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The Remote Traveler (The Remote Series Book 1)

Page 32

by Finian Blake

  Pauline was worried about what Simone would say. She wanted to be sure that there would be no blackmail.

  “Your complete discretion will be required.” Georgiana stopped what he was doing to see what she would say.

  Simone went right to the heart of the issue. “Of course our company makes clothes for men with Georgiana’s compulsion. We have several influential customers in Europe, so I can say without hesitation that we are completely confidential.” He interrupted the conversation.

  “For example…?” Simone picked up a riding crop that was for the bed and gave him a light swat across the thighs.

  “I said that it was completely confidential. If I told, you would never trust me. You need to learn two things: I always keep my promises and never interrupt me.” Simone picked up a pair of panties off of the bed and stuffed them in Georgiana’s mouth. “Leave those in there until I remove them.”

  “Pauline we need to get Harry out of here. Have Evan give him some assignment and while you give Georgiana a bath, I will screw Harry.”

  Pauline interrupted, “You just made an offhand promise to Harry.”

  Simone shook her head. “I said that I always keep my promises. If I lie to him how could you trust me?”

  Simone threw on a light robe and ran down stairs. Harry was having a drink with Evan. Simone took Harry by the hand and started to lead him upstairs.

  “Evan, Pauline needs to see you in her room right now.”

  “What’s up?”

  “She just needs to see you in her room.”

  Evan asked, “What are you going to do with Harry?”

  “I am going to take him to the guest room and screw his brains in to jelly.” Simone pulled Harry into the room. She ripped his clothes off and attacked him before they reached the bed. When they were through Simone started throwing Harry’s clothes at him.

  “You need to get out of here ASAP.”

  “Why…?” Simone recounted all that happened upstairs while she helped him dress. When she was through Harry sat on the edge of the bed dumbfounded.

  Harry was extremely apologetic, “Simone I am sorry that I got you into this. I will get you out.”

  “This is something that I must deal with from time to time. I will do my business and get out.”

  “You have to be careful Evan and Pauline ran the domestic sweeper teams.” Harry wanted to see how much Simone knew.

  “What are sweeper teams?” Simone asked in an innocent voice.

  “They kill people and make them disappear. When things can’t be done legally they send in a sweeper team to eliminate the problem. They report to Senator Mudson. He is not just some dink that likes to dress up in women’s clothes.”

  “I will exercise extreme caution. I assured him of my confidentiality. Thank you for your concern. I should be done with my business and meet you at the Ritz Carlton in three or four days. I will call you on your cell phone.” Two men came to the door and claimed Harry. Simone was left to her own devices. Simone showered and put her thin robe on her wet body with it clinging to every curve. She walked down the hall and knocked on the door. Evan left as she entered. Georgiana was going through the pile of clothing. Pauline watched for any sign that Harry told her what was going on.

  Simone pointed to various items on the bed. When they were collected she sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Dress me.” She stood up and Georgiana complied with her instructions. Simone had selected her sexiest clothes. When she was dressed Simone selected the clothes that she thought would best suit Georgiana. Simone picked out a long brunette wig and fit it on Georgiana. She combed it out and applied his makeup. When all was done Simone stood Georgiana in front of a full length mirror. The Senator had to admit that he made a convincing woman. Simone stepped up to him and handed him the silicone breasts that would fill his bra.

  “Those are too small,” Georgiana complained.

  Simone stepped up behind him, “Going too big is the mistake that most dressers make.” Simone kept a little distain in her voice. “It makes you look like you are stealing balloons! The goal is to look natural. Let Pauline help you.” Pauline made some adjustments with Simone making the final touches. “Let’s tell Evan that he is taking us to dinner.”

  Pauline screamed. “Are you crazy?” Simone pushed Pauline back on the bed and installed the jeweled spurs, on her ankle boots.

  “I will make you a bet. If we go out for dinner and drinks, at least three men will hit on Georgiana.” Evan watched three sets of high heeled legs walk down the stairs. He could not tell which ones belonged to Georgiana. Simone walked up to him and made her announcement. “We are going out for dinner.”

  “You crazy bitch what do you think you are doing?” Evan could see disaster coming on like a freight train.

  “Georgiana must pass and he is going to go out sometime,” Simone said. “We had better teach him how to do it convincingly. Look at her, would you hit on her if you were at a bar?” Evan had to admit that with a few drinks under his belt he would. With Simone’s help Georgiana made a reasonably good looking woman.

  “Thanks for the offer but I have had enough bad luck. Why don’t you make it a ladies’ night?”

  After some discussion they picked the Annapolis area for dining due to the number of overly horny young midshipmen. Simone ordered a limo so that DUI would not be a problem.

  “If anybody asks we are celebrating Georgiana’s divorce. We need a place with a respectable high end lounge.” While they were waiting for the limo, Simone coached her on things like walking, standing, and sitting. Georgiana had been dressing long enough to produce a descent wiggle in two inch heels. Simone held the door for Georgiana.

  “Remember until you walk back in this door you are a woman.” The night was a huge success. Four men hit on Georgiana winning Simone’s bet, and Georgiana only tried to use the men’s room once. They stumbled in the entrance way of the house and fell in a heap laughing so hard that it woke Evan.

  “I thought I was going to throw up when that Captain tried to run his hand up your leg,” Pauline gasped. “It’s a good thing that Simone spilled her drink on his lap.”

  “I always protect my customers,” Simone purred in a heavy French accent. “I always go along on the first few adventures to protect my clients from the unexpected. It is all part of the service. Most of my clients are well known people and cannot afford the notoriety.”

  At the top of the stairs Simone turned toward the guest room. Georgiana took her arm.

  “I am glad that I don’t have to do something evil to you.”

  Simone pressed her business, “So am I, can you keep your promise tomorrow.”

  “Which was?”

  “You were going to get me an appointment with the Secretary of Commerce, remember!” Simone put a tight grip on Georgiana’s ear lobe. “Right now, we are going to do something evil.”

  “And what is that?”

  “I am going to teach Pauline how to use those spurs. We are going riding.” Simone dragged him into the master bedroom.

  Layla returned from her trip. She called Anna at Sarah’s studio.

  “I think that we got Simone in deeper than we anticipated. Can we get someone out there for a safety valve? She might be able to handle it but that Senator plays for keeps.”

  “Layla, they have seen Alex, Nadia, and I. We could send Victoria and Sarah. Victoria has a special thing for protection and Sarah is good at recon. Simone knows Sarah.”

  “Layla, Sarah is standing right next to you. Why don’t you ask her?”

  Sarah said, “I will be going too. All that we need to do is get Victoria and the package is complete.”

  “I saw a note that Simone wrote,” Layla offered. “She is going to book into the Ritz-Carlton, in two days.”

  “What about equipment?”

  “We have a branch of Four Diamonds in Fort Meade. Suki can order up what she needs.” Anna had hung up the phone before she realized that it was Layla that she w
as talking to. The conversation was so professional that she thought that it was Terri. As an afterthought Anna decided that Layla should go too. Nadia, Vicki, Sarah and Suki were the perfect ones to send out with her on her first mission. She had Susan book them on the first flight out of Heathrow. Even if nothing else happened, this would give Layla a chance to get closer to the other Amazons.

  When the Senator came down for breakfast Simone and Pauline were having coffee.

  He was curious what the laughter was for, “What are you ladies plotting?”

  “We are going to go shopping while you make my appointment at Commerce.”

  “What are you going shopping for?” Simone held up the jeweled spurs.

  Simone sounded enthusiastic, “Pauline earned her spurs last night. I was going to have these copied for her.”

  George did not sound happy, “You have a sick sense of humor, and not all of your jokes are funny. I assure you, that you will not laugh at all of my jokes, either.” Simone picked up on the hard edge that came with his comment.

  “Did we bruise you too much last night?” George could deal with Pauline but this Simone was hard to take.

  “I will call Commerce and make arrangements with the Secretary. You should have your appointment this afternoon.” Before quitting time George would know if this woman was serious about this fashion business or not.

  Simone sounded unhappy, “I hope that I don’t have to show my samples since half of them have your cum on them.”

  Pauline decided to step in before there was a blow up, “We can have whatever you need cleaned.”

  Simone offered, “I will give you all of the samples before I leave. I just need them clean for my presentation. They don’t show well with dick wads all over them.” George fired right back.

  “You were the one that spit it out!”

  Pauline stepped in the middle, “That is hangover talking. Simone, go take your shower. George, I will fix your breakfast.” Evan walked in the kitchen as Simone was walking out.

  “Evan I have one more errand for Dillon, Sam and Lee.” George kissed Pauline and whispered in her ear. “If you touch me with those spurs again I will shove them both up your ass.” She knew that was not a figure of speech. “If you want your friend to live, have her back off.” George was right on the edge. Pauline knew that it would not do any good to argue with him.

  “She needs to do her business here and leave, just don’t do anything here. I want her to check into her hotel.”

  George sounded smug, “I have a feeling that Simone will have an accident after she leaves us.”

  Simone knew that she had to defuse the situation with the Senator and called down stairs. “Georgiana, could I see you up stairs.” The Senator sighed and went up the stairs. Simone dragged him in her room.

  “I am sorry if we hurt you. Pauline said that she was into English. I thought that meant you were.”

  “I like English people.”

  “No I was referring to a style of sex. English is spankings and discipline along with sex. I should have asked you what you preferred. I can’t send you to work like this you may decide to bomb Russia.” She grabbed a small vial from her suitcase pushing him back on the bed mounting him. Just as he was about to climax she poured the contents of the vial in a pair of her panties and held them over his nose and mouth. George felt the earth move and the climax seemed to go on forever after which it was several minutes before he could move.

  “What the hell was that?” George could not believe the power of the orgasm.

  Simone held up the small vile, “That was ‘Amy’. It is hard on the heart, but ‘oh my god’.”

  “Can you get any more of that?”

  “It is easy to get. I still have a few vials in my bag.”

  “Don’t tell Pauline I want to use it with her tonight.” Simone dropped his pants slipped on a pair of bright red lace panties and rolled a pair of opaque black hose up his legs. She pulled up his pants and put his shoes on.

  “Doesn’t that feel sexy? If you still have them on tonight I will make my special dessert for this evening. Now, go to work. I will have a few pleasant surprises for you later.” The senator stumbled out of the room and to his car.

  Pauline came into the room and was relieved to see Simone preparing for her shower.

  “I thought that he was going to do something nasty to you. I couldn’t believe his scream. What in the hell did you do? I thought you ripped his nuts off.” Simone made an ugly face.

  “Thanks for the rescue. If I ever need to be rescued again, I will call a boy scout.” Pauline didn’t care for the sarcastic sound of Simone’s voice and the heavy French accent that she put on made it sound much worse.

  “It didn’t sound like pain so I held back. What are you planning for today?”

  “We are going shopping as planned. I will have a copy of my spurs made and I am going to get Georgiana some tits that will fit in those bras. If you know any doctors I was going to get the Senator set up with hormone treatments.”

  “The Senator has health care.”

  “They will never pay for those treatments. He needs the hormones to reduce the beard and body hair. A five o’clock shadow is a dead giveaway when it comes to doing drag. If this deal goes through I can get my customer to cover the costs.”

  Pauline wanted to discourage her, “He threatened to kill you.”

  “I always keep my promises. I told Georgiana that I would help him with his dress up and I will do exactly that.” Pauline left the room to prepare for the day. “Many of our customers are dressers. I help them to avoid embarrassment. With just a little common sense he will never get caught.”

  The ladies went shopping, but before they hit their second stop Simone had her appointment with the Secretary. Simone knew with the Secretary she would have her contract. She allowed Pauline to join her. The secretary was a young man for his position. Simone and Pauline were ushered in without delay.

  “Ladies my name is Dean Smith, what can I do for you?” Simone switched to her business voice.

  “Sir, I am trying to secure an Import License for my products. My employer manufactures ladies clothing and is planning on extending her business to the United States.”

  “Please call me Dean. I am afraid that type of approval happens, several levels below me. I agreed to see you because of Senator Mudson’s request.” Both women were extremely attractive so Dean decided to take a little time with them. Simone was at her honey sweet best and let her French accent get very heavy.

  “Yes, I asked the Senator if he knew anyone in your department. I had no idea that we would have an appointment with you. Is there any way that you could point us in the right direction?” Dean picked a small directory out of his desk and started thumbing through it.

  “Simone, George told me about your conversation with him this morning. He was quite enthusiastic about your skill level. George said that you would be very appreciative of any help that you received.” Simone could see where the conversation was going.

  “Yes, George recently lost his wife and he was very close to her. I was happy to comfort him.”

  “I frequently feel as if I lost my wife. She hates Washington and goes back home all of the time. I am a bachelor quite often.” Simone willingly took the bait.

  “I was planning on cooking dinner for Pauline and George tonight. If Pauline does not object, you could join us. I am going to prepare my favorite dessert to go with the dinner, Cherries Cossette.”

  “I have never heard of that dish.”

  “It is popular with the French. You must try it.” Simone and Pauline both looked at Dean.

  “Please join us tonight.” Dean suddenly located the right number. He dialed the number and issued his instructions. Pauline gave Dean the instructions for finding her house.

  “Ladies I believe that you will receive all the help that you need from the office that I have sent you to.” They were done with their business quickly and continued their shopping.

  Pauline took Simone to an upscale liquor store. She was floored by Simone’s choice of wine. She selected Chateau Neuff du Pape, the year was not exactly right, but it was still five hundred dollars a bottle. Simone found a fifty-year-old bottle of cognac for fifteen hundred dollars. The fifty-year-old single malt scotch was only seven hundred dollars a bottle. She presented her credit card to the clerk without blinking. The last stop was for groceries. They had to make a few stops but Simone found all that she needed for dinner. Between the liquor and the dinner this home cooked meal would cost almost $4,000. If Simone was a plant she just got herself fired. Pauline was worried about Evan. He was still staying with her.

  “Should I tell Evan to camp out tonight?”

  “No I can handle Dean and George. You can handle Evan. He does not like you playing with the Senator anyway.”

  “You can handle them both?”

  “Yes I can or we can handle the three of them and you can direct traffic.” Come we need to prepare. Simone opened one of the four bottles of wine and led Pauline to the master bedroom.

  “Simone that’s five hundred dollars…”

  Simone replied in a positive voice, “We are worth it.” Simone poured a glass and held it to Pauline’s lips. “If you don’t think that you are worth it, don’t drink.” Pauline drank greedily, while Simone held the glass kissing up the dribbles that ran down her neck.

  When Evan arrived back at the house, Pauline and Simone were finishing the last of the bottle. They were dressed in evening gowns. Simone’s dress was emerald green with a plunging neck line that stopped just below her naval. The slit up the front stopped at mid-thigh. The neck line of Pauline’s royal purple gown stopped below her breasts and the slit in the skirt over her right leg went past the top of her stocking.

  “The senator will be here in fifteen minutes. Put your best suit on and join us. Pauline will explain while you dress.” Evan went upstairs with Pauline while Simone retired to the kitchen. After a few minutes she could hear Evan shout.


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