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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

Page 26

by Cody Pondsmith

reduced by 1 permanently.

  takes a DC:18 Physique check to pry an

  Range: 3m

  object off. All metal that sticks to some-

  Duration: Immediate

  one’s weapons or armor counts against

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical their ENC.


  Range: 8m

  Duration: 2d10 Rounds


  Defense: Magical Shield

  STA Cost: 8

  Effect: Illusion allows you to create Rhwystr Graig

  any visual il usion you want within STA Cost: 15

  20m of yourself. Anyone who fails Effect: Rhwystr Graig allows you to

  the resistance check sees the il usion create a 2m by 3m rock wall with 30

  and believes it. The il usion cannot be points of SP anywhere within 10m with

  touched, smelled, or heard, however.

  any facing. This wall remains until de-

  Range: 20m


  Duration: Active (4 STA)

  Range: 20m

  Defense: Resist Magic

  Duration: Until Destroyed

  Defense: None


  STA Cost: 10

  Stammelford’s Earthquake

  Effect: Teleportation allows you to STA Cost: 12

  teleport to a known location instanta- Effect: Stammelford’s Earthquake al-

  neously. You cannot take anyone with lows you to disrupt the ground in a

  you and can only transport the items 10m area and create a jagged, crum-

  on your person or in your hands. At- bling terrain which puts everyone in

  tempting to teleport with a person the area at a -2 to Reflex and a -3 to

  simply teleports you and leaves them SPD. Small structures on the shat-

  behind. Teleporting require a DC: 15 tered ground have a 10% chance of

  Spell Casting rol . If you fail the rol , col apsing. Each round, a creature in

  you wind up in a random location 1d6 the spel ’s area must make an Athletics

  miles away.

  roll or sink into the crumbling ground,

  Range: N/A

  which causes them to suffocate until

  Blind Teleporting

  Duration: Immediate

  they make a successful Athletics check

  You can teleport to a place you

  Defense: None

  to climb out. After the duration of the

  spell ends, the ground stops churning

  don’t know as long as you have

  but it will remain shattered.

  an item from that location.

  Range: 30m

  For instance you can teleport

  Duration: 1d10 Rounds

  Defense: Athletics

  to a stranger’s house if you

  have a piece of their cutlery or

  something of the like. This is

  far more complicated howev-

  er and requires a DC: 20 Spel

  Casting check. If you succeed

  you teleport into the center of

  that location. If you fail you

  teleport to a random location

  within 2d10 Miles.


  Accidental Spells




  Never actualy seen someone

  Alzur’s Thunder

  Demetia’s Crest Surge


  STA Cost: 15

  STA Cost: 12

  STA Cost: 8

  cast Merigold’s Hailstorm. Heh,

  Effect: Alzur’s Thunder allows you Effect: Demetia’s Crest Surge al- Effect: Anialwch allows you to from what I heard Miss Meri-to shoot a powerful lightning bolt lows you to create a shield of pure suck some of the liquid from a tar-gold wasn’t even plannin’ to cast

  at a target which does 8d6 damage fire magic around you that blocks get’s body, damaging and exhaust-and has a 75% chance of setting a number of water spel s equal to 2 ing them. The spell does 4d6 dam-it when she first did. Guess that’s

  the target on fire. Alzur’s Thunder times your Spell Casting skill val- age which cannot be blocked by the way of magic sometimes.

  can travel in a straight line through ue. Projectiles that enter the shield armor or shields. The extreme de-Ya get into a situation where

  targets. For every target it passes are destroyed, and living creatures hydration creates a fatigue which through the damage to the next cannot enter the area of the shield. lowers the target’s current STA by ya need some fire-power but

  target decreases by 1d6.

  Range: 10m

  4d6 as wel .

  ya ain’t got the time to think it

  Range: 25m

  Duration: Active (4 STA)

  Range: 10m

  out. Sometimes ya just reach for

  Duration: Immediate

  Defense: None

  Duration: Immediate

  Defense: Dodge or Magical Shield

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical

  the magic and can’t think about

  Flaming Vortex


  what it’s gonna do. Heh, gotta

  Gwynt Troelli

  STA Cost: 15

  admit though, from what I’ve

  STA Cost: 12

  Effect: Flaming Vortex creates a Merigold’s Hailstorm

  heard it sounds like she came up

  Effect: Gwynt Troelli creates a flaming tornado 2m wide. You can STA Cost: 15

  barrier of wind around you that direct the tornado to move a num- Effect: Named for its creator Triss with one hell of a spell.

  blocks ranged attacks and projec- ber of meters equal to your Spell Merigold, ex-advisor of King

  –Rodolf Kazmer

  tiles. Any projectile attack must Casting skill value per turn. If it Foltest of Temeria, Merigold’s beat your Spell Casting rol . If they runs over or into a target, make Hailstorm creates a hailstorm en-fail, the barrier knocks the projec- a Spell Casting roll versus their compassing the area of the spel .

  tile 8m away in a random direc- Dodge/Escape rol . If they fail, Everyone within the storm must tion.

  they take 5d6 damage and have a make a Dodge/Escape check at

  Range: 10m Radius

  50% chance of being set on fire. a DC equal to your Spell Cast-

  Duration: Active (4 STA)

  The vortex will not travel beyond ing check each round or take 2d6

  Defense: None

  the spel ’s range.

  damage to a body part.

  Range: 10m Radius

  Range: 30m Radius


  Duration: Active (4 STA)

  Duration: Active (4 STA)

  STA Cost: 14

  Defense: Dodge or Magical Shield

  Defense: Dodge or Magical Shield

  Effect: Suffocates a target for 1d10

  damage per turn. The suffocation Seirff Haul

  Waves of the Naglfar

  ends if the caster is struck with a STA Cost: 10

  STA Cost: 10

  weapon or stops focusing on the Effect: Seirff Haul creates a num- Effect: Created by a mage who spel . While suffocating, a target is ber of serpents from fire magic claimed to have witnessed the ride treated as staggered.

  that swarm over a target. The tar- of the Wild Hunt, this spell creates

  Range: 10m

  get is grappled and on fire until a wave of ice magic that spreads

  Duration: Active (4 STA)

  they make a Dodge/Escape check out 3m from you in all directions.

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical vs. your Spell Casting rol . Every Anyone who doesn’t dodge or Shield

  round that the target fails the block the spell is frozen and takes

  Dodge/Escape check, the DC rises 4d6 damage.

  by 1 point as the serpents tighten.

  Range: 3m Radius />
  Range: 10m

  Duration: Immediate

  Duration: 2d10

  Defense: Dodge, Block, or Magical

  Defense: Dodge or Magical Shield



  Master Spells

  Mixed Element



  Trapped In Animal


  Mental Command



  STA Cost: 25

  STA Cost: 22

  STA Cost: 22

  By at aching dimeritium to a

  Effect: Mental Command allows Effect: Polymorphism allows you Effect: Created by a mysterious mage who has polymorphed

  you to plant an order in the mind to take the shape of a serpent, a Ofieri magician, Dervish allows into something else you can

  of a target. This command must be cat, a bird, or a dog. While in this you to create a 2m tornado around executed to the letter by the target. form, you have the physical statis- yourself. This tornado immediate-trap the mage in that form,

  If the command is something the tics of that animal (See Bestiary, ly redirects ranged attacks as per unable to use magic or do any-target would never do, they get a pg.310). Any items on your person Gwynt Troelli and acts a Zephyr thing that said animal wouldn’t

  +5 to their Resist Magic check.

  transform with you. You must cast spell against anyone within 2m of

  Range: 10m

  the spell again to change back to you. You cannot run while with-

  be able to do.

  Duration: Until Task is Done

  your human form.

  in this tornado, or make attacks

  Defense: Resist Magic or Magical Range: Self

  out of it. But if you move within


  Duration: Until Re-Cast

  2m of a target they are effected by

  Defense: None


  Standing Portal

  Range: 2m Radius

  Shaking Of

  STA Cost: 22


  Duration: Active (6 STA)


  Effect: Standing Portal creates a STA Cost: 25

  Defense: Dodge or Magical Shield

  1m by 2m floating portal up to 10m Effect: Transmutation allows you

  Targets who wish to can at-

  from you. Stepping through this to change the properties of a min- Lightning Storm

  tempt another Resist Magic

  portal teleports you anywhere you eral or metal. You can change one STA Cost: 25

  can recal . The portal can transport unit of metal into any other metal, Effect: Lightning Storm allows you check every 1d6 rounds to

  anything that fits through it. If you or change an imperfect gem into to create a lightning storm. Light-throw off the mental com-

  end the portal while something is a perfect gem suitable for magic. ning strikes randomly around the mand. If they succeed they are

  partially through, the portal slic- Dimeritium or other metals in area. Anyone (except you) in the es the object (or creature) in two. contact with dimeritium cannot area has a 35% chance of being able to stop the compulsion.

  The person is counted as being be created or changed by this spell. struck by lightning. If they miss dismembered, as per the Critical Range: 2m

  this roll, they must make a Dodge/

  Wound. You can create a portal to Duration: Permanent

  Escape check or take 8d6 damage

  a location you don’t know as per Defense: Magical Shield

  to the torso and have a 75% chance


  to be ignited.

  Range: N/A

  Duration: Active (6 STA)

  Duration: Active (6 STA)

  Defense: Dodge or Magical Shield

  Defense: None




  Fire From the Sky

  Part Water

  STA Cost: 25

  STA Cost: 25

  Effect: This spell is well known for sowing chaos on the fields of the Pontar Effect: Part Water allows you to create an open area in a body of water, up Valley. Fire From the Sky allows you to rain bal s of fire from the sky over a to 10m by 100m by 10m. Fish, monsters, and other creatures in the water huge area. Anyone (except you) in the area has a 75% chance of being struck are swept back with the water. You can pass in and out of the wall as easily by a ball of fire. If they miss this rol , they must defend at a DC equal to your as stepping in or out of a body of water without disturbing the wal s. If used Spell Casting check or take 4d6 damage to a random location and have a while in the water the the effect pushes the caster aside as wel . The area can 75% chance of being ignited.

  be summoned in any orientation, even vertical.

  Range: 40m Radius

  Range: 10m Radius

  Duration: 2d6 Rounds

  Duration: Active (6 STA)

  Defense: Dodge, Block, or Magical Shield

  Defense: None

  Mirror Effect

  Tryferi Gaeaf

  STA Cost: 25

  STA Cost: 22

  Effect: Mirror Effect creates a blinding beam of light which does 10d6 dam- Effect: Tryferi Gaeaf allows you to shoot a number of 2m spikes of ice equal age. This laser can be dodged and blocked (destroying whatever blocks it) to half your Spell Casting skill value at as many targets as you like. These but it cannot be displaced by wind and can only be parried by a reflective spikes do 5d6 points of damage and, if they do damage through armor, surface, which still takes damage. The reflected laser goes off in a random freeze the opponent and do 2 point of damage each round until they are direction. This spell uses the rays of the sun and cannot be used where the broken off with a DC:20 Physique check or by doing 20 points of damage to sun’s rays can’t penetrate. By the light of the moon or on overcast days, it them. Otherwise, these spikes last for the duration of the spel . Each attack does half damage.

  resolves separately.

  Range: 20m

  Range: 20m

  Duration: 2d6 Rounds

  Duration: 1d10 Rounds

  Defense: Dodge, Block, or Magical Shield

  Defense: Block or Magical Shield


  Priest Invocations

  Priests and druids are unusual magic

  users. While mages are still unsure as to

  where the magic of a priest comes from,

  it is widely believed that their power is

  divine and granted to them by their deity.

  For priests this may be to spread the word

  of their god, while druids believe their

  power has been given to them to preserve

  the inherent balance of the world and of


  Technical y priests wield the pow-

  er required to cast spel s. However, they do

  not train to the level of precision required.

  Instead, priests and druids perform invoca-

  tions and create sigils: simpler “spell-like”

  charms which are cast with a less orderly

  and more fervent series of incantations and



  can summon a vast

  amount of power, and many priests are ad-

  amant that they are divine, and thus more

  holy and pure than the heretical mage spel s.



  Arch Priest

  Mages Learning





  Mages are incapable of learn-

  Novice Invocations

  Novice Invocations



  ing invocations enveloped

  Boiling Blood

  Blessing of Good Fo

  Corram Agh

  by priest and druids. They

  Cursed Illness

  Blessing of Love


  Blessing of Death

  utilize and control magic

  Friend to Wild Kind

  Holy Light

  The Eternal

  in such a different way that


  Eternal Judgement

  it is impossible for them to

  Nature’s Gift

  Waters of Clearance


  Freya’s Bravery

  wrap their heads around the

  Nature’s Sight

  Web of Lies


  Healing Rest

  fervent, faith-based magic

  Sigil of the Hidden

  Vaults of Knowledge


  Luck of the Father

  of their holy counterparts.

  Arch Priest invocations are so

  Journeyman Invocations

  Journeyman Invocations

  The Great


  White Flame

  rooted in the fervent belief of

  Blessing of Healing

  Cleansing Fire

  the Priesthood that they are

  Primal Reservoir

  Holy Fortification

  usualy only taught by very

  Threads of Life

  Light of Truth

  high-ranking priests belong-

  ing to the specific religion.

  Master Invocations

  Master Invocations

  High level priest sometimes

  Shape Nature

  Divine Portal

  manifest these invocations

  through deep and solemn

  Song of the Sky

  Divine Wisdom

  prayer and contemplation.


  Novice Druid Invocations

  Boiling Blood

  Friend to Wild Kind

  Nature’s Sight

  STA Cost: 3

  STA Cost: 1

  STA Cost: 2

  Effect: Boiling Blood causes an Effect: Friend to Wild Kind grants Effect: Nature’s Sight allows you animal or non-sentient monster the caster a +3 to Wilderness Sur- to see creatures that are not natu-within range to become enraged vival for handling animals. Alter- ral to this realm. This allows you at a target. The creature will try to nately it can calm one animal if to see monsters within 50m, even attack the chosen target until the the Spell Casting roll exceeds the through obstacles. Monsters seen duration ends.

  animal’s WILLx3.

  in this view appears as glowing

  Range: 8m

  Range: Self or 5m

  versions of themselves.

  Duration: 1d10 Rounds

  Duration: 1d6 Hours


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