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The Zombie Chronicles - Book 6 - Revelation (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series)

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by Peebles, Chrissy

  The Zombie Chronicles - Book 6 - Revelation

  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  The Zombie Chronicles

  Book 6 – Revelation

  Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series


  Chrissy Peebles

  Copyright 2013 by Chrissy Peebles

  Cover design by: Cora Graphics

  Edited by: Autumn J. Conley,


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


  To: My fantastic editor, Autumn Conley

  Chapter 1

  We ended up staying for a few weeks at the gated community with some friends a scientist had hooked us up with. They were wonderful people and made sure we were comfortable and well taken care of, but the U-Haul was packed and ready, and it was time for us to go. It would be so hard to leave the city. Jackie wouldn’t be coming with us, and that hurt more than anything. I told myself I’d stay strong for her, to honor her memory, but it took everything I had not to break down.

  I stood outside by the U-Haul, staring blankly at nothing in particular. Nothing made sense, and I never felt so alone. I’d never felt so angry, so sad, so empty, and the grief ripped through me mercilessly. Jackie had been shot in cold blood, in her zombie state, by the scientists back at the lab. I’d tried everything to save her, but nothing I could do could stop them; my best wasn’t enough. I glanced down at the small photo album in my hands. Jackie had been such an amazing person. Sucking in a deep breath, I tried to maintain my composure. Once again, I felt as if I was trapped in a nightmare I couldn’t escape.

  I slung my rifle over my shoulder and made sure my pistol was secured tightly in my holster. I was ready to take on anything that came at us. Deep down, I knew it was anger that was fueling me on. I wanted to rip apart the next zombie I came across. I was hurt, disappointed, and furious. Waves of despair washed over me, and my heart grew numb as currents of raw anger held me underwater—or at least it felt that way.

  “Dean!” Claire called from behind me.

  She touched my back, and our eyes locked. She looked so sad and lonely. Her eyes were red and puffy from hours and hours of crying, and she was absolutely sick and pale with grief. We’d both been struck with imaginable pain, and we could hardly function. I wondered if Claire would ever be the same girl I’d met back in the woods; I even wondered if I’d ever be the same person. I was so young, yet I felt older than Nick, my older brother. We’d all been dragged through hell and back, and we hadn’t exactly come through it unscathed.

  “Val said they’ll be out in a minute,” Claire said, then motioned to the windshield of the U-Haul. “I had George and his fixer-upper guys repair the windshield. Can’t drive like that, you know.”

  “Yeah, I saw it this morning. I already thanked George,” I said, remembering that awful moment when the windshield broke during our escape from the pharmacy in that zombie-riddled town. The thought sent shudders down my spine. “And thank you, Claire, for looking out for our safety.”

  “I can’t help it. You guys are my friends, my family, and I’ll always care about you,” she said.

  I opened the passenger door for Claire, and she just looked at me. She sniffled and glanced down as a tear dripped off her chin, and my heart went out to her. “I know it’s hard to leave, but—”

  “I can’t. I-I’m staying here,” she said in a shaky voice.

  I wasn’t expecting that answer, so I asked, “Why?”

  She wiped her eyes. “It’s safe here, Dean…and I’m not exactly the zombie-fighter you want me to be.”

  “Claire, you can’t just—”

  A chilly morning breeze ruffled her red hair. “I’m so sorry, Dean, but this is a great place. Here, we can actually walk around outside and feel safe. I know I was wrong about the glass house, but I’m not wrong now.”

  “No one is ever really safe anymore,” I said, “not ever.”

  “Fine. I’m safer.”

  My gaze narrowed. “What about Nick? Does he even know?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I already told him, as well as Val and Lucas. We shared a very tearful goodbye. You and I both know there’s some crazy chemistry between your brother and me, but the truth is, in any other time and place…well, we really have little in common. We ended things on a good note.”

  “Are you sure there’s no way I can change your mind?”

  “No. Going back on the road, back out there with those things, is just not something I wanna do anytime soon. I’m still having nightmares about all our little adventures.” She then met my gaze directly. “The scientist told us that Jackie had a proper burial and everything, but I still can’t leave her. I need to be able to grieve, to visit her grave and make sure she has fresh flowers and…” Her shaky voice trailed off and cracked as she struggled for the words.

  “I loved her too,” I said.

  A tear ran down her face. “I know, Dean. I know how much you loved her.”

  I glanced down. “I never told her though. I wish I would have.”

  “Don’t worry. She knew.”

  For some reason, I couldn’t bear the thought of losing Claire too. “Please come with us.”

  Her blue eyes were so red and bloodshot; she’d obviously spent hours crying, and the fatigue of our undead-infested world was wearing on her. “I’ve gotta do what’s best for me. I hope you’ll understand.”

  So, just like that, our group had dwindled down to four: my brother and sister, Lucas, and me. Oh well. Maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be, I thought, blowing out a long breath. “Then I guess this is goodbye.”

  She embraced me tightly. “Good luck, Dean…and thank you for everything. You saved my life and did so much for Jackie. I’ll never forget you.”

  “When we get our world back and communication is restored, I’ll be sure to Facebook you.”

  Claire playfully slugged me. “Maybe we’ll even be on a talk show together.” She wiped her eyes.

  “As long as it’s not Jerry Springer,” I mused as I pulled her into one mo
re hug. “Stay safe. Practice your shooting skills and keep working on those fighting techniques we taught you. You never know when you might find yourself wandering around the forest again.”

  “Hopefully never. If I don’t step off of concrete and asphalt for the rest of my life, that’d be perfectly fine with me.”

  “Well, like the Boy Scouts used to say, always be prepared. You didn’t think you’d be attacked in the glass house either. When you feel to safe, you very well might not be. Keep your guard up, okay?”

  “I promise.”

  “Good luck. It’s a cruel world we live in now, but we’ll come out on top, no matter what it throws at us. We’re survivors. And we’ll never quit, we’ll never stop giving up. We just come back stronger and fight harder.”

  I knew that after we left, I’d never see Claire again. I felt the same about Kate and Asia. Our only chance of ever bumping into one another again would have to be on Skype or Facebook, if the world could even build back up to that point before it collapsed in on itself. The one thing I did have was a head full of memories, and I would forever cherish the ones of my friends, the people I’d loved, lived with, and lost along the way.

  “I know we said our goodbyes in the house, but I just wanted to hug you one last time,” Val said. After she finally released the embrace, she jumped into the passenger seat.

  The door slammed, and Nick walked out of the house. He was hard to read, but I could tell by his grim expression that he hated leaving Claire behind. When he walked over to Claire, a tear ran down her face. They stared into each other’s eyes and basked in an awkward silence.

  “I’ll let you say goodbye,” I said, opening the door and squeezing in next to Lucas and Val. When I glanced in the rearview mirror, I saw my brother passionately kissing Claire.

  “They’re at it again,” Lucas said, rolling his eyes. “I’d tell ‘em to get a room, but the last Super 8 I saw didn’t leave the lights on for ‘em.”

  My heart ached far too much for me to laugh at Lucas’s witty remark. I didn’t want to lose Claire because she’d become part of our gang, but I understood her reasons. I truly hoped we’d meet again someday, though I doubted that would happen. She was a fantastic person and friend, as unforgettable as Jackie. The girls had touched my life within the short span of time that I’d had the privilege of knowing them. After everything we’d gone through together, I had hoped for a better ending, but I was beginning to realize why happily-ever-afters were reserved for fairytales.

  Nick jumped into the driver seat and started the ignition. He didn’t say a word as he grasped the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip.

  I shot Claire one last look as she waved goodbye, and my stomach dropped as we pulled out of the driveway.

  “Are you okay?” Val asked Nick.

  “This is for the best,” he answered, his face betraying no emotion. “She won’t make it out here anyway. She’s better off here, and those people will take care of her. I’m just glad we were able to find her a safe place to live, where she’ll have what she needs.”

  “It sounds like you’re giving away a pet,” Lucas said.

  “Lucas!” Val said. “Stop it! Nick’s right. The girl can’t hack it out here. I feel better knowing she’s in a safe place, with people who will protect her.”

  “I’m glad she’s happy,” Lucas said, “but I don’t get it, Nick. You were willing to risk everything to save her life back at the nursing home, and now you’re just leaving her here, without ever looking back. Doesn’t make much sense to me, Romeo.”

  “That was different,” he said. “If I had left her at that nursing home, she would’ve died. Here, I know she’s safe and will be taken care of. They even gave her a fancy house, so her life will be close to normal, just like she wants—as normal as someone can get out here.”

  The security guards opened the gates, and we turned left onto the main road. Nick pressed on the gas, and we took off with a jerk.

  I couldn’t concentrate, and my thoughts were scattered as I stared at the passing scenery while Nick sped down the road. We hadn’t been on the road for more than a few minutes when all hell broke loose. As we turned the bend, there was a car crash, some kind of four-car pileup that blocked the southbound lanes. I hoped Nick could squeeze through the towering trees lining the roads and somehow maneuver around the crash site, but that didn’t seem possible, even for him. Screams echoed and zombies attacked.

  Chapter 2

  “Drive around the cars!” Lucas yelled.

  “With a U-Haul?” Nick retorted. “We can’t!”

  “Move over and let me drive then.”

  Val gripped Lucas’s shoulder. “Sit down, Lucas. If we get stuck, we’ll be worse off, caught in a zombie ambush.”

  A tall man hobbled toward the front of the truck, holding his broken, bleeding nose. He stood directly in front of us on the road. I figured he wanted help, but I gasped when he whipped out a pistol and aimed it directly at our newly repaired windshield. The man panicked as moaning, decomposing bodies started to shamble toward us. “Gimme your truck!” he yelled, his eyes wild, like he was a stark-raving lunatic. “Get out and gimme the keys, or I’ll shoot you dead.”

  Sometimes survivors of the apocalypse could be more deadly than the cannibal corpses themselves, but the man had completely underestimated my brother, who didn’t even flinch.

  “He’s gonna shoot, Nick!” I yelled.

  “Not after we just got this windshield fixed!” Lucas whipped out his rifle and pointed it straight ahead, out the window. He pulled the trigger and shot the skinny man in the shoulder, giving him a much bigger problem to contend with besides a nosebleed.

  The man dropped his gun as he fell backward, and two zombies took full advantage and jumped on him like lions on a fallen gazelle.

  “Go, go, go!” Lucas yelled. “Back up! Turn around. We’ll find an alternate route.”

  Like something out of some awful horror film, the screams of terrified children echoed through the air, and a cold chill shot down my spine. I saw them, a few cars ahead, huddled together in the back seat of a black vehicle. Apparently, Val heard and saw them too, because she quickly grabbed her door handle.

  “Stop!” Nick said.

  Lucas snatched her hand, his voice stern. “You’re not going out there.”

  She broke from his grasp. “Try and stop me.”

  “Nick, let’s go!” Lucas said. “Now! Before your sister gets any more crazy ideas.”

  “Those kids need us,” I chimed in. I couldn’t just leave them, and the whole thing was far too reminiscent of the RV in the deserted town.

  “He’s right, Lucas. We can’t leave ‘em. They’re just kids,” Nick said.

  I was surprised that my brother still had a heart. He played tough, and he had no problem making the tough choices that even I didn’t agree with, but deep down, he shared the same compassion as Val and I had.

  Nick started to honk the horn, obviously trying to draw the zombies toward us so the kids would have a fighting chance.

  Three zombies looked up and began to stumble away from the black car, heading in our direction.

  “This is lame!” Val said. “Only a few are coming.”

  “Give it a sec’,” Nick calmly said.

  “Honk again!” Lucas yelled.

  Nick laid on the horn, and a couple more zombies turned to walk toward us, but the rest of the corpses were too focused on the screaming people.

  “Screw this!” In a flash, Val jumped out of the truck with her gun drawn and bolted right toward the action.

  “Val!” Nick yelled. “What the…?”

  “That girl has a mind of her own,” Lucas said, shaking his head, “and if she ain’t careful, one of those things is gonna have it for dinner!”

  “Tell me about it,” Nick said, gritting his teeth. He shifted the truck into gear and eased closer to the pileup. “She’s always gotta do things her way, whenever she darn well feels like it.”

I stuffed extra ammo in my pockets, then slung my rifle over my shoulder. After Lucas jumped out, Nick and I followed. I slipped my gun out of my holster and aimed at the horrific scene before me: a zombie raking its long, dead fingernails down a man’s white t-shirt, cutting into his skin, causing blood to leak through the cotton. Val shot the thing in the head, then moved on into the battle with her gun drawn. Everywhere I looked, zombies wandered aimlessly around. The sounds and moans of the undead gave me chills, and the stench of death and rotting flesh made me gag. It was something I’d never get used to, but it wouldn’t deter me either.

  The man who had tried to carjack us was flailing on the ground. His clothes had been torn to shreds, and bite marks lined his arms, legs, and chest. There were so many chunks of flesh missing from his neck and stomach that I couldn’t fathom how he was still alive, screaming in agony. I fired shot after shot into the crowd of zombies who were hovering and drooling over the would-be hijacker, and then Lucas put the poor man out of his misery. There was no way he would survive his wounds anyway, and watching anyone suffer like that was unbearable.

  A long scream echoed in the air as a heavyset zombie bit into a woman’s stomach and tore at her flesh, causing blood to gush from her wounds. Another zombie lurched for her face and sank its yellow, decaying teeth into her nose. I shot the zombies, and they crumbled down, lifeless, but the woman was left in absolute agony. I couldn’t bear to shoot her, but another man came up and ended her suffering. The woman’s eyes fluttered shut as she took her last breath.

  Cool, calm, and collected, Val stood atop the roof of the black Dodge, shooting any zombie who came to close to the children inside. The men and women who were already there were giving it all they had, fighting zombies off with bats, crowbars, and anything else they could find. One was even smacking the undead with a hubcap, and another was using her huge, heavy designer leather purse like war hammer, mercilessly pounding the heads of zombies who had tripped and fallen in the scuffle; the buckles ripped into the zombie’s rotten flesh, removing scraps of it every time she swung. The harsh truth was, though, that their makeshift weapons and valiant efforts would not be enough to turn the tide in our favor though. The zombies were multiplying, staggering in from the forest. I glanced over at a man who was swatting zombies with an umbrella and poking them with the pointy end, and a woman was throwing rocks and logs. If we were to thwart the horrible horde and win the battle, we needed firepower. My only option was to hurry back to the U-Haul.


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