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Dirty Obsession

Page 38

by Ella Miles

  He frowns.

  “I don’t want to have kids with you. I just don’t want to feel like a complete failure when I do turn twenty-five next month. I want to be married and have that experience. If, after you, I still don’t find my happily ever after with a man, then I’ll be fine with adopting or getting artificial insemination.”

  Asher frowns, thinking.

  “I know that we are the absolute worst match for each other and that this is going to be mostly about sex, but I need that right now. I need to be married. I need to not be shamed by my family. I need sex.”

  I fidget with the hem of the shirt I’m wearing, where it is already starting to unravel. It’s obviously a shirt that he wears often.

  “So, what do you say? Can we come to an agreement? Will you marry me?” I don’t add that it’s the least he can do after he broke up my wedding, but I’m not afraid to sound desperate.

  Asher chuckles. “I already said yes. But I will say it again if the first time didn’t do enough to convince you. Yes, I’ll marry you. I’ll give you whatever you want. Just…” He pauses, trying to think of the right words.

  “Just don’t expect you to stick around forever?”

  He nods.

  “Fine. I’ll have my lawyer draw up a prenup to protect us both, and then we can get married anytime after that. I don’t want a big affair. I just want the legal marriage so that I can face the world again. But you will have to stay loyal to me. I don’t do cheating even if this is a temporary arrangement. It won’t last forever anyway. I expect, after a year, we can quietly divorce, and I can marry someone else and have a kid or two.”

  “I would never cheat on you.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “That’s not what I’ve heard. I’ve heard you have cheated on plenty of women.”

  He scoots closer to me on the couch. “I. Don’t. Cheat. On. Anyone. And. Especially. Not. You. Occasionally, women I have been with cheat on their husbands or fiancés with me, but I never do the cheating.”

  “I didn’t cheat on Wes, if that is what you are implying. I broke up with him first.”

  He smiles. “I’m not calling you a cheater either.”

  “Have you ever been in a committed relationship with a woman before?” I ask.

  He laughs. “Of course I have. What do you think I’ve been doing these last few weeks? I’ve been committed to you.”

  “To breaking me and Wes up.”

  He nods and leans back a little, like he’s preparing for me to slap him. And, although I’ve had the urge to do just that many times in the past, I don’t have the urge at the moment.

  Maybe it’s because he just gave me two of the best orgasms of my life. Maybe it’s because, when this conversation is over, I want to see if he has anything else up his sleeve.

  Whatever the reason, I no longer feel like slapping him, but I don’t want to let him know that. I like that he feels like he should always be on alert when he’s around me. I like having that control.

  “Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?” I ask.

  “Other than having you tied up in my bed all day, I don’t have anything on the agenda.”

  I smile. “Good. You can do that—after we get married.”

  He grins and then leans forward and kisses me, letting me know he’s ready for another round if I am.

  But all I can think is, I can’t believe my crazy plan is working. Now, the only thing I need to do to keep this plan working is to not fall in love with him. That should be easy, right?

  I look in the mirror at myself in my wedding dress. I’m not the type of woman who dreamed of what my wedding day would look like. What I would wear or even whom I would marry. But, if I had imagined what I would wear, this is what I would have imagined.

  A simple, light white dress with a little bit of lace but not enough to overpower the dress. It’s long but doesn’t have a train, so it will be easy to wear on the beach. I’m not wearing shoes, which is how I prefer it so that I can walk barefoot on the beach. And, other than a couple of witnesses the minister is bringing, no one will be there to watch us get married.

  The man, on the other hand, is nothing like I would have imagined ever marrying. I figured the only way I would ever marry was if the man had really convinced me of his love and if I thought that love would last. I never thought I would get married out of lust or a need to fix things.

  I hear a rattling on my door, and I walk over to it and open it to find my lawyer standing there.

  “You look beautiful,” Chance says, looking me up and down in my dress.

  “Thank you. Were you able to get the prenup written up?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t finished it. It’s just as we discussed. But I know you will want a chance to read it over all the same.”

  “Thank you. I trust you, but I could never sign something I didn’t read over with my own eyes.”

  “That’s why I enjoy working with you so much. You take your business and life into your own hands.”

  Chance hands me the papers, and I take them over to my table and begin reading through everything. It takes me a good half hour to thoroughly read over everything. Chance waits in the living room while I read in my office. I make one small change, but otherwise, everything looks to be exactly as I wanted.

  I hear another knock at my door, and I glance at the clock in my bedroom. It’s a good thing I was ready prior to my lawyer coming over.

  I glance in the mirror one last time. I left my hair down in loose curls and kept my makeup natural-looking. Everything is still in place, so I walk quickly to the door and open it to see Asher standing in the doorway.

  His jaw drops open, and his eyes widen when he sees me in my dress. “There are not enough words to describe how beautiful you look right now.”

  “You look very nice as well,” I say, staring at the muscles of his chest.

  There’s just enough manly hair peeking out from beneath his nicely pressed dress shirt that he’s kept unbuttoned at the top. He rolled up the sleeves and is wearing khaki pants and sandals.

  He raises an eyebrow, as he always does when he is about to say something snarky. “Nice? I look better than nice. I look hot, and you know you want to jump my bones before you even marry me.”

  I shake my head. “Business first.”

  He pouts. “Not even—”

  I swat his hand away that reached out to try and grab my ass. “First, we sign the prenup and then get married. If I still like you, you can fuck me.”

  “I’d better hurry and make sure all the legal parts are covered then. I don’t want to get in the way of the fucking,” Chance says, smiling.

  I frown even though I’ve been friends with Chance forever, and he works for me on many occasions. I still don’t like him joking about me and Asher fucking.

  Chance and Asher exchange knowing glances before I head to my office to grab the prenup papers. When I come back, I get straight down to business, not wanting to wait any longer to get this part over with.

  I place the papers on my dining table, and Chance takes them.

  “It’s a standard prenup that basically says that when—”

  I glare at Chance. I haven’t told anyone of my plan, and even though I know that our marriage is going to end in divorce, I don’t like others implying it already. Even Chance.

  “I mean, if you two decide to dissolve the marriage, it basically states that you will each keep your own property and money that you earned before the marriage and during. Sloane has already read it over, but if you’d like to have a quick read through it,” Chance says, sliding the papers over to where Asher is standing.

  “Do you have a pen?” Asher asks.

  Chance smiles as he looks at me, like he knows I’m marrying an idiot who doesn’t even read a contract before he signs it. But then Asher comes from a different world. Other than whatever contract he signed with his agent, I doubt he has ever signed anything of importance.

  Chance hands Ash
er a pen, and then he points to the first spot that Asher needs to sign. “You need to sign here and then initial every page. Then, sign again at the end.”

  Asher does so without reading a single word on any page and then hands the pen to me. “There is no backing out after this. I guess we will just have to learn to trust each other.”

  I take the pen and quickly sign everywhere that I’m supposed to.

  Chance takes the papers and scans them, making sure everything is in order. “So, when’s the wedding?” he asks.

  I cock my head to the side as I look at Chance.

  “I’m kidding. Go get married, you two crazy lovebirds. I know that I’m not invited, but I’m sure I’ll see you again soon,” Chance says as he begins heading toward the door.

  “That’s because no one is invited. It’s more romantic that way,” I say.

  “I’m sure it is,” Chance answers before letting himself out of my apartment.

  “Was that a stab at me, saying that our marriage won’t last?” Asher asks.

  “Yes. I didn’t tell him the truth. He just has his suspicions. Why, do you think this marriage is going to last?” I ask.

  Asher hesitantly touches my arm, running his fingers slowly up my arm, like he’s trying to decide if I’m real. If what we are about to do is really happening. And then he firmly grabs my arm, pulling me to him until our lips clash together and then kiss. My tongue slips into his mouth almost automatically, like I’ve been kissing him for years instead of only hours.

  He smells of cologne, which I find strange but also so enticing on him. When I had him yesterday, he smelled of salt and ocean. Now, he smells like a man who spends his days in an office instead of out on the beach. I don’t know which I like more—this cleaned up version or the dressed down version on the beach. No, I prefer the naked version who likes to take control in bed.

  The part that made me want to marry him in the first place was knowing that I would get to fuck him every night while we were together. That’s what makes this all worthwhile for me.

  We stop kissing.

  “It won’t last, but I am going to more than enjoy it while it does.”

  I blush. “Come on. The minister is waiting.” I start walking toward the door. “Unless you want to back out?” I ask, turning back to see Asher still standing, looking at me with his hands in his pockets.

  “Not backing out. Just admiring your ass in that dress and all the different ways I plan on bending you over and taking you.”

  * * *

  In complete silence, we walk down to the beach where we are to be married. I’m still not sure he is going to actually go through with this. He’s known to be one to try and break women’s hearts. And I suspect he thinks, if he marries me and then breaks up with me later, it will make my pain that much worse. But he can’t hurt me if I don’t let him. He can’t break my heart if I don’t let myself love him.

  As we walk though, I have a strange feeling that this is the worst idea I’ve had in a long time. I’ve never felt that marriage is important. My parents got divorced when I was young. Most of my friends’ parents are divorced. I’m not sure we are really supposed to be with one person all our lives. But, walking down to the beach with Asher, who will be my husband in a matter of minutes, makes me doubt everything I’ve thought before.

  Asher grabs hold of my hand as we get closer to the minister, who is standing at the edge of the water with folded arms over a Bible. I suck in a breath when he grabs hold of my hand. I don’t know why his touch affects me, calms me, but it does.

  Asher is the devil. I know that. But, somehow, the devil is what I need in a moment like this. Knowing who my enemy is and not being surprised by it, I guess, comforts me.

  We reach the minister, but neither of us lets go of each other’s hand.

  “Are you both ready?” he asks us.

  Asher turns to face me with a large grin on his face that makes me grin as well.

  “Yes,” we say in unison.

  The minister starts talking, but the butterflies in my stomach prevent me from hearing anything he says.

  Asher leans down to my ear and whispers, “Just look at the ocean. The waves. It will help calm you.”

  I smile. I don’t think anything can calm me. But I look out at the ocean and watch the waves roll in, and then I immediately feel calm. It feels nice to know that, that is one thing we share. We both love the ocean.

  And to fuck, the dirty side of me thinks.

  “Do you, Sloane Hart, take Asher Calder to be your husband in sickness and health as long as you both shall live?”

  I look into Asher’s eyes and see the waves reflected in them. “I do,” I say.

  His eyes seem to twinkle just a little bit. Like he’s happy to hear it. I push the butterflies down. The look doesn’t mean anything. He is just doing this for the sex and to try and hurt me. That’s all this is.

  “I do,” Asher says with a grin so wide that I’m afraid his mouth is going to be stuck permanently like that.

  I feel my heartbeat race much too fast in my chest as Asher kisses me, holding me in his arms as he dips me backward, sucking all of my breath away. He slowly lets me back up.

  “We’re married,” I whisper.

  “We are, Mrs. Calder. Or are you not planning on taking my name?” he says with a wink.

  I bite my lip and blush a little. “I think I’ll be keeping my name.”

  Asher lifts me up, and I let out a high-pitched gasp.

  It’s a wonder I can breathe at all after the ceremony. Thank God it was fast, or I’m sure that I would have passed out from the mix of the sun bearing down on me and my inability to breathe.

  It’s too late to back out now though. I’m married. I just hope I made my life easier instead of harder.

  Asher twirls me around, and for the first time since I was a kid, I feel like a princess. It’s not a feeling I ever thought I would want to experience. Not at my age. But I love the freeing feeling it gives me until I realize what Asher is doing.

  “No!” I scream, grabbing hold of his neck and shoulders.

  But it’s no use. He drops us both into the water. We go under, all the way until the water is covering our heads. When we come back up, I know my dress and makeup are ruined, but I can’t help but laugh when I see Asher’s goofy face.

  “That was way too serious. I thought we needed to chill out and laugh before we left,” Asher says, still holding me in his arms.

  I throw my arms and head back, floating on top of the water. “We don’t need to leave yet. You’ll have plenty of time to fuck me later. Now that you have gotten me into the water, I don’t want to leave,” I say, relaxing on top of the water.

  “Well, I hate to tell you, but you don’t have much time to relax. But you’ll have plenty of time to relax and fuck later,” he says.

  I stand up and look at him. “I have no idea what you are talking about, Asher. The only thing on either of our agendas today was to get married. Now that, that is done, we can relax.” I pause. “Actually, the last thing we need to do is tell our families that we eloped.”

  “Already done,” Asher says.

  I frown. “How is it already done? I haven’t spoken to my family today. Did you already talk to your family?”

  “I don’t have any family. I only have one friend. I texted him, but I don’t think he believed me. I let my agent know so that she would be prepared to deal with the publicity.”

  I sigh. “I still need to tell my family.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  I laugh. “I think they deserve to know if I got married or not.”

  Asher shakes his head. “I just meant that I already told them.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, my eyes wide with worry.

  “I called and spoke to your father to ask for his permission to marry you. Well, more his blessing than permission. I think asking for permission is a bit archaic.”

  “And?” I ask, cocking my head to one side, not b
elieving that he spoke to my father.

  “And he seemed pleased that you had found someone to marry. Even a scoundrel like me.”

  I smile.

  “I spoke to your mother as well. She seemed more than pleased that she could tell all of your family that you got married to a longtime friend you had known since you were young. A love that rekindled after Wes treated you so badly. She also said it would be announced in the papers tomorrow to combat any bad press about you leaving Wes the night before you were supposed to marry him.”

  I study Asher, who seems so at peace in the ocean. He seems so right here, in the water, and it’s why he sometimes seems so out of place on land. I know that he’s a scoundrel, just like my father called him, but honestly, I’ve seen too much of his nicer side to think of him solely as a scoundrel.

  “Thank you,” I say.

  He softly kisses me on the lips, clearly not wanting to start something here. And, looking around at the beach that is beginning to swarm with people, I agree.

  “You really need to stop saying thank you.”

  “Then, you need to stop being so nice to me.”

  Asher glances up at something on the beach. I turn to look but have no idea what he is looking at.

  “We need to head back in now,” Asher says.


  “I’m not telling you. But, now that you are my wife, you have to do what you are told. It’s in the vows or something, right?”

  I laugh. “No way in hell am I obeying you. And it wasn’t in the vows.” Was it?

  He laughs. “You have no idea what that minister guy said anyway, do you?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “So, are you going to come with me without asking questions or not?”

  I frown, not liking where this is going at all.

  “I thought you wanted me to bring out that wild child inside of you again, the one looking for excitement and adventure?”

  I frown. “I don’t like surprises.”


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