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Wicked: Jade Butterfly [Wicked Series Book 3]

Page 2

by Lily Graison

  When she glanced up at him, he sucked in a quiet breath. The clubs colored lights reflected off her hair and cast a halo of blues and greens around her. Her eyes sparkled in the light and a rosy hue tinted her cheeks. Beautiful didn't even begin to describe her. She was the most glorious thing he'd ever seen.

  "So, you're supposed to read me the card and ... what, exactly?"

  He blushed. He felt it like a living thing crawl over his features and steal what little air he had in his lungs. “Well,” he said. He swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and glanced over his shoulder. The guys were still watching him. When he faced Jessi, he noticed her staring at the guys as well. “Um, normally ... I mean, when I read the card, whoever I've read it to, usually laughs ... and then invites herself back to my hotel."

  "Really?” Jessi said. She smiled and leaned her hip on the bar. “And how many girls have you seduced with one of these lame cards?"

  "Me personally?” He grinned and felt his face burn hotter. “None. I don't play this game unless I'm forced."

  "And why don't I believe you?"

  "Because Luke's reputation rubs off on the rest of us?"

  She laughed. “You're probably right.” Glancing back down at the card, she read it again, smiling before handing it back to him. “Well, your still being watched,” she said, glancing over his shoulder to where the guys sat. “I guess you better do your duty and read this to me."

  He stared at her in shock, watching an amused twinkle shine brightly in her eyes before taking the card and reading it again himself. He cringed. She wanted him to read this to her? Out loud? He'd rather be tied to an anthill butt ass naked and covered in honey than read this card to her.

  When she took a step closer to him and the scent of wild orchids filled the air, he suppressed a moan and licked his lips.

  She smiled up at him, silently encouraging him. “They're just words, Christian,” she said. “Read me the card. I promise not to bite."

  Something in her eyes told him she wanted him to read the card. She was watching him too intently. Eager anticipation shined in her eyes and he knew in that moment, he'd do anything the girl wanted no matter what the outcome.

  Swallowing the nerves choking him, he glanced at the card and lifted his gaze to her face. “Fuck me if I'm wrong, but don't you want to kiss me?"

  The tinkling laughter he'd heard earlier enveloped him in a blanket of warmth as he stared at her. The heat traveling his limbs intensified the moment she closed the distance between them and raised one arm, wrapping it around his neck.

  She molded her body against his, her soft curves fitting against him like plush velvet. Her fingers caught in his hair, forcing his head down. When she took his mouth against her own, he stopped breathing.

  At the first taste of her, his senses exploded. The warmth of her mouth, the gentle slide of her lips against his own and he was undone. Fire licked through his veins, stole every thought other than the way she felt against him and his entire body hardened in seconds.

  He reached for her, pulling her to him as her tongue probed his lips. He tilted his head and opened for her with a moan of pleasure. At first contact with the heat of her mouth, his hold on her tightened, his arms wrapping around the soft curve of her waist. His hands flattened on her bare back and the heat scorched his palms.

  The thrust and parry of open-mouthed kisses dulled everything but her. The music in the club was over run with the sound of his blood rushing through his veins. The scent of sweating bodies washed away as wild orchids overpowered his senses. The sweet taste of the fruity drink she'd had earlier filled his mouth and he couldn't get enough. He drank in her kiss, pulling her to him until nothing remained but her.

  When she pulled back, breaking the kiss with a gasp, he stared down at her, his own breath panted out in gulps. Her eyes were glazed, her lips swollen and red.

  Jessi stared up at him and took a deep breath. A shudder of pleasure rippled across her skin where his hands branded her flesh and a wave of goose bumps dotted her body an instant later.

  The dazed look on his face pleased her as much as the kiss had. She'd wanted to taste him since first laying eyes on him back in New York two months earlier. He'd left after the photo shoot, glancing at her one last time before walking out the door and she'd been tempted to chase him down and give him her phone number. She hadn't had the balls enough to do it though. Thankfully a few drinks chased away any reservations she had tonight, especially after that card. He asked for the kiss, right? Besides, what were the chances of running into him again? They were eight hundred miles from New York. Running into him now was just pure, dumb luck and she knew if she were ever to get a taste of him, it had to be now.

  He still looked exactly as she remembered him. A dark blue collared shirt brought out the blue in his eyes. Jeans and white sneakers made him look like a frat boy. The dimple in his cheek giving him the appearance of an innocent lamb but she had to wonder if looks weren't deceiving. He was a rock star after all. How innocent could he be?

  She grinned while looking at his stunned face. He was staring down at her, his eyes glazed over. Dark hair fell over his forehead and the urge to reach up and push it away made her fingers itch. She resisted and lowered her arm, sliding her hand down his chest and resting it on his stomach.

  "I hope you're not disappointed."

  He blinked and looked at her as if he just noticed her standing there. He smiled and shook his head. “No,” he said. “Why would I be disappointed?"

  Emboldened by his husky reply and way too many drinks, she said, “Because now that I've kissed you, I can't possibly let you have what the card offered as an alternative."

  The words on the card came back to Christian in a rush, floating through his head in whispered promises ... Fuck me if I'm wrong, but don't you want to kiss me?

  He grinned when she did. He didn't know whether to be excited she had wanted to kiss him or disappointed in the fact she may have actually been willing to sleep with him and now she wouldn't.

  Looking at her though, he wasn't sure she still wasn't considering it. The look in her eyes nearly staggered him. It was hungry, almost predatory. Was this girl always so aggressive or was it the alcohol in the fruity drink he knew she'd consumed?

  Just thinking about taking her to his bed and an onslaught of visions assaulted his mind. Images of her splayed across the sheets with her hair fanned out around her head caused his blood to rush south. His body tightened painfully a moment later when his dream apparition of her smiled at him and beckoned him to her with a crook of one finger.

  She was still leaning against him, the heat from her body scorching his flesh and he wished she had refused the kiss.

  He smiled at the thought and wondered if she'd come back to the hotel with him anyway. Ask her and find out.

  He shifted on his feet and glanced around the bar. How many times had he been in this exact moment and lost all nerve? He wasn't Luke or Devin. He couldn't just flirt with a girl and get her into his bed. It didn't work that way for him. It never had for some reason. Looking back at Jessi though, he wondered if it would work with her.

  She was staring at him with a look that said she might. He averted his gaze and his skin tightened, his stomach clenching almost painfully and the throbbing sensation in his cock caused him to shift uncomfortably. He knew without looking he was sporting a hard on and he was grateful the light was so dim.

  How many times had he found himself in this very same situation? A pretty girl in his arms, her lips swollen delightfully from his kisses and a look of eager longing in her eyes?

  He glanced at her lovely face and wondered, if just this once, he could take her and forget about her the next day. The instant he thought it, he knew. She would be a girl he couldn't forget. He hadn't so far.

  She looked over his shoulder suddenly and pulled away from him, smiling to someone. He turned his head and gritted his teeth when he saw Mick walking toward them.

  "This guy bothering you
?” Mick asked.

  "Define bother,” Jessi said, throwing a saucy smile at Christian. “He's trying to hit on me but his pick up line could use some work."

  "He actually read the card?” Mick said, giving Christian a hard look.

  "Yes, he read it."

  Mick laughed. “Damn man, I didn't think you had it in you.” He turned to Jessi and tilted his head, studying her. “I remember you. You're the photographer that did our shoot in New York, aren't you?"

  "Yes. Jessi McClure."

  "Thought so,” Mick said, winking at her before looking back at Christian. He stared at him and crossed his arms over his chest before shaking his head. “Playing the card on someone you know isn't allowed, my friend. Technically you loose. You'll have to play another one."

  "What?” Christian said, horrified. “I didn't know it was her until she turned around!"

  "That true?” Mick asked.

  Jessi grinned. “It's possible. He did look quite surprised when he saw my face."

  Mick stared at them both before smiling. “All right, since it's your birthday, I'll let you have it this time."

  "It's your birthday?"

  Christian smiled and said, “Yes. And my present from the guys was to humiliate myself, which I accomplished."

  "It wasn't that bad, was it?” Mick asked.

  "No,” Christian said, blushing. “The kiss was worth it."

  "From where I was sitting, it looked like it was,” Mick asked, grinning.

  Christian gave him a look and hoped he wouldn't say what he thought he was going to. When Mick took a step closer to Jessi, he knew he was going to.

  "Well, I don't suppose you're going back to the hotel with him, then?"

  Jessi grinned and even in the low lighting, Christian could see her cheeks flush. She stepped away from him and the heat from her body was stolen with the small distance.

  Mick's question hung in the air and he waited to hear her answer. Part of him wanted her to say yes, and the other, the one that knew the guys would tease him endlessly, wanted her to decline. He waited silently and when she spoke, he remembered to breathe.

  "I can't,” she said, turning her head to look at him. “I have a five a.m. flight to catch back to New York."

  "Got a boyfriend waiting for you back home?” Mick asked.

  If possible, her cheeks flushed brighter. “No."

  "All right then. Now we're getting somewhere,” Mick said, clapping his hands and rubbing them together. “So, if the pup here gave you a call, you wouldn't turn down his offer, then?"

  "Depends on what he's offering,” she said, turning to look at Christian. “Next time you're in New York, give me a call and we'll see what happens."

  She leaned toward him and placed a soft kiss on his cheek, whispering, “Happy Birthday,” to him before walking away. They watched her until she vanished in a sea of bodies and Christian knew it would be the last time he saw her. The tour had them hopping the globe for the next year and the closest they'd get to New York was still too far away for a casual visit.

  He sighed and looked at Mick when he draped his arm around his shoulder.

  "You're an asshole."

  What?” Mick laughed. “You want her, don't you? And now you know she's single."

  "That's beside the point."


  Christian stared across the bar in the direction she'd gone and let out a long breath. “Because I'm not sure she wanted me."

  "You just weren't fast enough, my friend,” Mick said. “You spent all your time talking when you should have had her pressed into some dark corner with her skirt up around her ears."

  Christian shook his head and laughed. “I'm sure a girl like that would just love to have her ass shown to half this bar while I fucked her silly in front of anyone looking our way."

  "You can't ever tell,” Mick said. “The girl might be a freak and would have ridden you right up here on the bar!"

  "Somehow I doubt that."

  "And now you'll never know. Seriously though, you do know what your problem is, don't you?"

  Christian sighed. “No, but I'm sure you're going to enlighten me."

  Mick grinned and nodded. “You think too much,” he said. “You let that little voice in the back of your mind tell you you're making a fool out of yourself and by the time you realize you aren't, the girl you want has already moved on. You need to lighten up a bit. Get over the whole shy thing and just go with the flow more."

  "Easy for you to say. I'm not like you or the others, Mick. I actually care what a woman thinks of me."

  "Why? Worrying about the small shit doesn't get you any where near a decent piece of pussy. It just leaves you in your hotel room, alone, beating off to the first available porn you can get your hands on."

  Christian laughed. “So that's all its about then? Getting laid?"

  "Noooo,” Mick said, grinning. “It's about getting laid anytime, anywhere, with any girl your heart desires.” He turned and gave Christian a long look and tilted his head to one side. “I can show you how, you know."

  "Show me what?"

  Mick grinned. “Do you trust me?"

  "Never,” Christian laughed.

  "What if I told you I could have any girl you wanted eating out of your hand and begging for more?"

  "I'd say you drank one too many tonight."

  "You want to bet on it?"

  "What do you have in mind?"

  "Come with me. We need to have a little talk."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 2

  3 months later

  "You're definitely not in Kansas anymore,” Jessi said to herself as she stared in awe at the hotel's lobby. Crystal chandeliers cast the entire area in soft, golden light. The sound of running water from the fountains overpowered the din of voices and the scent of fresh flowers saturated the air.

  She smiled as a young man gathered her bags and motioned her forward. She followed him in a daze to the elevators, waiting while it traveled to the bottom floor.

  "That's the same look I had on my face when I got here."

  Jessi turned her head and grinned. “Faith!” Her oldest friend laughed and Jessi threw her arms around her, hugging her tightly before stepping back. “My god, you still look twelve!"

  Standing just over five foot tall, Faith braced her hands on her hips and scowled. She was still tiny and looked like a china doll with fair skin, short black hair and large green eyes. She was petite but with enough sensual curves to turn the head of every guy looking her way. She wasn't a classic beauty but add in the quirky attitude, a distinct southern accent and she was definitely one of the cutest girls Jessi had ever known.

  "I do not,” Faith said. “Name one twelve year old with boobies this big?"

  "Uh, Sandy Rogers did."

  "Did,” she said. “Name one now."

  "Do I have to?"

  Faith grinned. “No."

  "How long have you been here?"

  "Since yesterday,” Faith said. “Wait until you see the rooms Joan reserved for us."

  "Well if they're anything like this hotel..."

  "They are,” Faith said.

  The elevator doors opened and Jessi entered behind the man with her bags, followed by Faith. She stared around the interior of the enclosure. Glass walls gave a scenic view of the entire hotel and she took it all in before Faith moved to stand beside her.

  "This town is amazing, Jess. I haven't seen this much neon since the Jody Burger got the new flashing sign out by the highway."

  "The Jody Burger is still in business?"

  "Believe it or not,” Faith said.

  "I don't."

  Faith turned and leaned back against the glass. “Wait until you see the hotel. There's more nightclubs, bars and restaurants than I could count, not to mention fancy shopping boutiques and a casino all right here on the premises. Oh, and the wedding chapel is inside the hotel, too,” she said. “It's the swankiest thing I've ever seen. Makes my da
ddy's church look like an outhouse."

  Jessi grinned. “I'm sure the Reverend would love to hear you referring to his sanctuary as an outhouse."

  "It's the truth,” Faith said. “Besides, it's not like he'll ever find out I said it."

  "That sounds like the Faith I know,” Jessi said. “You're not planning on going buck-ass wild this week are you?"

  "Are you going to tell on me if I do?"

  "No.” Jessi grinned. “What happens in Vegas..."

  "Stays in Vegas!"

  The elevator doors opened and the girls followed the man with the bags out. The floor they'd stopped on looked much like the lobby. Fountains and an open reception area filled with live plants and flowers filled the space.

  "Definitely swanky,” Jessi said, mimicking her friend.

  "Aint it though?"

  They walked through the small reception area, Faith babbling a mile a minute when Jessi saw someone out of the corner of her eye coming toward her. She turned her head to look and stopped dead in her tracks.

  "Well, well, well. Small world, isn't it?"

  Jessi forced a smile on her face and took a calming breath. “I didn't think it was, but now I'm beginning to believe otherwise."

  "How you been, doll?"

  "Great. And you?"

  "Never better."

  Jessi saw him glance at Faith and remembered her manners. “Mick, this is my friend, Faith Weston. Faith, Mick Sheppard."

  "Oh, I know who he is,” Faith said. “I'd have to be deaf and dumb not to."

  Mick grinned, the piercing in his eyebrow lifting slightly when he did. His gaze lingered on Faith for long moments before he looked back at her. “So, what are you doing in Sin City?"

  "Working,” Jessi said. “A friend from college is getting married and I get the honors of taking the wedding photos."

  "Is it all work and no play then?"

  "I'm here all week. I'm sure I can find something to get in to."


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