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H.U.M.A.N.S (The Veiled World Book 1)

Page 3

by Susan Reid

  I sighed and raised the side of my tank top slightly. Reluctantly, I looked down at it.

  Isis bent down and leaned forward to examine it closer. “Wow, that looks disgusting, almost to the point of infection.” She breathed and clucked her tongue.

  She was right. The four gashes where the Nocturna had clawed me were still deep purple and lined with both red and dark blue bruising. The fang marks were still puckered and swollen around the edges and blood red in color. Though it all appeared scabbed over, it still felt raw and exposed.

  “I’m not even gonna ask if it still hurts.” Isis consoled with worry.

  “It’ll be fine.”

  Isis straightened and pointed her index finger at me. “Not taking any chances. I’m gonna call Erian and I’ll send him up as soon as he gets here so he can take another look at it. In the meantime, you’d better drink the elixir.”

  I sighed and let my shirt back down. “As soon as I deaden my taste buds.” I humored her while I grabbed my toothbrush, added toothpaste, and began to brush my teeth.

  “Oh and to fill you in on what we managed to find on the search early this morning,” She began as if she suddenly remembered that part. “We lost track of both Nocturnas, even the one Cole put the tracking chip in. Both seemed to have vanished into thin air, so Cole, Jax, and the others are going to do another sweep further out to the other nearby islands tonight.”

  “That far out?”

  Isis nodded and leaned back against the wall.

  “We have to find out what route they’re taking.”

  “They’re not taking any routes. There’s a gateway on the island somewhere already or that mystery Nocturna knows how to cast and close them. I’m hard pressed to believe that the first one bypassed a mainland full of human blood just to sniff out elementals because he was starving.”

  “Yeah, that’s exactly what Cole and Clee said. I didn’t see any sign of one last night but then again I didn’t navigate the entire island either. I’ll bet anything that it’s camouflaged in plain sight and probably in the last ten percent of the island that we’re gonna finish covering tonight. Anyway, Ladd, Sage, and I are offering aerial assistance but you are staying put. Cole told me to make sure you understood that.”

  I shook my head, spit, and then rinsed. “No way. We need as many hunters on the ground as possible. Open gateways always spell trouble. It’s a one-sided mirror. Any being can see us from the other side before we’ll see them from here.” I said after drying my mouth on a towel.

  Isis placated my insistence with her hands raised and palms forward, “I know but it’s already been decided. Cole is not gonna let you go so you may as well be prepared to spend an evening at home relaxing and healing. Don’t worry, if I happen to see tall, dark, and gorgeous again, I’ll try and get a name and number.” She smiled and winked.

  “Don’t joke, Isis. All Nocturna are really good looking but he’s definitely proven that he’s not a regular Nocturna if he can just appear and disappear anywhere like that. You’d better be extremely careful because it worries me that he could have easily tracked us back here the same way we tried to track him. He knows this island exists now and that we’re all on it.”

  “That’s possible but I don’t think he will.”

  “How do you figure that?”

  She shrugged, picking up a honey roll and taking a bite.

  “He seemed reasonable and intelligent so I really don’t think he’d risk it. He has no idea just how many of us are here and what we can do. Cole meant business and he’s intimidating enough without the threats.”

  “And we don’t know how many there are like him either. Never underestimate anyone. That’s how I got this.” I pointed to the wound in my side. “For all we know he could have been a spy.”

  “Well, that’s why we’re going to be doing nightly sweeps for the next few nights just to be sure he’s gone. Oh, and I may be in a little late on Mondays and Thursdays if that’s alright. I volunteered to help mentor Dahlia and Rob’s daughter, Tarin. Her air magic is all over the place. They had her help dry the coat of paint they put on the exterior of their house last week but she managed to uproot an entire tree instead and sent it sailing through the neighbors’ window across the street.” Isis giggled through a mortified expression.

  “That’s fine. How the hell did they explain that one to them?” I snickered.

  “I don’t know but that almost gave them away. Not good.” Isis replied as she headed for the door, licking the honey off her fingers. Then she turned to face me again, “I’ll see if Erian can add some sort of a flavor enhancer to that elixir. Don’t worry about the bar, we’ve got all of it covered.” She assured me as she made her way back to the door and opened it.

  “What about Twinkie? Did anyone feed him yet?” I asked, drizzling honey into my tea.

  “Of course. He’s been caterwauling all morning looking for you though. Do you want me to bring him up?”

  “No, I’ll be down in a bit.”

  She grinned. “Don’t want to miss Marq, do we? He’s gonna freak when he sees your injury.”

  “I know but do not tell him anything if he’s already here. I’ll tell him myself.” I warned her.

  She rolled her eyes and blew out an exasperated sigh. “I won’t…” She closed the door but I could distinctly hear her add on, “Unless he happens to ask...” She finished, her voice muffled.

  I know Isis, she held onto news as if it were on fire. She would coerce him into asking about how the hunt went just so she could tell him.

  I’d better hurry downstairs.

  Chapter 4

  Marqwasn’t here yet, so I spent the morning assisting Clee and Elvie with the kids, enjoying the puppet show along with them, and shooting the breeze with the regulars to catch up and pass some time.

  By the time late afternoon rolled around and the sun began to dip low in the horizon behind the ocean, the atmosphere of the bar instantly began to transform into a more adult-oriented venue. Music and language changed, coupled with the serving of alcohol and the smoking of glitter dust. It was nothing too perverse or wild but with this bunch, sometimes you just never know.

  No, Marq isn’t my boyfriend… not exclusively anyway. He’s a very close friend —and he’s an Undine. It is an extremely well-known fact in our circle of beings that Undines do not copulate with any other race, normally.

  So does that make me feel special? Well, if any female had the privilege of laying eyes on Marq they’d definitely think so.

  Twinkie was stretched out nearly flat, like a three-dimensional, furry throw rug. He had been sun-bathing, trying to catch the remaining bit of the dimming gold sunlight that was still filtering in from the bay window onto the dark-stained cement floor.

  Spoiled rotten.

  He’s pale yellow in color and his Buddha belly is marked with three perfectly round white patches of fur aligning his middle from groin to chest. His white socked feet stuck straight into the air as if someone had kicked him over and he couldn’t find the strength or will to bother moving or righting himself.

  “Hey, Cole said you were not to be working at all tonight.” Riza smiled once I joined her behind the bar.

  Several patrons lined the counter and were engrossed in either conversation or the soccer game on the large screen television mounted above the mirrored liquor shelves against the wall.

  “Relax, just making a much needed drink.”

  “I heard about the attack. I gotcha ya girl, should I make it a double?” Riza grinned and proceeded to get a glass for me.

  “Go for it, it’s warranted right about now.”

  She laughed. “I could have had one brought up to you.” She then said but the twinkle in her copper-colored eyes told me that she already knew why I was really hanging around instead of upstairs in my apartment.

  In a sudden jerk of movement, Twinkie bolted upright onto all fours and hissed with an agitated scowl. Then he began to bellow a warning meow that sounded like a
warped siren. The sound of gently gurgling water caught my attention and I smiled once I realized what his hissy fit had been over. I should have known.

  Arching his back, his fur formed a bushy mohawk as a large pool of crystal clear water slithered, coalesced, and pooled past him, making its way to the counter. Twinkie darted for higher ground, scampering beneath tables and legs, and finally finding perch inside of the wide open bay window on the opposite side of the room. He crouched low, glaring at the now rising puddle of water, which slowly began to take on a three-dimensional shape.

  Isis gasped and stopped short. Her small sneakered feet quickly left the floor and she swiftly began to float with her tray poised high above her head, balancing the empty glasses that clinked and toppled over on her tray.

  “Son of a bitch that was close! Damn, can’t he ever just come in like a normal flesh and bone being?” She began to fuss—only to stop short and gape like all the females usually did when he arrived.

  I laughed.

  The water had finally taken on full physical form. Liquid began to smoothly transform into solid, hairless, olive-toned, flawless flesh. Muscles rippled, taut and glistening with moisture that clung to each and every hollow and curve in his biceps, pectorals, stomach, thighs, and perfect, tight buttocks.

  Marq was clad in only a pair of black bikini briefs that didn’t leave much to the imagination.

  “Good evening, ladies.” He smiled, showcasing straight, pearly white teeth. His black hair still appeared damp and tousled as if freshly moussed or if he had just stepped out of the shower.

  Several, ‘Good evening, Marq’s’ came from females in all directions in response.

  The way he sauntered up to the bar reminded me of a sexy model shooting a men’s swimsuit commercial. Marq loved making a unique entrance. He was incredibly good-looking and he was well aware of it too. He eased onto a barstool, pinning me with a heart-stopping gaze and flirtatious smirk.

  “Hey there, beautiful.”

  “Didn’t we tell you not to ever come in here without any clothes on anymore? No one wants to see that and no one is gonna want to sit on that damned barstool anymore now!” Jax yelled from across the bar.

  Isis joined us. Her sparkling, light amber eyes practically molesting his lean, Adonis build from head to toe.

  “Take a shot and chill, Jax!” I called over to him.

  “Yeah, speak for yourself and don’t hate. You’d never say that to Syhenna.” She called over her shoulder.

  Syhenna is Marq’s sister.

  “Because that’s a different story!” he called back to defend.

  “Whatever!” Isis playfully flipped him off.

  Marq turned around, “And that’s also my younger sister, you ass!” He reminded Jax as a warning and then turned to wink at Isis.

  “Ass? Speaking of, I will kick yours as soon as you put on some freaking clothes!” Jax was marching towards the counter with his brows furrowed in irritation, but I stopped him dead in his tracks with a threatening, ass-kicking glare of my own.

  I held my arms up with the flat of my palm down over the fingers of my other hand. “Time out. You’ve got a bar to secure from over there or your ass will be fired.” I said aloud and pointed to his usual post at a table near the stairwell.

  Then I directed my attention back to Marq with a smirk, “Not that I’m complaining but I have to agree and enforce the no pants rule with you in particular.” I took over, seeing that Riza was busy with a few other customers.

  I began to fix his usual drink on my own. He usually ordered the same thing; coconut rum with frozen pineapple chunks and a hint of sweetened coconut milk.

  His crystalline, jade green eyes gleamed with naughty humor. “You don’t have to save me, beautiful. I wish he would try to fight me. Anyway, you know I’m clothed. Where I live, this is considered —overdressed.”

  “Well, you don’t live here!” Jax shouted, having retreated back to his post and overhearing Marq’s words.

  He ignored Jax with a smug smile and changed the subject coolly. “Speaking of, when are you going to come spend a weekend with or at least have dinner with me at my place?”

  I laughed. “When I’m able to breathe underwater. Besides, I don’t want any of those women trying to attack me for simply being with one the few hottest, bachelor undines in your city.”

  He pursed his sexy mouth. “Turning me down and coating it with flattery in one sentence is just as insulting. Anyway, that won’t happen, and I told you that you’ll be fine with a little magic. We’re still building and improving some things but there are many oxygen filled domes in several parts of the city.” He reminded me.

  “I’ll come.” Isis piped in enthusiastically.

  “Hell, I would too but fire and water don’t mix.” Riza beamed.

  “You’re thinking of fire and ice. Fire and water makes for some hot and steamy encounters.” Marq flirted with her and smiled.

  “Well damn, in that case, I’d love to visit for a weekend.” Riza grinned.

  Marq was most definitely the charming flirt but he was mine.

  Undines are typically all female, or so many of us had thought for a long time, which makes Marq such a unique and hot commodity. Many of the females line up just to mate with him, and though I’m slightly jealous of that knowledge and visual, I couldn’t be mad once I decided to mess around with him.

  The ratio of male Undines to females was like, twenty to one and I’m sure that he wasn’t complaining.

  I had to hand it to him though, if I were an Undine, I’d prefer to be naked twenty-four seven too. All undines live and travel nude underwater, which is understandable. Ever try to swim long distances fully clothed?

  Marq is from Eqquena, which lies near the center of the Pacific Ocean. His city has existed for a very long time here, which was news to us. Earth has so much water, it was easy for them to survive for centuries, undetected.

  Mating is the only way that many elementals can ensure the continuity of their own existence and the next generation. We’re included in that principle too, even though we as Hunters are unable to invoke any sort of definitive magic from the elements.

  All of our hopes were to someday find a new world similar to our old homes, safe and far away from the Ascendants. Don’t get me wrong, we love humans and we’ve managed to stay under the radar and coexist with them for a very long time. We don’t have much of a choice anymore anyway. Helping out the humans every now and then kind of comes with the territory as long as it isn’t too conspicuous. Some of us get a real big kick out of that.

  We do get an occasional few that like to show out but nothing major. We’ve been fortunate that the numerous accounts of strange lights, flying people, weird sightings etc., have been deemed unbelievable and something that you hear ‘crazy’ people, certain sites on the internet, and tabloids chattering about. Thank goodness for us that modern science loves to discount and debunk anything that can’t be seen, explained, or proven by logic.

  Several of our patrons are actually business owners on the mainland. Some of those places consist of a magic novelty shop (as fronts for humans), a small bed and breakfast, a hand-tailored clothing store, and a club where they performed ‘illusion’ shows.

  I slid Marq his drink and glanced at Isis. “Yeah, I don’t think Erian will be too pleased with the idea of you prancing about with a bunch of naked male undines.”

  “It’s all good. There aren’t that many of us anyway.” Marq clarified to her with a wink.

  “Oh yeah, well never mind then.” Isis dismissed.

  I shook my head and laughed.

  “Two Flaming dragons.” Isis put in the order with Riza as she unloaded the empty glasses from her tray.

  “Kai took one for the team and got hurt last night.” She then said to Marq.

  I shot her an irritated glance.

  Not only had she managed to blab about it against my wishes but she did it in front of several others sitting at the counter. We don’t
talk about that stuff with patrons around because we didn’t want create gossip and panic if it wasn’t necessary and she knew that.

  She met my eyes with a false look of innocence and a shrug.

  Marq’s green eyes blazed into mine with concern. “Hurt? What happened? Where?” He was clearly confused and wondering how he had missed any wounds. He set down his drink and began to scan me for any visible injuries.

  I sighed heavily, slightly irked. “Some of your peeps just walked in.” I pointed over Isis’ shoulder. Two, slender male Sylphs came in and found a table near the small stage.

  “I’ll give them a moment to get settled.”

  “You could be out of a job in that moment.” I replied flatly.

  Marq chuckled.

  Isis groaned and pursed her lips while retrieving her serving tray. “He was going to see it sooner or later.”

  “It’s nothing to worry about.” I assured Marq.

  “Not if it was an ordinary wound.” Isis directed to Marq on purpose and then gracefully turned to head over and tend to the new arrivals.

  “What’s she talking about? Not an ordinary wound? Tell me what happened.” Marq persisted.

  “Nothing out of the norm for a hunter.”

  A sudden hot trail of flames whooshed over the two prepared cocktail glasses that Riza had placed on the counter and burst of awe and applause followed.

  Flaming Dragons were a house specialty. Bright halos of orange and red flames flickered and danced over the mouths of each glowing, green liquid-filled glass.

  Showmanship was part of the service that earned great tips, especially whenever Riza, a fire magic elemental, did her thing with the drinks.

  “Got a spare pair of pants upstairs?” Marq suddenly asked.

  It was his code phrase for: ‘Let’s head upstairs for some privacy,’ and it usually wasn’t to talk.

  Typically, a rush of desire would have warmed over me but this time I hesitated and then nodded.

  “If you guys need me, I’ll be upstairs.” I told Riza as Twinkie bounded up ahead of me, already knowing where I was heading.

  “Don’t worry about a thing. Take your time. ” She smiled with a glance at Marq out of the corner of her eye.


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