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The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG

Page 43

by Cody Pondsmith

  size of Kovir from what I hear. I

  to be accepted back onto their land in the valley, with resources evenly divided between

  can’t say I know what’ll happen

  humans and elves. But humans pulling out of the valley had destroyed everything, even as

  in the next few years but I can’t

  the Aen Seidhe had done when retreating from their cities, so elves and humans will have

  imagine race relations between

  to rebuild together. The sorceress Francesca Findabair, known in Elder Speech as Enid an

  the humans and the elves are

  Gleanna (Daisy of the Fields) and also held to be the most beautiful woman in the world,

  gonna get any better.

  was made queen of the new nation of Dol Blathanna. She is advised by Filavandrel of the

  –Rodolf Kazmer

  World’s Edge, leader of the Blue Mountain elves. It is said that Dana Meadbh, the elvish

  nature goddess has been seen in the valley from time to time, taking different forms. If she is there, we have no word of her taking action for the elves or against the humans beyond

  her care and maintenance of the valley itself. She most often appears in her radiant god-

  dess form in the summer, accompanied by a young stag and a large hedgehog. Despite the

  comparative peace of Dol Blathanna, only a handful of elven children have been born there

  since the Peace of Cintra.



  Slavery is legal in Nilfgaard,


  though indentured servitude

  Emyr var Emreis owns two thirds of the

  Then there are the provincial ar-

  is more prevalent, especialy in

  known world. It behooves our citizens to mies. If Nilfgaardian troops are burning,

  the heart of the Empire. Peo-

  learn a little about his nation and culture, raping, and looting randomly, you can be

  ple convicted of minor crimes,

  because if things go badly it could be your sure they are provincial troops: less trained,

  debtors, and provincials taken

  culture too.

  less disciplined, with a thinly stretched of-

  prisoner may become inden-

  The Nilfgaardian Emperor Fer- ficer corps to control them. It is important

  tured to a well-to-do family.

  gus var Emreis was the first to make con- to remember that these troops may be from

  They can be indentured for

  tact with the North and the one to expand a province only recently conquered and dec-

  anything from two to ten years.

  the Kingdom of Nilfgaard into an empire. imated by the Nilfgaardian army to which

  The penalty for a servant who

  He believed deeply in expansion and add- they now belong. You will want to stay away

  tries to escape is severe, so as to

  ed three provinces to Nilfgaard during his from Gemmerian troops at all cost. They are

  discourage rebellion.

  reign: Etolia, Vicovaro, and Gemmera.

  known to be mad dogs and sadists.

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  Nilfgaard has made it very clear: ac-

  During the Usurpator’s reign—just

  cept Nilfgaard and respect the Emperor, and before Emperor Emyr and just after his fa-

  all can be wel . A cooperative country gains ther—Ebbing, Maecht, Mettina, Gheso,

  culture, education, protection, trade from Mag Turga, and Nazair were all conquered

  Life in Nilfgaard

  far and wide—you may even be able to keep by Nilfgaard. The Mettinese are probably

  Anyone born in Nilfgaard is a

  your royals. Oppose Nilfgaard and pay the the most like Nilfgaard. The Mettinese pro-

  Nilfgaardian citizen. Citizens

  penalty. Temeria and Southern Aedirn are vincial army has its own officer corps. There

  can vote and be in the Senate

  examples. They are laid waste, and anything are a lot of people from Gheso in the army,

  (although a senator is usualy

  of value has been destroyed or hauled away. because enlisting gets one out of Gheso.

  a noble or a scholar). There

  The very land itself is burned and scarred.

  Nazair is the biggest problem for Nilfgaard.

  are elven and dwarven citi-

  I digress here to speak of the Nilf- Their underground anti-Nilfgaard faction is

  zens that have busines es in

  gaardian military. The young men of noble always planning something, and while inef-

  Nilfgaard. Non-human races

  family who come out of the Braibant Mil- fective, they are persistent.

  are treated better in Nilfgaard

  itary Academy after four difficult years are

  Magic users in Nilfgaard are a dif-

  than here and are rarely kiled

  always perfectly dressed and snap to atten- ferent question. Anyone who shows signs of

  in pogroms. Women may hold

  tion at the drop of a pin. They will go on to ability are sent to Gweision Haul, the Magic

  land or busines es in their own

  commands of their own, and the very best Academy. While there, they are overseen by

  name. In the upper classes,

  will be selected for the Impera Brigade, the the staff, and when they graduate they are

  marriages are stil arranged

  Emperor’s personal guard and the special watched by the Secret Service. Nilfgaard

  and the nobility keeps its ranks

  forces of the Empire. Then there are the keeps mages on a very short leash.

  closed. Some young women

  Nilfgaardian regulars. They are trained to

  The Emperor learned from his fa-

  have attended the Academy

  fight, and they do so without question. If a ther’s overthrow, and to this day keeps a

  (not the military academy but

  young man shows terrific potential he may close eye on his nobles through his secret

  a scholarly academy of learn-

  be moved up to the top flight. He will be police. He is a gifted strategist and a great


  adopted by a military family and cut off all manipulator. He is a stern man. He dresses

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  association with old friends. He is now of only in black, and always more plainly that

  the military noble class and must learn all of anyone at court. At this time he holds most

  its etiquette and politics.

  of Temeria as well as Aedirn, Verden, and

  Lyria and Rivia. We don’t know will happen




  The Great Sun

  There is only one faith in Nilf-

  The Heart of

  gaard, that of The Great Sun.

  It is a very old faith and many

  ancient sites tell us about the

  early history. The Emperor is


  the head of the Church, leading

  The Landing of the Exiles brought to our lands the humans

  great rituals at the solstices and

  who later became the Nordlings. At that time, the Nilf-

  equinoxes. Few Nilfgaardians

  gaardians were already established in their country to the

  still believe that he is the Sun in

  south. The capital (also called Nilfgaard) is lavish, larger

  human form, but the rituals,

  than Vizima, and lies along the river Alba. It is built entire-

  the priests, and the services are

  ly of marble and gold and is nicknamed the City of Golden

  part of the traditions that shape

sp; Towers. Only those who are born within this country (or


  better yet, this city) are true Nilfgaardians. Nilfgaardians

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  have their own language derived from Elder Speech and re-

  quire the populace of the provinces to learn it.

  The politics of Nilfgaard are treacherous, dom-

  inated by a handful of noble houses constantly vying for

  power. The Emperor is all-powerful, supported by his allied houses. There is a senate, but it The Secret Guard

  rarely has much effect on the Empire. The family of the current Emperor, Emyr var Emreis,

  The Emperor’s Secret Guard

  has ruled for most of Nilfgaardian recent history. Emyr’s grandfather, Emperor Torres var

  are not very visible, but they

  Emreis, founded the kingdom of Nilfgaard on the banks of the Alba and made it a force to

  are loyal and effective. Anyone

  be reckoned with, repulsing attacks from Gemmeria, its feral neighbor. Torres’ son Fergus

  caught sowing dis ent within

  var Emreis was the first Emperor to contact the North and shape the Empire we know now.

  the Empire can expect a very

  Emperor Fergus was overthrown by the Usurpator in 1233, however. The Usurpator con-

  unpleasant visit.

  tinued the expansion of Nilfgaard under his own banner until Fergus’ son Emyr returned

  –Brandon of Oxenfurt

  from exile and overthrew him in 1257.

  The young men (and some young women) of the city compete seriously for places

  at the Academy of Nilfgaard. Successful students will form many connections that will be

  valuable later in life. After two of their four years, the Academy students may challenge to transfer to the Nilfgaardian Military Academy where they will be trained rigorously for the

  army. They learn strategy and tactics as well as weapons mastery, horsemanship, sailing,

  survival off the land, and methods of interrogation. Corporal punishment is common, as it

  is felt that young officers should know something about the punishment they dispense. The

  best of the best will be chosen for the Impera Brigade, the Emperor’s personal guard.

  Not all of Nilfgaardian culture is military. The Imperial Library at the Academy is

  most renowned, on a par with Oxenfurt and Lan Exeter. The Academy summons outstand-

  ing writers, musicians, scholars, philosophers, and scientists. It supports their work and

  keeps them where they can be watched. Those magical few among the rank and file are sent

  to the magic academy of Gweision Haul, located just outside the capital of Nilfgaard. Gwei-

  sion Haul is a tremendous and foreboding complex large enough to house several hundred

  students but sparse in its furnishings. Students are under guard at all times by Mage Hunt-

  ers and wardens. They learn not only control of their power, but obedience to the Emperor

  and the Empire. Punishments are harsh, but a student can gather a great deal of knowledge

  and stature as long as they remember their place and don’t cause trouble.





  Etolia lies on the north bank of the Vicovaro lies on the northern border

  By the middle of 1262, Fergus had

  Alba, which also flows through the of Nilfgaard and the south-eastern

  incorporated Etolia and Vicovaro. It

  Nilfgaardian capital, allowing easy border of Etolia. Many of the no-

  is no mistake that he chose these two

  access. It has many favorable fea-

  bles have large, defensible castles in

  first. Western Gemmera is steppeland,

  tures including access to two major the mountains of eastern Vicovaro.

  but Eastern Gemmera fades into arid,

  river systems and a sea coast. Life Nilfgaardian nobles took over some

  rocky hil s. These harsh surroundings

  in pre-imperial Etolia was simple. of these in their occupation. It also

  breed harsh warriors, miners, and

  People lived wel . The king primar-

  borders the Alba, but unlike Etolia,

  bandits. It was only after Fergus had

  ily wanted to live comfortably, and Vicovaro has a strong, intelligent no-

  the resources and staging areas of Eto-

  his people were the same. Trading, bility. When Emperor Fergus started

  lia and Vicovaro that he was ready to

  farming, fishing, and hand embroi-

  to move and they saw what had hap-

  take on Gemmera. All Nilfgaard was

  dery were their primary industries.

  pened to Etolia, Vicovaro graciously

  real y interested in were warriors and

  In 1261, Emperor Fergus var asked to join the Empire. All this al-

  Gemmera’s mines, whose large seams

  Emreis decided to expand Nilfgaard. lows the people to live plentiful, sta-

  of dimeritium are the only known

  Etolia might not have been his first ble lives as long as they pay due re-

  Southern source. Nilfgaardian troops

  choice, but it fit his purposes. Nilf-

  spect to the nobles and to Nilfgaard.

  rooted out the population in Eastern

  gaard attacked Etolia, overwhelmed They educate their children and send

  Gemmera, in some areas leaving lit-

  it, and made it an example. The Em-

  the smartest and most social y adept

  tle more than a few wandering goat

  peror left no doubt about his goals to the Nilfgaardian Academy. It is no

  herders. The fiercest of the Gemmeri-

  and what he was willing to do to ac-

  mistake that these young people re-

  ans joined the Nilfgaardian army for

  complish them. The structures that turn home with a solid knowledge of

  loot and mayhem. They wield a sword

  defined Etolian life were decimated Nilfgaardian etiquette and contacts

  called the torrwr that stands almost

  and the spirit of the Etolian people in the Nilfgaardian nobility. This 2 meters at the guard, appropriate was broken. In forty years there has strategy allows Vicovaro to place for the towering Gemmerians them-not been one organized popular up-

  many Vicovarians in not only the selves. Gemmerian units have twice

  rising. Nilfgaard has created a new provincial government but the Nilf-

  as many Nilfgaardian officers as other

  provincial government, but it is the gaardian government. The Emperor’s

  provincial units, and it is not a desired

  government of an overlord. The Eto-

  seneschal is Vicovarian. Vicovaro posting. There are no large cities in

  lians are unique in their farming of has managed their own absorption

  Gemmera, only well-established dirt

  white bel y fish, a 5-7 kilogram fresh-

  and are still proud to say “I am Vi-

  roads that take you to a chain of vil-

  water fish from the Alba.







  In his initial advance, the Usurpator Most people in Maecht live in the

  Two thirds of Mettina is the Mag Dei-

  bypassed Maecht to attack Ebbing. western forests and along the rivers.

  ra Plain. Mettinese children are prac-

  Ebbing is an attractive target. It is a Despite the rocky and forbidding Tir

  tical y born in the saddle. Expansive

  large, sparsely populated area, and Tochair mountains
in the east, some

  ranches raising cattle and Mettinese

  richer than Maecht. The net of rivers traders established lucrative relations

  ponies are common. The Mettinese

  in Ebbing creates marshy soil similar there with one of the last gnomish

  pony is usual y white and is extreme-

  to Temeria’s. Land reclaimed from cities, deep in the Tir Tochair moun-

  ly hardy, sure-footed, and intelligent.

  the swamp is rich and fertile. Nilf-

  tains, for exquisite artistic and me-

  It is believed that the original stock

  gaard took advantage of a succession chanical crafts. Two years after the

  came from the Velda River Delta be-

  crisis between Ebbing’s quadruplet absorption of Ebbing, the Usurpator

  tween Mettina and Gheso. Here the

  heirs, where negotiations changed realized that he could not press fur-

  Markee, or Velda Delta horsemen,

  daily depending on what faction was ther north with Maecht at his back.

  live rough all year round minding

  in power. Final y the Usurpator lost The battle was short. The Usurpator

  the herds of horses that roam the

  patience and sent in the army. The settled a puppet king on Maecht’s delta. This life also makes the Markee Ebbing military was based on social throne. The gnomes withdrew into

  proud and tough cavalrymen. That

  status, not competence. They took their mountain holds to avoid being

  delta is also the site of many wineries.

  horrible losses, except the nobles—

  captured by Nilfgaard and forced The best known is Mettina Rose. It is

  who fled the field. The people were to churn out Nilfgaardian weapons

  approachable—some might say “ta-

  so tired of the continuing political and armor. When the Usurpator ble wine.” It is drunk throughout the chaos that they adapted to the situ-was overthrown, the king was sum-

  provinces. Mettinese people are ex-

  ation. Ebbing hasn’t caused problems moned to Nilfgaard for a private talk

  tremely proud of their wine; should

  for Nilfgaard, so they are left large-

  with Emyr var Emreis. He has been

  wine-lovers from Touissant pass

  ly alone. There is still a lot of cor-

  very careful to toe the Nilfgaardian

  through it is likely their wine discus-


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