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Stepbrother X3

Page 4

by Stephanie Brother

  Since he did his own laundry and cleaning, she wouldn’t have a reason to enter his sleeping space. His eyes scanned the room, almost immediately homing in on the lacy panties draped across his pillow. With a frown, he walked toward the bed, reaching down to pick up the panties.

  He hissed slightly when his fingers brushed the wet crotch. Knox was unable to resist the temptation of bringing the delicate lace to his nose. He inhaled deeply, memorizing the scent of Claire’s arousal, which fueled his own.

  With fumbling fingers, he undid his gun belt and uniform pants. His cock strained for escape, and he let it free from the cloth with a small groan. His hand was a poor substitute for her tight pussy, but he desperately needed release.

  With a grunt, he wrapped the material around his fist and slid the damp panties up and down his rigid erection. What was she doing to him? He was a hair’s breadth from marching into her room and fucking her.

  He imagined she was picturing hearts and flowers and dutiful worship of her body when they made love the first time. Except he didn’t make love. Knox fucked, and he did it hard and forcefully. He took what he wanted, and he wanted her more than ever after her aroma had filled his senses. She had no idea what she was unleashing with this little stunt, and only the thought of terrifying her held him back.

  Instead, he settled for coming on her panties, marking them with proof of his arousal and release. With a nod of satisfaction, he tucked his shaft into his underwear, but didn’t bother to refasten his belt or zip his pants as he moved quietly from his room to hers.

  The moonlight through the thin curtains highlighted her body, revealing she was sprawled with her legs open, a miniscule crop top and tiny panties her only garments. He smothered a curse as he tiptoed to her bed and prominently lay the soiled underwear on her pillow in exactly the same position she’d left them on his. They would be the first thing she saw when she woke up.


  Claire stretched and yawned as her eyes opened. The sight of her panties returned to her made her stomach dip with disappointment. She had been certain that would prompt him to come to her last night.

  As she rolled out of bed and reached for the lingerie to put in the laundry hamper, her eyes widened at the slight stickiness. She turned the panties in her hand and saw the faint traces of white dried onto the black lace.

  Stroking her thumb over it, she couldn’t help grinning at the realization she had gotten to him. Maybe not as much as she’d hoped, but she was breaking down his reserves. He had used her panties to masturbate—the pair she’d worn while doing the same less than an hour before his shift ended.

  She briefly considered putting on more clothes, but discarded the idea as she tossed the underwear into the hamper in her bathroom before padding to the kitchen. Claire barely bit back a grin when she saw his look of irritation when she entered. “Good morning,” she said with a bright smile as she went to the cabinet.

  Straining for the top shelf to reach the cereal boxes, she allowed a small smile at his faintly audible groan. As she continued reaching, his chair scraped, and he was standing behind her a moment later. Striving for an innocent expression, she turned her head to look up at him. “Could you please hand me the Corn Flakes?”

  Knox rubbed up against her as he reached past her for the box. His cock pressed into the small of her back, and she was certain he buried his face in her blonde strands to inhale her scent. She shivered at the feel of their bodies touching, almost forgetting to take the box he extended.

  His lips were so close to her cheek that she could feel them ghost across her skin. She sighed softly, tensing with anticipation when he angled just a bit closer.

  “Knock off the shit, Claire.”

  The words were like being doused with ice water, and she stiffened. She shot a glance at him, surprised to see tightly leashed anger instead of desire in his expression. Bending her head forward, she hid her face behind her hair and didn’t look at him again as he turned away from her.

  She didn’t look up until she heard the front door close a few minutes later, and tears tried to gush from her eyes. Staring at the unwanted box of cereal, she blinked several times. Defeat filled her, and she had to accept it was over. He’d withstood even her most blatant attempts, and while the fact he’d masturbated on her panties before returning them confused her a bit, she knew he wasn’t going to give in to the attraction simmering between them.

  It wasn’t all one-sided. She knew that, but for whatever reasons, he had clearly decided to ignore it. She knew what a stubborn bastard he could be, so she’d just have to make herself forget him.

  At least she had a date tonight. She wasn’t super enthused about seeing Jason Jones outside of work, where he stopped by the deli section every day to buy his lunch, but he was a nice guy. When he’d shyly confessed she was the reason he kept coming back and had asked her out, she hadn’t been able to refuse. It would have been like kicking a puppy.

  Well, she’d have to try a nice guy for a change and give up on brooding jerks. Once upon a time, she had functioned without Knox, and she could do it again. So what if he hadn’t been within five thousand miles back then? She could do it even with them sharing a house. What other choice did she have?


  Thanks to Claire’s little striptease in the kitchen, Knox had spent a long, frustrating day with his cock aching for her. He had rubbed one out in the bathroom before work, and again on his lunch hour, but the empty orgasms had done little to soothe his ardor for her.

  He was in a foul mood, and as he headed home later that evening, the last thing he felt like dealing with was a speeder. The flashy little black car bespoke money, and he thought it belonged to the mayor’s son. Thankfully, they lived in a small town near Savannah, but not one small enough to be ruled by nepotism. The prick was fair game for a ticket, and his father would support Knox in that.

  With a sigh of annoyance, he flipped on his siren and watched with satisfaction as the sports car pulled over. Knox left the lights flashing, but the siren off as he sat behind the wheel for a moment, allowing the person he’d pulled over to sweat a bit. Plus, he didn’t want to rush things along too much. Considering the day he’d had, it would be a pleasure to give Jason Jones a ticket and knock the little fucker down a peg or two.

  Not that there was anything wrong with the kid himself, he supposed, but he was the epitome of what a man could be if he had the right opportunities. He imagined Jason had never had any attraction that wasn’t appropriate, and he sure as hell had never wanted to bang his own stepsister badly enough to join the military to escape.

  Of course, that was probably easier for him because, to his knowledge, Jason Jones didn’t have a stepsister. Still, he was probably the kind of guy who had perfectly normal urges and appetites and didn’t want to control his partner. He was the kind of guy Claire should be with. He gritted his teeth at the surge of anger accompanying the thought.

  Finally, knowing he could delay no longer, Knox grasped the notebook and stepped out of the police cruiser. The door shut with a slam as he walked toward the sports car. It was dark, but the flashing lights from his vehicle provided illumination, as did the console light Jones had flipped on.

  When he reached the driver’s side door, Knox bent down in time to be blinded by the fifty-thousand-watt smile of the mayor’s only son. He wished he’d worn his sunglasses, though it was too dark for that sort of thing.

  “Good evening, Officer…Hollander.” The little prick made a big production of reading his last name. “What can I do for you this evening, Officer?”

  “It’s Deputy Hollander, and you were speeding.”

  When Knox recognized the passenger in Jason Jones’ his car, he cursed softly and balled his hands around the notebook until the paper rustled in protest. Never mind he’d just been thinking this was the kind of guy for Claire. “What are you doing with him?” he demanded of his stepsister.

  Claire licked her lips, painted some kind of pinky-red that made
them all pouty and decadent-looking. “I’m on a date, Knox.”

  Seeing the long expanse of her leg in that short dress did nothing to soothe his rage. “Get out of the car right now.”

  Jones frowned. “I don’t think that’s necessary, Offi...Deputy Hollander. I wasn’t speeding that fast.”

  Knox glared down at him. “I wasn’t talking to you, Jones. I was talking to my stepsister. Once she’s out of the car, you’re going to drive away and never look back. If I see you with her again, I’ll break you in two. Do you understand me?”

  Jason’s eyes widened, and he hesitated for a second before nodding. He looked like he was about to piss himself, and Knox had to bite back a smile at the idea.

  Claire was just sitting there, arms crossed across her chest as she glared at him.

  “Did you hear me? Get out of the car now, Claire.”

  “Why should I? I’m not doing anything wrong—and if I were, you’re not my keeper.”

  It was a bratty remark, the kind that needed a good firm paddling to deal with properly. He clenched his hand into a fist at his side to rein in the urge to drag her out and spank her right there. “Out of the car now.” It was the same voice he used on insurgents and dangerous criminals—and recalcitrant lovers.

  Her eyes widened, and she seemed to hesitate a second before reaching for the door handle and scrambling out. As soon as she closed the door, Jason pulled away with a squeal of rubber, leaving the two of them alone on the side of the road leading back to their house.

  He stalked toward her, feeling like a big cat after prey. In that tight red dress, with those bright lips, and her hair pinned up with some kind of feathery thing that made her hair fan out, she looked like a parrot. One of those bright, tropical kind of birds that a big cat would just love to sink his teeth into and devour completely.

  With perhaps more foolishness than courage, she dared stand her ground against him as he reached her. “I didn’t do anything wrong, and I don’t know what your problem is…”

  He didn’t give her a chance to finish the sentence. Knox jerked her into his arms, slamming his mouth over hers in a punishing kiss. That sticky pink-red crap on her mouth made her lips cling to his, but he ignored the discomfort and unpleasant taste as he ravished her sweet lips.

  She didn’t resist when he pressed his tongue between the seam to probe her mouth, demanding a response. By the time he lifted his head, she was breathing harshly, but so was he. “You know very well what you’re doing wrong. Why were you going out with that little fucker after you’ve been teasing me for weeks?”

  She glared at him. “It’s quite obvious you’re not interested in me, so why should I sit alone at home when I could go out to have some fun?”

  “When I’m done with you, there won’t be much sitting involved. Your ass will you be so sore that you’ll have to stand upright for a week.”

  Her eyes widened, and she blinked, clearly annoyed. “Do you get off saying stuff like that and trying to scare me? What makes you think I’d let you do something like that?”

  “Because you’re mine, and you always have been. I take care of what’s mine, and if that means mine needs a little discipline, I’m happy to provide it.” A surge of dark lust filled him as he spun her in his arms, lifting her to put her across the hood of the car. He ignored her yelps of protest as he peeled up her dress, finding another one of those fucking thongs that were so tempting.

  It made his job easier, and he smacked her ass with a satisfying crack of flesh against flesh. She cried out her protest, calling him names a proper young lady would never use. He had to bite back a grin, suddenly finding pleasure in how the night had turned out now that the anger at the sight of her with another man was fading.

  She wanted to belong to him, and he was going to let her. He was going to own her completely. He had tried to do the right thing, to give her an out and let her see she needed someone different from him. Someone better. No more doing the right thing. The right thing was keeping her, taming her, and fucking her a thousand different ways.

  He smacked her taut cheeks until they were both rosy pink, and she was writhing on top of the car. It was difficult to tell from her moans whether she was enjoying herself, in pain from the blows, or a combination of the two. With no other way to tell for sure, he moved his hand between her thighs, a finger slipping under the side of her red lace panties to test her wetness. She was sopping, her juices dribbling down his hand. Claire was incredibly turned on by being spanked.

  With a rueful curve of his lips, he acknowledged the tight press of his pants and knew he was same way. He had spanked her partly as discipline, but also because it was a huge fucking turn-on to see her pale white cheeks change to a rosy pink and glow with warmth under his palm.

  It was all he could do not to flip her over and take her right there. Only the sordidness of having their first time together be by the side of the road reined in the impulse.

  That didn’t mean he had to drive home unsatisfied. He turned her around, sitting her ass on the hood of the car so he could look down at her. She was glaring up at him defiantly, but her eyes shone with excitement she couldn’t hide. His girl was getting off on this. “You’ve been playing with me for weeks, haven’t you, Claire? Just admit it.”

  She nodded as she brushed away a few tears from her cheeks. “I was trying to get a response, but not this.”

  He laughed harshly. “I warned you, didn’t I? I told you to knock off the shit, but you didn’t. Well, baby, you’ve got what you wanted. You’re mine now. I’m going to take you home and have you every way I want. But first, you’re going to take care of a certain problem for me.”

  Her eyes widened, and her lips trembled. “What kind of problem? Why should I help you after you just beat me?” The words were sassy, as was her posture, but again the twinkle in her eyes betrayed her excitement. She might not like that she was turned on by being dominated, but she clearly was.

  He pointed down to his rigid cock. “You’ve made me too hard to drive comfortably. Take out my dick, put it in your mouth, and suck me until my balls are dry. Don’t even think about spilling a drop.”

  She shook her head. “You can’t just tell me what to do.”

  He grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her from the car to the ground, where she landed on her knees. She glared up at him, but her chest heaved with excitement, and he knew if he stuck his fingers in her cunt, she would be even slicker than she was a short while ago. The idea had merit, but anyone could come along and discover them at any time even though they lived on a rural route country road. “Get to it, Claire.”

  She still looked defiant, but she began to fumble with his zipper and gun belt. With a sigh of annoyance, he released his hold on her hair to assist her in opening his pants, but he made her work for the rest of it. Her small hands had to delve inside to remove his cock, revealing the hard, smooth length in the glow of the half-full moon and the flashing lights from his patrol car.

  She softly moaned her appreciation as she stroked him, unable to hide how turned on she was even in her subservient position, ostensibly being forced to suck his cock. He certainly didn’t have to force her mouth open, or guide her head as she took the tip of him between her lips.

  He grabbed a handful of her hair to anchor her against him as he began to thrust into her mouth while she sucked and licked him. “Damn, you’re good at this. Remind me to find out who the fuck taught you to give head like this so I can beat them until they don’t remember your name.”

  She made a strange gurgling sound around his cock that could have been a giggle or a muttered protest. It was difficult to tell. However, she reacted to his words, her enthusiasm for the blowjob hadn’t failed or faded, and she continued to suck and lick him as he thrust deep into the back of her throat. Like a good girl, she swallowed every drop when he came inside her mouth, spurts of his release trailing down her throat, and not one drop escaping her lips.

  “Excellent technique. Now put
my cock back, because we’re going home.”

  She stared up at him, still in her knees, and her eyes gleamed with a combination of excitement and anxiety. “What are you going to do to me, Knox?”

  He allowed a hint of the darkness inside him to show through his eyes and his wicked smile. “Everything.”


  Claire sat beside him in the front seat of the police cruiser, her hands trembling. She wasn’t sure if she was excited or frightened. This side of Knox was unexpected, and her butt still tingled where he had dared spank her. On the one hand, she was furiously angry that he would do that to her, as though she were a naughty child.

  On the other hand, her pussy was wet with need, and she wanted to get off more than she ever had in her life. It was all she could do before, while he was spanking her, not to put her fingers in her own folds and play with her clit until she came while he walloped her ass.

  As if he could read her thoughts, Knox said, “Put your skirt up to your waist, pull back those panties, and stroke that pretty pussy for me. I want to see you come before we get home. If you don’t have an orgasm by then, I’ll spank you again.”

  She bit her lip, wasting perhaps thirty seconds on debating with herself. It was only as she saw the end of the driveway coming into sight, letting her know she had less than two minutes to get herself off, that she did as he’d told her.

  She lifted her hips and pulled up the dress, shoving aside her underwear in her haste to reach her clit. She circled and pressed against the sensitive bundle of nerves, remembering the sensation of his hard hand against her soft cheeks, coupled with the warm metal hood she had writhed against.

  By the time they crested the long hill leading up to their house, convulsions started deep inside her, and she locked her thighs around her own hand as she came, moaning his name in the process. The arrogant jerk looked pleased as all hell when they stopped before the house, and he took her hand from her own folds, bringing it to his mouth.


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