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Killer Cupid (The Redemption Series: Book 1)

Page 24

by Maeve Christopher

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  He smiled. “Well, dear, are you ready to head over to Cindy’s?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” I stumbled a little bit over my words. “I need to talk to you, Daddy. I – I know you’re not really happy about me marrying David. And I know you’re concerned he has a dangerous job, and he shoots people. But you don’t know him like I do, Daddy. He would never hurt me or anyone I care about. He loves me with all his heart, Daddy. I know it. And I love him. I hope you’ll be happy for us Daddy.”

  Daddy nodded in response. He didn’t say a word.

  I looked into his eyes. “Daddy, I just want you to know, I forgive you. And I do love you.” I didn’t wait for his reply, and quietly closed the door behind me. Cat was right. Forgiving Daddy made me feel much lighter.


  I gasped when I arrived on the Bainbridges’ patio with my bridesmaids. Quaking from nerves, I thought my knees would buckle. Cindy escorted me to my chair, amidst the ladies’ applause.

  Maria and Mama introduced me to the guests. I was presented to the families of ministers and politicians, and to David’s family’s relatives and friends. My nerves rattled, I worried I wouldn’t remember any of their names or how to address them. Many of their accents were difficult to decipher. I wished David was with me.

  The introductions complete, the women fell into comfortable chatter. I began to relax as I joined Cindy and Glori in a conversation with some of Cat’s cousins. The three sisters, all pretty blondes, were outgoing and we became fast friends. Siobhan, the oldest, was an actress who did theater in London. She and Glori had a lot to talk about.

  I was sitting beside Sabena, and I told her I loved her name. I asked Sabena if I could name a future daughter after her, and she was flattered. Then I learned that she spent most of her time breeding and showing horses in Belgium and the United Kingdom. So I told her about my new horse, Valentine, and my experience with riding.


  Alain was ambivalent about returning to the Bainbridge mansion after the golf game. As a groomsman, he couldn’t disappoint David, but he’d certainly have to see Glori again. He hadn’t mentioned her to his friends since he’d returned to California. He had taken note of her magazine cover, and newfound recording career. Certainly she had moved on, and she probably should have. He wasn’t marriage material.

  Knowing the mansion like the back of his hand, he easily disappeared into an isolated sitting room, and dropped onto the couch, his head between his knees. Perhaps a few deep breaths would help.

  He felt a small hand on his back and looked up to see Cat taking a seat beside him. “Alain. I’m so pleased to see you’ve returned safe and sound.”

  There was a light about her he couldn’t quite fathom. And she was as tiny as a fairy – he could barely tell she had sat on the couch.

  “Thank you, Cat.” He drew her in a hug. “I’m happy to be back. I – I think your prayer helped.”

  “God is good. God is faithful.”

  “Yes.” If she says so.

  “Glori will be so thrilled to see you’re back safe. She’s missed you so.”


  “Yes, Glori.” Her expression indicated she thought he must be crazy.

  He may as well be honest. “Well Cat, I imagine she’s moved on by now. It looks like she’s having a great time, and her career is taking off.”

  Cat smiled a joyful smile. “It does look like that. Glori is a marvelous actress, isn’t she?”

  He had to smile. “Marvelous.” He kissed the top of her head. “I guess I should go find her.”



  He almost crashed into Jimmy as he rushed out of the bathroom. “Hey! Dusseault! I’m gonna get goin’ now. See you tomorrow.”

  Alain was surprised at his sudden rush to leave. “Where are you going? We just got here.”

  Jimmy did not bother to explain, and Alain grabbed him by the back of his jacket. “What’s your rush? Where are you going?”

  Jimmy took him aside. “Two words. Aubrey Rose. Cat introduced me to Aubrey Rose! And just in case you didn’t know, she’s the hottest girl in the world. And she actually wants to go out with me. Me! She wants to go out with me. So I’m not givin’ her a nanosecond to change her everlovin’ mind. See ya!”

  “Aubrey Rose, the singer?”

  Hollinger never heard him. In his haste to escape, he almost collided with Raphael.


  We were surprised to look up and see the men returning from George’s country club. George introduced General Pearson and a half dozen other men to some of the guests. They were probably also colleagues of David and Eduardo’s.

  “Yeah! They must all be those secret agent guys,” I confirmed to the interested group of women we were sitting with. Then I noticed him. “Alain!” My jaw dropped open in shock.

  The women craned their necks to see the man I could not resist describing as my boyfriend, who would not be able to attend the ceremony, due to a top secret mission.

  “Oh! He’s cute!” Sabena loudly exclaimed. Her sisters laughed and nodded. Cin just sat there in shock.

  Panic overtook me, to put it mildly. My legs felt like water, so I took off my shoes before attempting to get up from the table, and then ran up the steps to the patio and into the Bainbridge’s parlor.

  He found me lingering by the kitchen door, shoes in hand, arguing with myself about whether to stay or go. Hesitant when he met my gaze, he moved toward me.

  “Alain! Are you okay? What happened?” My voice sounded strange, and my heart pounded in my chest. “Must’ve been some secret mission this time, huh?” I tried to smile. My hand shook as I held the doorknob. He moved to embrace me, and I wished I could fade through the door.

  He hugged me. “I’ve missed you, Glori.” As I looked up at his face, he kissed me, and overcome with emotion, I dissolved in his arms.

  Dottie came running through the kitchen, upset over some culinary snafu. So I resisted the urge to take him upstairs, and he knew what I was thinking. He led me into a deserted parlor.

  I sat beside him on the couch and wiped my eyes, cursing the mascara on the wet tissue. He used his thumb to get a smudge I missed. “Thanks.” I sniffed.

  “I really am happy you’re okay. At least you look okay. I mean really you look great – great…”

  “Glori.” His voice, his accent, the way he said my name – well it always got to me. I just shut up, hoping to hear more of him. Hoping to hear he was back for good. Big fantasy.

  “Glori.” I realized he was just as nervous as me. “Can we start over again? Is that possible?”

  Possible? Cat tells us every day in the studio all things are possible with God. I wasn’t so sure that extended to a relationship between a couple of big time sinners. “I hope so. Do you think it’s possible?”

  “I think it’s possible,” he said.

  Tears started again. “Okay. Well I’ve got to tell you something first. Last time we were together you used the word.” He looked confused already. “The L word!”

  “I was telling you the truth. I do love you, Glori.”

  “Well, I love you, too. But my heart wasn’t just broken – it was smashed to pieces when you left. And I’m not so sure I could take that again. But I know I couldn’t take it, if I let you go, either.” I started to sob. Damn mascara. He found a box of tissues and I took the whole box from him. “See what you’ve done?”

  His worried expression turned into a smile. “You don’t even need that stuff on your lashes. You’ve got beautiful eyes.”

  I whacked him on the arm. “I mean – see what you’ve done to me – my heart! You’ve got me all discombobulated!”

  “Oh no.” He had the nerve to smile at me again. I thought there must be nothing left of my insides anymore.

  “You know when you left that Colonel Jerry Lee Jerko – you know what he said? He said you were comin’ back in a body bag! He actually said that!” />
  Alain squeezed me to his side. “He was way out of line, Glori. I – I’m sorry.”

  I blew my nose. “The worst part was – no one was gonna tell me if you were dead or alive. You just disappear and that’s it. I couldn’t take it. What am I gonna do?”

  Alain’s eyes turned sad. “I don’t know. I can’t promise it won’t happen again. I mean, this particular trip was especially dangerous. But that’s no reason for him to say anything like that.” He looked me in the eye. “The only thing I can tell you is I’m taking on a new job with Pearson. I’ll be working on the training side of things with David, Eduardo, and Jimmy. It will be much less dangerous, much more like a regular job.”

  “Oh.” I started to breathe again.

  “I can’t promise you it will be easy. I can’t sugarcoat it. There may be times I’m gone again, and I can’t speak about my work. That’s just the way it is. But Pearson himself said this job would allow us to have more time, more of a regular schedule.”

  “That’d be great.” I wiped the tears.

  “There’s one more thing.”

  “What?” What now?

  “The training job is starting off here in California. But I may be relocating to Salzburg, Austria in a month or two.”

  “Huh?” I almost slid off the couch.

  He steadied me with one arm and lifted my chin so he looked me in the eye. “The only reason I’m having this conversation with you – I want you in my life. I think we have a shot to make it work. If we take some time together here, and maybe take it slower, maybe… I was hoping you might relocate.”

  My eyes flew open wide. “Re—relocate.”

  “Doug Bainbridge told me you’re recording with Paulo’s band. He told me you’ll be doing more work with them.”

  “Yeah.” I nodded.

  “They’ll be heading back to Salzburg about the same time our new jobs start there. Doug said he and Joe would be joining them there too. Paulo’s parents aren’t going to stay on here indefinitely. They’re not planning any big tours.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t have the voice that they do. I can only do so much recording. I’ve got to use my connection with them to launch me into an acting career. That stuff is all here, Darlin’.” I inhaled a few more tears, and thought for a minute or two. He looked distressed.

  “Alain, I love you.” I put my hand on the back of his neck and drew myself up for a kiss. A kiss that normally would have led to other things. But I contained myself, and lowered myself back onto the couch. “If you’re willing to work at this, so am I. I fly all the time. I can always get on a plane if it comes to that. What do you think?”

  “I think you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. I’m going to do my best to spend time with you, to show you how much I care for you. To get the most out of every minute.” He smiled as he used the phrase from my new song.

  “Cool! Just don’t smash my friggin’ heart again.” I went to fix my makeup.


  Alain and I walked hand in hand back outside to our table. I could see Cindy’s relieved face as she watched us descend the patio stairs. I smiled smugly and introduced him to Cat’s cousins. My smile was short-lived as Sabena engaged Alain in animated conversation in French. Cindy pressed her lips together. She thought it was funny.

  A heavyset man came up behind Sabena, and put his hands possessively on her shoulders. Sabena introduced her husband, Barnard. I stopped pouting, and the women giggled at my obvious jealousy.

  “What’s with Jimmy?” Raphael laughed as he came up to the table and slapped Alain on the back. He was too busy kissing Cindy to hear the answer, amidst catcalls from the Connors women.

  Sabena teased, “Poor Raphael! I thought you would suffocate under the horde of female fans you seem to attract everywhere you go.”

  He shook his head and smiled at her. “Always the troublemaker, Sabena.”

  “Me? I speak the truth. We all saw it Raphael. That royal entourage you have.”


  Besieged by a million guests, it was a while before David and Debbie and Eduardo and Nita finally worked their way over to the table. Nita was the chatty one with all the Connors women at the table, as Eduardo held her hand and paid half attention. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a robed figure approaching.

  He turned to David. “Sister Mary Manager at four o’clock.” The caution brought wisecracks from the Connors sisters.

  Sister was upon us, sternly nodding to her nieces at the table. “David! Eduardo!” She took each of them by the arm. Debbie giggled as the petite nun succeeded in pulling David from her possession.

  “Thank God in heaven you are both alive and well. The Blessed Mother has been watching over you. I have prayed day and night for the salvation of your souls. And for your very lives! And by the grace of God you are both looking quite well indeed.” Her thick brogue rose above the din around us.

  The men bent down to greet Sister Mary Grace with a gentle kiss on her cheek. She nodded her approval. Barely five feet tall, the tiny nun wore a pleasant smile that belied a fiery Irish temper. Despite the physical advantage the men had, it was apparent Sister was in complete control.

  Raphael laughed out loud as Sister Mary Grace reached up to pinch their cheeks and continued to lecture them. Eduardo grimaced from the pain. Sister followed this gesture with a slap on his cheek – I guess to wipe the scowl off his face.

  Then she proceeded to Raphael. “Ah! My dearest Raphael! You are so fortunate God gave you such a handsome face.” She shook him by the shoulders, as he sat trying to compose himself. The shocked looks on Cin, Debbie, and me sent the Connors sisters into a rowdy burst of laughter.

  Having settled them down in her own inimitable way, Sister Mary Grace faced Eduardo and Nita. “My darlings, I cannot wait to see the beautiful California beaches, and of course, Rodeo Drive. Sunday, after Mass, we shall take a look.” With that command, she marched off to visit with Maria and Camellia.

  “Sister Mary Manager, huh?” I looked askance at the intrepid nun.

  “Yeah. I thought we could drop her off at the Redwood Forest,” Eduardo said.


  It was late and most of the guests had left. Dottie was taking compliments on a job well done. In the corner of the patio sat General Pearson and his men, laughing and probably reminiscing about times gone by. Nita was the bold one that dared approach first. She delivered a pitcher of beer and sat down by Eduardo.

  The ice broken, the rest of the family pulled up their chairs. David retrieved Debbie from the far end of the patio, and draped her across his lap in a comfortable chair. Mrs. Pearson took the seat beside her husband.

  “I’m curious to know just how David got the name Cupid.” Nita spoke to Tony Cooke, the British guy Debbie had introduced as “Mr. Cookie.”

  David rolled his eyes – he didn’t look happy about this.

  “You’ve been calling him Cupid all evening.” Nita had a mischievous smile.

  His colleagues laughed, as Mr. Cookie was at a loss for words. Nita’s outrageous beauty and confident style had a way of completely disarming men.

  The General saved Mr. Cookie the embarrassment. “That’s classified.”

  His men roared with laughter. Nita was unmoved. I could tell everyone else was curious, except Debbie looked as uncomfortable as David. And Eduardo was none too pleased either.

  Pearson could see he needed to give more of an explanation. “Well you know David is expert with weapons.” Pearson’s gaze came to rest on Debbie, but she was giving him nothing. “Well, you may not know …” More laughter from the men. “Uh, in any case, for those of you who don’t know…” General Pearson nodded at Debbie, and the rest of us. “Apparently, David is quite modest about all his talents.”

  The men’s laughter grew more raucous. Pearson was starting to blush, and David shook his head. The General wiped his face as he continued above the noise. “Anyway, David is tops in the world when it comes to marksmanship. So, you can
see the obvious reference to Cupid.” I could actually see Pearson exhaled a sigh of relief.

  “Hmmm.” Nita was unimpressed. She must have known there was more to the story.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Cindy rapped on the bathroom door. “Glori! We’re going to be late for the rehearsal.”

  I poked my head through the door. “Isn’t Raphael picking you up?”

  “Yes, but I thought you were going with us. I was just going to have him drive my car.”

  “Oh, that’s okay, Cin. Alain is gonna pick me up. You can go in your favorite convertible.”

  Cindy looked concerned. “Honey, I thought you were going to take it a little slower, now that he’s back.”

  I came out into my room, fussing with my hair. “Yeah. I know I haven’t exactly followed my own advice, huh? I guess it’s like the moth to the flame. Wait a minute! I think I just wrote a new song.”


  The rehearsal Friday evening went on way too long, and David was getting irritated. The wedding consultant reviewed every tiny detail with each member of the wedding party. She was particularly concerned with who would escort whom, where, and when. David warned her that I might faint from hunger, but Mrs. Button was pre-occupied with creating the perfect event.

  As I propped myself against David, I heard his heavy sigh. He’d decided to curtail the woman’s litany of directions. Fortunately for Mrs. Button, Frederick politely interceded, as David handed me to Eduardo and stepped up to give her a piece of his mind. I thought that would have been more serious than the time he punched the volleyball at Rod Bainbridge. Within a few moments we were off to the restaurant.

  The dinner following was attended by the extended family, as well as the bridesmaids and groomsmen. It was a relaxed affair, which allowed friends time to chat and enjoy each other’s company. Maria and Frederick were gracious hosts. Mama and Daddy had come to respect them greatly over the past months. This evening they were able to tell them so. Mama brought tears to Maria’s eyes as she thanked her for all of her help and support in planning the wedding, and then she told her how happy she’d be to have Maria and Frederick for my in-laws.


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