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Mine Forever

Page 9

by Mia Ford

  He slowed down a bit and put his thumb on my clit where he began to massage it in little circles. He thrusted into me harder.

  “Oh!” I cried out.

  He thrusted into me harder a second time.

  “Oh!” I yelled even louder.

  He picked up the pace of his thrusts as he massaged my clit faster and faster. He was deep inside of me and was hitting the spot that drove me wild. The spot I chased after. The spot that brought me the most pleasure.

  He slowed down once again and moved my legs off of his shoulders. He leaned down into me and was now pinning me against the couch with his body weight. It was hot to feel him chest to chest like this with me. I wrapped my legs around his back and moved my hips back and forth, grinding into him as he moved himself in and out of me.

  “You feel so fucking good.” He said to me, sliding his arms behind me and gripping my shoulders. I slid my hands around his back and dug my nails into him as he moved faster. “Mmm” He moaned as I scratched his back. Just a little, not anything too crazy.

  After a few more thrusts he quickly sat up and pulled out of me. Drew sat down on the other side of the couch and I sat up and moved to where he was. I climbed onto him, straddling him and facing toward him. I wrapped my legs around his back and my arms around his neck and moved my body slowly down onto his cock. Once again, I felt the stretching pleasure that he brought me.

  “Oh Drew.” I moaned.

  I moved my body up and down a little more, and then suddenly we were standing and he was lifting me with his hands on my ass, bouncing me on his thick cock. Up and down. Up and down. In such a rapid motion that I couldn’t help but moan loudly. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.”

  I was getting close, on the verge of my orgasm. Drew leaned me back, moving his hands so he had a better grip on me. I was titled at an angle and he began to thrust himself and move me at the same time. I was slamming onto his cock. Taking it harder than before, causing us both to moan louder and louder.

  “Oh, Drew!” I called out as there was an intense moment of pleasure and then my body was numb and trembling all at the same time.

  He slowed down as I came down from my mind blowing orgasm.

  “Did you come for me?” He asked.

  I nodded my head and he lowered me to the ground. “I want you from behind again.” He said.

  I went over behind the couch again, finding this spot easiest to position myself for him, and I bent over, my arms resting on the back of the couch. I felt him begin to enter me again. He was deep inside of me and I let out another moan.


  He didn’t waste much time and began thrusting himself in and out of me harder and faster. He was so deep that there was a slight pain with each thrust. But each shot of pain also caused pure pleasure. It was rough and hot and I was ready to come all over again. I felt myself getting closer to the edge and moved my hand down to in between my legs. I rubbed my clit at a fast pace, the same pace he was going as he fucked me from behind.

  “I’m going to come, again.” I said.

  “Come on my cock, again.” He said, in such a sexy voice that it pushed me over the edge and once again my body was numb and trembling at the same time.

  “Oh fuck!” I yelled out in pleasure.

  Drew was suddenly panting behind me and slowing his pace. He gripped my hips hard, digging his fingernails into my skin just a little bit. I felt him feel me up and it was so hot.

  I winced as he pulled out of me.

  “Are you okay?” He asked.

  I looked at him and bit my lip. “Yeah, just a little sore.”

  He smiled at me like he had just accomplished something huge. Then he pulled me into him. Our naked, sweaty bodies rubbing against each other. His still hard dick pressed into me. It was enough to make me want him all over again, but I knew I was too tired for another orgasm. I rested my head on his chest and his chin rest on my head.

  “I hope that was okay.” He said after a moment.

  I laughed, “Are you kidding?”

  “No actually, I’m not. I know it was important to you to wait. I want to make sure it was worth waiting for.”

  "And then some,” I said. “That was amazing. This probably sounds super cliché, so forgive me, but that was the best sex I've ever had."

  “For real?” he asked, glancing down at me.

  “For real. No bullshit.”

  “Well, good,” he said, squeezing his arms around me affectionately. “And I feel the same way. No bullshit.”

  There was no more talking between us. We slipped into that place that was somewhere between being awake and being asleep. There was one thought that kept rattling around in my head, however. It was loud enough that I wouldn’t be slipping into sleep any time soon. I had known it before, but now, there was no way to ignore it. I liked Drew. I liked him a lot. More than I was comfortable with. For me at least, things had moved beyond just casual dating.

  Now, if things didn’t work out between us, I would be devastated.

  Chapter 14: Drew

  “Good afternoon, sir.”

  “Afternoon,” I said. “Do you need to see my credentials?”

  “No,” the desk attendant laughed shyly, looking at me only briefly before staring furiously at her clasped hands. “That’s all right. I know you. I mean, I recognize you. I know I don’t know you. God, you know what I mean, right?”

  “I do,” I said, laughed genially, hoping to make her feel more at ease. “And there’s no need to be uncomfortable. It’s just been that kind of afternoon, hasn’t it? It’s the Seattle rain.”

  “Yes sir,” she answered gratefully, finally willing to look at me again. “That must be it. Please, enjoy your time in the Lounge before your flight.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  I gave her a mock salute and a smile and continued into the Lounge of Sea-Tac Airport. I'd had one short flight already, but I wasn't done yet. I had another short one to finish out my day. It wasn't an uncommon thing for me, but what was uncommon was spending my free hours in the Lounge instead of getting out of the airport.

  It could be sort of suffocating to spend all of your time sitting in an airport, living in all of that canned air. I liked to get out and do something unrelated when I had the time between flights. Today, I had the time, but I didn't have the energy. That, and I needed to think. There was a lot on my plate, a lot on my mind, and airports were a good place to think.

  There wasn’t much else to do here except retreat into your own thoughts. Something about the constant, fluid motion made it easy to fall into thoughts you might otherwise seek to avoid. Avoiding certain subjects in my own head was something I had been known to do before, but it was something I could no longer afford. There was too much at stake now, and people involved aside from myself.

  Jess's Fourth of July invitation had caught me off guard. When she had asked me to come meet her sister and her daughter for the first time, I had agreed with no hesitation. It was only later, when I’d had a chance to think about it, that I realized the deeper implications.

  Since then, I'd been asking myself all week why I hadn't told her I needed to think about it. The conclusion I'd come to was that I got caught up in the moment. It happened to plenty of people, but I had never been the kind of man to allow something like that. But in that moment, I had been entirely taken up in her. I still was, and it had made me want to say yes to anything she asked of me.

  It was what every man wanted to give the woman he was with. Nothing made you feel more like a badass than the ability to give your woman anything she asked for. But now? Now the reality of what I had agreed to had settled in, and I was starting to feel uncertain.

  The two of us had been dating for almost no time at all. Arguably, it was much too soon to be meeting her ten-year-old daughter. Not to mention the sister, for fuck's sake. I had a feeling the sister would be that over the top, insanely protective kind of girl who would threaten to rip my balls off if I didn't do
right by her sister.

  Meeting the family was going to make things a hell of a lot more complicated, and I wasn't sure I was up for that, even for a girl like Jess.

  A nearby conversation caught my attention. Two pilots had just sat at the table next to me.

  “It’s a fucking shame, right?” the bald pilot said.

  “It certainly is,” his bearded friend replied. “I’ve gotta say, I never saw it coming.”

  “Neither did I!” Baldy said. “I feel like kind of a jackass for not seeing it, but I didn’t. I didn’t think he was ever going to get cut loose.”

  “Right?” Beardy said. “He was a nice guy, too.”

  “He was. Kind of a mess lately, but still a nice guy. It’s a shame.” Baldy shook his head.

  “It is. Although you have to admit, he was getting worse, right? Please tell me I’m not the only one who saw.”

  “No, definitely not,” Baldy said, frowning. “He was getting worse for sure.”

  My plan had been to think through the potential mess with Jess. The Lounge had been the perfect place for it because there were very few things it could offer up that would distract me. I never drank before or between flights, and I wasn't overly friendly with any of the staff coming through the doors. Very little could have deterred me from figuring out what the hell I was going to do about the July Fourth picnic, but the conversation of the two men who'd just taken the seats next to me managed it just fine. They were close enough that it wasn't strange for me to insert myself into their conversation. After clearing my throat, I dived in.

  “Excuse me, guys, I’m sorry to interrupt.”

  "Shit," Baldy said, laughing genially. "Don't be. We're the ones who sat down right next to you and started running our mouths. We probably sound like a bunch of chicks gossiping."

  "No," I assured him, trying to sound calm so I could keep these guys feeling okay about talking to me. "You’re not bothering me. I was just wondering who you two are talking about, if you don't mind my asking. I'm wondering if I know the guy."

  “You might,” Beardy replied. “He was flying all of the time up until recently.”

  “Who?” I asked.

  "Guy named Fred Stevens,” Baldy said. “He's been a pilot for a long time. It's fucking sad, you know?"

  “And he got fired?” I asked.

  Beardy nodded. "He did. He got suspended a little while back, and there was some talk that he might clean himself up, get his act together again, and get back to work. But I guess it went the other way. He was drinking a lot, you know? He was drinking pretty much all of the time."

  "It got pretty fucking bad," Baldy chimed in, shaking his head glumly. "Bad enough that this can't really be a surprise to anyone. He's always liked to party, but lately, he's been hitting the bottle all the time. It only got worse after he got suspended. I flew with the guy a couple of times, and I knew what he was doing."

  “Did you?” I asked, becoming genuinely annoyed for the first time since the conversation had begun. “You knew he was drinking while he was flying?”

  “Sure, but that’s not the rarest thing in the world. A lot of guys do it. He just started doing it more than he could get away with. I knew that, too. I noticed it a couple of months before the suspension came. I was hoping he would just take care of it on his own before anything happened.”

  “Yeah,” Beardy said mournfully, shaking his head. “I was kind of hoping the same thing. From what I heard, somebody turned him in before he got the chance. Looks like the rest of us better start watching our asses.”

  “Why do you say that?” I asked, hoping I sounded more casually interested than I felt.

  “Come on. We’ve all been there, right? It’s not like we haven’t all knocked a couple back before a flight. It’s just part of it.”

  “Is it?” I asked.

  “Comes with the territory,” Baldy said. “Only now, we’re all going to have to watch our asses, right? If there’s some guy going around turning people in for every little infraction, we’re all going to have to watch ourselves.”

  “It’s not really a little infraction, though, is it?” I asked, the blood starting to pulse in my temples so hard that I could hardly see straight. “Getting drunk before, or on a flight, could kill people. It could kill a lot of people.”

  “Did you ever fly with the guy?” Baldy said. “Because it kind of sounds like you know him.”

  "I wouldn't say that I know him, but I flew with him once. He was the lead pilot, and he got so drunk on the plane that he almost knocked himself out when we hit some turbulence. It wasn't just a little bit of drinking. He was out of control. My guess is that if I saw it, somebody else did, too."

  “Shit,” Baldy said. “Maybe he was a little worse than I thought. You’re probably right. The guy was dangerous. Still, it’s a rough fucking break.”

  I listened to the two of them for a little longer before making some bullshit excuse to get up and go. The plan to hang out in the Lounge until I came to a decision about Jess was gone. All I could think about was Fred. I was glad that he wasn't able to go out there and hurt people anymore, but now, I was also wrestling with the news that he'd been let go permanently.

  Maybe I should have been sorry for my role in things, but I wasn't. Not at all. On the contrary, now I was pissed off. Fred had all the time in the world to go and get some help, and he'd done nothing. That was the kind of person I would never in my life understand.

  Chapter 15: Jess

  “God, this is so boring,” Emma groaned.

  “Your dinner?” Sophie asked.

  “Yeah, my dinner.”

  “You’re telling me the dinner is boring?” Sophie asked, her eyes wide. “Who even says something like that?”

  Sophie looked at me in disbelief, and I had to duck my head and put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. I knew enough about ten-year-old girls to know that Emma wouldn't appreciate being laughed at. Still, it was a struggle I thought myself likely to lose for a couple of minutes.

  It wasn't just Emma’s pronouncement that her bowl of spaghetti was too boring to eat, although that would have been enough. As she spoke, my daughter sat across from me, her chin resting in the palms of her hands forlornly. Her face was a perfect picture of childhood discontent, something all kids experienced as the end of summer approached. I knew this from my own childhood, but it would have been pointless to explain it to Emma. Children rarely enjoyed being told that what they were going through wasn't unique.

  “Emma,” I said softly, once I was sure that I wasn’t going to lose myself to a fit of the giggles. “You know that isn’t very polite, right?”

  "No," she said sulkily, her chin sinking even further down. "I don't. What's not polite about the truth?"

  “Your aunt Sophie was nice enough to cook for you, so you shouldn’t complain. You know that dinner didn’t just appear out of nowhere, right? We aren’t living in a Disney movie.”

  “I wish we were,” Emma said grouchily. “I bet things wouldn’t be so boring if we were.”

  “Sure,” Sophie said brightly, digging into her own bowl of pasta happily. “Unless you’re in one of those Disney stories where you get yourself locked in a tower or put under a sleeping curse or something. I bet you’d be pretty freaking bored if either of those things happened.”

  “Ugh, you know what I mean, Aunt Sophie. I can’t take it anymore! There’s like, nothing fun left to do in life!”

  “Sweetie, what are you talking about?” I asked as gently as possible, trying not to piss her off and make her fly off the handle. “It’s only the first of July. How can there be nothing fun left? Especially in your whole life? There’s a lot of life left to live, Emma. It’s pretty early to give up on it all.”

  "I'm not giving up,” she said. “I'm just bored!"

  “So, then you’re ready to get back to school then, I suppose?”

  “Yup!” she crowed happily. Sophie and I both dissolved into laughter after all. “I kind
of am. I’ll get to see all of my friends, at least. And I sort of like school. There’s always something new to do, at least.”

  "Seriously?" Sophie asked, her face registering genuine shock. "I don't see how that's possible. When your mom and I were young, we always wanted the summer to go on forever. Or at least, as close to forever as we could get. It's like we're not even the same species."

  “You’re so silly.” Emma giggled, distracted enough to begin eating her dinner, despite it being the self-professed most boring food in the world. “And I bet part of why you weren’t bored was because you had boyfriends.”

  “What?!” Sophie and I asked quickly and at the exact same time. “What does that even mean?”

  “Boyfriends. You guys probably had boyfriends to hang out with you during the summer. That must make everything way more fun.”

  "What on earth makes you think that?" I asked. My heart was thumping in my chest, and whether or not it was rational, I could feel the metallic taste of panic beginning to flood my mouth.

  "If you have a boyfriend, you have somebody to always want to hang out with you,” Emma said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Plus, they like, do whatever you say and stuff. When they don't, you get to talk to your girlfriends about it. It makes it so there's always something to do. And even when you aren't actually doing anything, it makes it so that you have something to think about all the time. If I had a boyfriend, I bet this summer would be way, way better."


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