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Strong & Wilde 2

Page 5

by L. G. Castillo

In one swoop, I took off the blindfold and stood back, waiting for her reaction.

  “It’s a house.” Her brow furrowed with confusion.

  “It’s our house.”

  She blinked, unbelieving for a moment. Then, she turned to me with those big brown eyes; my words hadn’t seemed to sink in yet. “What do you mean our house?”

  “I rented it. Put first and last month’s rent down. I know it ain’t much, and I should’ve asked you first, but I was hopin’ that maybe you’d move in with me?” My heart nervously pounded against my chest.

  She was silent. Leaves rustled as a breeze blew through the trees. A strand of hair loosened from her ponytail and gently hit against her flushed cheeks. She was so beautiful. Please say yes.

  “Oh, Cody!” She threw herself into my arms and started bawling.

  Hell’s fire! What did that mean? Did I upset her? Was she afraid to turn me down?

  “Cassie,” I swallowed thickly, brushing my hand over her hair. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s okay. You don’t have to stay with me. I’ll...I’ll take you to Houston right now.”

  She trembled in my arms. And then, I realized she was laughing.

  “I’m not crying because I’m upset. I’m crying because I’m so happy.” She stood on her toes and kissed me.

  I let out a breath of relief. “If I’d known how happy you’d be, I would’ve done this sooner.”

  Then the words started spilling out of her so fast I could barely understand what she was saying. “I can’t wait to move in! Oh wait, first I have to call Mom and let her know I’m staying in Koppe. And I need to tell Mandi too. Oh damn, I’ll have to wait until she calls my mom so that I can get her number. We’ll need to get a phone installed soon. And I should go to the Piggly Wiggly right away. I hope Fletcher will give me my job back. Oh, and I can register for classes at Briarson Community College too.” Her eyes shined.

  “Whoa, slow down.” I laughed. “Why don’t we start with unloading your boxes first?”

  “Okay, and I’m paying half the rent too. We’re splitting the bills 50-50 and I don’t want any arguments.” She poked my chest for emphasis.

  I grabbed her finger and kissed it. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  NINE: Cassie

  “Oh, my back is killing me,” I said as I stood, stretching. “I can’t believe we did it. This place is finally clean.”

  I moaned with pleasure as Cody’s strong hands massaged my back, sending a tingling sensation to places I thought had passed out from exhaustion.

  When Cody first showed me the house he rented for us, I thought it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

  Okay, so maybe that wasn’t my first reaction to the actual house. The fact that he worked so hard to earn the down payment for the rent and then surprise me with it was beautiful. The house itself...not so much.

  The yellow paint was peeling and some of the window shutters were hanging loose. The inside was worse. Whoever had lived here before decided that the carpet was a good place to wipe their oil-stained shoes—if you could still call it a carpet. It had so many holes; it was more like strands of thick thread than a carpet.

  The kitchen wasn’t too bad. It had that 1950s vibe going on with an aqua blue fridge and stove. Although it didn’t look like it had seen a good cleaning since Jimmy Carter was president.

  Then there was the bathroom. Eww. When I had first walked into the tiny room, I thought I’d seen the bathtub move. Not something in the tub, the actual tub itself.

  The best thing about the one-bedroom house was the white picket fence that went around the property. How cute was that? There were also huge oak trees in the front and back yards, providing plenty of shade.

  And then there was the luxury of having so much privacy. As much as I had loved living with Mandi and her family, I craved my own space. The only neighbor lived in a large white house several yards away from us. Cody had said an elderly woman lived there and that the house we were renting belonged to her. He hadn’t met her yet since it was her granddaughter that handled the management of the rental.

  “Oh, that feels so good.” I turned, placing my arms around him.

  “You like that don’t you.” His lips brushed against mine teasingly.

  “Umm, hmm.”

  He deepened his kiss and a jolt of desire ran through me.

  “We’re all alone,” he murmured. “And there’s a bed...somewhere under all these boxes.”

  My heart pounded at his words and I suddenly became nervous. This was the first time we’d actually been alone for more than an hour. No more frantic make out sessions before Mandi or one of her siblings came into the house. No more struggling to maneuver inside the cab of his truck. We had all night and day...or at least until we had to go work.

  Even though we had technically been sleeping together since we moved our stuff into the house, we hadn’t really done anything yet. With all the moving and cleaning, all we had energy for when we went to bed was holding each other and kissing a little before we passed out cold.

  Today was different. We had finally settled into the house, and there was nothing left to do. I had to admit—I was a little scared. What if it hurt? I’d heard that girls bled the first time they did it. I guess I could handle a little pain. But I had no idea what I was supposed to do. What if I did something wrong? What if he took one look at me and thought my boobs were too small? Or maybe he’d freak out when he saw that one boob was slightly bigger than the other. What if having sex with me was awful? Even though Cody never dated Lynette, I wasn’t sure if he’d been out with any other girls here or in Utah. What if I sucked in comparison?

  I scanned the room, hoping to find a distraction.

  “Oh, wait. One more thing to make the room perfect,” I said when I spotted the tiny bookshelf Cody had built for me. “Where’s the box with your cassette tapes?”

  “By the couch. Why?

  “I have just the thing to pretty up the bookshelf.”

  “You’re gonna put my tapes with your books? There ain’t no room.”

  I tore into the box rummaging through cassettes of Alabama and The Oak Ridge Boys. “No, we’re going to have to hide them. Mandi threatened to burn any piece of country music that finds it way into the house. Here it is!”

  I took out two photo frames, placing them on the shelf top shelf. “What do you think?”

  His eyes glistened, making them look incredibly blue, when he gazed at the photos of his dad and mine. His finger touched the silver frame that encased his father’s likeness. Cody looked just like him with his rugged good looks, dark lashes framing bright eyes, strong jawline, and that dimple of his that always seemed to make me weak in the knees.

  He gave me a slow smile. “When did you do this?”

  “I asked Mike to get the photo when you were buying the paint. I already had the frame. I put it together yesterday and snuck it into the box.”

  He turned to me. His hands cupped my cheeks as he looked deeply into my eyes. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect. How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?”

  “The luck is mine, Mr. Wilde.”

  “I could argue with you about that, but there are better things we can do,” he whispered suggestively. His eyes drifted down to my lips and he leaned in. My breathing grew frantic with anticipation. Then warm lips gently sucked on mine. His kiss was slow, seductive. When his hot tongue slid into my mouth, my heart went into overdrive.

  There was a pounding on the door followed by a woman’s voice bellowing, “Hello! Anyone in there? It’s your neighbor.”

  I jumped, startled.

  “Let’s hide,” he murmured, tightening his hold on me.

  “It’s too late for that.” I giggled with nervous relief. “She can see us through the screen door.”

  Cody groaned when I pulled myself away from him.

  Standing on the porch was a large woman with wrinkled, coffee-brown skin and salt and pepper hair. She held a
basket of corn bread in one hand and with the other leaned on a wooden cane.

  “Well, look at the two of you! Thank you for answerin’ my prayers, Lord.” She laughed at the quizzical look on Cody's face. “Oh, don't mind me, Chile. I'm just grateful to have such nice lookin’ neighbors move in. I'm Willa Mae Williams.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Williams. I’m Cody and this is Cassie.”

  “Ooh, ain’t you a pretty little thing?” She reached over and patted my cheek. “We’re neighbors now so you call me Willa Mae.”

  “I’ve met your granddaughter. Won’t you please come in?” Cody opened the door stepping aside to let her in.

  “My fool grandbaby, bless her heart,” she said, shuffling into the living room. “She’s wantin’ to stick me in the old folks home. I done tol’ her I ain’t old. I’m only seventy-nine years young. I may be slow ’cause of my arthritis, but I ain’t old.”

  Willa Mae may have walked slowly but what she lacked for in physical speed, she made up for when talking. She was full of life and energy. Her smiles and laughter were contagious and I liked her instantly.

  I rushed into the kitchen and brought out some iced tea and plates for the corn bread. It was the best thing I’d ever tasted. It had to be homemade. Nothing that tasted that good could’ve come out of a box. I made a mental note to remember to ask her for the recipe.

  “Look at that. Ain’t you a gentleman,” she said after Cody had thanked me when I handed him his tea. “Young folk don’t have no manners these days. The folk that lived here before you had no manners at all. They'd stayed up until the wee hours of the mornin’ blaring their music—I believe you young folk call it hip-hop—and throwin’ trash into their yard and mine. I even asked them to keep their music low. I need my beauty sleep. And they laughed at me, tellin’ me to mind my own business.” She took a sip of her tea. “Umm, that’s some good tea. What was I sayin’? Oh yes, that's when all the graffiti on my house started. Shameful, just shameful.”

  When I invited Willa Mae to have supper with us, Cody gave me a slight frown. It’s not that he didn’t want Willa Mae around, I could tell that he was enchanted with her stories just as much as I was. He wanted us to be alone.

  When dinner was over, we stood outside to make sure Willa Mae got safely back to her house.

  “I like her,” Cody said when we walked back inside.

  “Me too.” I went into the kitchen, gathering the plates from the table.

  “Leave those for tomorrow.” His voice was husky as he took the plates out of my hands.

  My breath caught in my throat as hungry blue eyes gazed at my lips.

  Maybe I should’ve given him more cornbread.

  Okay, so I get a little weird when I’m nervous.

  “’ll only take me a few minutes.” I quickly picked up the plates and glasses, placed them into the sink, and turned on the faucet.

  “I’ll help you.” He chuckled, placing himself behind me. Strong hands slid around my waist. Then he pressed his hard body against mine. I grasped the counter, fearing my knees would give out at any minute. He felt so good.

  He placed his hands over mine and plunged them into the soapy water. His hands guided mine to pick up one of the dishes. Then he reached over to his right and picked up the sponge, placing it into my wet hand.

  Hand over hand, we washed the dish. With each stroke we made, he pressed his lips against my neck, sending a tingling sensation all over my body.

  When I placed my hand inside one of the glasses, his soapy hands slid sensuously up my arms, leaving a trail of soapsuds and goose bumps. I paused, forgetting about the remaining dishes and my anxiety.

  “I like the way you feel when you’re wet.”

  My face grew hot as I thought of the double meaning of his words.

  “You’re blushing. Was it somethin’ I said?” He glided a wet finger down my cheek.

  “No,” I said breathlessly as his finger continued to trail down the side of my neck.

  A white cloud of bubbles plopped against the front of my blouse. I bit my lip, fighting a moan when he brushed the foam off my breast.

  “Anything wrong?” His hot breath hit against my ear.

  “No.” I could barely get the words out as he skimmed his nose along my neck. “I’m...I’m almost...almost...”

  Then his tongue glided over the shell of my ear. I moaned.

  Before I knew what was happening, I was suddenly sitting on the counter with my legs around him. My hands twined into his hair, desperate to deepen the kiss. His hands moved from my hips to my bottom, lifting me. Immediately, I tightened my legs around his waist, feeling his hardness against my center.

  Carrying me, the room spun as he charged out of the kitchen and into the bedroom. The moment he placed me on the bed, I felt a surge of panic. His blue eyes simmered and his chest rose and fell with excitement. He studied me for a moment, then his face shifted as he took in the expression on my face.

  “Cassie?” Gentle eyes looked at me questioning.

  I knew what he was asking. He was asking me if I was ready. I gazed into his eyes and found the beautiful soul I’d fallen in love with. I had nothing to fear from this sweet, gentle man. He would never hurt me.

  Holding his gaze, I stood and went to him. I gave him an answer by sliding my damp hands underneath his t-shirt and pulling it over his head. Placed my hand over his muscular chest, I whispered, “Yes.”

  His hands slowly moved over the front of my blouse, thick fingers undoing each of the buttons, never taking his eyes off me. I followed his lead, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. One by one our clothes fell to the floor until there was nothing between us but the silky material of my panties and his cotton boxers.

  His hand delicately trailed over my shoulders and then to my back as he walked behind me. His fingers moved down my back and with a tug my bra loosened. A strap fell to the side and lips pressed against my bare shoulder.

  Slowly, I turned to face him. I loosened the other strap and let the bra fall to the floor.

  His breath hitched as he drank me in. My heart pounded in my ears as his eyes drifted up my body. When his eyes finally met mine, they were dark with desire.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered huskily.

  Wrapping my arms around him, I pulled him close. I moaned at the feel of his muscular chest against my breasts. He ducked his head, his lips ravishing mine. Somehow we found our way onto the bed.

  My hands traveled down the length of his broad shoulders and muscular back, memorizing every inch of his body. I pulled him closer, wanting to get inside his skin. I couldn’t get close enough.

  I gasped for air when he released me from his passionate kisses. His lips then traveled down my neck. Each kiss was feather light, teasing, making me ache for more. Then hot lips covered my nipple and I arched my back in pleasure. I moaned, weaving my hands through his hair as he took one breast into his mouth and then the other.

  With blue eyes smoldering, his fingers slid to my hips, tugging at my panties. Following his lead, I lifted my hips and suddenly I was free. Hot breath hit my core and I groaned. A throbbing began to build inside of me and I squirmed, needing him to fill the growing ache. By now, my fears and nerves were totally thrown out the window and I found myself practically ripping off his boxers.

  He paused a moment, opening a drawer from the night stand, and quickly put on a condom.

  “Cody,” I moaned when I finally felt his silky length pressing against my thighs.

  Then his tip was at my entrance. I closed my eyes, squirming in delicious anticipation.

  “Open your eyes,” he whispered, his husky voice near my ear.

  I looked deep into his eyes as he hovered above me. The exquisite expression on his face was one that I knew I’d carry in my heart for the rest of my life.

  “Cassie, I love you.”

  My entire being filled with love as he slid into me, filling every inch of my heart. There was a
flicker of pain, and then I was complete.

  He took over all of my senses. Every breath, every taste, every touch was Cody. I felt myself climbing higher and higher. Our bodies moved in perfect rhythm, our hearts, frantic at first, synced and beat as one.

  Then at the peak of the greatest high I’ve ever experienced, Cody arched back. His face was so beautiful, so pure, that I felt a sudden release and euphoria rushed through my body.

  He shuddered, calling out my name. I held onto him tightly as wave after wave of intoxicating pleasure washed over me until I couldn’t hold back any longer. My body shattered, making me cry out with him.

  In exhaustion, his arms fell to his side. His body slick and glistening with sweat pressed against me. I could feel the racing beat of his heart calling out to mine.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  After a moment, our breathing returned to normal and he shifted, placing his head on my chest, listening to my heart.

  “You’re trembling.” I grabbed a blanket, tucking it around his shoulders. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded, his silky hair brushing against my breast. “I...I didn’t know it would feel like this. It was...I have no words for it.”

  I swept his damp hair off his forehead and kissed him. “Was it different from the other times?”

  He lifted his head, eyes locking with mine. “There ain’t been any other times. There’s only been you.”

  My breath caught and I froze.

  “Cassie!” His eyes widened. He sat up, frantically looking over me. “Did I hurt you?”

  I shook my head unable to speak. Tears slid down my heated cheeks.

  “Please, tell me what’s wrong. Why are you crying?”

  I gazed into his heart-wrenchingly handsome face. It was so unbelievable to me. This gift that he’d given, that we’d given to each other. “Because...because I was your first.”

  He let out a breath. Then splaying his fingers across my cheeks, blue eyes looked deep into mine. “Cassie, you are my first, my forever.”

  TEN: Cassie

  Wearing a boyish grin, Cody dangled a brown paper bag filled with fireworks. He was like a kid in a candy store. Totally adorable.


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