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Wicked: Jade Butterfly [Wicked Series Book 3]

Page 5

by Lily Graison

  "So,” she said.


  She glanced away and wondered where to start, looking back at him when he said, “Are you nervous?"

  "Surprisingly, yes,” she said.

  "Well, that makes two of us."

  She raised one eyebrow and smiled. “You didn't look nervous when you asked me to come to the cottage with you."

  "That's because I've learned how to hide it."

  "A lesson you've mastered beautifully."

  He nodded. “Doesn't help so much now though."

  They stood staring at one another until the air thickened with tension. Jessi wasn't sure what to say or do to break it. He was apparently more nervous than he let on. He hadn't let go of the door handle yet.

  She knew if one of them didn't make the first move, they'd be standing there come morning. Taking a deep breath, she held his gaze and walked to him, sliding her hands into the open shirt and flattening her palms against his stomach.

  His eyes fluttered closed for a brief second before opening again. Jessi leaned forward, placing a soft kiss to his throat. She could see his pulse beating a frantic tattoo against his neck. His chest was rising quickly, his breaths taken in harshly and she leaned back enough to see his face. “Why are you so nervous?” she asked softly. “Is it because of me or the fact we're even here?"

  "Both,” he said.


  He nodded and for the first time all evening, she saw his face light with color. He was blushing. He averted his gaze the next instant. This was the Christian she knew.

  "Why both?"

  She saw him swallow and glance at her before taking a deep breath and releasing it. He gave her a brief smile and looked her in the eye. “You, because I've never wanted anything more in my life. Here, because..."

  "Because why?” she said when he stopped talking.

  His face flamed bright crimson, his ears turning pink. He cleared his throat and whispered, “I...” he sighed heavily, his chest lifting with the effort and looked down. “I haven't ever..."

  "You haven't ever what?"

  The silence stretched for long moments, the noise from outside filtering into the room. Jessi wasn't sure he was going to answer and wondered if he was having second thoughts.

  "I haven't ever been with anyone. Not completely."

  He whispered so softly she nearly didn't catch what he said. She stared at him, watching him look at anything but her before raising her hand. She hooked a finger under his chin and tilted his head up so he would look at her. “Did you say you hadn't ever been with anyone?"

  He nodded.

  "What do you mean?"

  He looked away, his shoulders drooping until it seemed as if all life fled from his body. She stared at him, letting the words rattle through her head. I haven't ever been with anyone. Not completely. Her pulse raced when she finally understood. “You're a virgin?"

  He didn't answer but the look on his face told her she was right. He could have slapped her silly in that moment and she wouldn't have been more shocked. She stared at him and tried to get her vocal chords to work but they were frozen.

  A dozen questions rushed through her mind in that moment but the main one was, how? He was twenty-four years old. He was a freakin’ rock star! Was it even possible to be a rock star and still be a virgin? The look in his eyes gave her the answer. It was. For whatever reason, Christian was still a virgin.

  He looked mortified as she continued to stare at him and her heart constricted, her throat growing tight with emotion. The how and why of it was pushed to the back of her mind as she remembered the first thing he'd said. He wanted her. Had wanted her since the first time he met her. Out of every girl he came into contact with while roaming from city to city, she was the one he wanted. The one he'd waited for.

  She leaned forward, taking his lips in a soft kiss. His body was stiff under her palms and she ran her fingers across his stomach, feeling the muscles quiver. She pulled back and looked at him. “Is this what you really want?"

  "Yes,” he said. “I may be ignorant in a lot of things but I know what I want. I want you."

  She stared at him for long moments and smiled before taking a step away from him. She held her hand out to him, waiting until he reached for it and took a step backwards, pulling him away from the door. She led him to the bedroom, glancing back at him once before stopping at the side of the bed.

  When she faced him and let go of his hand, she wasn't sure what to do. She hadn't ever slept with a virgin but she remembered when she herself was one and her first time. It was scary, terrifying and exhilarating and she'd felt like a clumsy fool for days afterwards.

  She wouldn't have relived that moment for anything.

  Lifting her leg, she grabbed her boot and pulled it and her sock off, tossing them aside before grabbing the other. She smiled at him as he stood there watching her before she grabbed the hem of her blouse and pulled it up and over her head.

  He sucked in a small breath then and she snapped the button on her pants and unzipped them, sliding them down over her hips and kicking them off. When she was left in nothing but her bra and panties she stepped toward him, raising her arms and sliding his shirt off his shoulders. It joined the growing pile of clothes on the floor.

  "You are allowed to touch me,” she said when he just stood there staring at her. “It won't exactly work if you don't."

  His face was red again and she reached forward, grabbing his hands before closing the distance between them. “Close your eyes."

  The blue of his eyes were blotted out when his lashes lowered. Jessi pulled his arms around her waist and raised her own, wrapping them around his neck. “Don't think about anything,” she said. “Just feel."

  She kissed him, a slow lingering caress of her lips against his own. He deepened the kiss immediately and Jessi felt his hands skim her back, sliding up her spine and into her hair. The tension in his shoulders relaxed the longer she kissed him and the stiffness in his posture let go moments before she felt his fingers on the back hook of her bra.

  He unsnapped it and broke the kiss. Jessi looked up at him when he grabbed the straps and slid them down her shoulders.

  The bra was tossed aside and she stood motionless while he stared at her. Her nipples hardened under his gaze and heat burned through her limbs.

  Christian could hear Mick inside his head, his friend's “lessons” repeating themselves in rapid succession. He glanced up and saw Jessi watching him. He was surprised she hadn't run screaming from the room by now. She'd seemed nervous when they entered the cottage but once his dirty little secret was out, she took control of the situation and he'd never be able to thank her for it. He wasn't completely clueless but something about her caused his brain to stop working. His throat tightened until he couldn't breathe and his limbs froze as if he were paralyzed.

  She was still watching him, waiting patiently. He felt like such an idiot in that moment and wondered if everyone felt like this the first time.

  "Are you okay?” she asked.

  "Yes,” he said. “I was just wondering why you hadn't left yet."

  The smile she gave him warmed him clear to his toes. “I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be.” She lowered her arms, running her hands over his shoulders to his chest. She leaned back and he was finally able to get a good look at her.

  Her skin was tanned to a warm, honey brown. He could still see the tan lines from the bikini top she'd sunbathed in. It left the majority of her breasts pearly white, her nipples rosy pink. He sucked in a breath and raised a hand, cupping one in his palm before flicking her nipple with his thumb.

  "You're more beautiful than I imagined."

  She smiled. “And how often have you imagined me half naked?"

  "You wouldn't believe me it I told you."

  "And what else have you imagined?"

  He felt his face burn hot then. “You have no idea."

  "Then show me.” She pulled away from him and turned, crawling ont
o the bed before laying back. Her hair was spread against the blanket, fanning out around her head in shiny silken strands. She raised her arms over her head, her breasts lifting invitingly. “Don't think about it, Christian,” she said. “You can't do it wrong."

  Seeing her like this was like reliving a dream. How many times had he seen her like this? Lying on his bed, waiting for him. The fear started to crawl back up his spine, his blood racing through his veins. She smiled and bent one knee, resting her foot on the bed before spreading her legs.

  His breath left in a rush at the sight.

  "Come here."

  Christian took a deep breath and turned, bending his knee and placing it on the bed. He crawled up her body, biting his tongue to silence the groan of pleasure trying to escape when she spread her legs wider and pulled him to her.

  Jessi knew he'd never get through this if she didn't do something to help him along. The moment he was settled against her, she wrapped her arms around him and took his mouth with a desperation she hoped he'd reciprocate. He did, a moan easing past his lips as he pressed her into the mattress.

  His tongue slid past her teeth, licking at her own until her breath was cut short. He had one hand on her hip, his fingers digging into her flesh and within seconds, his reserve seemed to shatter. His hands scorched her skin, the warmth of his mouth peppering kisses across her chin to her neck before he ducked his head and took one peeked nipple between his lips.

  She cried out, startled, and opened her eyes when his hand slid up her body to cup her breast. She watched him, running her fingers through his hair and holding him to her. His teeth closed over her nipple and her eyes closed as a moan slipped past her lips. “Christian."

  The clothing still separating them was removed and they fumbled with a condom until her body ached with need. Before she could catch her breath, he was pushing inside. They stilled for long moments, both staring at the other before Jessi raised her legs, wrapping them around his waist. She gave him a lazy smile, her hands buried in his spiky locks and pulling his head down to her. “Don't stop now,” she whispered against his lips. “You've finally gotten to the good part."

  He returned the smile and kissed her, thrusting his tongue back into her mouth as he did the same with his hips. His rhythm was erratic at first but evened out, the length of him filling her in slow, grinding motions.

  The world slid away, nothing left but the feel of his flesh against her own and the sound of his breath panted out near her ear. He moved against her with a slow listless pace. His hands touching and caressing her until she trembled with every stroke.

  She looked up at him. The look on his face as he stared down at her took her breath and made her stomach clench. His eyes were filled with tenderness, passion burning so deeply she felt it pierce and penetrate the very core of her.

  He lowered his head and rested his forehead against her own, his fingers tickling a path down her side. Her eyes widened when he placed a hand between them, finding the moist flesh between her legs and stroking her clit.

  Her gasp was caught with a kiss, his fingers working in time with the thrust of his tongue and hips. Heat prickled her flesh, her stomach clenching. A hot wave of heat exploded through her body moments later and she cried out from the intensity and was thrust into tides of pleasure that rippled through her limbs. She heard him hiss something under his breath, his hand sliding out from between them before his body shuddered, his hips jerking in a frenzied pattern as he climaxed.

  When he stilled, Jessi stared up at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath. The air was cool against her moist skin and she shivered, a small tremor spiraling through her limbs until she felt drunk and languid.

  Christian's head was resting on her shoulder, his breath warming her neck. She heard him sigh, his full weight coming down on top of her for a brief moment before he lifted his head and looked down at her.

  She stared up at him and watched a slow smile curve his lips before she grinned. “Well, was it good for you?” she asked.

  He laughed and kissed her, rolling to his side and pulling her with him. Their limbs entangled, wet kisses stealing her breath. When he finally pulled back to look at her, the tenderness she'd seen when he made love to her was shining in his eyes again.

  "It was exactly what I've been waiting for."

  Jessi laid her palm to his cheek and sighed, snuggling against him. His arms wrapped around her waist, his fingers tickling along her back.

  "Will you stay with me tonight?"

  "If you want me to."

  His arms tightened around her waist. “I do."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 5

  Jessi slipped her boot on, then ran a hand through her hair, finger combing the strands into some semblance of normal. She vaguely remembered Christian telling her the night before that he had a television interview to do this morning, which explained why she'd woke to an empty bed. She wasn't sure if she was glad she didn't have to face him this morning or not. On the one hand, waking up with him would have made the whole night seem more real. After spending hours drowning in his kisses and letting him have his way with her, waking up alone left her feeling slightly dejected. On the other hand, not having to deal with more silence was a godsend. She didn't think she could go through that again. It was nerve wracking trying to think of something to say and this morning would have been worse. What do you say to a guy after he's given you his virginity? Thanks?

  She laughed and stood up from the bed, walking into the other room and looked around. Christian wasn't there but a single white rose was laying on the dining table. She smiled before walking across the room and picking the rose, and the note that was lying under it, up.

  I don't know what you have planned for today, but I'd like to see you again if you have any free time. You know where to find me.


  Jessi smiled as she smelled the rose before slipping the note into her pocket and turned, walking to the door. She eased it open and glanced outside.

  The sun was shining brightly, the reflection off the pool near blinding. A quick glance around showed no one lurking about. Walking outside, she pulled the door shut behind her. She stood there for a moment, turning her head left and right. For some reason, getting caught sneaking out of Christian's room was unsettling. It was silly, really. She was a grown woman but she felt almost juvenile. If anyone saw her, they'd know why she was still there. And that was the problem. She barely knew Christian. She'd met him twice and only had a brief conversation with him one of those times. Last night was the first time she'd actually talk to him in any great length. Having someone know she'd jumped into his bed so quickly left a bad taste in her mouth. She wasn't easy. Would others think she was?

  Deciding a hasty exit was best, she hurried around the pool, dodging the chairs that had been pushed askew and headed for the archway that led to the main building. When she reached it a flash of color to her left caught her eye.

  "Well, good morning, Cinderella. If I'm not mistaken, you missed the coach last night. Your pumpkin is still parked out front though, shriveling in the Vegas heat."

  Jessi held back a smile as Roxy laughed, followed by Holly. The girls were lounging in the deck chairs, both in their bikinis.

  "Let me guess,” Holly said. “It was so late, you just didn't have the energy to walk back to the hotel last night?"

  "Oh, I'm sure she didn't have the energy."

  "Don't you two have anything to do,” Jessi said, finally grinning.

  "We are. We're catching some rays and giving you a hard time."

  "Go grab your swimsuit and join us."

  "I'd love to,” she said, “But I need to find Joan and go over the shots for the wedding."

  "Any plans tonight?"

  "I'm not sure yet."

  "Well, you know where we are. There's a call button on the front door. Just hit that and one of us can buzz you in."

  "Will do.” She gave them a wave and walked through the ma
in building, out the front door and across the courtyard toward the hotel. She wondered for the first time since the night before if Faith had made it back to the hotel. She felt bad for practically ignoring her friend all night but she hadn't seen her since the limo ride. “She's a big girl,” she said to no one. “I'm sure she's fine."

  She entered the main hotel and made her way to the elevators, the rose Christian had left for her still in her hand. She stared at it while waiting for the lift and was surprised by the tingles that raced up her spine. A smile crept slowly over her face and the thoughts of seeing him again caused butterflies to dance in her stomach. As odd as she felt sleeping with him so soon, she couldn't help be excited by it all and the fact he wanted to see her again. She was pretty sure it wasn't just for sex. He'd made love to her twice more during the night and from the look on his face as he did, she wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want something more serious out of their budding friendship. His little game of “what are you looking for in a man” told her he was interested. The way he made love to her told her more than that. Of the few men who'd been in her bed, not one of them was as intense as Christian. He may have been a little clumsy and unsure of himself but the look on his face was one she'd never forget. He saw nothing but her. With every touch he inflamed her senses, every sigh pierced her soul until he consumed her.

  "You going up, Miss?"

  Jessi lifted her head, seeing a man inside the elevator holding the door for her. She smiled at him and walked inside, hitting the button for her floor before sighing heavily.

  She looked back down at the rose and remembered the note in her pocket. Christian wanted to see her again and no matter how it made her appear to others, she was looking forward to seeing him as well. She looked up at the numbers inside the lift as they illuminated each floor and smiled. Wild horses couldn't keep me away.

  * * * *

  "Someone is awfully quiet today,” Mick said.

  "I noticed that too,” Luke said. “It can only mean one of two things."

  "Don't even start,” Christian said.

  "She either left him hanging..."

  "Or tore him up..."


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