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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

Page 10

by Cody Pondsmith

  and more like a ghoul. I traveled with a doc-


  tor from Nilfgaard for a while. Heh, one of the

  Resist Coercion

  few black ones I can stand. Swear this whore-

  son could work miracles when he was inclined.


  ‘Course a good doctor, a real one’s trained in

  Social Etiquette

  that sorta thing. Bringin’ folk back from the


  very gates of death. Usin’ all that knowledge

  Human Perception

  they get in their fancy academies to identify

  Wilderness Survival

  diseases and wounds and whatnot. Figurin’ the

  best way to fix whatever ails ya.


  Good doctor knows herbal reme-


  dies too. I sell fistful s of leaves and roots and

  Small Blades

  whatnot to just about every learned man I run


  across, but doctors seem to use ‘em the most.

  Heh, poultices and potions and powders and

  things. All to keep bleedin’ and nausea and

  Gear (Pick 5)

  sickness away. I even heard the real y good

  herablists mix their own concoctions. Seems

  Clotting powder x10

  suicidal to me but what do I know? Mixin’

  Sterlizing fluid x10

  whatever greens ya find and gettin’ something

  Numbing herbs x10

  useful out of it. Heh, ‘course if ya don’t find a

  Surgeon’s kit

  medicine ya probably find a good enough poi-

  Healing Hands (CRA)

  Writing kit

  son. With all the knowledge of how to fix a per-

  Anyone can apply some ointment and wrap

  son a doctor can do pretty well at breakin’ that


  a bandage around a cut, but a Doctor has

  same person. Knowin’ all the right places to

  Candles x10

  true medical training which allows them to

  cut, how to make the wounds even harder for

  perform complex surgeries. A Doctor with


  another poor sod to treat. All kindsa knowl-

  Healing Hands is the only person who can

  Large tent

  edge that I personal y would rather never got

  heal a critical wound. To heal critical wounds


  used for ill. Heh, but I guess in a world like

  a doctor must make a number of successful

  this, even a doctor has to fight back sometimes.

  Healing Hands rols based on the severity of

  –Rodolf Kazmer

  the critical wound. The DC of the roll is based

  on the severity of the critical wound as wel.

  Healing Hands can also be used for any First

  Aid task.



  Defining Skill

  “Magic is chaos, art, and sci-

  Magic Training

  ence. It’s a curse, a blessing,

  and a progression.”


  –Yennefer of Vengerburg


  Magical Perks

  Mages, magicians, witches. People call ‘em a lot-

  ta things. Personal y I call ‘em trouble, but that’s

  5 Novice Spel s

  just my humble opinion. A mage is just some

  1 Ritual

  person who has the ability to tap into the nat-

  1 Hex

  ural magic in the elemental realms. Somethin’

  people call “Primal Chaos.” They go to big fancy


  schools, mostly Ban Aard and Aretuza in the

  North and Gweision Haul in the south. I had

  Human Perception

  some, ahem, dealin’s with a certain sorceress

  Spell Casting

  not many moons ago and she enlightened me in

  Hex Weaving

  between romps. Said mages were powerful con-

  Resist Magic

  duits for magical energy as long as they didn’t


  use too much power they could do just about

  anything with it. Mages with focusin’ items like


  wands or staves or amulets could even regulate

  Ritual Crafting

  all that power to channel even more. Said that

  Social Etiquette

  at the academies they trained mages to be smart


  and forward thinkin’, usin’ magic to further sci-

  ence and improve life for people.

  Grooming & Style

  Heh, positive thinkin’ I guess. Can’t

  deny that mages did improve things ‘round here.

  Without ‘em, probably wouldn’t have science

  Gear (Pick 5)

  as we know it. And for a long time there was


  a mage serving in just about every king’s court.

  Makeup kit

  Advisors to royalty, some of the most powerful

  Belt pouch

  Magic Training (INT)

  and influential people in the world. A lot of

  Writing kit

  ‘em still have all those tricks and traps fer dea-

  To qualify as a Mage a magicaly adept per-

  lin’ with court life. It’s half of what makes ‘em

  Hand mirror

  son must pass through the hal s of one of the

  so dangerous. But then this whole chaos with


  world’s magical academies and learn the fun-

  the Lodge of Sorceresses happened. Now nobody


  damentals of the magical arts. A Mage can rol

  trusts a mage, North or South. My , heh, sorcer-

  Magical Training whenever they encounter

  Garter sheath

  ess friend lost everything thanks to those bloody

  a magical phenomenon, an unknown spel,

  whores. Now she can’t even enter a city in the


  or a question of magical theory. The DC is set

  North without a disguse.

  100 crowns of

  by the GM, and a success allows the Mage to

  –Rodolf Kazmer


  learn everything there is to know about the

  phenomenon. Magical Training can also

  be rolled as a form of Awareness that detects

  magical beings, spel s, and hexes.


  Man At Arms

  “Soldiers think tactical y.

  Defining Skill

  They know when to strike,

  Tough As Nails

  when to fall back, when to

  charge, and when to hold.”


  –Vernon Roche


  Magical Perks

  Now I know what you’re thinkin’. Rodolf, ya

  wee bastard! Ya fought in two campaigns! Ya


  must be a man at arms! A soldier to the core!’

  Ya’d be dead wrong. Yeah, I fought in two cam-


  paigns. Scouted in the First Northern War. Ar-

  Any 5 Combat Skil s

  balist Corps in the Second. I fought at Sodden.

  Fought at Brenna. I was never good at it. Not

  Wilderness Survival

  like the real soldiers who trained their whole


  lives for it. I was fightin’ because I love my


  country. Heh, lemme tell ya, lovin’ your coun-


  try and havin’ a crossbow doesn’t make ya a



  The real soldiers are the men like Ver-

  non Roche and John Natalis. Two of the best

  Gear (Pick 5)

  damn soldiers I ever met. They knew the ropes


  and rare got tangled. A man at arms lives com-


  bat and breathes conflict. When they aren’t at

  war they’re servin’ as bodyguards and hired

  Battle axe

  mercenaries. They can be hell on the field, wiel-

  Throwing knives x5

  din’ their weapons with not an ounce of fear in


  their bodies. Chargin’ at the enemy in the finest

  Chain coif

  plate armor, swingin’ a damn sword tall as they


  are and choppin’ the heads off the oncoming

  cavalry. Drop ‘em in the swamps of the Pontar

  Armored trousers

  and you’l have yourself a bonifide predator,

  Tough As Nails (BODY)

  Crossbow & bolts x20

  trackin’ elves through the foliage, settin’ traps

  True Men At Arms like the Blue Stripes of Te-

  Steel buckler

  around every corner and readin’ every enemy

  meria and the Impera Brigade of Nilfgaard are

  like a damn book. Put a crossbow in a real man

  hardened soldiers who never give in or sur-

  at arms’ hand and they’ll drop a black one with

  render. When a Man At Arms fal s to or be-

  a bolt to the eye from 120 yards. May have

  low 0 Health, they can roll Tough As Nails at

  been a soldier but I’ll never be a man at arms.

  a DC equal to the number of negative Health

  And trust me, I’m perfectly fine with that.

  times 2 to keep fighting. If they fail, they fal

  –Rodolf Kazmer

  into death state as per usual. If they succeed

  they can keep fighting as if they were only at

  their Wound Threshold. Any damage forces

  them to make another roll against a DC based

  on their Health.



  Defining Skill

  “Got a buyer in heat for my

  Well Traveled

  collection, missin’ just three



  –Zoltan Chivay


  Look around ya. Check your pouches and your

  Magical Perks

  satchels and your saddlebags. I’ll bet most of


  what ya have ya got from a merchant some-

  where. Probably right, aren’t I? Heh, my friend,

  people discredit merchants, but they don’t real-


  ize just how important we are.


  Merchants bring people the things they

  Small Blades

  need. When a man in Mettina wants a sword


  from Redania, he can risk his life travelin’ up

  through this vast and deadly world of ours or

  Language (Choose 2)

  he can find a merchant. You’ll likely never see


  Zerrikania, but as long as merchant ships come


  every few months you can have your ivory


  and your exotic sabers and whatnot. A good

  Human Perception

  merchant is a connection all over the world.

  We know what we’re sel in’, where to find it,


  and how to get it for a steal. Or at least a good

  Resist Coercion

  bargain. Ya need some information or maybe

  a favor, find a merchant. I’ve got friends all

  over most cities and for a few coins I can learn

  Gear (Pick 3)

  about just about anythin’ anywhere.

  Writing kit

  Plus the coin. Ah the coin! If you’re a

  Merchant’s tools

  half-decent merchant you can turn a profit on

  just about anything and that means income.

  Large tent

  Income means more money and money means


  Well Traveled (INT)

  power. Need to get into a fancy party? A lot eas-

  Crossbow & bolts x20

  ier when you’re wearin’ the latest fashion and

  Your average merchant makes a living from


  totin’ a coin purse the size of a dwarf’s fist. Say

  trade and that trade brings in customers

  I don’t feel like gettin’ my hands dirty? There’s

  from all around. But a traveling merchant

  always someone wil in’ to do a dirty job for the


  goes to their customers, wandering the roads

  right price. A merchant lives or dies by their

  of the world, and learning from it’s people.

  A mule and a cart with

  contacts, their knowledge, and their product.

  A Merchant can make a Well Traveled rol

  1000 crowns of

  Long as you keep those three things up you’ll be

  anytime they want to know a fact about a

  common or everyday

  golden. And maybe carry a crossbow under the

  specific item, culture, or area. The DC is set


  cart seat. Just in case you run across customers

  by the GM and if the roll is successful the

  unwil in’ to haggle.

  Merchant remembers the answer to that

  –Rodolf Kazmer

  question, calling on memories of the last time

  they travelled through the applicable area.



  “We care for equilibrium,

  Defining Skill

  the balance of all things,

  Initiate of the Gods

  not just trout populations in



  –Hierophant Ermion


  Met a surprisingly tolerant priest in Mag Tur-

  Magical Perks

  ga once who said ‘everyone finds the gods in

  2 Invocations

  their own way.’ Suppose that’s a good way to

  2 Rituals

  describe priests in general. There’s cultists in

  2 Hexes

  the South who believe in a great cataclysm and

  a new sun, fanatics in the North who worship

  fire, and some truly darin’ mad folk who wor-


  ship a goddess of life and fertility. Heh, point is,

  Ritual Crafting

  everyone finds a divine somewhere. It’s hard to


  prove your god is the only one, so churches crop

  up everywhere. Some priests are actual y gifted


  with magic, though they’ll never admit they’re

  Human Perception

  like those damn godless mages. Heh, ignore any

  Hex Weaving

  similarities, their magic is given to them by

  First Aid

  their god and thus it is acceptable. You’ll find


  these priests usual y watchin’ over towns and

  cities. Lookin’ out for the moral heart of the

  Wilderness Survival

  land and keepin’ the people pious and at one


  with their god or what have ya.

l Casting

  Then again ya have the druids. Nice

  folk long as you’re not a poacher or a downright

  bastard. They live as one with nature and spend

  Gear (Pick 5)

  their time preservin’ balance. Never had the

  Holy symbol

  pleasure of meetin’ a druid in person, though

  Sterilizing fluid x5

  I’ve heard stories. They’re rarer these days. A lot

  Initiate of the Gods (EMP)

  Alchemy set

  of ‘em are on the Skel ige Isles from what I hear.

  The churches of the world are often warm

  Then ya got your radicals and your

  Surgeon’s kit

  and inviting places, helping their communi-

  true cultists. They’re the ones to keep an eye out


  ties and welcoming new converts. A Priest

  for. Ya never know what a crazy son of a bitch


  can roll Initiate of the Gods at a DC set by

  driven by the word of his god is gonna do. Or

  the GM at churches of the same faith to get


  even worse, what a power-mad priest will drive

  free lodging, healing, and other services at

  his subjects to do in the name of their gods. I’d

  Clotting powder x5

  the GM’s discretion. Initiate of the Gods also

  say we’re seeing the results in Redania right

  Numbing herbs x5

  works when dealing with members of the

  now. Place’s gone mad since the Eternal Fire

  100 crowns of

  same faith, though they will likely be able to

  took over.


  of er less than a fuly supplied church. Keep in

  –Rodolf Kazmer

  mind that Initiate of the Gods doesn’t work

  with members of other faiths.



  Defining Skill

  “This world doesn’t need a

  Witcher Training

  hero. It needs a profession-



  –Geralt of Rivia


  “Like I said, I traveled with a witcher for a

  time. I once asked him why he kept being a

  Magical Perks

  witcher. Didn’t look like he got much out of it.

  All Basic Signs

  Heh, kids rushin’ into their houses and fathers

  lockin’ away their daughters when you enter

  towns doesn’t sound like my kinda job. Suppose


  I shoulda expected the answer he gave. Didn’t


  real y know how to be anything else. Makes


  sense real y. Spend your whole life doin’ some-

  Spell Casting

  thing like that and ya don’t have much else to


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