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Where the Jews Aren't

Page 17

by Masha Gessen

  3. Tsekhtik.

  4. Vayserman, 354.

  5. Bekerman interview, Birobidzhan, October 2009.

  6. Vayserman, 378.

  7. Vayserman, 382.

  8. Vayserman, 379.

  Chapter 17

  1. Naumov, 18.

  2. Naumov, 21.

  3. Naumov, 23–29.

  4. A letter by Mikhoels and Fefer to the Central Committee, retrieved on December 22, 2009:​exhibits/​archives/​m2antfac.html.

  5. Naumov, 64–65.

  6. Naumov, 71.

  Chapter 18

  1. Naumov, 75–89.

  2. Naumov, 381–84.

  3. Naumov, 388–93.

  Chapter 19

  1. Cited in Weinberg, 85.

  2. Interview with Leonid Shkolnik, Jerusalem, November 2009.

  Chapter 20

  1. Bumagin Iosif Romanovich, biography retrieved on January 5, 2010:​hero/​hero.asp?Hero_id=4758.


  1. Gal Beckerman, When They Come for Us, We’ll Be Gone: The Epic Struggle to Save Soviet Jewry (New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010), 13–38.

  2. Judy Lash Balint, Jerusalem Diaries II: What’s Really Happening in Israel (Longwood, FL: Xulon, 2007), 35.


  Climate: Roshydromet, Israel Meteorological Service.

  Type of Lands: Report of Giprvod expedition, 1931 (State Archive of Jewish Autonomous Region); Abram Merezhin, O zaselenii Biro-Bidzhanskogo raiona trudiashchimisia evreiami, 1928; E. Mills, Census of Palestine 1931, vol. 1, p. 23 (Alexandria, 1933); A. Kantorovich, Perspectivy Birobidzhana (Moscow: Emes, 1932).

  Change of Population: Census of Russia, 2010; Shlomo Groman, Skol’ko evreev ostalos v Birobidzhane (Novosti nedeli, February–March, 2005),​demography/​birobijan.html; Administrativno-territorial’noe ustroystvo Evreyskoy Avtonomnoy Oblasti, 1858–2003 gg (Khabarovsk, 2004); Razvitie Evreyskoy Avtonomnoy Oblasti,


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  Masha Gessen is a Russian-American journalist who is the author of several books, including The Brothers: The Road to an American Tragedy and the national best seller The Man Without a Face: The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin. Her work has appears in The New Yorker, The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, and many other publications. She has received numerous awards, including the 2015 Raoul Wallenberg Medal from the University of Michigan and a 2015–16 Carnegie Millennial Fellowship. S
he lives in New York City.

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