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Strong & Wilde 2

Page 1

by L. G. Castillo

  Strong & Wilde

  Part II


  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  ONE: Cassie

  TWO: Cody

  THREE: Cassie

  FOUR: Cody

  FIVE: Cassie

  SIX: Cassie

  SEVEN: Cassie

  EIGHT: Cody

  NINE: Cassie

  TEN: Cassie

  ELEVEN: Cassie

  TWELVE: Cody




  Strong & Wilde is a three-part novella serial with cliffhangers.

  Part I – September 7, 2014

  Part II – September 28, 2014

  Part III – October 19, 2014

  Content Warning: Although not graphic, this story contains an account of assault and may be triggering for some readers.

  Copyright © 2014 by L.G Castillo.


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Sarah Hansen of Okay Creations

  Image by:

  ONE: Cassie

  “Look! Over there!” a voice shouted.

  My head snapped up to the sound of splashing water. A shadow moved carrying something big. I rubbed my blurry eyes, from the tears or the alcohol, I didn’t know.

  “It’s them!” Mandi shouted.

  A blue glow flickered to life around the shadow’s neck.


  I scrambled to my feet, dashing to him. There was already a crowd by the time I got there. Bianca’s cries were heard over the crowd’s frightened whispers. “Nic, wake up! Nic!”

  Mandi and I pushed our way through the crowd. In the center of the group, Nic lay on his back, pale and motionless.

  My eyes flicked anxiously to Cody. His hair was plastered to his forehead. Water rolled down his drenched body. His face was expressionless. When his blue eyes locked with mine, a cold sensation hit the pit of my stomach. Something was wrong. Before I could say a word, Mandi pushed me out of the way and barked orders.

  “I’m giving him CPR. Cody, drive to Mr. Wilson’s house and call 911. It’s the closest. Cassie, go with him and show him where it is.”

  “You know CPR?” I asked.

  “No. But someone’s got to do something.”

  “How do you know what to do?” I watched her kneel beside Nic.

  “I saw Gopher giving CPR on an episode of The Love Boat.” She hovered over Nic for a moment, hesitant. Then glanced angrily at Cody. “Why are you still here? Go! Move!”

  Cody’s lip twitched, and I did a double take. I rubbed my eyes, wondering how much alcohol was in the punch I just drank. He couldn’t actually be laughing in a situation like this. Could he?

  Mandi placed her hands over Nic, pressing on his muscular chest. “Come on, Nic. Wake up.”

  She pinched his nose, closing his nostrils. Then taking a deep breath, she placed her lips over his.

  “Oh my god. Wake up, Nic,” Bianca sobbed.

  Mandi lifted her head gasping for air. “Don’t you die, Marcelli,” she growled.

  Just as she covered her mouth over his, Nic’s arms suddenly wrapped around her, pulling her body onto his. Her arms flailed as his hand wove underneath her hair, keeping her head in place as he kissed her. The crowd whooped and whistled.

  “Go for it, Marcelli!”

  “You da man!”

  “Nic, you asshole!” Bianca kicked his leg and stormed off with a couple of her cheerleader friends.

  I looked over at Cody and his face broke into a smile.

  That rat! I was worried sick. I thought I’d lost him and all he can do is stand there looking sexy with wet clothes plastered to his body. Part of me wanted to give him a piece of my mind and the other part wanted to laugh from relief.

  And a teeny weeny part of me wanted to jump his bones.

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” I said when I finally went over to him. “But as soon as Nic lets go of Mandi, he’s a dead man.”

  “Yeah, I warned him, but he wanted to do it anyway.”

  “She might come after you next.”

  “I’m not sure ’bout that.” His eyes darted down, watching Mandi’s tiny fists flying as she whacked Nic.

  And then something miraculous happened. She weaved her fingers into his dark hair, deepening the kiss as she finally gave in to the handsome quarterback. They looked so cute. It was obvious by the way she was acting all week that Mandi was crushing on him. Even when I had asked her why she wouldn’t go out with him, she’d ignore my question or change the subject. Yep, she was totally crushing on him.

  When Nic finally stopped kissing her, Mandi looked dazed. Her legs seemed unsteady when he helped her up. Nic brushed her hair back, his eyes locking with hers. “You’re missing a feather.”

  While Nic was searching the ground, Mandi’s face contorted, her jaw tensing. I could almost see steam coming out of her ears. She didn’t say a word when he found her feather. It was an eerie silence. It was the calm before Hurricane Mandi arrived.

  Run, Nic. Run.

  “So does that mean you’ll go out with me?” he asked, attaching the feather to her headband, his eyes twinkling. “I’m guessing you will...seeing as how you brought me back to life and all.”

  Her mouth opened and closed as if she didn’t know what to say. And if it wasn’t for the softness that I saw in her eyes when she looked at him, I would’ve thought she actually meant what she said next.

  “Bite me, Marcelli.” She turned on her heel and stomped back toward the car.

  Nic turned to me with an unbelievable grin. “Ah, progress.” Then he jogged after her, yelling, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at eight!”

  I shook my head. Mandi and Nic were so made for each other.

  Everyone started to leave now that the scene was over, leaving Cody and I alone. Gazing into his eyes, my stomach went into a free fall. His eyelashes were wet making them dark, highlighting the intensity of blue eyes hiding a secret that wanted to be told.

  My heart drummed against my chest, growing faster with each minute that passed. My eyes drifted down to his lips. They parted slightly as his breathing became frantic.

  “Are you okay?” A water droplet slid down his cheek. Without thinking, I reached out, brushing it away. Somehow I found my hand cupping his stubbled cheek tenderly, mesmerized by the expression on his handsome face.

  After a moment, his chin trembled and he shivered.

  “You’re cold.” I took my sweater off, handing it to him.

  He shook his head. “Keep it. I’ll get it wet.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” I grabbed his hand, my stomach fluttering again, and placed the sweater in it. “You can give it back to me later.”

  “Thanks, Cassie.” His voice was low and husky.

  I thought I was going to pass out at the way his sexy voice caressed my name. I’d heard him say it dozens of times before, but this time was different. Maybe Mandi was right. Maybe he wasn’t dating Lynette.

  My heart thundered when he leaned in closer. His finger traced the tiger’s eye hanging around my neck. He smiled. “You’re wearing it.”

  “Yeah.” My voice was breathless. “I wear it every day. It reminds me of”—I swallowed thickly—“you.”

  His hand moved up to my neck, caressing it. “Cassie, I...I wish...”

Cassie! Let’s go!” Mandi screeched.

  Son of a biscuit eater! I jumped, startled by the series of loud honking and lights flashing from her car.

  “I’m coming!” Mandi must’ve really been out of it. She’d never sounded like that before. “I’m sorry, Cody. What were you going to say?”

  Cody dropped his hand, jamming it into the pocket of his blue jeans. “Nothin’...just that I’m glad your back. It’s good to see you again.”

  I groaned. The moment had passed.


  “I’m coming!” I swear I’m gonna kill Mandi. “I gotta go. Mandi’s having one of her hissy fits.”

  He chuckled. “Nic’s gonna have his hands full with her ain’t he?”

  “You bet.” I laughed but my heart wasn’t in it. How could I have gotten it so wrong? Maybe it was wishful thinking. Cody wanted to be friends and that was all.

  On the drive back home, my head pounded as Mandi jabbered, pretending to be irritated about being conned into another date with Nic. I knew she was beyond excited about the date no matter how desperate she was to hide it. I went back and forth between being happy for her and jealous that she had someone who was willing to risk her wrath just to have one kiss from her.

  And me? Well, my friendship with Cody was still solid. Maybe I could learn to be happy with just that.

  TWO: Cody

  The small, rundown trailer that my uncle and I shared was dark when I finally rolled the truck into the yard. Good thing because that meant he was sleeping and I really didn’t want to explain why my clothes were wet. Though all I had to do was mention Seth Baker’s name and he’d know what happened without another word from me.

  I sat on the front door steps, leaning against the door. I gazed down at Cassie’s pink sweater. My rough hands, calloused from doing odd jobs at the surrounding ranches, held it tenderly. It was so soft, just like her.

  I stroked the sweater, remembering the feel of Cassie’s warm, velvety skin against my hand. I don’t know what possessed me when I touched her neck like that. Maybe it was all the beer I drank. Maybe it was watching Nic go for the girl he wanted. Whatever it was, seeing Cassie in the moonlight, her dark hair looking all soft and wavy around her shoulders, her lips pink and shiny, just made me want to kiss her right then and there.

  And if I had, it would’ve been the worst thing I could’ve done.

  I groaned, tilting my head upward. “Don’t know how much more I can take, Dad.”

  The bright stars sparkling against the black sky didn’t give me an answer. Well, not the answer I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear that I should be with Cassie. I wanted to hear that Seth wouldn’t care if I was dating the girl who preferred me over him. I wanted to hear that Seth was mature enough to look past all that and would leave us alone.


  I laughed harshly into the silent night. Seth was only biding his time to get back at Cassie for slapping him in front of the entire school. Any interest I showed in her would only make him more determined to punish her for what she’d done. Maybe, just maybe, if I stayed away, he’d lose interest or even forget about Cassie embarrassing him.

  I lifted the sweater, inhaling deeply. The delicate scent of vanilla cupcakes and something flowery filled my senses. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to erase her from my mind: erase those soulful brown eyes, the way her sweet voice said my name, and how her tiny hand caressed my cheek. Erase it all before thoughts of her slipped into my heart and stayed there.

  Man, this was gonna to be hard.

  Just when I was about to get up and sneak into my bedroom, a light flashed from inside the trailer and the door swung open. I fell back with a thump.

  “Hey, Mike.”

  “Whatcha doin’ on the floor, Son? And why are you all wet?”

  “I was at the Koppe Bridge party and well...things got a little crazy.”

  “Was Baker there?” Mike held out his hand, helping me up.


  “You ain’t in no trouble are ya?”

  “No. Nothin’ like that.”

  “Well, you better get yourself inside and out of them wet clothes ’fore you catch cold.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “What’s that?” He eyed Cassie’s sweater. “Got yourself a girl?”

  “No. It’s Cassie’s. She lent it to me so I wouldn’t get cold.”

  “Oh, did she now?” He raised a brow, his blue eyes gleaming. “You know what that means don’t ya?”

  “It means she thought I was cold. And I was.” I opened the fridge, poking my head in, pretending to look for something to eat.

  “It means she likes you.” He pulled me away from the fridge, closing it. “And you need something warm to drink. I’ll make you some of that hot chocolate you used to like when you was little.”

  As Mike rummaged around the kitchen, I pulled off my boots and wet socks.

  “Here. Dry yourself off.” He tossed me a towel. “You gonna ask her out?”

  I pulled off my wet t-shirt, tossing it aside. “Cassie?”

  “Of course, Cassie. She’s a good girl.”

  I stared at the sweater and didn’t answer. It hurt too much to even think that I could’ve had a chance to be with her—to know what it would feel like to hold her or kiss her. I didn’t even think I could stay friends with her like I’d promised. It’d be too much to be so close to her and not give in.

  “What’s wrong, Cody?”

  “I...” Should I tell him? Would he understand if I did? Maybe I should go back to Utah. I was miserable there but I’m miserable here too, especially now that I knew I couldn’t be with Cassie. “I think I should go back to Utah and live with Mom.”

  Mike placed a steaming cup in front of me and sat across the table. Weary eyes studied me as he rubbed a hand over his scruffy jaw. “If that’s what you want. But I don’t think that’s what you really want to do, is it?”

  “No,” my voice croaked.

  “Is this ’bout Cassie?”

  I nodded, not able to say anything more. The lump in my throat was choking me.

  His eyes widened at the expression on my face. “You really takin’ a shine to her aren’t ya? Well, you ain’t got nothin’ to worry about. She likes you.”

  “It’s not me. It’s Seth.”

  His face grew stern. “That Seth after her?”

  “Yeah. He’s asked her out. She turned him down.”

  “Smart girl.” He grinned. “So what’s stopping you from taking her out? You two still friends aren’t ya?”

  “Yeah, we are. But if I ask her out, I know it’ll make Seth want to go after her even more. You know how he is.”

  “Yeah, I do. Just like his father.” He took a deep breath, leaning back against the chair. “Look here, Cody. You’ve got to live your own life. I know you keep away from people like Seth and his kind so you can keep your promise to your dad. J.D. would’ve been proud. But Son, you can’t hide away your entire life. Some things are worth fightin’ for.”

  “You sayin’ I should fight for Cassie if Seth decides to go after her?”

  “What I’m sayin’ is don’t fight against yourself. You’ll regret that you let the chance at love pass you by. Your dad had his share of regrets in life but lovin’ your mother wasn’t one of ’em.”

  He stood up, yawning. “It’s gettin’ late and I’ve got to drive to the Watson Ranch early in the mornin’. You think about what I said.”

  As I laid in my bed, I thought about Dad, wishing he was here to tell me what to do. All I could think about was how it was his dying wish for me to not be like him. And all I ever wanted was to be exactly like him. To be the man my mother and I knew: kind, loyal, funny, and patient.

  I closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of a lonely cricket chirping. Then I thought of Cassie. She deserved someone who wasn’t messed up like me. In a few months, we would graduate and she’d leave Koppe. She’d probably go with Mandi to college. I’d probably work with Mike on the ri

  I sighed. It was no use worrying about it. Deep inside, I knew that even if I dated her, it would only be until she left. She had a future beyond Koppe and I couldn’t be in it.

  I rolled over, pushing away thoughts of Cassie and the dream that could never be.

  THREE: Cassie

  Cody Wilde totally bites the big one.

  It had been six months since that night at Koppe Bridge and Cody hadn’t said a word to me. Not one word.

  I bit angrily into my turkey sandwich. I glanced around the crowded school cafeteria, waiting for Mandi and Nic to show up. I don’t know why I was in such a foul mood. Maybe it was because I thought Lynette was the reason why Cody wouldn’t talk to me. Rumor had it that she was dating some college guy at Texas University.

  She was clearly out of the picture. And still nothing from Cody, except for the occasional wave when he passed by during lunch on his way outside. Spring was here and it was warm enough to sit out in the courtyard again, but that would mean having to see Cody leaning up against the wall talking with Barry and ignoring me—as usual.

  Or worse, running into Seth.

  So far, Seth had kept his distance. Though he glared at me every time I ran into him. You’d think that he would’ve gotten over the slap by now. Seriously, he probably barely felt it.

  “Quick, Cassie, tell me what you think Mandi would like for our anniversary.” Nic placed his tray on the table.

  I sighed as I gazed at his eager face. I lived vicariously through Mandi now. Nic and Mandi were inseparable since the Koppe Bridge incident. He was the perfect boyfriend for her. He was so patient. And at the same time, he knew when not to put up with her bullshit.

  Mandi was jumpy over the littlest things these days, like whether or not she put the correct postage on the college applications she’d mailed off or wishing she could re-write her college essays. She’d wave her hands wildly in the air as she paced while Nic sat quietly letting her rant, then reassuring her that everything would be all right. He was amazing.

  I understood why she was so anxious. Her parents couldn’t afford to pay for college and the only way she could go was if she got a full scholarship. I told her she wouldn’t have a problem getting one. If it wasn’t for the Watson twins, she would’ve been either valedictorian or salutatorian of our senior class.


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