so much time out of your day already.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I want to come.”

  “Okay.” She was happy he was coming. She was scared to do this on her own and she was grateful he was willing to help her so much.

  They went to the apartment, which had two bedrooms with an expansive living room. There was a patio where she could paint.

  “It’s perfect,” she said.

  He looked around, checking every faucet, the ventilation system, and the toilets. “It’s good.”

  “I’ll get it, then.”

  She went down to the office and paid for the first month plus her deposit. After she got the keys, she and Thatcher spent the afternoon moving her things. He brought her small bed into the bedroom then assembled it and arranged her dressers. She took care of the smaller boxes and unpacked everything. By the evening, they were both tired.

  “Thank you so much for helping me,” she said when they sat in the living room.

  He placed his hand on her thigh. “No problem.”

  She blinked her eyes, feeling the emotion flood her body. “I don’t have anyone else.”

  “That isn’t true,” he whispered.

  “Yes, it is. You’re the first person who’s—taken care of me.”

  “I know your friends would be here in a heartbeat. You’re just afraid to show them who you really are. I can guarantee that they wouldn’t treat you any different.”

  “You think?”

  “I know,” he said as he ran his fingers through her hair.


  He stared at her, seeing the moisture behind her eyes.

  “I feel like I should do something since you helped me.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know—get you a card or something.”

  He laughed. “There’s something you could for me—if you really want to.”

  She turned her head, looking at him. “What?” She didn’t know what he would request, but she suspected she knew what it would be.

  “Sleep with me tonight.”

  “That’s what you want?” she asked with a smile.

  “I like sleeping with you. I like seeing you wear my clothes. When you sleep, you look so peaceful, so gorgeous. Your lips slightly open. Your hair cascades around the pillow, the scent relaxing me. I enjoy having you next to me, knowing you’ll be there in the morning.”

  He was so sweet to her. He was so perfect, so amazing, and she couldn’t believe he cared for her so much. It was unreal. “Your fiancé was stupid for leaving you.”

  He smiled at her. “No, she made the best decision for both of us. Now I’m where I belong.”

  “Yes, I’ll sleep with you.”

  “Okay. Do you want to sleep here or there?”

  “Well, I have school in the morning.”

  “So you’re still going?”

  “For now.”

  “That’s fine. As long as you don’t mind me sleeping in my briefs.”

  That made her eyes widen. He didn’t have any clothes here. She hadn’t thought about that.

  “Let’s just stay at my place,” he offered, reading her mind.

  “No, it’s okay.”

  “Are you sure?”



  They went down the hall and settled into her room. Boxes were still in the corner and her stuff was unorganized. She grabbed a long t-shirt and shorts before she walked into the bathroom and changed. When she came back, he was already under the covers. She slipped in beside him, immediately feeling his bare flesh against hers.

  The sexual tension between them hung in the air. When her fingers trailed down his stomach, she wanted to kiss him everywhere, taste his skin. When she moved her legs, she felt his muscled thighs next to hers. They were thick and strong. She didn’t look under the blanket to see the bulge in his briefs but she wanted to. She was worried something would happen between them but she knew Thatcher would honor his promise to her.

  He pulled her to him, his hand moving up her shirt and resting on her ribs. “Has he called?”

  “My phone has been off since yesterday.”

  “Your friends are probably worried about you.”

  “I’ll talk to them tomorrow.”

  “Are you never going to talk to our dad again?”

  “I don’t see why I would. He obviously doesn’t care.”

  “I don’t think that’s true.”

  She shook her head. “You saw him, Thatcher.”

  “I can’t imagine any father not loving their daughter. I think he just lost sight of what’s important. He’ll come around.”

  “You don’t know him like I do.”

  He didn’t respond to that.

  “And I’m not letting him get away with it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You said the only thing that will get through to him is money.”


  “Well, I’ll start speaking his language.”

  “What are you planning?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure yet.”

  His hand stroked her hair gently. “I could look at you forever.”

  Her eyes softened and she ran her fingers down his chest.

  “Are you working tomorrow?”

  “Of course.”

  “You can take time off if you need it.”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Let me know if you change your mind,” he said.

  “I’m okay.”

  He grabbed her leg and placed it over his waist, running his fingers across the bare skin. “I love your legs.”

  “You do?”

  “They are sexy.”

  She laughed. “Sexy and I don’t go hand in hand.”

  “Perhaps all your mirrors are broken.”

  “They a

  “You know what my favorite feature is?”


  “Your eyes. But everything else comes in a close second.”

  “You know what my favorite feature is about you?”


  “Your lips.”

  “You haven’t even tasted them yet.”

  “I know I’ll like it.”

  He rubbed his nose against hers then kissed her forehead. “Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  Neither one of them closed their eyes. They stared at each other, touching each other as the night passed. It was dark but she could see the outline of his jaw and the sparkle of his eyes. His lips looked tantalizing, thin and kissable. But she held back, knowing it wasn’t the right moment. She wasn’t sure when that would be, but she knew it wasn’t now.


  She turned on her phone when she got to school the next morning. There were so many messages that her mailbox was full. Instead of dealing with it, she just erased everything. She knew they would all be from Derek.

  Her classes were even more difficult to get through than they normally were. Now that she had a job she loved and was on a career path that she wanted more than anything, school was difficult, if not impossible to get through.

  When lunchtime came, she wasn’t sure if she should go to the cafeteria. She knew she had to face her friends eventually, and she did tell Derek they would still be friends. After what Derek did, she couldn’t look at him the same. Now she wished she hadn’t wasted months with him. When her gut told her to end the relationship, she should have just stuck with it. Her compassionate heart believed he was worth waiting for, but she had been badly mistaken.

  She got her lunch then took her seat at the table.

  Her friends all stared at her, speechless. Sydney was the first one to make a move. She stood up from her chair and hugged Nancy, holding her for a long moment. Nancy smiled and hugged her back. Henry moved in next and held her for a moment, letting her rest against his chest. Ren moved in next before they sat down again.

  “We’re so sorry,” Sydney said.

  “It isn’t your fault,” Nancy said.

  “You’ll be happy the next time you see Derek,” Coen said. “Henry and I paid him a little visit.”

  “And kicked his ass,” Henry said.

  Nancy shook her head. “You shouldn’t have done that.”


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