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Mastering His Mate

Page 11

by Delta James

  He pulled her body into his, allowing her to feel how badly he wanted her. He loved how she uninhibitedly rubbed her body on his cock. The knot that had formed was larger than usual. He was desperate to breach her soft, silken sheath with its unyielding strength. He briefly regretted having had to spank her earlier as she was still tender, but then realized it wouldn’t be the last time he knotted and tied his mate after she’d been spanked.

  Oliver squeezed her bottom as he pulled back the sheets. “Get into bed, sweetheart. I need to go close the doors to the balcony.”

  “Why? I like the smell and the sound of the ocean.”

  Oliver kissed her deeply and teased, “And do you want everyone on the estate to hear your response when I mark and knot you for the first time?”

  “Let’s talk about that whole marking me thing. Maybe we should set a new trend… no alpha mark,” she said as she started to stiffen.

  “No.” He shook his head as he thumbed her nipples. “My need to mark you as mine is even greater that my need to knot and tie you to me. And you are standing close enough to know how great a need I have for the latter.”

  She giggled, relaxing once again. “Well, it certainly feels like a great need, but unless you get naked there’s no way for me to know that for sure.”

  He chuckled and lightly swatted her behind. “Marking, knotting, and tying one’s mate is serious business, little girl. Now, get into bed, sweetheart.”

  He turned from her and walked over to close the French doors onto the balcony. He had been serious about preventing others from hearing her as he breached her the first time. He turned and removed his trousers.

  Roz’s eyes widened appreciatively. There was nothing but desire and answering to the instincts and forces that drove him. Apparently, her talk with Skylar combined with her own passionate nature had alleviated any residual concerns she might have had about becoming his mate in every sense of the word.

  He walked toward her, his cock standing at attention with the knot prominently displayed. Unlike other females he had bedded and/or knotted, Roz did not lie back and open her legs, displaying her wet pussy to him. He wondered idly if that was something females were taught or if born shifters were geared slightly different than their turned sisters.

  Instead Roz was up on all fours and moving across the bed on her hands and knees. She made a low-level growl that, like Oliver’s earlier one, was laced with desire and lust. He got to the bed and she got up on her knees, rubbing her naked body against his. He groaned. He’d have to remember to take her to task at some point for denying them both this pleasure for so long.

  He kissed her hungrily and she met him with a passion and hunger of her own. He reached down and once again cupped her breasts in his hands. He rolled one of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Oliver could feel Roz’s response from the erotic stimulation he was applying to her nipple. Her body shuddered and he could feel her arousal working through her body. He was certain that he would find a pool of need waiting between her legs.

  She worked her way back down his body as he continued to fondle her breasts and nipples. As she got to his groin, she lay down, stretched out, and rolled over on her back. His cock with its knot loomed over her.

  He leaned down to take one of her nipples in her mouth while his hand pleasured the other. He was greatly enjoying the sighs and moans he was eliciting. She surprised him by stretching up and licking the underside of his cock, paying close attention to the hard knot. He pinched one nipple hard while he nipped the other.

  “Naughty girl. You don’t play with me without permission. And when I have a knot and need to bury it within you and then tie you to me, that permission will not be given to you.”

  “Don’t you want me to pleasure you?” she whispered seductively.

  He chuckled. “Oh, you will, my Rozalyn. And there will come a time, my cock will take your mouth, but that time is not now.”

  He moved her back into the middle of the bed. He stretched out beside her and began to explore her body. He paid loving and careful attention to her breasts and nipples. She tried to reach her hands down between them to take hold of what she wanted. With the hand that wasn’t actively engaged in fondling her, he grasped both of her hands in his.

  “Rozalyn, do not reach for me again without asking. I would prefer not to have to restrain you in our bed the first time I knot you. And make no mistake, sweetheart, I will knot you this night. I’ve been half mad for you since I learned where you were.”

  She trembled as he let go of her hands and slid the hand that had held hers between her legs. They parted easily for him and her hips moved so that she had closer contact. He took her clit and began to alternately massage and roll it as he had her nipples.

  “Oliver, please,” she moaned. “You’re not the only one who’s half mad with wanting. My body feels like it’s on fire. I’ve never felt this way before.”

  He chuckled as he kissed and suckled his way down her body. She spread her legs even more wantonly in invitation of his possession. He dipped his head and took hold of her clit in his mouth as he lightly stroked her with his one finger, first just the outer lips and then her molten core.

  Oliver stopped suckling her clit long enough to look at her, loving the way her body was flush with desire. Her hips surged up to capture his finger and she started to pleasure herself on his one digit. He let her start to build her climax before removing his finger. She howled in frustration.

  “Damn it, Oliver. I need to come.”

  “And you will, sweetheart,” he said as kissed his way back up her body.

  As much as he had wanted to taste her honey, he knew neither of them would stop until she had achieved orgasm. He wanted her first release with him to be as he breached her. He kneeled between her thighs enjoying how she further spread them and thrust herself at him. He reached under her and took hold of her buttocks in his hands. Her quick inhale of breath told him she was still tender from her earlier spanking, but far too aroused to care. He held her tight as his cock found its way to her entrance.

  “Look at me, Roz.” Roz locked eyes with her mate. “You are mine as I am yours.” He thrust hard and true. His knot breached her and she dug her nails into his back and bit down on his collarbone to keep from screaming.

  “Get off. Jesus, I can’t believe Skylar lied to me.”

  “Shh. I know it’s painful; try to relax.” He refused to release her buttocks and held her close, but nuzzled and kissed her. She would not allow him to capture her mouth.

  “Oliver, it hurts,” she said softly as tears filled her eyes.

  “I know, sweetheart. It will be all right. Just let your body relax and accept mine.” He squeezed both of her tender globes with his hand and growled. “Just try to relax, I can feel your pussy starting to accept the knot. You may not be ready to say it or hear it, but I love you. I have loved you for a long time and most likely in many lives before this.”

  Gradually Roz’s body relaxed under his coaxing and while she still felt very full, the pain was receding being quickly followed by a sensation of well-being, desire, and intense pleasure. She heard him catch his breath. She could tell from the look on his face and the sensations inside her that as Skylar had said, the knot was beginning to swell.

  “Not as much fun now is it, mate,” she quipped.

  This time he captured her mouth with his own. Once she was sealed to him, Oliver began to rock her, slowly and rhythmically. The self-satisfied look on her face was quickly replaced with one of growing passion and lust. She moaned as he rocked her, allowing her to feel his power and strength.

  “Oh, God, Oliver,” was all she managed before her orgasm burst forth, completely consuming her. She clung to him as her body pulsed repeatedly and she spasmed around him.

  “Better?” he whispered with a smile.

  “Oh, God, yes…” The last word was drawn out as she came almost immediately a second time.

  That climax was quickly followed by th
e buildup of a third. Oliver was in no hurry to find his release. The feel of her as her body responded to his was pure bliss. The way her pussy seemed to pulse around his cock pleased him more than anything in his life ever had.

  Her eyes rolled back in her head while he rocked her through several more climaxes, each seemingly stronger than the last. Roz began to claw at his back. He responded by rocking her that much harder and with more intensity.

  As lost as she had been in the maze earlier that night when he had found her, so was she lost to the passion and pleasure that were being given to her. Oliver kissed her deeply and then nuzzled his way down her neck. What she couldn’t see were his canines sharpening and becoming a bit larger. As she orgasmed yet again, Oliver sank his teeth into the base of her neck in that small hollow between neck and collarbone.

  Roz screamed, half pain and half passionate outcry as the climax that overtook her shook her to the depths of her soul. Her brain registered that he was still biting her, marking her as his… a warning to other males to keep their distance or suffer the consequences. Instead of trying to push him away or disengage his bite, she brought her hands up and clasped his head to her neck.

  He continued to rock her as he bit down and tasted her blood. His rocking became more frenzied and powerful. Finally, he released her neck and gave one last hard thrust. Her body responded by orgasming with his. She could feel his cum gushing deep into her and her pussy clenching his cock and squeezing in an effort to encourage him to continue to do so. After a pleasurable eternity, he was finished.

  “That was amazing,” she breathed with a sigh.

  “Don’t hate me anymore?” he teased.

  “Don’t push your luck. I could learn to hate you for not catching me sooner,” she giggled.

  He bent his head and licked her wound. “I’ll clean that up before we sleep.”

  “I don’t want you to get off anymore either,” she smiled and nuzzled his neck.

  “Good thing. If I tried to before this knot dissipated I could injure both of us. So, my beautiful vixen, you’ll have to endure being tied to me for the next few hours.”

  “Really? What do people usually do?”

  “Talk. Share secrets. Sometimes nap.” He turned serious. “I didn’t hurt you too badly, did I?”

  She giggled and wiggled as much as she could, sealed to him as she was. “Let’s just put it this way. Skylar won’t be the only one demanding to be knotted more often than once a month.”

  “It should be even better next time.”

  “Are you kidding me? There is no such thing as better, unless you can arrange for me not to feel like I’ve been split in half when you force that thing in me. Jesus, that hurt.”

  He nuzzled her and stroked her. “I know, sweetheart, I wish I could lessen that for you.”

  She took his face in her hands and kissed him deeply. “If the price I pay for what happens afterward is that initial pain… sign me up. And only alpha males can form one of those things.”

  “In human form, yes. Thus, why some couples will mate as wolves so that each can experience the knot and the resulting tie.”

  Roz rubbed her still hard nipples against his chest. “So, would you ever knot me from behind?”

  “I can and will if you would like to experience that… both as human and wolf.”

  She laughed. “So, you don’t care how we do it, just as long as you get to ram that thing into me.”

  He laughed. “That sounds about right, and ram it into you as often as I can.”

  “You’re such a guy. Hamptons or Jersey doesn’t matter. As long as you can fuck a pussy you’re happy.”

  “Not true. I have no interest in fucking any pussy, but the one I am currently tied to.” He kissed her, exploring her mouth with his tongue. “Do you have any idea how good you feel when you contract around me? And even now, your pussy is snugged all around my cock. It is the best feeling in the world.”

  “Will you ever fuck me without the knot?”

  “Yes. I won’t always have three of four hours to spend with you. Or you might be too tired or too sore.”

  “But you’ll fuck me regularly and a lot? I really enjoy getting laid.”

  He laughed. “Must be part of your DNA. Your sister takes great pleasure from her mate.”

  Roz giggled. “Oh, my God, does he do her as a wolf?”

  “Rozalyn. That’s quite enough.”

  “But does he?”

  Oliver laughed and relented. “Yes, he does. However, it is considered impolite to discuss such matters.”

  “You’ve got a lot to learn. I imagine Liza and I will have lots to share about the male wolves in our lives. I’ll bet she’s going to have lots of questions about this whole process.”

  Oliver rolled his eyes. “And what will you tell her?”

  “That it is amazing. Even this is pretty special. So how often can this knot thing form?”

  “Fairly regularly around females in general, but when a male has his true mate, they form unless he suppresses them.”

  She grinned up at him. “Wanna go again?”

  He laughed. “Not tonight, my wanton vixen. You’re going to be sore enough as it is. But don’t think that means I won’t have you again. After all, with the knot all I can do is rock you. I very much want to enjoy thrusting in and out of you in long, hard strokes.”

  Her body shivered. “Okay, maybe this whole being mated thing won’t be so bad.”

  “I’m glad you’re coming around to my way of thinking.”

  They stayed tied together for almost three hours. Oliver knew a great deal of Roz’s history as her sister was in his pack. But he was curious about how she survived between when she left them and when she joined Skylar. He told her of his efforts to find and bring her home. As she knew next to nothing about him or the Hamptons pack, he told her of their history and his own life story.

  Finally the knot dissipated and Oliver eased from her body. She made a token cry of discomfort as he did so. He rolled to his back, bringing her along with him so that she was snuggled up next to him. They both slept but awakened each other during the night to ride the waves of passion again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Skylar walked down the stairs happy to see that everyone was dressed casually. She realized it was most likely at Dylan’s request as she and the women of Bae Diogel hadn’t anything fancy or formal. She was especially happy to see that everyone was gathered for brunch and knew he too was responsible for that so that she could see none of them were the worse for wear.

  What surprised and delighted her was Roz. She was beaming. She rushed over to Skylar and threw her arms around her. “You bitch,” she whispered.

  “What?” Skylar said, startled and then drew back to look at her friend, who was grinning from ear to ear. They looked at each other’s mark. “Mine’s bigger than yours.”

  “Who cares? That knotting thing? Holy shit. What an amazing experience. I could have lived without the whole marking or for that matter that tie thing, but still…”

  Skylar laughed. “I think if you embrace the whole experience, you’ll come to really enjoy the tie as well. The second time Dylan…”

  “That SOB knotted you twice?”

  “Yes,” she smiled. “He did. And…”

  Dylan put his arm around his mate. “And that is all you need to say on the subject.”

  Oliver joined them and enfolded Roz in his embrace. Skylar was a little taken aback when her friend snuggled into him and raised her face for his kiss, which he obliged.

  “Sky, I need you to gather everyone and get them headed to the buffet tables. Thomas will have a fit if things get cold.”

  Roz watched as Skylar got everyone’s attention and headed them into the dining room. She looked at Oliver. “I’ll never be able to do that… not with her style.”

  “You will develop your own style. You are my mate and were the beta to the alpha of Bae Diogel. No one holds a candle to you. And if they don’t like ou
r style, then we just won’t invite them.” Roz beamed at him and kissed him. “Come, love, let’s go have something to eat.”

  Oliver took Rozalyn into the buffet. He noticed that Dylan didn’t join them and that Skylar quietly exited the brunch as well.

  “Do you think there’s trouble?” Roz asked him.

  He stroked her hair. “If there is, he can handle it. Dylan’s men are mostly ex-Special Forces. But if they need us, we’ll know. Why don’t you help Bianca keep the guests seen to in Skylar’s absence?” Her expression showed distress. “What is it, sweetheart?”

  “Oliver, I’m serious when I say I know nothing about being a hostess. We didn’t entertain like this at Bae Diogel or how you…”

  “We…” he corrected gently.

  She smiled and kissed him. “We do at home.”

  “But you will learn. While we’re here you have Skylar and Bianca and at home your sister has been hostess as mate to our beta.”

  “I just don’t want to embarrass or disappoint you.”

  “You could never do either. You will find your way and we will all be there to help you. Greg wasn’t making small talk when he said everyone is so happy that you will be coming home.”

  “I don’t know that everyone is accurate. The last time I was there I wasn’t exactly winning points for my charming personality.”

  Oliver laughed. “No, but you impressed them with your courage, resiliency, and spirit. Besides which, they are tired of waiting for me to catch you and bring you home.”

  “Even Bash?” she teased.

  “Especially Bash. It will make Liza all that much happier and that means everything to him. But I warn you, my Rozalyn, if you let your mischievous nature lead you and your sister into naughtiness, both of you will pay the price. I won’t have you creating havoc at home. The spanking you got the other night was just to teach you that you will mind me and why you might want to consider being a good girl.”

  She kissed him and grinned. “I wouldn’t place a lot of money on that, mate.”


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