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Let's Move On (The New Pioneers Book 4)

Page 19

by Deborah Nam-Krane

  Miranda nodded shyly. "I want to have a family with him. I know what that sounds like, but I don't care."

  Emily smiled. "It sounds like you really want to be a mom. Those are the moms that usually make the best kind."

  "He really wants to be a dad. You should have seen…never mind," Miranda said, suppressing her laughter.


  "He, um, made me dinner," Miranda giggled, then explained the odd menu she'd eaten last night.

  Emily laughed so hard her stomach hurt while Miranda gasped through her laughter. "And he doesn't want me to drink coffee!" she had to whisper.

  "Are you sure you want to have a baby with him? Can you imagine him buying baby furniture?" Miranda giggled a little bit more, and then nodded happily. Emily smiled. "Then you should."


  Emily nodded. "Yeah, really."

  Miranda bent her head. "So you’re going to come in to work tomorrow?"

  "Are you coming in to work tomorrow?"

  Miranda grabbed a box of hers off of her table. "Yeah, but I think we might be a little late."


  Emily was on the phone when Zainab walked in. Emily was rolling her eyes. "Yes, I said I was going to. Fine, I’m not usually right. Yes, I know I’ve been an idiot. Yes, Mitch will pick up his stuff this week. Fine, fine! Can I call you later? Alrighty then!"

  Zainab smirked. "That was Jessie, wasn’t it?"

  Emily glared at Zainab. "Yes, thank you very much. She told me that she’s just about ready to completely cut me out of her life but she thought Hellie would never get over her absence, so I’ve been ordered to ‘fix this’."

  "Sorry buddy, but I always thought Jessie was much scarier than you were."

  "So have I."


  "Please, Z, just tell me off now and get it over with. I have already been dressed down by Michael, supplicated myself to Mitch—"

  "Was that fun at least?"

  "Well yeah, but still. And I’ve just cried my eyes out with Miranda. So just tell me what a judgmental ass I am—again."

  Zainab took Emily’s hand. "You know that’s not what I think."

  "You’ve always been the only one, Z. The first person who ever loved me as me, the first person who made me think that I really could be all those things I thought I was. You are my first real family member. And I let you down."

  "Emily, I never blamed you. If anything, I blamed myself for leaning so hard on you afterward." She laughed. "I thought you must have been so relieved when I started seeing Richard and then I could lay off."

  "Nah, I’m so awful I was just jealous."

  Zainab frowned playfully. "I always knew you had a crush on him."

  "Zainab! I was jealous because you guys looked so happy together, and I was so lonely."

  "Buddy, you have had Mitch eating out of the palm of your hand since he came back, and you know it."

  "But I wanted what you and Richard had."

  Zainab raised her eyebrows. "I can only hope you changed your mind about that in the last month."

  "The constant harassment about your life did make me reconsider, I admit."

  "He is Michael's cousin." Emily frowned. Zainab tapped her shoulder. "Hey, you all know we have Hellie's back, right?"

  "Are you kidding me? I think Jessie is plotting a kidnapping as we speak."

  "I’ll see if I can intervene."

  "What’s a best friend for?"

  Zainab held Emily’s gaze. "Just one thing."

  "I expect you to do exactly the same for any of our kids."

  "If Michael and I didn’t have such a complicated relationship, I’d mow you all down so I could be the godmother."


  Michael let Miranda in at seven. She smiled when she saw that he’d cut his hair. He folded his arms when she came in. "Okay, you’d better have a good excuse for coming home so late."

  "You used to come home about this time," she said as she put down a box.

  "Yeah, but I was at work."

  "True, but I was talking to Emily."

  "And how did that go?"

  Miranda wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. "Hmm—that good?"

  "I’ll say." He stroked her arm and she rubbed his nose. "Did I mention that I love you?"

  "Is that an improvement over being told how creepy I am?"

  She tossed her head from side to side. "I still love you even when you’re creepy."

  "I guess I’ll take that. But then, my darling, I think you and I have some unfinished business to attend."

  "I think you’re right. So get your coat and meet me in your car. And grab a blanket."

  "That’s a little more trouble than we need to go to since neither of us is sixteen."

  "Just do as you’re told," she said before she kissed him again and ran out the door.

  He put his hand on her knee when he got in. "What exactly did you have in mind?"

  "I want to go home."

  They drove for about forty-five minutes, not saying a word. Every now and again they’d look at each other and start laughing, but neither would say why.

  Michael parked the car. "You’re sure?" he said before he turned off the ignition.

  Miranda took a set of keys out of her pocket. "I’m sure."

  She took his hand once they got out of the car and led him to the little white house. She used the keys to open the door. He felt around for a light switch, but the lights wouldn’t turn on. "They’ve been off for years."

  "Then we’ll have to fix that," he said as he reached for her. He was about to kiss her when he caught sight of the picture on the wall. She giggled as he ran out to the car. He came back with a flashlight and shined it on the picture. "That’s you," he said softly.

  She nodded. "Me and my mom. I think I was about Hellie’s age."

  He put down the flashlight. "You were a beautiful little girl."

  Miranda looked wistfully at the picture. "Good genes, I guess." She picked up the blanket and took Michael’s hand again. "Come on, I want to show you something else."

  She led him up the stairs and into the room off to the right. It wasn’t as dark in there because everything was white and pink. She sat on the bed and patted a seat next to her and held out her hand. He came over and looked around. "This was your room?"

  "Yep, my whole life until I left."

  "And came to me."

  "And came to you." She kissed him gently. "Now you’re coming to me."

  He bounced a little on the bed. "This is a small bed."

  "I think it’s about as big, give or take, as your couch."

  "You have a point." He took her hand. "It’s cold here."

  "Hence, the blanket, and if that’s not enough, I’ll keep you warm."

  He moved her hair out of her face. "Why here?"

  "Because this is where I'm from." She kissed him. "Because it’s just you and just me. There’s nothing else between us now."

  He pulled her onto his lap. The moonlight from the window lit her face. "Nothing between us," he repeated.

  She took off his coat. Her hands trembled as she went to unbutton his shirt. He took one of her hands. "Then what’s wrong?"

  "It’s just weird that Emily knows about...him. It’s weird that you know too." She smiled sadly. "But I guess we should tell everyone. I think he deserves that."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, I’m sure." She kissed him. "It’s like you said once—it’s part of telling everyone about us."

  He kissed her for a long time. She unbuttoned his shirt. "Now when did I say that?" he whispered.

  "When you wanted to get me a ring."

  "Right, but wasn’t there another time too?"

  "Mm hmm."

  "And that was...?"

  "When you demanded I marry you."

  "I didn’t demand."

  "You didn’t exactly ask."

  "I didn’t want to give you the chance to say no."

  "You’re so manip

  "What do I have to do to prove that I’m not—at least, not right now?"

  "You have to ask."

  Michael kissed her and took a deep breath. She laughed when he scooted off the bed and bent down on one knee. He looked up at her and took her hand. "Will you marry me again?"

  She put his hands on her heart. "On one condition."

  "Another pre-nup?"

  "No, we can do this right now." She kissed his hand. "Tell me you forgive me."

  "For what?" he asked, confused.

  "For sending you away. For Alex. For the baby—"

  "You’ve got to be kidding," Michael whispered. He cupped the back of her head and kissed her passionately. She felt herself fall back onto the bed. "Of course," he whispered. "I forgive you for everything. You never held anything against me—not after you loved me."

  "Because I love you," she said, rubbing his neck. "I don’t care about the rest of it."

  "I’ve always loved you," he said as he touched her skin. "But I never dreamed that you’d love me back."

  "Can you dream now?" she said, taking off his shirt.

  "Yes. I’m dreaming of you and me in this house with a few kids—"

  "A few?"

  "Let’s start there and see what happens. I’m dreaming of being happy with you for the rest of our lives."

  "See?" she said as he pulled her sweater over her head. "It’s not that hard, is it?"

  The moonlight was still shining on them a few hours later as they lay in each other’s arms. Miranda sighed and closed her eyes. Michael smiled. "So what do you think?"

  "I think we should try for twins."

  "I’ll see what I can do." Then he groaned. "Oh, no!"

  "If you don’t have it in you, then—"

  "Oh be quiet. I was just thinking about the oysters."

  She laughed. "We can always have those tomorrow."

  "Oh? You don’t think we’re done?"

  She kissed him. "You do very good work, Mister Abbot, but I think we have to keep trying until I leave, just to be safe." Michael nodded, but looked away. "What?"

  "I don’t think you should go away without me."

  "Emily can’t go. Jesus, I think Mitch might have a heart attack if she does, and I don’t think she wants to leave him right now. So I have to—"

  "Then I should go too," he said as he stroked her hip.

  "Oh honey." She squeezed his waist. "I wish you could, but it’s not going to work if both you and Richard leave—"

  "Then Richard can stay behind."

  "He’s the chief engineer, and it’s his company."

  "Unless Richard is a total moron, I think he’s going to want to keep whatever advantage he regained with Zainab. And I know he’s not a moron. I bet Richard will be willing to stay. It’s the business details that really need to be ironed out."

  "How are you going to do the whole day-to-day operations thing if you’re in a foreign country?"

  "I think I can trust Richard to pay the rent and salaries while I’m gone, and I’m sure Emily can make sure that he doesn’t do anything frivolous with supplies."

  "Don’t you trust me? Because I think Ari’s just a flirt—"

  "Yes, I trust you." He leaned on his arm. "But I also want to meet your family. And haven’t we been apart long enough?"

  "Oh, I see," she whispered, tracing his arm. "Just one more place to follow me, hmm? Make sure I have no secrets at all."

  "God, I think this is a little different—"

  "Uh huh." She was enjoying making him squirm. "So, if I take you, will you take me to all of the places in England and Monaco and Asia that you’ve been to when you weren’t with me?"

  "I might not be entirely welcome."

  "I’m sure there are some places that won’t have you completely barred."

  "I’ll take you anywhere you want."

  "Should we do that before or after the baby comes?"

  "Let’s spread it out. Then we’ll give people a chance to forget a little bit more about me."

  She tilted her head and smiled. "You know I’ll agree to almost anything when you’re cute and sweet, don’t you? I think it’s a much better tactic for you than creepy."

  "I can only hope."

  "And I really hope our baby isn’t as irresistible as you are." She kissed him, but then sat up. "Argh! You already bought the damn tickets, didn’t you?"

  "Honey, don’t be mad. I just wanted to make sure we could sit—" Miranda beat him with her pillow until he fought back. Then they ended up kissing again. "Twins?" he said hopefully, and she tossed the pillow away.


  Zainab walked into the Whole Foods at Symphony and without thinking went straight to the pasta aisle. Richard was leaning against the sauce shelf. "Took you long enough."

  "Explain to me why you wanted to meet me here?"

  "You really don’t remember?"

  "Of course I remember. This is where I met you. But Emily was also here that night, so if you’re going for authenticity, I think we need to give her a call as well."

  "Okay, I’ll admit. It wasn’t so much where we met; it was that we bought food and then I made you dinner. You once told me, if you’ll recall, that making food for you was one of the sexiest things I did."

  "Then why didn’t we just meet in your kitchen?"

  "Because I wanted you to pick out what we’re going to eat tonight."

  Zainab held out her hand. "I think we should both pick out dinner."

  They shopped, went home, made dinner, made love and ate in bed. "I want pasta at our reception," Zainab said as she slurped in her fettuccine alfredo. "And I think you should make it."

  "Shouldn’t I get married instead?"

  "Okay, then have Michael make it."

  "Do you think he’d rather stand up for me at the wedding or cater the reception? Although I guess that all depends on where we put Emily."

  Zainab shook her head. "I don’t think that’s going to be a problem anymore."

  "Really?" Richard asked cautiously. Zainab nodded. "Wow."

  "I think it’s safe to say," Zainab said as she fed him some pasta, "that they’ve both changed."

  Richard took the plate away. "I think we all have. At least, those of us that needed to."

  Zainab kissed him. "So how do you feel about June?"


  The next week, Michael and Miranda arrived in Israel. Miranda was pleased by how well Michael could negotiate. Ari was impressed with how knowledgeable Michael was, and Miranda could tell that Michael had earned Ari’s respect. By the end of the week, she was confident that all of Michael’s antipathy toward Ari had evaporated.

  However, as well-prepared as Michael was for his negotiations, he was a total wreck when he met the Harels. Should he introduce himself as Miranda’s ex-husband? Her fiancée? Her cousin? But he barely got a chance to say anything before Miranda’s cousins and some of her aunts and uncles descended on them both. He was taken aback at how familiar they were with him, and he didn’t have a chance to answer any of those uncomfortable questions before they pulled him into their discussions. He marveled at how much most of them resembled Miranda, but he decided she was still the prettiest of them all.

  Over the weekend, Miranda’s oldest cousin Joshua insisted that they come to the beach with him, his wife Leah and their three children. On the way there, Joshua pointed out some sites to Miranda, and she laughed as she remembered going with him and their other cousins when she was younger. Michael was glad then that he had insisted on coming.

  Miranda helped Leah with her littlest, who kept trying to run into the water even though he couldn’t swim. Michael watched her laugh as she played with the curly-haired little children.

  "So, Michael," Joshua said suddenly, "you are Miranda’s cousin too, yes?"

  Michael looked down at the sand. "Uh, well, yes. Sort of. Half-cousin. But we didn’t know when we were married the first time—"

  Joshua held up his hand. "Michael
, it’s fine." He waved to his family, and they waved back. Michael waved to Miranda, who beamed. Joshua turned back to Michael. "She is very much in love with you, you know."

  Michael sighed. "I still can’t believe it."

  "Are you kidding me?" Joshua laughed. "You’ve been in love with her since you were a little boy!"

  Michael felt like he was getting a small taste of what he did to Miranda. "How would you know that?"

  "Please! You should have heard Miranda when she would come here. Her friends Jessie and Richard, and they were so wonderful. And Alex this, Alex that—so dreamy—" Joshua stuck his tongue out and gagged. "But she talked the most about you. 'Michael did this, Michael did that. Can you believe how mean he is? I hope he’s gone when I go back.' And on and on and on. She showed us a picture too, and when my sister said she thought you were very handsome, Miranda insisted up and down that you looked much worse in person, all because you were so mean." Joshua chuckled. "I doubt you’re the first little boy to pull the hair of the little girl he liked."

  Michael tried not to smile. "It might have been a little bit more than hair pulling."

  "Well, she seems to have forgiven you. We weren’t surprised to hear that she married you, but we were surprised that you let her go."

  "It wasn’t by choice."

  "But you are fixing it now. Good. It’s about time. She finally seems happy again."

  "I still wonder if I’m good enough for her."

  "You’re a fool then. Of course you are. She loves you, and you love her—you just have to hold onto it now."

  "I’m afraid of hurting her again. She’s been through so much, and not just with me."

  "And she survived because she’s one of us. She’s a Harel. Did she ever tell you about our great-grandfather Judah?"

  "Only a little bit."

  "Well, she’s just like him. She will survive. He had three brothers and a wife and two sons. He lost them all except for one son. That son was our grandfather Dov. Judah fought, he played, he crossed his fingers, he did what he had to—but he survived and he saved his son. He lost everything else—including our great-grandmother and their oldest son—but he never forgot how hard he worked to live. And he never let our grandfather forget either. We lose things sometimes—we all mourned for years over Miranda’s father—but we survived. And we find joy. Miranda is that way too. She’s a survivor. She’s a Harel. You couldn’t destroy her if you tried." Joshua looked slyly at Michael. "And no matter what you name it, your baby is going to be a Harel too."


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