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H.U.M.A.N.S (The Veiled World Book 1)

Page 7

by Susan Reid

  Would I crave their blood?

  I didn’t, at least not that I was aware of anyway. My hunger was actually for food. The smell of bacon, migas, chorizo, corn tortillas, and waffles floated up into my apartment from the kitchen downstairs. The chirping of the children’s laughter filtered into my apartment clearly like chimes. The magic and puppet show was already underway.

  After miserably emptying my stomach, I showered and freshened up, still in a daze and unaccepting of what was happening to me right now. I had to try to figure out a way to avoid everyone until my teeth went back to normal…whenever that would be.

  In the meantime, I needed to go see Gage now. I couldn’t wait until 7 p.m. Why didn’t he leave a phone number? He already knew this would be coming and I needed answers and explanations now. I would have been furious about him thieving an almost full bottle of Brandy but he did leave an extra hundred dollar bill behind.

  The last thing I wanted to hear was a knock on my door this early. I was in no mood for any kind of company and I didn’t care who it was or what they wanted.

  I planned to just ignore whoever it was but the knocking came again and Marq’s voice came through from the other side.

  “Open up, Sunshine. I’ve got breakfast.”

  Great, of all people.

  I could pretend to still be asleep but that wouldn’t make the dilemma go away.

  I took my time, finally having no other option but to keep my mouth closed with my hand poised casually over it as if I were trying to hide a cold sore or something.

  I opened the door.

  Marq was holding a tray of fresh eggs, bacon, toast, and tea. He was fully dressed in a pair of long, red board shorts and shirt that enhanced all the curves of his trim yet fit physique, thankfully.

  “Sleeping in again?” He asked, stepping inside and leaning down to kiss me.

  I turned away, taking in a deep whiff.

  He smelled normal to me, fresh and dew clean.

  “Do I offend?” He smiled, lifting and arm and turning towards his shoulder to inhale his armpit.

  “No.” I shook my head, “Lean down for a moment though.” I beckoned him with my index finger. He did and I leaned in towards his throat.

  Pressing my mouth and nose against his skin, I took in a deep inhalation of his scent.

  No desire for his blood at all.

  Unless the hunger hadn’t developed yet, this was a good thing.

  He moaned seductively, biting his bottom lip with a grin. “Already frisky, huh? Don’t start something you might make an excuse to keep from finishing.” Marq grinned devilishly as he placed the tray on the sofa table behind the couch.

  “I wouldn’t do that but I really can’t this morning. I’ve got some things I’ve got to do.” I replied curtly, avoiding his eyes and taking a slice of bacon.

  He moved in behind me, his arms snaking around my waist to pull me up against him so that I could feel his arousal.

  “Plenty of time. It’s still early out.” He said leaning down to tenderly nibble on my neck.

  “I know but it may take me a while.”

  He sighed softly next to my ear.

  “What kinds of things? Anything I can help with?”

  I shook my head no.

  “How is the bite?”

  Paranoia made me tense and jerk away from him.

  “What bite?”

  “Your wound?” He pointed to my side.

  I sighed, relaxing. “Oh. It’s better.”

  “Let me see it.”

  I lifted my shirt, more to see it for myself this time. It hadn’t gotten worse.

  “It still looks bad. I talked to one of our elder healers. She wants me to bring you down so she can have a look at it. She may be able to help you.”

  “Really?” Their willingness to help a non-Undine completely threw me for a loop. I felt honored.

  “Yeah. We can even make a date of it afterwards. I can show you around the city.”

  “I want to and I appreciate you asking for me but I really can’t today.” I declined, turning away when he appeared to be studying me a bit closer.

  “What? Why are you acting so strange?”

  I didn’t respond, finishing every last bit of the breakfast he had brought up. I hope he hadn’t planned on eating it with me.

  Even though I was ravenous, the sudden revving urge to run laps around the entire island had suddenly begun to ignite inside of me again.


  He eyed me. “You’re seeing someone else, aren’t you?”

  Keeping my back to him, I laughed. “Baby, you’re the only one for me.” I turned to briefly face him and quickly winked.

  He pursed his lips, sort of appreciating my witty response.

  I meant it though.

  “Speaking of, how come you didn’t tell me that you were going to be a father?” I suddenly remembered.

  He was silent.

  Then he was behind me again, his hands massaging my shoulders.

  “I didn’t think it was a big deal. I already told you how we do things and why we do them. I don’t’ have any feelings for her.”

  “How can you not? What about the baby when it’s born?”

  “Well, that’s a different story and bond. Of course I’ll have a connection and feelings for him or her. You’re not mad or jealous, are you?”

  “Not unless it was done in-vitro.”

  “What’s that?” he was genuinely puzzled.

  “Non-traditional and no body contact.”

  “Oh.” He merely smirked at me.

  I didn’t need that visual and idea in my head right now when it came to Marq.

  “It’s just weird to me, that’s all.”

  “If I could make babies with you, I would. We’d have dozens and we’d get married.” His tone was seductive when he pulled me against him.


  “Seriously? Did you say married? Now how would that work?’ I said quickly and only looking at him briefly.

  “I’d make it work. As long as we lived near a large body of water, somewhere near the Pacific, we’d be alright.” He smiled.

  Wishful thinking and romantic promises.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Chapter 11

  Twinkie was avoiding me like the plague. Though he was still just as confused as I was, at least he stopped hissing and growling at me.

  I never thought I’d actually contemplate taking on the urges that have been assailing me for the last couple of days. I had to wait until the majority of the patrons left with their kids though.

  The island wasn’t that big from one end to the other but it was big enough, about eight miles across. I jogged the entire island, three times before nearly passing out from hunger and dehydration.

  I was still full of energy but starving. Passing by the one of the longer stretches of cliff ledges, I paused and glanced out onto the ocean at the picturesque, deep blue, shimmering horizon.

  I don’t know how far down the drop was but my adrenaline was guiding my muscles more so than my common sense right now. I didn’t know how shallow it was and how many rocks were jutting up from the ocean floor near the shore either.

  I didn’t care.

  This spontaneous burst of wild energy was both exhilarating and scary — and the adrenaline won.

  I took off at high speed, sprinting with nothing but the wind and a few stray strands of hair lashing me in the face.

  It was as if I automatically knew when to jump. Springing forward with muscles tensed and coiled…I literally leapt out and over the edge in a graceful front flip and swan dive.

  Sailing over as if I were flying was one of the most intense rushes that I’ve experienced in a long time!

  The rippling, frothy waves below welcomed me with a cold, full-on embrace once I plunged into the dark blue abyss with ease. It was as if I had been professionally diving all of my life. I’ve always been a good swimmer but now…I was an Olympic phenomenon.<
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  I immediately surfaced, wiping my eyes and spitting the excess water from my mouth. I was amazed that I managed to leap out this far and avoid being dashed to bits by all the rocks and coral that lie hidden beneath the more shallow waters near shore. Looking back, I estimated it to have been at least a two hundred foot drop from the jump off point.

  Panning around for any witnesses, lost tourists or even anyone from the bar, I began to power swim back to shore. That didn’t take much effort or time either, even against the pounding waves and opposite undertow.

  I hadn’t thought ahead about how I would get back up to the top though. I suppose I could jog around until I found a better path. After all, my adrenaline rush was still going strong.

  Call me Spider Woman.

  It was a breeze to find purchase and scale the cliff wall like a skilled rock climber without any equipment. The fear of going higher to reach the top with the possibility of falling to my death was actually thrilling.

  When I returned to the bar, I whipped up huge meal for myself. I was ravenous and insane with starvation, snacking impatiently on baby carrots and hot wings while waiting for my T-bone steak to sear and cook.

  I still had a few hours left to shower and freshen up before heading to the mainland in order to meet Gage by seven. So far, no one asked questions although Isis and Cole did pass strange glances in my direction. Thankfully, my fangs had long since retracted and my teeth were normal again…for now.

  “You want to catch a movie?” Isis peeped her head into the kitchen to ask as I was scarfing down a bowl of rare, sliced steak and mushrooms.

  “Um, I can’t. I have a date on the mainland.” I told her.

  “Ooh, with who? You didn’t tell me you were seeing anyone. Or is it with Marq?” She beamed.

  I shook my head. “It’s not Marq.”

  “Really? Who? Someone new to the area?”

  “Sort of but he’s just an acquaintance.” I said finishing up, setting my plate in the large metal sink basin, taking the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that I made in addition, and heading back up to my apartment.

  Isis followed me. “Is he hunter, elemental, or human?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  An ominous expression settled over Isis’ face. “Not sure? That’s not good, Kai. How well do you know him?”

  “I don’t, that’s why I’m meeting him. I’ll tell you everything when I get back. I’ve got to get ready.”

  She sighed. “Alright. Well, maybe we’ll run into each other later on. There’s tons of tourists flocking in for the last part of summer. We’re going to the El Malecon Boardwalk with Stone and Veronica around eleven tonight. Call me if you want to meet up. I want to see who this new acquaintance is.”

  “We’ll see.” I waved over my shoulder.

  Regulars were already settling in once I made my way downstairs. Riza was at the bar, Jax, Maxwell, and Pierce were on security detail at a table by the landing of the entrance stairwell,Isis and Noemi were waiting tables —and it was apparently bad karaoke night.

  Dianca and Triste were doing a very bad rendition of Atlantic Star’s, Secret Lovers.

  I donned a long, black, sleeveless, fur-trimmed cover over my outfit in order to conceal the arsenal strapped to my waist and back; two double loaded laser pistols, ammo clips, and my trusty full -length Bushido Katana. Of course, I also had my spring action, high-heeled combat boots on too.

  “Damn. Where are you going looking all hot and dangerous? And by yourself?” Jax inquired suspiciously.

  Maxwell and Pierce turned to gauge my ensemble too.

  “Mainland.” Was all that I was going to mention.

  Isis sidled up behind the guys on the opposite side of the table.

  “You said you had a date.” Isis replied.

  “I said I was meeting an acquaintance.”

  “A date? You look dressed for battle.” Maxwell commented.

  “Well, it must not be with Mermaid man then…although the lipstick and perfume tells me it isn’t a hostile meeting in the least.” Jax joked while surveying my choice of attire.

  He was right. Dressed to literally kill, make-up, and perfume had never been part of my outfit before.

  I glared at his blatant insult of Marq.

  “You know, Marq is not a damned fish. He’s an extremely powerful water elemental who could lay you out on your ass easy any day, Jax, so don’t get it twisted and lay off of the insults. Anyway, I’m only taking precautions in lieu of everything that’s happened recently. Tell Cole that I’ll be back in time to open the bar and help with the supplies in the morning. I appreciate you guys coming through and making sure that all ran smoothly these last few days.”

  “Of course, anytime. I’m cutting out early tonight myself too.” Isis replied.

  “Lay me out? I would love for him to try but he’d better be completely dressed first.” Jax defended.

  The guys agreed and laughed.

  “Why? Does it bother you to touch a well-endowed man without feeling inadequate or turned on?” I stated, tilting my head to look at him questioningly.

  “Ooh.” The others teased Jax on purpose to instigate.

  “You’re cute, Kai, as long as you don’t speak.” Jax shot me a wry glance, clearly beaten by my comebacks.

  Both Isis and I laughed teasingly at Jax.

  “Aw, did Jax get his little feelings hurt?” She said in a cartoon-like voice.

  “Don’t you start with me.” Jax warned her.

  “Shit, you two are like brother and sister.

  Maxwell commented with a chuckle.

  “Hey, I saw you jogging around the island earlier. When did you take up free-fall cliff diving though?” Pierce suddenly asked.

  He saw me?

  Suddenly, all eyes were on me for an answer.

  “Today. I was hot so I thought, what the hell.” I shrugged.

  “That must have burned a hell of a lot of calories. You came back and nearly tore the kitchen apart devouring the entire contents of the prepared foods and fridge.” Isis added.

  “Hmm, the last time I saw a female do all of that out of the blue, she was pregnant.” Maxwell teased with a raised brow.

  All eyes went to me and then to Jax for some reason.

  Why would they automatically assume that I’d hook up with Jax?

  Yeah, he was single and good-looking but he tends to be a bit chauvinistic when it comes to female hunters, and he’s a big time playboy. We grew up together like family and I regard him as another brother. Besides, he prefers human woman anyway.

  “Don’t look at me. Kai won’t even let me hug her for more than two seconds.” Jax held up his hands.

  “Ooh, you ended up in the brother from another mother zone from the beginning. Suck city, man.” Maxwell teased Jax.

  The table erupted with laughter.

  “Cole would rip his balls off for trying anyway.” Pierce added.

  More laughter.

  “Screw you guys, if I wanted to hook up with Kai, she knows what time it is, right, Kai?” Jax turned his head to look at me, winking flirtatiously.

  I rolled my eyes and turned to leave. “I’m out.”

  “Damn! Burn!” The guys erupted with more teasing and boisterous laughter.

  Jax leaned back and called out to me once I reached the bottom step. “You’d better be careful, Kai. Cole will go ballistic if he knew that you went to the mainland alone.”

  “Well, he’ll get over it. I’ve got my cellphone and I’m strapped, don’t worry.

  —And with that, I finally left.

  Chapter 12

  The moon was full and incredibly bright tonight. Despite its luminescence and all of the stars, you can’t even see your own hand in front of your face out on the ocean at night— if you were human.

  As a hybrid hunter, seeing in the dark was the same as seeing during the day, so I had no problems navigating my amphibious ATV without turning on the headlights. It was a high-tech Quad ski, equipp
ed with wheels and tweaked with an added convertible-style dome to keep myself from getting wet and ruining my clothes. This bad boy was designed to glide superfast, smooth, and stealthily both on water and on land.

  I had charted and memorized the latitude and longitude of the Majahuitas shoreline earlier, so the only thing I needed to see was the compass and GPS navigator on my control panel. After several years, I’ve come to know the majority of this entire area pretty well.

  Even under the plexi-glass dome, I could smell everything vibrantly as if it were being held right under my nose. The briny salty scent of the sea, the sweet and bitter fragrances of indigenous fruit and flowers, human sweat, smoky food being cooked in the far distances, and even the sound of music, voices, and laughter filtering in from everywhere.

  The mixture of all of it was stimulating and bizarre yet powerful. The heat and energy in me began to rouse, stirring up feelings of both beating the crap out of something and having wild, porn-star-worthy sex at the same time.

  The closer I got to shore the stronger another distinct scent became. It lingered in the air before it hit me full-on and it was both familiar and different at the same time.

  Damn, already?

  My hunter instincts were taking over as I slowed my Quadski and reached behind me for one gun. I pressed the button to slowly roll back the dome cover before coming to a halt several yards from the currently deserted shoreline. I scanned it from end to end and then towards the top of the semi steep rise that encircled this side, all the way to the bottom.

  Nothing moved.

  Strangely, I began to salivate.

  I could feel my incisors elongating slowly in my mouth on their own, which made me panic.

  Suddenly, I was hungry but I wasn’t sure why or for what in particular.

  I swallowed hard. The ache of my new fangs and the pangs of hunger…no—thirst, all at once was daunting.

  I wasn’t used to this and I didn’t understand it at all.

  What was that aroma and why am I reacting this way to it?

  I remained still, shutting off the engine and simply bobbing as the rolling waves gently rocked the bottom of the Quadski. The warm breeze forced the scent into my nose once again, making me breathe harder with anticipation and my heart began to race even faster.


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