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Lang, Chloe - Strong Desire [The Strong Cowboys of Wilde, Nevada 2] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever - Serialized)

Page 5

by Chloe Lang

  “Good. That’ll give me a chance to freshen up somewhere. Once the interview is done, I’ll drive us back.”

  “Not a chance. We’re getting a room for you to freshen up and to stay the night. We can hit the road in the early morning to get to Wilde.”

  She frowned. “I can’t afford a room, and I don’t want you paying. You’ve already done too much.”

  He squeezed her with his right arm. “I told you that I want some beach time. Besides, I will decide what is too much, Charly, not you.”

  She sighed. “I don’t know how to argue with you.”

  “You should stop trying, sweetheart.”

  She wasn’t like any woman he’d been with. Besides being so very gorgeous, Charly’s honesty, charm, and goodness had flattened Heath completely out, leaving a deep, demanding hunger inside him. The stupid game with his brothers was long forgotten since taking her to his garage. She wasn’t some pretty little rope to play tug-of-war with. She was no gold digger, like Gabby. What lay ahead once he was back on the ranch would be tougher than anything he’d ever faced. This was completely different than what happened with Gabby. Then, he’d been trying to protect his brothers from her. Now that he’d spent time with Charly, he knew the game had changed. If he didn’t get his brothers on board, he would lose them forever. Still, whatever the pain or cost, he must make sure that Charly Wynn was his.

  “Get some rest.” I’ve got to unravel this disaster. He touched Charly’s silky locks, and suddenly an idea formed. It would take some doing, but he thought it might just work. “You want to be fresh for the interview, don’t you?”

  “Okay, cowboy. You’ve got the reins.”

  * * * *

  Unfortunately, Charly had arrived at her interview late.

  Heath had stopped just outside Lancaster, California, insisting she should rest for a bit. Unable to refuse his logic that they had plenty of time for the rest of the trip, she didn’t argue. He fell asleep on the bed when she’d taken a much-needed shower. Snuggling into the sleeping giant, she, too, had drifted off. Regretfully, they’d overslept.

  Then the road construction, a couple of accidents, and the traffic had added a couple of hours more to their trip.

  Even though late, her interview had gone great.

  Standing on the sidewalk in front of the rehab facility, she waited for Heath to pick her up and couldn’t stop smiling. Sure it was due in part to the feedback she’d gotten from the hiring manager, but the bigger part was how excited she was to get to spend more time with her cowboy savior.

  When she saw the Chevy coming down the drive, Charly realized that only a few days ago she’d never imagined she’d be waiting on any man, let alone a guy who had muscles that any professional athlete would be envious of. Then an image of Drake appeared in her head, along with a sudden dose of guilt.

  But why should I be? Isn’t this normal for these brothers? But she recalled how Drake had acted around the elder Strong brothers and wondered if she’d screwed up everything.

  Heath pulled the car up with the driver’s side next to her and killed the engine. She stepped toward the front of the car, heading to the passenger’s side. How can I fix my mistake? Her shoulders sagged, heavy with the weight of shame.

  He opened his door as she started to go around the car. “Where are you going?”

  “To get in the car.” Drake’s image smiled at her, and her heart ripped in two. There’d been no promises, no commitments spoken, but she’d crossed a line with Heath, breaking the unspoken ones.

  “Come here.” His commanding tone made her tingle and filled her with concern.

  “What did I do?” What fool would try to juggle two brothers? Me, of course.

  He laughed. “My mother would be ashamed of me if I didn’t open your door.”

  “You posing as a gentleman today?” He sure wasn’t a gentleman back at his garage yesterday. But he wasn’t the only one to blame. She carried her share, too.

  “Maybe.” Heath put his arm around her, guiding her to the driver’s door. “Besides, I want you close to me, not on the other side of the car.”

  “Holding tight to those reins, cowboy?”

  “You betcha.” He opened the Chevy’s door for her. “After you, sweetheart.”

  She scooted inside, moving to the middle of the bench seat. “Happy?”

  He crawled in after her. “More than you know. How did it go?”

  “Really well, I think.”

  He nodded and turned the key in the ignition. “You can tell me all about it after you get some rest at the hotel.”

  “A shower sounds nice, too.”

  “You’ll like the room, I think.”

  “One room?”

  “You betcha.” His hand came down on her thigh, causing her heart to pound in her chest a little faster.

  Charly wondered if there would be two beds, but she doubted that. “You wanted to go to the beach, right?”

  “After you rest, I thought we could drive to the beach.”

  “You just don’t look like a typical beach rat to me, cowboy.”

  “You’d be surprised at what kinds of things I like to do.”

  When they got to the hotel, she realized that Heath must have spent a fortune on the room. The place was opulent, clearly for wealthy vacationers to enjoy not someone like her.

  Alone in the elevator, she turned to him. “I’ll pay you back for my half after I get my first check, Heath.”

  He pulled her in close and feathered his lips against her mouth. “Not a chance, honey.”

  Tingles spread across her skin, and she felt her cheeks burn hot.

  They took the elevator to the top floor, and Heath used the key card to open the door to their room. He motioned her inside, following behind with her bag, which he insisted on carrying.

  The suite was as stunning as the rest of the place. A tray full of snacks sat on a credenza in the foyer alongside a Keurig coffeemaker with a wide assortment of gourmet java choices. The bathroom had warm Italian marble, nickel-brushed fixtures, two large oval mirrors, a whirlpool tub, and a large shower. There was a sitting area with a sofa and two upholstered chairs. A wall of windows draped in sheer, white linen let in soft sunlight. All the opulence reminded her that she only had fifteen dollars left in her purse, but what had her really jumpy inside was the comfy king-size bed.

  “Heath, I wonder if the sofa is a sleeper.”

  His face darkened, and she immediately wished she hadn’t said that.

  “Why don’t you go take a shower before I tell you how the sleeping arrangement is going to be tonight?”

  “I didn’t mean to upset you, it’s just that I’m not…Well, you know what happened at your garage?” She folded her hands together to hide the fact that they were shaking.

  “I was there, yes.” His unflinching gaze added to her already-expanding alarm.

  “I’m not sure that should happen again.”

  When he placed his hands on her shoulders, she found it hard to breathe. “Go on.”

  She choked out, “I don’t know if I’m like Jessie.”

  He cupped her chin, and his stare seemed even more intense than ever before. “How are you not like your cousin?”

  Her lips trembled as she whispered, “The multiple-groom thing.”

  “Are you thinking marriage already, Charly?”

  “That’s not what I mean.”

  “I know, but I do think you’re getting ahead of yourself.” He continued to cup her chin with his left hand, and he moved his right hand to her hair and began stroking her curls. “Do you always think and plan twelve steps ahead, sweetheart?”

  She sighed. “I’ve had to.”

  “Well, it’s only you and me in this room, right now. Just us. I like being here with you and I believe you feel the same way, too.”

  She nodded, feeling her pussy begin to clench at the tenderness in his voice.

  “That makes me happy, honey.”

  Heath leaned down and
kissed her, making her pussy damp. His musk and cedar scent overwhelmed her. He swept his tongue past her lips and deepened their kiss. The back of her knees weakened, and she moaned into his talented mouth. Her nerves fired hot, and her nipples began to throb under her top.

  Heath stepped back, and then he hoisted her up in his arms. “Now, I think it’s time for that shower.”

  “That sounds nice.” She liked his take-charge demeanor—demanding but not overbearing. Her cheeks were hot, so she knew they had to be bright red.

  When he guided her into the bathroom, he removed her clothing slowly. Did he actually give a shit about her? Charly thought he might, even if it was just a little bit.

  With every bit of clothing he removed, he took time to stroke her exposed skin before moving on to the next article. Heath had also driven her all the way to Malibu. And he wanted her. That was evident. She glanced down at the crotch area of his jeans, which couldn’t hide his massive erection. Her own body responded to his touches, kisses, and even his words like a moth to the flame. Their time in the Chevy back at his garage had undone her.

  Now that she’d tasted his delights, Charly longed for more. Was that the reason she wasn’t resisting him in any way? He was a gentleman, a big, muscular cowboy, who was more self-assured than most.

  “Let me get the water warm in the shower for us.”

  For us? Taking a shower with him was exactly what she desired. The man knew what he wanted, and that he wanted her caused her libido to go into overdrive.

  “I bet you like your showers warm, even hot, sweetheart.”

  Even his most benign words had her insides tingling. “I do.”

  Heath let the water shoot from the shower. Steam began wafting in the air, and her nipples began to throb.

  Heath emptied his pockets’ contents. He tossed the keys onto the tank of the commode. He put several packages of condoms and a bottle of lubricant on the caddy in the shower, causing her to chew on her lip.

  He removed the last of Charly’s clothing. and then placed her on the long marble counter. The stone felt cool on her naked ass.

  He walked back to the counter and leaned down in front of her. His mouth was a feather’s breadth away from her right nipple, and she could feel the heat of his breath on it. Her pussy clenched as his tongue flicked the tiny bit of flesh. Tears pricked at her eyes, and she shot her hands around his neck. Cravings, so primal and so basic, clawed at her insides.

  His hands found the curves of her sides as he continued sucking on her breasts until she wanted to scream with delight. Heath was ravenous, and Charly was thrilled that the meal he most wanted was her.

  Heath stepped back and stripped completely, exposing the body of a Greek god. Every inch of him was utter male perfection. His erect, monstrous cock caused her to stare.

  “You like?” he asked with a teasing tone.

  Hot blood filled her cheeks, but she still confessed with a nod that she did like.

  “I bet you’d like a taste?”

  “But the water is running. Isn’t that a bit of a waste, cowboy?”

  “It’ll keep on running, sweetheart. It’s included on the bill. Besides, I wouldn’t want to waste those pretty little lips of yours. They would look perfect around my dick.” Heath grabbed one of the big bath towels. “This is for your knees, honey.”

  He folded it into a little pad and placed it on the marble floor.

  Completely transfixed by his amazing body, she involuntarily licked her lips. She wanted to taste him. Using only his mouth, Heath had made her come in his garage. The orgasm had been mind blowing. He was such a giving lover, and now she wanted to give to him.

  Charly started to slide off the counter, but Heath raised his hand in a commanding gesture that instructed her to stop.

  “In a hurry, honey?” He grinned. “I’ll get you off the counter. I’m the one who put you there in the first place.”

  This cowboy was bossy, but she found herself excited and turned on by it. “Okay. You seem to be the one running the show.”

  His eyes glistened, turning her on even more. “You’ve got that right, sweetheart.”

  Heath’s touch felt amazing against her bare skin. Most of her life, she’d felt chunky and dowdy, but the ease with which he hoisted her up in his arms made her feel light and sexy.

  “Here you go, honey.” He lowered her to the towel, and she bent her legs, leaving her knees on the soft fabric. The marble floor was cool and hard, unlike the gift of the white cloth he’d made sure would make her comfortable. There was so much more to this rugged cowboy than she could’ve imagined when she’d first met him. Something about him screamed “protector,” “champion,” and of course “lover.” Everything about him made her heart pound faster and harder. Magnetic heat poured from him so strongly that she believed no mere mortal could resist, least of all someone like her.

  “Well?” He stared down at her like a conqueror expecting his tribute.

  Charly looked directly at his enormous erection right in front of her face, and then she looked back at him. “I’m not very experienced at this.”

  “I know. Touch my dick, sweetheart, with your fingers first.”

  Her hands trembled, but she obeyed him. With the tip of her index finger, she touched the slit of his cock. A drop of his pre-slick oozed from it. She pulled her hand back and rubbed the liquid between her thumb and finger.

  “That’s perfect, honey. Get real familiar with my cum. Go on and sample it.”

  Happy to oblige him, she brought her fingers up to her lips and licked the wetness she’d stolen from the head of his dick. It was warm and tasted salty with a tiny hint of spiciness.

  “I can’t wait to feed you more of my seed, sweetheart.”

  More than anything at that moment, she wanted to please him. She tilted her head forward, opening her mouth wide as she did. But Heath reached down and cupped her chin, stopping her from swallowing his cock.

  “Don’t suck on it yet.”

  “I don’t understand. I thought you wanted this?”

  With his free hand, he began stroking her hair. “More than you can even imagine, but I want you to enjoy this, too.”

  By his tone, she knew he meant it, and that made her pussy clench hard. “I’m sure I will.”

  “That’s right, honey. If you’ll follow my instructions, you will have one of the best experiences you can imagine.”

  “Okay. I’m clay. Mold me as you will, boss.”

  He laughed. “Sassy. I love it. Let your fingers guide you first, sweetheart.”

  “Got it.” Charly reached for his dick and wrapped her fingers around the shaft. If felt solid as a metal pole.

  “Umm. Good. Now, cup my balls with your other hand.”

  Immediately, she complied. His testicles were heavy with seed and felt warm in her hand.

  “Fuck yes.”

  She looked up at him. His eyes were lidded. “How does that feel, cowboy?”


  She began pumping on his shaft and very gently squeezing his balls just to see how he would respond.

  “Damn, girl. You’ve got magic fingers.”

  “You ready for me to suck on you now?”

  “Hell yes. You take all the time you need. But if I say ‘stop,’ you stop, understand?”

  Charly nodded. She didn’t want to take any more time teasing his cock. She was ready to wrap her lips around his thick dick. Leaning in, she kissed the bulbous head of his dick.

  “That’s so…good, honey, so…very good. Your lips are so soft and pretty. Gorgeous.” He slurred his words like a man who’d been drugged, and Charly loved being that drug for him.

  His scent was strong, and she loved the way he smelled—musk and cedar. Bringing her mouth to his cock, she licked the pearl of liquid sitting on top of the slit.

  “You like how I taste, honey?”

  “Uh-huh.” Squeezing his shaft, she swallowed the head of his dick.

  “Perfect, honey. God, y
es.” With both hands, Heath tugged on her hair. “Better than I imagined. Fuck.”

  He’d been so good to her, and now she wanted to make him feel good, too. Charly took more of his cock down her throat.

  “Baby, that’s good, but don’t rush. Keep breathing and relax your throat.”

  Charly was glad for his instruction. It made her feel more secure in what she was doing for him. If it didn’t work, he’d tell her. Plus, he clearly wanted her to enjoy the experience, and she certainly was. In fact, she felt empowered and so very sexy.

  Soon, she went down his long, thick dick as far as she could. There were more inches past her lips, but that would be impossible for her tonight given how big Heath’s cock was. Still, he seemed to be enjoying her oral treatment.

  “You can take more, Charly. Just take your time.”

  His encouragement worked like a charm on her, and she swallowed a bit more of his pulsing, monstrous cock.

  “That’s right, honey. Fuck, that’s so good.” His voice deepened, sounding more like a growl than words. “I want you to swallow every drop of me, understand?”

  She wanted that, too. To keep her balance, Charly moved one hand to his muscular thigh, but kept the other stroking his cock in unison with her bobbing head, creating a virtual extension of her mouth on him. The more she sucked, the more she wanted him to shoot his cum into her mouth.

  Heath groaned loudly. “Close, sweetheart. So close.”

  Loving the feeling of power, she sucked harder than ever and sped up her rhythm of mouth and hand. Her nipples throbbed, and heat swept over her.

  “Yes! Take my seed, Charly. All of it!”

  The hot liquid crashed down her throat like a flood, and she felt his cock jerk hard in her mouth. Charly drank down his seed and squeezed on his slick ball sac.

  “Fuck!” he yelled, pushing at the back of her head with both his hands.

  She surrendered to his touch and swallowed another fraction of an inch of his shaft. When his touch softened and he began stroking her hair, she bobbed up and down his cock slowly, bathing him with her mouth. When Charly finally released him from her lips, she licked the tip of his cock, making sure not to miss a single drop of his cum.


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