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The Remote Traveler (The Remote Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Finian Blake

  “No problem let’s get going.”

  Susan have you ever had any dreams that seemed to come true?”

  “Everybody has those.” Layla did not comment.

  “Are you aware of any common dreams with any of your acquaintances?”

  “Just once my roommate had a dream about the boy that I was dating.”

  “Have you ever thought of getting in touch with someone and they called you before you could call them?”

  “Yes everybody has had that happen?” Layla made a note and worked through the rest of the questions. She went through Lynn, Adam, and Noah. Next she handed everybody a sheet of paper with several symbols on it.

  “I am going to hold up some cards and I would like your impression of the symbol on the card. You may use the same symbol more than once. Write the name of the symbol down please do not use verbal answers. Let’s begin. Layla held up a card making a note of the card. She mixed the stack after the first time through and went through again. It was a superficial test that seemed like a parlor game. Everybody laughed as Layla went through the results. They waited while she formulated her evaluation.

  “All of you have some potential. Susan and Lynn seem to have more potential in the question and answer section, but Adam and Noah have more hits on the symbols. Susan had fewer hits on the symbols however they were hits on the same two symbols that were out of order. If you have time I would like to investigate further. Susan, your mother is having a lunch in an hour let’s talk some more after lunch.”

  Layla and Edward went for a walk around the Inn before lunch. Layla was fully animated. “This was the first time that I was able to test siblings. There is a clear difference in male and female talent. Susan seems to be the most promising. I need to buy some equipment to test further.” Edward laughed when he heard her request. “I am serious. I need to buy some equipment to continue.”

  “I was not laughing at your request. How much will you need for your project? Will it be more than a few million?”

  “I will require two to $300,000 worth of equipment. Would you like me to write it up?”

  Edward laughed once more. “Just write a check. You have 25 million pounds in the bank. Lynn will make the purchases and it will be here tomorrow.”

  “I guess that I am used to justifying all of my requests,” Layla laughed. “I never thought of buying it myself.”

  “If things get very expensive I will be happy to back you. I wanted you to realize that you can do whatever you want. While you are here Lynn will obtain all of your needs.” Layla kissed Edward passionately and took him by the hand to the stables.

  “I want to see the horses.” When they got there she noticed a red light on over the door. Layla wanted to be careful. “We better knock Lynn and Susan went riding this morning.” She pounded on the door loudly. “I hope you two are decent, we are coming in.”

  Edward was surprised, “How did you know? Was it Terri?”

  “No, but she did leave some memories. The red light is the signal for play time. It bothered Martin to no end.”

  “Ernie is the new horse master. But with the guest stable at the end of the paddock this is now Susan’s personal and veterinary stable. Ernie and Martin keep their horses at the large stable with the customer’s horses. Lynn expanded with an extra three surgical stalls. How did you know about Martin?”

  “I told you she left memories. I know about Susan’s saddle too.” The door opened and Lynn came out with her hair full of straw. Susan followed her out carrying her riding jacket.

  “I will excuse you we didn’t give you that rule yet.”

  Layla answered in her snottiest voice. “You are going to be late for lunch.”

  Susan spun around and glared at her, “Terri, I…”

  “If you don’t hurry up you will miss the lunch that you are giving for Esha.” Susan looked surprised that Layla knew about the lunch.

  “Have you been peeking in on me?” Layla knew what she meant. People were starting to get nervous around her and Edward.

  “No! Noah told us that you were having a lunch for them at the pub around one. I respect my friends.”

  “I’m sorry this whole Terri thing has gotten me spooked. We will see you at the pub.” Edward was about to say something and Layla put her hand on his arm as they watched Susan walk to the house.

  “Relax I think that we have quite a few people spooked. I might be wondering too, if it were the other way around. We will just have to deal with it. That’s why they are after us, remember?” Layla pulled him in the barn as she did Layla reached over and turned off the switch for the red light. Edward looked at Layla.

  “How did you know about the switch? Are you sure Terri is not still hanging out.”

  “I just remembered as I have told you she left a load of memories behind. I love you darling.” Layla said kissing Edward passionately.

  Noah and Esha were the first to arrive at the pub. Carl was behind the bar. He poured Noah a pint and Esha a cup of tea.

  “So, you two decided to quit playing games and get together.”

  “How did you know?”

  Carl laughed, “You were drinking tea last night just as Esha was. It was obvious that you were on your best behavior.”

  Noah pressed, “No I mean about us.”

  “You would have to be blind not to figure that one out. The way that you look at each other is only the first clue.” He smiled at Noah. “Go ahead and kiss her before everybody comes.” Noah took the hint, giving Esha a passionate kiss holding her tightly and she returned his kiss.

  Esha asked, “This is a family lunch isn’t it?”


  “Who is going to be coming?”

  “Pretty much everyone that was here last night, only it will be lunch not dinner, all of your friends that came with you will be here too. They might as well get to know the score also.” Ted and Nadia walked in holding hands. “It looks like Ted has a potential for becoming family.” Vicki came in with Dan who seemed much more subdued. Suki pulled her to the side.

  “How did you get him to leave?”

  Vicki laughed, “He was staring at my chest from the time that I walked in the door. I showed Dan some cleavage and asked him if he would like a closer look. We just crawled out of bed an hour ago. I believe that you will find him much more relaxed. He was terribly backed up so I relieved him.” Nadia overheard the conversation and decided to have some fun.

  “Dan have you had the chance to talk to my parents. That’s them over there. Come with me and I will introduce you. You do know that Vicki is my sister.”

  Dan choked on his lager, “I believe that we have met. I don’t want to interrupt a family discussion.”

  Nadia enjoyed his look of panic. “Relax Dan she is not a teenager so my father won’t shoot you. Let’s go say hello.” As they were walking up to Alex and Anna, Nadia had to ask, “Vicki how did you get Dan to leave with you so quickly?”

  Vicki laughed, “I recognized Dan as a ‘tit man’ and I offered to let him inspect mine. The rest was easy, until things got hard.” Victoria was enjoying the moment.

  Anna decided to give Dan a break. “I think that you two need to give Dan a little slack. He doesn’t know us yet.” Within minutes everybody was laughing with things settling down to a normal conversation.

  Even the Old Men showed up which was no surprise because Noah regarded them as Uncles and lifting a pint always drew their interest. Susan and Lynn were the last to arrive. Layla cornered Lynn right away.

  “I am sorry that I was obnoxious with you and Susan. It was out of line.”

  “Layla we didn’t think that you were peeking in on us. It’s just that we see so much of Terri in you that it stirred something in both of us.”

  “I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”

  “Oh no, none of the memories of Terri are bad. We really loved her. You are so much like her that we don’t know how to act.” Lynn pulled Layla to her and gave her a quick kis
s on the cheek whispering in her ear. “You most certainly know how to use a feather.”

  “I still don’t know how I picked up Terri’s physical memories. My body knows what to do, but it needs more conditioning and my muscles are complaining bitterly. They seem strange and yet natural at the same time. I can do all of the things that she used to do.” Layla remembered to make her request. “I have to order some medical equipment. Can you point me in the right direction?”

  “Come to my office after we eat and we can make a list. If it doesn’t require installation, we can have it here by Tuesday. Should I put it on Edward’s account?”

  “No he said that I have my own account.” Lynn caressed her cheek.

  “You will have to talk to Anna. She has Alex trained. Alex buys everything for all of her projects. It’s a woman thing.” Both women laughed heartily. Edward came over to see what they were laughing at.

  “Is this a joke that I should be sharing?” Lynn gripped Layla’s hand tightly to stop her from talking.

  Lynn waded right in, “Edward, I won’t have access to Layla’s accounts for a few days. Do you want me to wait until the paper work goes through?”

  “No take it from my account. I don’t want to slow her down. Now what were you laughing at?”

  Lynn pointed out, “Layla has all of that money and can’t get at it.” Edward laughed at the irony.

  “I see what you mean. Can I get you a refill?” Lynn’s glass was still full.

  “No thanks darling, I want to talk with your bride about her project. You run along, and we will see you later.” Edward went off in search of Alex and Anna. Lynn caressed Layla’s cheek, “Do you see what I mean. That is why Anna is your best resource.”

  Alex and Anna were outside meeting Bill, Connie, Lori, Frank and Francesca. They just arrived back from the Continent and Bill looked better than Anna had ever seen him. He seemed exceptionally close to Lori and Connie.

  Anna greeted Bill warmly, “You seem to be more relaxed than I have ever seen you. Is there a reason behind it?”

  “I was married to my wife for almost thirty years. When she was murdered, I was shattered. The thought of living without her was depressing. Our trip forced me to look at a different world.” He put his arm around Lori and she kissed him on the cheek.

  Anna had to ask, “Bill, when were you planning on returning to the States?”

  “Lori and Connie were able to pull some time off and wanted to see England.”

  “Good, Bill we should be at least another week. I can arrange a car and a driver. The food is just being served grab a plate. Layla is in the back dining room with Lynn.”

  Alex turned to Francesca, “Thank you for all that you have done. Will you be able to stay for a while?”

  “Frank and I have a few more days. I wanted to have a fitting with Beth and do a few days of nothing but pampering here. We have been on the go since we have seen you last, and a few days at your spa sound’s wonderful. We are going to have a full check done on both planes over the next few days. It is the only way that I can justify having them down this long. Can you spare a driver for some touring?”

  “You can have a driver, or the pilot for the Jet Ranger is on Holiday for a fortnight and you are welcome to use that. Suki has to return a general to his base tomorrow and then it is yours for as long as you need it. I will make the arrangements with her. She has a list of places that will accept helicopter landings.”

  Susan, Lynn and Adam settled in a corner with Esha and Noah. Alex and Anna joined them for the formal introductions by Noah.

  “Esha, I would like to introduce my three mothers Susan, Lynn and Anna. This is Alex my father. You have met my brothers and sisters last night.”

  “You have three mothers? Are your parents divorced?”

  “No, Susan is my birth mother, but Lynn and Anna are every bit my mother also.” All three women kissed Noah lovingly on the cheek. Susan took Esha’s hand.

  “Lynn and I wanted our children to be true siblings and Alex was the only man that both of us trusted so he is the father of our children. Anna is his wife and she consented to the arrangement. Edward is the son of Alex and Anna so we are his mothers. Susan, Lynn, Adam, Noah and Edward are truly siblings. Alex is as close to a husband as we will ever get.” Esha still appeared to be a little overwhelmed as Susan continued. “Nothing about our family is standard, but we are closer than any family out there.”

  “Anna did you know about this before they were conceived?”

  “Of course I did. Susan and Lynn asked me for permission before they asked Alex.”

  “I know that it works in the Middle East with harems but in England?”

  Lynn brightened up considerably interrupting Esha. “Now, that is an excellent example. Alex is not a bigamist he is only married to Anna.”

  Susan patted Esha on the hand. “You understand perfectly. I couldn’t have put it better. The main thing is that our children are well loved. They are still living at home because they choose to live with us, even though they all have the means to be independent.”

  Noah kissed Esha lovingly, “Now you know why I still live at home. I love all of my parents. I wanted you to know before we get involved because I am proud of them.” Esha kissed Noah lovingly.

  “I love you and your parents. Let’s meet your other sisters.” Lynn excused herself leaving Noah and Esha.

  “I promised Layla that I would order her equipment before closing of business today so that we can have it by Tuesday.” Lynn found Layla talking to her father Bill, and claimed her.

  Lynn took Layla to her office. She fired up the computer and went online. Layla selected the equipment that she wanted making sure that it was the best available. It was a pleasant exercise for Layla not having to write a proposal to justify what she needed or take second hand equipment because of budget constraints. She ordered some things that she thought might be nice and the tab was 50,000 under her estimate. Until Lynn pointed out that it was in Pounds not dollars which put the project over budget. Lynn ordered everything by three o’clock deciding to clear out Terri’s old office for Layla’s lab. Lynn grabbed a duffel bag from the corner of the office.

  “We have a guest flat next to the office that you can use for your studies. I hope that the bed will be comfortable enough for your purposes. The rooms are sound proof and we have radiant heat. The baths are the same as yours.” The bedroom was large with a sturdy four poster king size bed. “Layla, why don’t you test out the bed to see if it will be comfortable enough?” Layla kicked off her shoes and lay down on the bed. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her feelings. Layla felt Lynn sit on the foot of the bed. Layla felt something stroke lightly across her feet. Lynn lay across her legs so that she couldn’t kick. Layla howled with laughter. She grabbed Lynn by the hair and pulled Lynn’s head next to hers. Lynn laid back and handed her the feather.

  “Is that you Terri?”

  “No it’s Layla.”

  “I want Terri. I love her.”

  “I know you do, but Terri is dead she died a long time ago.” Lynn went slack in Layla’s arms and started to sob uncontrollably.

  “I love you Lynn. I have Terri’s memories, but I am not her.” Layla looked up and saw Susan standing in the door way.

  “I was in security. I saw you go in the flat and I have been in the doorway since Lynn started to tickle you.” Susan sat on the bed and stroked Layla’s cheek. “Thank you for being gentle. Lynn has been out of her mind about Terri ever since you tickled her the other night. That is why we were so long in the stable this morning.” Susan watched Layla hold Lynn in her arms stroking her head. “You really do love us don’t you?”

  “Yes, I love you, but I am not Terri. I love you in my own way.” Susan lay down on the bed so that Lynn was between her and Layla. She reached across Lynn embracing Layla.

  “Lynn, we can never have Terri back. No matter how much you love her. She is gone. We have Layla and she loves us, just not the way that yo
u envision.” They lay on the bed for a few hours in silence not moving. The phone rang and Susan answered the phone. It was John in security, “Edward is looking for you Layla. What should I tell him?”

  “Tell him to come to the security flat and don’t bother knocking.” Edward was there in five minutes. He came in the bedroom to find Susan lying on the bed holding a sleeping Lynn and Layla. Susan got up without waking either woman and took him in the sitting room closing the door behind her.

  “Lynn has been out of her mind with this Terri thing. You have a good wife. I am sorry if Lynn and I have caused problems between you two. We were in the stable fighting about her wishing for Terri. Terri’s death was too sudden.” Edward sat next to Susan on the love seat putting his arms around her.

  “You didn’t cause us any grief. Layla is trying to figure this out too. She was experiencing the same feelings that Terri had for you. This whole extrasensory business is not a science. We are trying to figure it out. The two of us are pretty surprised by the amount of hostility that we encounter when people find out what we can do. They tried to kill us back in LA. Ted is acting strange and even you are suspicious about us peeking.”

  “I guess I’m guilty of being crazy. The only excuse that I can offer is that I started that way.” Lynn came bursting out of the bedroom.

  “Layla needs help. She is awake, but she can’t move.”

  Edward and Susan ran in the bed room. Layla was just stirring as they reached the bed.

  “What a mess!”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I shared a dream with Lynn about Terri. It was warm and pleasant Lynn was still asleep so I slipped into a trance and visited the farm. There was a violent lightning storm. The lightning triggered the claymore mines and there were twenty or so explosions all over the desert. Half of their sensors are down. Evan went out of his mind screaming ‘they’re coming’ over and over again. The crew had to knock the door down and they gave him a sedative. The bastard is losing his mind. They were calling someone named Raymond, but I came back before they called.”

  Susan found her statement hard to believe, “You shared a dream with Lynn!”


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