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Sleepaway Girls

Page 13

by Jen Calonita

  "You can't let her get away with it," Cole added.

  I shrugged. "I can't do mean as well as she does, so what's the point?"

  I moved away and handed the rest of my girls their towels. I made sure everyone had their beach cover-ups and sunblock (something they seemed to lose on a daily basis). Then it was time for me to get dressed. I looked around. My towel and clothes were MIA. "Has anyone seen my stuff?" I asked the girls. They shook their heads.

  We all searched, even Cole, thinking maybe my stuff had gotten mixed in with his peeps', but my clothes were nowhere to be found. Then it dawned on me: Ashley. She and her minions must have grabbed them when I was in the water.

  "Can I borrow someone's towel?" I said.

  Cole stripped off his, standing there in his swim trunks, and held the green towel out to me. It smelled like Downy. I tried not stare at Cole's abs as I took it and wrapped the towel around my chest.

  "Ashley took your stuff, didn't she?" Cole asked.

  "It looks like it," I said wearily.

  "Sam," Cole started to say something and I was sure it was about taking on Ashley.

  "Cole, I just don't even have it in me to fight her," I said. "Thanks for the towel. I promise to return it later."

  Then I trudged up the hill behind my peeps, in my bare feet, clutching Cole's towel. All I could think about was the fact that Ashley had humiliated me yet again.

  12 Talent Show-Off

  "Come on, people, I don't have all day!" Ashley snapped. "I'd like to actually go swimming this afternoon. It's boiling out."

  We were back in our bunk midday -- a rarity -- to have an Ashley-mandated bunk meeting about the talent show. But no one was paying attention to Ashley except, well, Ashley. Everyone was still keyed up from yesterday's Parents' Day visit. Since Mom wasn't coming, I had offered to help Alexis with the peeps. Em thought I was crazy. She was making an appearance with her bunk, like all the CITs had to do, but then she was taking advantage of being visitor- and activity-less and was spending the day at the lake reading her latest novel, London Lovers. But me, I felt guilty letting Alexis handle everything on her own, so I offered to help her make special snacks, signs for the parents' arrival, and crafts for the girls to give to their parents. I had worked till nine last night and today I was exhausted.

  "Gab, are you getting off the phone or what?" Ashley's eyes shot daggers at her best friend.

  Gabby was talking to her boyfriend, Joshua, on the phone she had hidden from Meg. She liked to check in with him from time to time to make sure he still missed her -- even if she was flirting with Gavin behind his back. "Pooks, I have to go," Gabby cooed, making me want to gag. "TLF, sweetie. TTYL."

  She even abbreviated words to her boyfriend! I wondered how he could stand it.

  Gabby snapped the phone shut and glared at the rest of us. "Guys, WAYWF?"

  "Huh?" Even Grace was confused.

  Gabby sighed. "I said, 'What are you waiting for?' Let's pay attention to Ashley, okay? She's trying to tell us about this year's beyond brilliant theme."

  "Yeah, about that," I piped up, feeling slightly brave. "If we're performing as a bunk, shouldn't the theme be a bunk decision?" Court snorted and her ice tea came shooting out of her nose.

  Gabby practically shot venom at me with her eyes. "Ashley's always picked it."

  "Because I'm the one with the good ideas," Ashley added icily. "I have a background in acting, you know." She paused and looked at me, as if daring me to say I did too. But my moment of bravery was gone. "If you don't like it, you can sit this out. The routine I have in mind would work better with five girls anyway."

  The girls looked from me to Ashley. "No, I'm in," I told her. I had promised the sleepaway girls I would be part of the show even though I didn't want to do it. And besides, I didn't want to be the only CIT not part of a routine.

  "Fine," Ashley said, waving a paper fan in front of her flushed face. "God, I need air. Let's take five." She stomped out of the cabin, the door slamming behind her and Gabby followed.

  "I know this sucks," Em told me gently. "I don't like working with her any more than you do. None of us do! But this is tradition, and on the upside, her number is always the most popular one," Em said brightly. "When it comes to the talent show, you can't cross Ashley. She'll make you wear a cow costume."

  "A cow costume?" I asked, trying not to smirk.

  "Two years ago, when I was 'in' with Ashley, I questioned her song choice -- we did 'Milkshake' by Kelis. Ashley got mad and made me wear a cow costume for the routine. I was mortified."

  I wanted to laugh at the image, but I knew I shouldn't.

  "I just wish someone around here -- someone who isn't afraid to stand up to Ashley -- would come up with her own talent show number and take over the routine," Grace said, and looked directly at Court.

  Court sighed. "Grace, I appreciate the vote of confidence, but it's too much work! I can't spend all my free time ogling Donovan and plan a talent show number. I vote for letting Ashley do the heavy lifting like always."

  "Come on, Court," Grace begged. "Remember last year when you thought of doing a spoof of camp life? Your ideas are brilliant. Ashley's may be popular, but yours would be the talk of the show."

  Court didn't get a chance to respond. Gabby had slammed the door loudly and marched in front of us with Ashley at her side.

  "Everybody finally ready?" Ashley said, looking at me. "So this year, since it's our last year we're officially in the talent show, I thought we should go out with a bang. We need to make this performance as memorable as possible so they'll be talking about it all winter. I want something sexy, something daring." She looked at Gabby. "That's why I've decided that this year's number will be 'Big Spender' from Fosse." Gabby clapped enthusiastically.

  "Hasn't someone done that already?" Em asked slowly.

  Ashley rolled her eyes. "A few girls tried to do it last year, but it stunk so bad they weren't even picked. They just lip-synched to the song. We'd actually sing it. And we'd dance. Most people don't do both. And our costumes would be killer. I'm thinking black bra tops, tight spandex pants, and tulle skirts."

  There was no way I was going up onstage in front of the entire camp in a bra and spandex! Especially when I didn't have a stomach as flat as a surfboard like Ashley.

  "Isn't that song kind of old-school?" Court asked skeptically.

  "And kind of racy for camp?" Grace added. "I don't think I want to sing that in front of Hitch."

  "We'll change some of the words," Ashley said dismissively. "I've already got our background all picked out. We're going to paint a bar scene and have bar stools and pick one of the hot counselors to sit in the middle of the stage and be our 'big spender.'"

  "Oooh, can we pick Gavin?" Gabby asked. "Or Donovan?" I glanced at Court. She looked like she wanted to tackle Gabby.

  "I was thinking Patrick," Ashley said. "I'm sure he'll say yes when he hears it involves me." She looked at the rest of us and smiled. "So it's all settled. We'll start practicing right away since auditions are in two weeks. And we'll have to get our costumes. They shouldn't take too long to order from Victoria's Secret. Well, if you can all squeeze into spandex." Gabby giggled. "Maybe we should have a bunk diet -- for you guys, of course. Gabs and I don't need one."

  "That's it." Court stood up. She looked angry. "Your idea reeks! It's been done before and I am not spending my last talent show in spandex! If you want to do this number, then perform it at your lame sleepover party. We're not doing it!"

  I beamed at her proudly. Why didn't I have the guts to stand up for myself like that?

  Ashley's jaw dropped and hung there for a moment. "And you think you have an idea that is better than mine?" Ashley's eyes were slits. "Let me remind you that I have come up with our talent show idea for the last six years."

  "Six," Gabby repeated loudly. She stood next to Ashley in solidarity.

  "And every year the whole camp has told us how amazing our number is," Ashle
y added.

  "Amazing!" Gabby seconded.

  "As long as I'm being honest, I have to say last year's number was kind of silly," Court said, enjoying the effect she was having on Ashley. "I mean, Kanye West's 'Stronger' was played out by the time you made us dance to it in those silly military costumes, which by the way, were a direct rip-off of Janet Jackson's 'Rhythm Nation.'"

  Ashley gasped. "They were not!"

  "They were too!" Court said. "You copied some of the moves verbatim. I know that video because my older sister was a Janet freak."

  Gabby looked confused. For once, she didn't come to Ashley's defense.

  "Well that's got nothing to do with this year," Ashley snapped. "This number is totally original and this is the one we're doing."

  "Says who?" Court was standing eye-to-eye with Ashley now. I thought I saw Ashley flinch. I looked at Grace, alarmed. She was smiling.

  "If this is a bunk decision, then everyone should vote on it," Court said matter-of-factly. "The Pines is a democracy, not an Ashocracy."

  Em laughed. Ashley spun around and shot her a look.

  "Everyone who thinks 'Big Spender' is not the way to go, raise their hand," Court said, and raised her hand. Obviously Gabby and Ashley didn't, but Grace's hand popped up, mine followed, and Em joined us. "Hmph. Four against two," Court said triumphantly. "Looks like 'Big Spender' is out."

  "Fine, we'll do it without you," Gabby spat.

  Ashley leaned over and whispered loud enough that I could hear her. "Idiot, we can't do it with just two girls. We'll look lame." Gabby's face fell. Ashley turned to Court. "So what's your brilliant idea, Court?" The way she said it, you just knew Ashley didn't believe she had one.

  Court looked at me. For a split second, I thought she was nervous, but then she spoke. "I agree with Ashley on two things: our last year should really be spectacular, and since everyone in this room has a crush on someone this summer, I think the number should be sexy." She took a deep breath. "So here is what I think. I think we should do a cowgirl theme. We could take worn pairs of jeans and make them into daisy dukes. We could get those red button-down shirts and tie them above our waists and we can try to find cowboy boots. I was thinking our background could be a western town or look like a horse ranch or something."

  "No one's done a western," Em pointed out to the rest of us.

  "Background and costume is one thing, but do you actually have a song in mind?" Ashley smirked. "Because obviously the song makes the whole number."

  "Well, I'm not sure if we should just dance or if we should sing as well," Court said thoughtfully. "I guess it depends on our voices. But we could definitely dance. We're all good at that."

  "HELLO! Ash asked you about the song," Gabby snapped.

  "The problem with doing anything too current is that our song could be played out and by next summer our number would be long forgotten. But if we pick something that is classic, we can get away with using it and making it look hot." Everyone nodded in agreement, even Gabby. "I didn't want to do anything too trendy, so I was thinking, 'These Boots Are Made for Walkin',' the Jessica Simpson version."

  "I love that song!" Grace said enthusiastically.

  "It is kind of fab," Gabby admitted.

  "It's not cooler than 'Big Spender'!" Ashley sounded shrill. "Jessica Simpson is so country now."

  "True, but her version of that song is pretty decent, and we could easily come up with dance steps," Court said.

  "I could make us daisy dukes," I piped up. "I fray my shorts all the time. And I know you're great at murals, but I could help. My art teacher in Carle Place said I had a real eye for scenery. I could help you work on the choreography too!"

  Grace looked at me strangely. "You realize there are other people willing to help, right? You don't have to do it all."

  "I know," I said, embarrassed. "It's just, I like helping."

  "So we've noticed," Court said dryly.

  "I hate this whole idea!" Ashley shrieked, but no one was listening.

  I looked at Court. It was her turn to smirk. "Well, since most of us hated your idea, and you hate mine, I guess you could sit this one out."

  Ashley made a face. "We'll join 8A's number."

  Gabby whispered loudly. "Ash, you know your dad likes bunks to perform together. If we bail now, we'll have nothing and be stuck working backstage. Eww."

  Ashley screamed in frustration. "What is up with you guys this summer?" she complained. "Ever since she got here, you've been acting weird and annoying."

  I assumed by she, Ashley meant me.

  "It's like you guys think you call the shots now or something," Gabby seconded.

  "Sam has upset the balance of everything around here, and I hate it," Ashley said, stomping her feet like a little kid.

  "Thanks," I said. It was kind of exciting to know I had this much of an effect on her. Maybe I needed to use it to my advantage and finally stop getting picked on.

  "Well, I love that Sam came to the Pines," Court countered. "She's made this place ten times better and if I have to choose who is going in this number, obviously Sam is my choice over you. So like I said, you're welcome to sit this one out. Maybe you could do a solo."

  Ashley began to look nervous. Em had told me that Ashley loved attention, but one of her biggest fears was having the spotlight to herself. She always needed an entourage.

  "FINE," Ashley said. "I'll do your stupid rehearsals. But if our number stinks and we don't get into the talent show, we're reverting back to my idea. I'll beg Daddy to let us re-audition. That's the least he could do for me."

  "Deal." Court held out her hand to shake Ashley's. Ashley left her hanging.

  "I'm going to the lake to cool off," she said. "I'll meet you guys fourth period."

  She headed into the bathroom with Gabby close behind her. When I heard the faucet turn on, I jumped on Court.

  "You were amazing," I said. "I wish I could be like that with her."

  "I'm so proud of you," Grace agreed.

  "Your idea is so much better than Ashley's," Em added. "I can't believe she actually agreed to do your song."

  "That's what scares me," Court said darkly. "She is definitely going to get back at me for this, I know it."

  "I wouldn't worry about it," Grace said, and just then Ashley and Gabby stormed past us, wearing their beach cover-ups. They didn't even look our way. The door slammed extra loudly behind us. "As I said, they'll get over it." She started to giggle.

  "I think this calls for a sleepaway girls briefing," I said, checking quickly to make sure Meg wasn't coming before I pulled out the recorder. The group of us huddled into the bathroom. I pressed record and Grace told Court's victory story with Em giving background commentary. Court was really pumped.

  "Now that I've totally found my inner grrrl," Court growled, "you guys have to too. Who's up first? Grace?" Grace blushed. "Don't you think it's time you talked to Tim about something other than sports?" Court turned her gaze toward Em and me and I knew I was in trouble. "And you two -- stop whining and tell Dylan and Cole you like them."

  I sighed. "It's not that I don't want Cole to know."

  "Me either," Em interrupted. We looked at each other. "It's just..."

  I finished her sentence. "I've never told a guy I like him before," I admitted.

  Em looked relieved. "Me either!" She turned to Court. "I know you tell guys this sort of thing all the time, but not all of us are as confident around them as you are."

  "Or as big of a flirt," Grace pointed out.

  Court gave us a smarting look. "There's always a first time."

  "It's not that easy," I protested.

  "I don't think I could stand face-to-face with Dylan and admit I like him," Em said nervously. "I couldn't handle him staring at me as I said it. Sometimes I think it would be easier if Court told him for me. Sort of like Cyrano de Bergerac."

  "I'm with you," I agreed.

  "Who?" Court looked confused.

  "You don't read at all, do
you?" Em scolded. "Cyrano is this guy who wants to tell Roxanne that he loves her, but he's scared, so he helps this gorgeous dude named Christian do it instead." She frowned. "It sort of backfires, but the idea of helping someone else say the words you're scared to say has always seemed so romantic."

  Court put down the camera for a moment and Grace took over videotaping. "You've given me an idea," she said looking pensive. "What if you could be like Ciro?"

  "Cyrano," Em corrected.

  "Whatever." Court waved her hand. "What if you could tell the guys you like them without actually saying it to their faces?"

  "You mean you're going to tell them for us?" Em asked hopefully.

  Court shook her head. "They're going to be in disguise and so are you!"

  "I don't get it," I said, but Em gasped.

  "Do you mean during the counselor hunt?" Em asked. Court nodded.

  "What's the counselor hunt?" I demanded.

  "It's this game the counselors and CITs do every year," Court explained. "The counselors and CITs wear costumes and hide all over camp. Then the campers have to go find them. The winners of the contest get free canteen snacks or something. It's a lot of fun. Anyway, if you guys are in costume, then Cole and Dylan don't actually have to see your face and you don't have to see theirs when you tell them you like them. That would make you less nervous, right?"

  It was pretty genius. Em and I looked at each other.

  "Court, this might be your best idea ever," Grace said.

  "Well?" Court asked.

  I inhaled sharply. Court was right. We had to tell the guys we liked them. The summer was half over. It was time. "Well, Em, I guess we have to get some really good costumes."

  Court lowered the palmcorder from her eye and grinned. "Girls, don't worry about a thing," she said confidentially. "I'll teach you everything you need to know."

  13 Playing Games

  The kitchen grill went up in flames. Sadly, I was secretly excited.

  I had quickly learned that people did not come to camp for the food, especially when most nights it was burgers or hotdogs. The night of the grease fire (which was so bad the fire department showed up), Gabby was on kitchen duty. Rumor had it she was so busy flirting with Gavin that she forgot to take a few burgers off the grill. I had the feeling Beaver wanted to fry Gabby for supper.


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