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Stepbrother X3

Page 8

by Stephanie Brother

  Tears burned my eyes from the coughing fit, and I was so humiliated I couldn’t look at him even after I regained my breath. I saw he held his cock in his fist when I glanced at him peripherally. Clearly, he’d had to finish himself off because I was incompetent.

  To my surprise, he cupped my chin and made me look up at him. “I’m sorry,” I muttered, sinking into misery.

  He frowned. “For what? I meant to warn you, but it happened too fast. That means you did a good job, not a bad one.”

  “Oh.” Wow, he was being so…sweet. It seemed contrary to the guy he’d been yesterday. God, was it really just yesterday that he’d come into my life and sent my head spinning?

  A second later, he undid his belt and freed me. I took the hand he extended to help me to my feet. It was a shock when he bent his head to kiss me, his tongue sweeping into my mouth even though I’d just had his cock in there. It should have been gross, but it was an incredible turn-on instead, and new moisture pooled between my thighs.

  I was ready for the next step, so I stared at him in confusion when he stepped back and lifted his hand before heading toward the guesthouse. “Where are you going?” I shrieked, sounding like a fishwife.

  “Two for me,” he reminded. “Between us, we had two orgasms.”

  “But…” My mouth gaped open, and I searched for a polite way to request we continue what he’d started. “Aren’t you going to fuck me?” Yeah, I failed.

  He laughed. “Yeah, but not right now.” With a wink that was equal parts sexy and irritating, he opened the door to the guesthouse. “Living in suspense is part of your punishment. And feel free to masturbate all you want, babe. I rather like the compensation that comes from punishing you for stealing my orgasms.”

  I didn’t know whether to scream, laugh, or chase after him. In the end, I did nothing except stare at the door he closed with a resounding bang for several moments. It was only when I finally remembered I was standing naked by the pool, except for the top drooping around my stomach, and any of the staff could see me, that I gathered up my bottoms, dressed in a hurry, and rushed back to my room.

  What the hell was he doing to me?



  What the hell was I doing? I barely resisted the urge to slam my fist through the wall as I paced in the living room of the guesthouse. That had gone nothing like I’d planned. I was going to seduce her, use her, and make her my little whore. I was supposed to be breaking her down and remaking her how I wanted her to be. That was my revenge on Tom. He’d ruined my family, so I was supposed to be ruining his daughter.

  I wasn’t supposed to be playful or tender. When she’d screwed up the blowjob at the end—though she had been fucking perfection before that point—I should have mocked her and left her feeling insecure, so she would try that much harder to make it up to me.

  “Dammit.” I kicked the ottoman out of my way and then cursed again when my big toe started throbbing. I was acting like an out-of-control moron, not aloof and methodical as I needed to be to succeed.

  Was she actually getting to me? Was Tom Ambrose’s offspring inspiring pity in me? Mercy? Leniency?

  No, she was just making me a raging horn dog, and I was thinking with my dick instead of my brain. The wrong head, my dad would have said if I had asked his advice. I smirked at that imaginary conversation.

  “Dad, I promised my suicidal mother I’d make your new husband pay for luring you away. Lia is his weak point, so how can I fuck with her and not get caught up in how good she makes me feel?”

  “Use your head. The one on your shoulders, not between your legs…”

  I’d heard that advice several times from Dad, but he wouldn’t be eager to help me this time. He’d be ashamed of me and what I was doing.

  “Aw, fuck.” I scooped up the keys for my rental car and fled from the guesthouse like hellhounds nipped at my heels. Thankfully, my sexy stepsister was no longer in sight, because I couldn’t face her right now. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind. I needed a drink and time to think. Time away from this fucking palace and the temptation sheltered upstairs.

  Damn, why was this simple plan getting so complicated?



  He was really milking the anticipation thing. It had been three days since the foreplay by the pool, and I had barely seen him. I’d spent the first day expecting him to pounce on me at any moment and sweep me off to bed. I’d been nervous the first day and confused the second, when he still hadn’t made a move. He hadn’t sought me out for anything. Not even dinner or a conversation. Nothing at all to follow up on the sex acts. He had called them games, leaving me uncertain of his intent.

  The third day, I was starting to get pissed off.

  Who does that? He’d come on strong from the first night, had even tied me to a chair, and now he was blowing me off and ignoring me? Fuck him. If he thought I was just going to roll over when—if—he bothered to give me a scrap of attention, he’d better think again.

  With that thought in mind, I decided it was time to forget about him and resume the plans I had concocted before ever knowing about my new stepbrother’s existence, or the effect he’d have on my libido. I had planned to shed my virginity and make up for lost time in the form of lots of meaningless sex, and I was determined to proceed, with or without Declan.

  A quick texting conversation with my friend Tory led to the development of party plans for that evening. I could have called a caterer or something, but it was going to be casual and low-key. I spent the afternoon helping in the kitchen, since it was an impromptu event, and it wasn’t fair to spring it on the chef and her staff without pitching in to help.

  Once Matilda shooed me from her kitchen so her staff could assemble the buffet of hors d'oeuvres, I ran upstairs and showered. Makeup was something I usually approached with a minimalist’s perspective, but I put some effort into it tonight. Tory had promised to bring along some single male friends, and I was determined to find one who interested me and screw his brains out.

  I ignored the niggle of doubt plaguing me and thrust aside all thoughts that maybe I was doing this for the wrong reasons, like to punish a guy who clearly didn’t give a damn about me, and focused on preparing for the party. When I was done, I eyed my reflection and nodded my approval.

  The little black dress was deceptively demure, until I stepped into the light. Then the thinness of the fabric and the way it hugged my curves left little to the imagination. I had bought it without realizing that effect and had never worn it once I had. It made my hips and breasts look amazing and rounded my butt just enough to be fashionable, thanks to the clinging support of the fabric.

  I’d pinned up my hair atop my head, leaving a few tendrils to dangle in a tempting fashion. My eyes were large with the addition of thick mascara, and the red on my lips popped. Paired with high-heeled gold sandals, I looked good enough to catch anyone’s attention.

  Even Declan’s, whispered an annoying voice in the back of my mind. I scowled at my reflection and reminded myself that wasn’t my intent. I didn’t even know if he was at the guesthouse. I certainly wasn’t going to go the garage to see if his rental car was packed in the cavernous space. I hoped he wasn’t around, but I was determined to ignore him if he was.

  Tonight was about getting laid. Once I did that, I’d stop being so pathetic and quit mooning over my stepbrother like a lovesick fool. It had been a couple of orgasms and some kissing, not a lifetime commitment. I was done with him and his silly games. With a firm nod to my reflection, I squared my shoulders and left my room just as the doorbell rang.

  I was ready for whatever the night brought.



  I was no closer to figuring out what I was doing, or where things had gone wrong. Instead of confronting the situation, I’d been avoiding it, and her, while I tried to sort out my thoughts. I’d found a seedy little bar several miles away from the row of expensive houses where Lia lived, but all a few nights on t
he stool until closing time had given me was a raging morning-after headache from too much beer.

  My head was still pounding, though I hadn’t been drinking tonight. Instead, I called my mom, my stomach queasy as I waited for her to pick up.

  “Declan?” She sounded on the verge of tears, and relief was plain in her tone. “My darling, I thought you had turned your back on me too. You didn’t call or email. I thought he’d won you over.”

  I bit back a sigh of impatience, reminding myself that pushing her at all could lead her to the same state that had left her bleeding on the bathroom floor before. “I’ve been busy figuring stuff out.”

  “Like revenge?” She sounded neutral, but perhaps there was a note of excitement underneath.

  “Yeah.” Moving closer to the railing where I leaned so I could get more privacy from a group passing by, I pressed the phone tighter to my ear. “It’s not as easy as I thought.”


  I winced at the biting tone. “It’s complicated.”

  “What, you like the son of a bitch? Has he promised you money or something? Maybe he’s going to support you while you play at musician?”

  Her words wounded me, but I tried to hide it, knowing she had never taken my music seriously and considered it a waste of time. “Look, Mom, I don’t even know him. We barely spoke at all. I’ve been at his house all week while they’re on their honeymoon. The only person around besides me, and a fleet of servants, is his daughter.”


  I wasn’t sure I liked that little noise of satisfaction. It sounded ominous. “The thing is, she’s really important to Tom, but to hurt him, I’d have to hurt her.”

  “What’s the problem?” She sounded so cold when she asked me that blunt question.

  “She’s a nice person.” Nice didn’t really cover it. Lia was hot, but she was also spunky and intelligent. I actually liked her and thought she was the kind of person I could hang out with under other circumstances—like if I didn’t want to fuck her or use her for revenge.

  “I’m a nice person.” My mother’s voice broke on the last word, and she sobbed for a moment. “I didn’t deserve what happened to me, but I had no choice. Tom Ambrose needs to pay for destroying our family, Declan.”

  “But does Lia? She hasn’t done anything to us.”

  Mom sighed. “I see how it is. That girl means more to you than I do. If she’s worth breaking your promise and letting Ambrose walk away scot free, well I can’t change your mind.” She sobbed again. “Why couldn’t you have been a few minutes later? All my pain would be over, and I wouldn’t have my heart broken again by you going back on your word.”

  Sweat beaded my brow, and I struggled to find the right words. “Mom, don’t talk like that. You know you don’t want to die.”

  “What do I have to live for?” She sounded on the verge of hysterics now. “I’ve lost the love of my life to a man, and now I’m losing you too. Mike took everything from me, just like I knew he would.”

  “Mom, you haven’t lost me. I just don’t want to be like Ambrose and hurt someone…”

  She didn’t let me finish before cutting in with more vitriol. “Don’t bother doing anything to his brat. I’ll just solve everyone’s problem. I do love you, Declan, and I don’t want you to blame yourself. I just have no choice. I see no other way to end my suffering.”

  “No, Mom, wait. Please, I’m begging you not to.” My shoulders sagged, and a heavy weight seemed to fill my chest. “I’ll do it,” I said softly.

  “Do what?” she asked, voice still thick with tears.

  “I’ll use Lia to get back at Tom Ambrose. I’ll destroy his life like he ruined yours. Do you promise not to harm yourself if I do this?”

  She hesitated for a long moment before exhaling slowly into the phone. “I suppose, Declan, but if you don’t keep your promise this time, what do I have to live for?”

  A second later, the line was dead, and I stared down at it with concern. I almost called Aunt Celia to go check on Mom, but I hesitated. She would be embarrassed and angry if I revealed she was so depressed as to be verging on suicide. I wasn’t sure I actually believed she would try to kill herself again once she calmed down, but that she was in an emotional state where it seemed a viable option still worried me.

  In the end, I slipped my phone back into my pocket and decided I would just call her more frequently. She and Celia didn’t get along well despite being sisters, so bringing Celia into it might just stir up more drama and hurt feelings for my mother, pushing her closer to a desperate act.

  Nausea churned in my stomach as I walked a short way down the pier, back to the electronics store I had passed earlier. It took several moments to convince myself to walk inside, but in the end, I managed to after reminding myself that Mom was counting on this. There was a good chance revenge against Tom Ambrose would be enough closure for her to move on and find a new life that wasn’t centered around my dad or her sadness at his betrayal.

  It didn’t take long to buy the supplies I needed, and then I was headed back toward the Ambrose place. I forced myself to move quickly, setting up the equipment in the main bedroom of the guesthouse. There was an invisible clock ticking down the minutes, reminding me of everything that was at stake. My path was clear, even if it sucked.

  Resolved, I went to find Lia. It was time to implement the next stage of the plan. It was time to take my sweet stepsister to bed and set in motion the plans to humiliate Tom Ambrose and destroy him emotionally.



  Tory had delivered on her promise of single men, in addition to several of our sorority sisters. More than fifty people milled around the pool and back garden. There was a slight chill in the early summer air, but I’d chosen an outdoor venue to allow more space. It had absolutely nothing to do with wanting Declan to see me having a good time with anyone but him. I was completely full of it, and my actions were immature.

  Speaking of having fun, I forced myself to smile harder at Leo. Smiling wasn’t the problem so much as keeping in the laughter. He was a nice guy, and clearly well educated, but his beard was a phenomenal mistake. Some guys could carry the lumbersexual look and make it hot, but slightly chubby Leo wasn’t one of them. Rather than looking like a hot bodybuilder laden with tattoos and facial hair he was too badass to shave, he looked more like a college professor or a computer engineer too busy in the lab to shave.

  Even that wasn’t quite right, because his full beard was bushy and meticulously groomed. He appeared to have waxed and combed each whisker separately. I didn’t want to be shallow, and I certainly wouldn’t rule out dating someone based on his lumberjack beard, but every time I looked away from his brown eyes, the mesmerizing sight caught my gaze. I couldn’t help imagining trying to kiss him and how that hair would tickle, and the urge to giggle would return.

  It wasn’t going to work out with us, but I didn’t make any move to engage the other guys. I’d had more than a passing look tossed my way by several of the male guests, but I couldn’t work up the enthusiasm. Instead, I’d gravitated to Leo, who was safe and not sexually tempting.

  That wasn’t going to help me accomplish my goal of getting laid, but I couldn’t seem to get over the mental block. Finally, Leo excused himself to go get a drink, and when I saw him pause to flirt with a couple of girls who clearly appreciated his rugged look more than I did, I knew I’d lost my safety net.

  Forcing myself to circulate, I nodded to guys, but only stopped to talk to groups with women. It was silly, but I kept thinking Declan would show up and find me. Our eyes would lock across the crowd, and he’d sweep me off my feet, grovel for being a bastard the last couple of days, and take me to bed.

  That wasn’t how it played out, because reality always sucks way more than fantasy. I saw him join the party about an hour after it had started. Unlike a lot of the guys, who had dressed up in slacks and oxfords even for this kind of gathering, he wore sinfully tight pale blue jeans and an even tighter r
ed shirt that revealed every detail of his sculpted abs from half the distance of the patio.

  He glanced briefly at me before taking a bottle of beer from a tub of ice. With either skill or luck, he opened it with his thumb, and the metal lid hit the cement with a ping. A girl near him, wearing a dress even more revealing than mine, giggled and bent over to pick it up for him. They were soon talking and standing too close.

  Annoyed, I turned my back on them and walked farther away. The next hot guy to catch my eye got an adoring smile, and I veered over to him. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with light blond hair, blue eyes, and blinding white teeth when he grinned.

  “I’m Chase.”

  “Lia.” I put my hand on his forearm. “Do you want to dance?”

  “Sure, babe.” He set down his drink on the patio.

  I was too far immersed in my pissed-off temptress mode to worry about the health hazard posed by a glass on the cement. Instead, I let him sweep me too close and pull me toward the impromptu dancing area farthest from the pool.

  Chase wrapped me up in his arms, and I tried to pretend like it felt good. I closed my eyes and laid my cheek against his chest. We swayed slowly, though the music was faster than the beat we kept. Somehow, he held me tightly and groped me at the same time.

  I gritted my teeth and really tried to endure it, but I knew my heart wasn’t in it. Heck, not even my body was into it. I didn’t want him. I just wanted to be away from him.

  Politely, I tried to wiggle backward, but he followed, swallowing up my space. I lifted my head to make an excuse to slip away, but he grabbed my hair and tipped back my neck. His mouth was on mine before I could speak or say no.


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