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Restricted (Restricted #1)

Page 4

by Ashley Suzanne

  Rose, looking amused, put her fingers over her lips to disguise a smile. She was terrible at it. I could nearly see her entire top row of teeth as she stifled a laugh. “Peaches, don’t you see. When have you even known Levi to ask anyone on a date?”

  “He just said date because it would have been rude to say ‘Hey, Rose, I’m gonna borrow your sister to discuss a good time for me to fuck her stupid and then never call her again’. Don’t be blind to him too, Rose.”

  “Levi’s my husband’s best friend. I’m with them constantly. I’ve watched him pick up women. Please trust me when I tell you that I have heard him basically tell a girl to drop to her knees and suck him off. He really wants to take you on a date. Don’t be stupid. I know you’re still hurting after Mason, but give Levi a chance. Worst case, you’ll get some good sex out of it,” Rose rationalized, wagging her eyebrows and nodding her head toward the library where I’m sure Levi is drowning his sorrows.

  Maybe she was right. Maybe Levi genuinely wanted to take me out to dinner. Maybe he just wanted a chance to get to know me better. I’d be a lying fool if I said that I wasn’t interested. Out on the balcony, shit, had he asked me for a quick fuck, I’d have happily obliged. He’s sexy as hell, in that arrogant, takes no shit from anyone, he’d screw me silly, kind of way. When he said for me to be his kitten, I almost felt like it was fate intervening.

  I was harsh on him. I really wanted him to get a taste of his own medicine … know what it feels like to want something that he could never have. Only one problem with that logic … he could get it if he really wanted it.

  Hugging Rose, I watched Corey walk into the library, solidifying the idea that Levi was in there. After my sister went back to her other guests, I downed a glass of champagne, smoothed my sweaty palms over the fabric of my dress, took a deep breath and moved to the heavy wooden doors of the library.

  Again, outside the door, I paused, needing another moment to collect myself. Levi Oliver wasn’t just any other guy that you’d walk up to and admit you were wrong. I had to be calculated, yet genuine.

  Pushing on the door that wasn’t latched, I saw Corey and Levi sitting in high-backed leather chairs, looking to be in some kind of discussion. That was when I heard the words that hurt me more than anything he had ever said.

  “Don’t worry about it—she’s not all that pretty. Besides, I’m not attracted to uptight cold women.”

  Just as he finished his statement, his eyes connected with mine and a smug grin covered his lips that I found desirable just moments ago. His stare continued to bore into me. Suddenly, his arrogance wasn’t attractive. It was vile.

  It wasn’t until I flipped around to run away from the room that I heard him calling my name. The tears started to fall even before I hit the bathroom. Thankfully, Rose must have seen me upset and had her foot in the door before I could close it.

  She entered, turning the lock, just before I collapsed on the floor, clutching my knees and fists were pounding on the other side.

  “Violet? Violet, let me in please,” Levi called through the door. I shook my head at Rose and she handled it for me.

  “Not right now, Levi. Thanks for the concern, but I’m here. She’s fine.”

  “It’s not fine. Please let me in. I need to speak with her.”

  Sympathetically, Rose sat next to me on the cool floor and pulled down to where my head was in her lap. Brushing my hair behind my ears, she gently rocked back and forth until the banging on the door stopped and Corey’s muffled voice clearly told Levi to back off and let Rose handle it. I was grateful that he was there, making Levi leave.

  My only problem was going to be getting out of this damn bathroom without having to speak to him. Maybe he’d get drunk and pass out, giving me the perfect time to slink out and into the night.

  “Don’t worry about it—she’s not all that pretty. Besides, I’m not attracted to uptight cold women.”

  That was all I could hear. Not that pretty? I thought I was attractive, but I guess when you’ve fucked some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, I wasn’t that great. Cold and uptight? Mason was right. He had all the reasons in the world to break it off with me. Who would want to marry someone who had a stick up her ass?


  Sometime after ten, Corey knocked lightly on the door, alerting us that Levi left for the night. Something about contracts he had to get back to and would check in on me in the morning. I hoped he would forget all about little old me and go back to doing what he does best—partaking in his endless buffet of gorgeous women.

  Corey offered to drive me home, but I had it under control. I’d been dumped by someone I thought I was going to marry, even if I was only in it to keep my mother off my back. I could easily take care of myself. I just needed to find a way to make myself feel better; have someone tell me how much they wanted me.

  I walked through my front door and immediately stripped out of the black dress I had worn to the party and threw on an oversized tee shirt. Stepping back and looking at myself in the mirror, Levi had to be out of his damn mind. I wasn’t perfect by any means, but I was sexy in my own way. He was just pissed that he wanted in my pants and I teased him, only to brush him off the way that he had done to so many women before.

  I still had a few hours to make some money, so I clocked into work and waited for my first call to come through. These guys may not know me, but they all wanted me. This was exactly what I needed to take my mind off Levi and put me back in the right state of mind.

  While I waited for my phone to ring, I grabbed the half eaten cheesecake from the fridge and a fork from the drawer. Judge me if you want, but this was how all normal women dealt with a blow from a guy. It worked.

  I nearly finished the entire portion when my phone lit up with an incoming call. Washing down the last bite with a swig of cola, I answered just before it went to voicemail.

  “Hello,” I rasped, trying to get my sexy voice under control.

  “Hi,” he responded, clearing his throat. “I’m not sure how all of this works. I received a card from a friend who said this was a good place to call if I needed some … companionship.”

  “Well, that’s one way to look at it,” I giggled, picturing an overweight man still living in his mother’s basement. “We can start with what I can do for you.”

  “This was a bad idea. Thank you for your time.” This guy was not about to screw me out of money. Keep it talking, I thought to myself. I just needed to pique his interest and he’d stay on the line. Sales. I was selling myself.

  “Do you really want to hang up? I’ve been told I’m fairly good at relieving tension,” I huskily whispered, twirling a lock of hair around my finger.

  What the fuck? Stop touching your hair.

  Letting the tendril go, I waited for a response.

  “Tension’s not even the half of it. Frustration. Anger. Annoyance. Guilt. Then tension.” There we go. Hook, line and sinker.

  “Tell me what’s the problem. Maybe I can help.” Paid by the minute. Keep him talking.

  “At this point, I’m not sure anyone could help. I’ve fucked up pretty badly … said something that I can’t take back and I may have hurt someone.” Okay, think. What would I want Levi to say to me? How would I want him to approach it? Nothing like being able to draw from your personal life to help someone clear a problem so similar.

  “Well, if I were that person that you hurt, an apology would go a long way,” I say, debating in my head if Levi were to apologize if I’d accept it.

  “She doesn’t strike me as the kind of woman that readily accepts apologies.”

  “You never know unless you try. Is this a woman you’re involved with?”

  “That’s the fucked up part. I wanted to try with her, but she blew me off, only after teasing me so badly my dick was hard for the longest time. It was like she was aiming to go out of her way to get me worked up, only to tell me to kiss her ass. Then I was so angry at her for that, I said something I didn’t mean t
o my friend, only for her to walk in and hear the entire conversation. I have no idea why I’m telling you any of this. Isn’t this a sex line?”

  No. Fucking. Way.

  Levi Oliver calling Restricted? To talk about me? This had to be some kind of joke. He must have found out that I work here. No, that wasn’t possible. Nobody knew what I was doing outside of school or family functions, not even Rose.

  So, it was a coincidence of the greatest magnitude. I could really have fun with this. It was apparent he was feeling guilty for his harsh words to Corey about me, but that didn’t mean I would let him off the hook so quickly. I could use this to my advantage.

  “We don’t need to talk about anything you don’t want to talk about. We can have some fun. Tell Kitty what you like,” I purred into the line.

  “Isn’t this a little … impersonal?”

  “Who needs to be personal? You have needs that whatever woman in your life can’t handle. Let me be that girl for you. Let me make you feel all better and forget about her.” I made damn sure that I kept my voice as raspy and sexy as possible, not wanting him to figure out who he was speaking to. It’s not as easy as it looked and I was going to regret it in the morning.

  “Alright, Kitty, I’ll bite. How does all this work? Do I tell you what I want you to do and you do it?”

  “There’s nothing set in stone. If that’s what would make you happy, I’m game,” I said, knowing damn well I was just going to take everything he said and use it against him later.

  “What are you wearing?” Oh God, he was going for the cliché. Fuck it, I was going to be honest.

  “A baggy tee shirt and black thong.”

  “Take your thong off.” He wasn’t wasting any time, was he? Geeze, this guy was something else.

  Oh well, here we go. Holding the phone between my shoulder and cheek, I grabbed the thin material and slid it down my legs, kicking it onto the floor.

  “Done. Is there anything special I can call you? It feels weird not calling you anything,” I laughed, suddenly feeling very nervous. I knew it was just a phone call and nothing would ever come of it, but I knew it was Levi. I knew that I’d be using this against him later.

  “You can call me Olly. Now, reach between your thighs and touch yourself.” Not even disguising himself? Knowing Corey for the last few years, I knew that Levi went by Olly in high school. It’s what all his football buddies called him.

  Now, here was the question … did I actually do it? Would he know if I was dicking him around? Yeah, he probably would. For a man that got around, he could probably tell from a mile away if a woman was faking it.

  Taking my middle finger, I traced a line straight up my thigh, then I dipped it into my core, almost immediately wishing it was a man touching me.

  “Are you touching yourself?” he asked in a commanding tone.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Good girl. Now I want you to fuck yourself with your finger.” Doing as he demanded, I’m lost in the moment. I nearly missed the sound of a zipper coming undone from his end of the line.

  “I want you to imagine that it’s my cock thrusting in and out of your tight pussy. That your juices are coating my dick. Add another finger, Kitty, I want you to really feel it.”

  Pushing in another digit, a small moan escaped my lips, inciting a groan from him. This was all too much. I should have known better. I wasn’t going to be able to detach. Even if Levi is a douche, his sexual expertise is something I’ve always wanted to see firsthand. And here I was, sitting on my couch, in a tee shirt, having phone sex with the legend himself.

  “Mmmmmmm,” I whimpered, needing him to talk to me more … needing him to push me over the edge.

  “That’s right, Kitten, be vocal with me. I like to know that my girl’s satisfied. That I’m fucking her the way she desires. Take your other hand and pinch your nipple. Imagine it’s my teeth biting down softly, but hard enough to make your back arch and giving me more of you.”

  Fuck, he was good. Really good. Too good. Amazing. And this is just one the phone. I wanted to pique his interest, and it was me that’s ready to drive to his house and mount him.

  “Oh, Olly. More. Give me more.”

  “Beg for it, Kitten. Beg me.”

  “Please, Olly,” I whine, wanting him to push me over. His voice alone was damn near doing it.

  “Place your thumb on your clit and press hard, Kitten. Think of my mouth sucking on your pussy, my fingers in your tight cunt. My tongue lapping up all you have to give me.”

  I could feel my walls contracting around my finger as I listened to his carnal grunts as he came. Closing my eyes, I pictured exactly what he wanted me to and I was done for. Wetness surged from me, my back arched so high off the couch I was nearly levitating. He was exceptional. He was perfect.

  “Holy shit, Levi. Oh. My. God,” I cried out during my orgasm.

  “What the fuck did you just call me?” he screamed, breaking me from the trance I was in.

  Slapping my hand over my mouth, I realized what I had done. No. No. No. No. That didn’t just happen. What do I do? Hang up. Hang up the damn phone, Violet.

  Repeatedly pressing the ‘End Call’ button, threw the phone on the couch and I stood up and paced the room. Did he know it was me? Oh fuck, this was bad. Really fucking bad.

  Think. Think. Think.

  Looking down at the my phone, it lit up and started chiming. Fuck, he was calling back. Breath and think. Answer? Let it ring?

  Shit, if I didn’t answer, it would be a violation of my contract and they could terminate me. I had no choice. No damn choice.

  “Hello,” I answered hesitantly.

  “Holy shit, Levi. Oh. My. God,” she cried out in the other end, freezing me on the spot just as I finished ejaculating.

  My head snapped, wondering what the fuck just happened. She just called me Levi. Not Olly. But Levi…my fucking name!

  “What the fuck did you just call me?” I barked out, demanding answers. Who the fuck was in the other line? And how in God’s name did she know it was me? Unless…my caller I.D. showed up but I specifically knew that my number was blocked. So that would’ve proven impossible. The latter option was rather far-fetched…

  …And yet it was the only reasonable one that would make sense.

  The thick heavy weight of silence was deafening. I still couldn’t wrap my head around it…but what were the odds? I pondered as I leaned back against the leather chair considering if I was seriously losing my mind.

  “Hello,” she whispered with much hesitation in her voice. A voice so familiar—

  Violet…was it really her? I couldn’t be too sure just yet unless she confirmed it herself. I’ve had enough of bullshit for one night. I had to know…after all, I did say shit in the very beginning about the kind of crappy night I had. To top it off, we just had phone sex—her sexy voice stirred my groin in the right direction, added with her moans and heavy panting, it was a potent mixture of perfection.

  However, just as the idea of Violet on the other end of the line, a bigger question popped in my mind. How the fuck did one of New York elite’s lovable darlings end up as a fucking sex operator? But more importantly, what the flying fuck?!!

  I didn’t want her to hang up and I’m left wondering God knows what for the next decade.

  “I’m still waiting for your explanation—and if you plan to lie to me about your identity, I can assure you that I’ll sue this company for infringement of privacy amongst other things. Breathe one lie and you and the company you work for will be hearing from my lawyers,” I said as succinctly as I could without sounding too demanding.

  No, I had to handle this with care. If this was truly Violet and after what she heard me say earlier tonight, then this woman had some serious beef with me.

  Well, as did I, my pride immediately retorted back. She fucked with my head.

  Twice in one night in fact, I regarded starkly.

  I could hear her clear her throat before blowing o
ut a shaky breath. “Don’t freak out—but this is really weird.” She paused before continuing, “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I swear to God, this was purely a random chance.”

  Okay, I get what she was saying but she hadn’t mentioned her name, which was what I asked her… “And…you’re?...”

  “It’s Violet—please, please—PLEASE! Don’t tell my family. Rose would die of humiliation and she just got married…ohmigod, please, you can’t even consider that, that would be really cruel—”

  Huh. Violet. Of course it was. She was babbling but I wanted to assure her that those weren’t my intentions. This was between her and I…no one else for that matter. “I don’t plan on telling your family. You have my word.”

  She breathed out a sigh of relief. “Jesus—thank you.”

  “But keeping this a secret will cost you.” I finished, thinking back how it was merely minutes ago where I was stroking my cock, listening to her moan while I imagined the very woman herself coming alive in my fantasy.

  She didn’t immediately say anything, which was expected.

  My brain was working out how to even this out with her…how I could make this happenstance in my favor. “If you’re trying to gauge your chances in trying to convince me otherwise, it’s not happening. I think it’s safe to say that we both have humiliated each other tonight, wouldn’t you say? Me…much more so I would think.”

  “I’m listening. You may continue,” she asked, sounding more reserved.

  Well too late to feel reserved towards me…I quietly remarked. “Meet me tomorrow night for dinner then we can discuss the terms.”

  She groaned in frustration. “You’re going to milk this aren’t you, you twisted bastard!”

  A winning smile crossed my face, knowing well enough that she was trapped in her own making. “Twisted, true. But a bastard? Hardly.”

  “Fine. Dinner tomorrow night. I’ll meet you there.”

  “Perfect,” I responded before giving her the restaurant’s name and location. This night actually wasn’t so bad after all.


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