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The Remote Traveler (The Remote Series Book 1)

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by Finian Blake








  Copyright © 2015 Finian Blake

  All rights reserved.




  This is a fictional work. As a fictional work certain situations mentioned in this book may bear a resemblance to real life situations. The author claims no participation in or direct knowledge of any illegal events described in this book. To the best of the author’s knowledge the countries, companies, organizations, agencies, and persons described in this book have not participated in and have no knowledge of any of the events described in this book.





  3. RESTART 107

  4. NEW LIFE 148




  8. NEW THREATS 370

  9. UPSETS 448



  Edward enjoyed walking through the door of the clinic, since the reception room was not the standard sterile waiting room. There was room for only about four comfortably upholstered chairs made of dark oak covered with dark maroon leather upholstery with a lamp table between each set of two chairs which made it look more like a reading room at a fashionable book store. The rest of the furniture was made of dark oak also. There were several containers of aromatic wood chips hidden around the room which finished off the earthy affect. The walls were painted a soft green with pictures copied from the European impressionists. The receptionist Bonnie was seated at a large wooden oak desk with all of the electronics discretely tucked away, so as not to ruin the old world flavor. She was dressed in a colorful flower print blouse with tan pants and she had a warm ever present smile which always brightened Edward’s day. Bonnie greeted Edward warmly with a sincere sensual tone to her voice that made him feel instantly welcome before the door was fully closed.

  “Good morning Ed are you ready to try again? I will tell Jane that you are here. Don’t bother sitting down Jane was waiting for you.” The clinic was for metaphysical research. Ed had been training for two years to do out of body meditation. He had succeeded in mastering lucid dreaming quickly, and Doctor Swift talked him into what he thought would be the next logical step which was out of body meditation with remote viewing being the ultimate goal. Ed was their most promising candidate and always received the VIP treatment. Doctor Swift had very few patients and the scheduling was set so that none of the patients ever bumped into one another.

  “Bonnie I am starting to get discouraged. We have tried several times now, and I always stall at the same spot. It’s like hitting a wall.”

  “Jane, set the whole morning aside for you and we will bring you right in. She made several changes in the room and she hopes that it will make enough of a difference to help you take that last step.” She stood up from her desk and took Ed by the hand leading him into Jane’s research lab. Bonnie’s touch was soft and welcoming, so. Edward had no hesitation following her. They walked through the door and stepped into the central room. The room was a comfortable twenty by twelve. Natural maple cabinets lined the walls keeping a light feeling in the room. There were no hallways. The large room held two overstuffed reclining chairs and two smaller upholstered chairs on wheels. Numerous brightly colored pillows of varying sizes were piled around the room. Jane’s desk was incorporated into one of the cabinets so that it was invisible when the doors were closed. All of the equipment was discretely stored in the other wooden cabinets lining the room. The lighting in the room was indirect and subdued. Edward brightened visibly when he saw Jane.

  “Edward, it is so good to see you today.” Jane had a way of calling someone by their proper name never sounding formal. She kissed him lightly on the cheek. Her soft melodic voice put him instantly at ease. “Are you ready to make the jump today?”

  “I hope so. I would like to get past the Wall.” The ‘Wall’ was what he thought to be the last barrier. The goal was to get out of body and free of the tether that kept him close. Every time he tried he would reach a point where he was right on the edge of succeeding and stopped cold.

  “We have added some new harmonics to your back ground music and preheated the room, since yesterday. Come I will hook you up to the EEG.” Edward had shaved his head to accommodate the constant application of the electrodes. This was a research project and it necessitated obtaining as much verifiable evidence as could be had. Jane took Edwards temperature and adjusted the temperature of the room to fifteen degrees off his 98.2 body temperature. She would also adjust the meditation tank to exactly 98.2. He often felt like he was preparing for a space launch since it took over an hour to prepare everything. While she was preparing the electrodes Edward stripped off his clothes and slipped on a soft cotton robe. Jane placed a cotton cloth cap which was prepared for the study. over Edward’s head There were several holes in the cap and Jane carefully marked each hole with a marking pen after which she removed the cap. She carefully attached an electrode to each mark double checking to be sure that all of the electrodes were in their proper place.

  Jane was an extremely attractive woman. She was a few pounds over what the charts recommended, but her body was well toned and muscular. Jane was well proportioned and her curves would capture any eye with her light chocolate skin seeming to glow in any light. She was a graduate of Stanford medical school, and finished at the top of her class. Doctor Swift picked her up as an assistant, because of her ability to quickly develop a bond with any one. Jane always showed interest in new concepts and launched herself into the project whole heartedly. She found it easy to like Edward. He was six-foot-tall with a lean muscular good looking frame having a quiet way about him. He frequently had to be asked to speak up in his shy moments, which were often with Jane.

  Edward grew up practicing Thai chi because his parents preferred the soft martial arts. Alex and Anna were more interested in him learning the cerebral aspects than breaking boards. They made it a point to place him with as many skilled masters as possible. Most of his masters insisted on interviewing his parents in depth before accepting Edward. They wanted to be sure that they were not training a street tough. Each master reinforced the basic tenant of martial arts which was ‘INTEND NO HARM’. His parents Alex and Anna moved around the country to find the best teachers for him however Huntington Beach was always their home. Many of the masters were in California so he was mainly raised in California. Alex and Anna were investors so they could move around the country as they chose without disrupting their business. All that they needed was a telephone and a computer. Edward had an easy way about him, so Jane quickly developed a solid repore with him. He was a business student at Stanford with a minor in Asian history where they met while Doctor Swift was conducting a sleep study. He was twenty-four years old and close to Jane’s age. Jane finished attaching the last electrode and directed Edward to the sleep room. He moved with a smooth effortless style that came from studying martial arts. Edward would start out by completing a dream session before pursuing his main goal by meditating.

  Jane started to settle him in the sleep room. “Edward, we have switched to bamboo sheets and blankets, in order to cut down on the static electrical influence. We are hoping for a minimum of outside electrical influence.” Not even Doctor Swift would enter the room when Jane was conducting a session. She pulled back the sheets and sat him on the
edge of the bed. The room was heated to 83 degrees so a top sheet would be all that he needed. “Sweet dreams.” Jane stroked his cheek gently and left the room. She opened the door of the console that held the monitor for his EEG. Jane ran the tests on the electrodes while Edward started to relax. When she completed the checks, she watched the monitor to see the exact time that Edward achieved REM sleep, since rapid eye movement would signal the beginning of the dream state.

  While Jane was waiting, her thoughts moved to Edward. She often felt like slipping into bed with him wanting to see what the EEG would do while she played. Doctor Swift had strictly forbidden any personal contact with Edward, since he was the doctor’s most promising subject. Any personal contact would be cause for her immediate removal from the project. Truly getting out of body was rare, but Edward was very close. She desperately wanted to participate in this project, so she had to curb her desires.

  Doctor Swift was maniacal about detail, and he closely over saw every detail of the clinic. From the handle of the clinic’s door to the way the Jane and Bonnie dressed. He demanded that they dress in garments made of natural materials to maintain a neutral charge. Doctor Swift wanted no clothing that would generate static electricity. He also maintained a negative ion generator in the air conditioning system to keep a neutral charge throughout the clinic. Bonnie the receptionist was one of his graduate students and was instructed to file a report on everything that Edward did from the time he crossed the threshold of the clinic and Jane was to do the same. Every second of his time at the clinic was detailed. She was not allowed to read while a test was in progress. Jane kept a marker in hand and noted any shifts in the EEG as they occurred. Doctor Swift had a repeater set up in his office along with video cameras to cover the entire testing area. Within ten minutes Edward slipped into REM sleep. There were a few tattle tale spikes when he switched to lucid dreaming. The leads for visual activity would show increased activity after the shift. The leads for audible activity increased even though the room was quiet.

  Edward found himself walking in a desert village with an oven like breeze hot on this face. Everybody was dressed in desert style clothing. He walked past a shop where two men were arguing over the price of goods. Edward walked past the door and decided to back track. He walked in the shop and listened to the two men arguing in Arabic. There was not really any sound but he could understand the whole conversation. The illusion of sound started inside his head, not in his ears. In lucid dreaming the ears received no input, but the mind perceives the conversation which creates a strange gap in the sensors. The illusion of sound was created inside of his head. The proprietor of the shop was talking to the landlord calling him a thief. The landlord had just raised his rent and the proprietor was adamantly protesting the increase. The conversation was in Arabic and he understood the conversation even though he did not speak the language. Edward walked out of the shop stopping in a small café for a cup of the strong coffee that the Arabs are so fond of. As he took a sip there was a spike on the EEG when the caffeine registered on his brain it was just his memory of the effect. Doctor Swift asked him to note times and dates in his dreams if possible. He looked around the café and spotted a newspaper. He picked it up reading the date. It should not have made any sense. Written Arabic was so many squiggly lines on a page to Edward. He read the date on the paper. It was around a month from today. Edward finished his coffee, causing another spike on the EEG, paying as he left.

  Edward saw a shapely woman walk by. She wore a hijab and a loose fitting long sleeve cotton dress with a long skirt that came down to her ankles. She was five foot six and walked with an easy gait that seemed familiar. Between the scarf and the loose dress, he could tell little else about her, so he followed at a distance. When she stopped at a stall in the market that was selling vegetables, he took the opportunity to stand next to her. He looked at her hands. She was not Arabic. Her skin was a light chocolate brown and seemed to glisten in the half light of the shadows under the canvas awning. As he was studying her profile she turned. He instantly recognized the eyes, it was Jane. She looked down the line of stalls, motioning for him to follow her. Edward waited for her to gain some distance following her to a courtyard doorway. She entered, and after waiting a few minutes he entered the door. Jane pulled the scarf from her face and kissed him warmly.

  “I thought that I would never catch your attention.” He kissed her passionately and slipped his hand under her blouse cupping her left breast. “Not now we have to get out of here. Something is wrong and we need to return right away.”

  Edward prompted, “You leave first and I will follow at a safe distance.”

  At the console Jane noted a rise in Edward’s respiration and a marked increase of EEG signals. He was being intensely stimulated in his dream. She also noted a warm feeling at her left breast. Jane felt an over powering sense of urgency. She looked at the video monitor finding that Edward was awake and sitting on the edge of the bed. At six minutes this was only a short REM period, but it would do. She picked up the cassette recorder and hurried in the room.

  “Tell me about your dream.” Jane knew that if she did not ask immediately some of the details would disappear. Edward related the whole dream in as much detail as he dared. When he came to the part about the woman he lied. Edward remembered the date and sipping the coffee. She noted the spikes in the EEG. When it came to the woman he just called her an erotic mystery woman. Edward was well aware of Doctor Swift’s prohibition about social contact with Jane. He correctly thought that it would apply to his dreams too.

  He stuck to the short description, “She was wearing a hijab that covered her face and a loose dress that hid any hint of her shape.”

  Doctor Swift asked. “I will say that from what I could see, she was remarkably attractive.”

  “The EEG shows that you were highly simulated.” Jane looked down at his partial erection. “That confirms my suspicion. You were highly stimulated. Next time see if you can find out who she is.”

  “I would like her phone number and address too.” Doctor Swift was monitoring the exchange. He did not like Edward sleeping naked. It was a comfort tradeoff for the electrodes and Edward would have to undress for the tank anyway. The doctor settled for reminding them that they were being monitored.

  “We need to move on to the next phase of the session. Take Ed to the tank room. We need to keep close to this state.” Jane unplugged Edward managing his electrodes as he moved to the next room. She helped him into the tank and reconnected the electrodes. He lay back in the body temperature saline water and started counting his breaths taking in the faint lavender smell that Jane was experimenting with. This was the meditation phase and he would not truly sleep. The state would mimic a rem state but he would not be asleep. Jane knew that Doctor Swift was watching closely and skipped the brief caress that she usually gave Edward when she finished in her normally efficient manner. She turned on the back ground noises that the doctor programed adjusting the noise so that it was barely audible. It was not music and not merely noise but it was a harmonic designed to produce a specific state. Jane turned down the lights so that there was only a dim suggestion of illumination. The walls were painted a navy blue not black. Even though they appeared black, the color made a difference to Edward. When everything was set the doctor called her on the phone.

  “I want a full report of the dream typed on the computer while Ed is meditating, and I would like your personal impressions typed in also. Give Bonnie your EEG tape with the notes on it. I have a feeling that this might represent a break through, so don’t let Ed leave until you have consulted with me.”

  Back in the tank Edward was feeling some internal movement. He could see himself clearly as if he were standing over himself. Edward was lying there perfectly still. He started to move up above the floor. As Edward moved up he noticed a slender silver thread paying out from within him. As the thread finished paying out, he stopped rising. This was the moment of panic, since in the past Edward woul
d hover above himself for several minutes and rush back inside of his body with a feeling of profound relief for his spirit to be in its familiar container. There would be a prolonged sense of panic and he would emerge from the tank in a cold sweat even though the water was body temperature. This time he regarded himself at rest in the tank. Edward was practicing a form of active meditation. He forced himself to a peaceful state trying to avoid what is referred to as ‘monkey mind’. This time Edward held his focus and for the first time the doubt that he could return disappeared. He allowed the tether to separate. It seemed that he floated through the ceiling into the open air above the clinic still seeing his body through the roof of the building. Edward began to realize that his spirit was still intact. He hovered above the building for several minutes with all sense of panic leaving him. He quietly continued to move away at a high rate of speed. As Edward moved higher, he could sense the roof of the building becoming smaller in no time Edward could see the whole LA area getting smaller.

  Jane was starting to panic by the control panel. The EEG signal dropped by half and she could detect only minimal respiration and REM dropped to zero. Edward appeared to be going into a coma. She was half way out of her chair, when the light on the phone flashed.

  “Don’t let your ass leave that chair,” it was Doctor Swift. “He will be alright. This is what we discussed earlier. If you disturb him now there may be a crash. He needs to come back by himself. Just start typing up your notes. I will want them as soon as he is finished. Be sure to include any emotions or impressions that you may have personally felt, including this panic.” Doctor Swift knew that there was a personal connection between the two of them. He would have to be totally dense to miss that fact, but if he kept his rule in place there would not be a major conflict.


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