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Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10

Page 8

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Have many women told you that you’re a wonderful kisser?” Katrina asked slyly.

  “Still not answering those questions, Katrina.” Blaze chuckled as he opened the door and followed her out. He made damn sure he stayed behind her as he watched her gorgeous ass sway. Yeah, he was definitely an ass man.

  Chapter 11

  “It’s about time.” Shuffling cards, Sid eyed them. “Thought you might have come to your senses and decided not to show.”

  Katrina had been nervous, wondering if everyone was going to know exactly what she and Blaze had been doing, but Sid’s words put her at ease. This she knew. This banter was comfortable to her, and she sighed in relief.

  “Wishful thinking on your part?” She gave him a grin then headed for one of the empty chairs at the table. Jax occupied another of the chairs, and once she took her seat, only one was left.

  Sid chuckled with a cock of his eyebrow but didn’t respond. Jared headed over to sit in the only other empty chair.

  “Hey!” Steve’s voice shouted as Jared jumped up.

  “What the fuck?” Jared glared down at the empty chair. “Steve, I swear I’m going to kill you. Get the fuck up.”

  Steve appeared before their eyes. “But I want to play and I don’t have a good poker face. Plus, there are no rules saying an invisible player can’t play.”

  “New rule.” Sid frowned. “No invisible players allowed.”

  “Get the fuck up.” Jared glared down at him until Steve stood with a huff.

  “Jared, stop being so mean,” Tessa scolded. “He just wants to play.”

  “Sitting on a man’s lap pisses me the fuck off.” Jared sat down, then looked toward Tessa. “Not a pleasant experience.”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Tessa walked over and sat on Jared’s lap hard, making him groan. “I think sitting on a man’s lap is very pleasant.”

  Katrina watched Jared whisper something in Tessa’s ear and felt a surge of jealousy, which was crazy. Or was it? Her eyes landed on Blaze, who had moved across the room to lean against the wall, talking to Adam. His eyes met hers, and she looked away. She wondered if she and Blaze would ever be that close.

  “Yo, card shark!” Sid’s voice broke through her thoughts.

  “What?” Katrina replied, embarrassed to be caught staring at Blaze.

  “Five card draw, starting ante is fifty.” Sid continued to shuffle the cards as he stared at her.

  “Fifty?” Katrina frowned, not even knowing how much money Blaze had given her. “As in cents?”

  “Who did you play with, pussies?” Sid tilted his head, staring at her. His hands stopped shuffling. “Or five-year-olds?”

  Okay, so it was going to be one of those games. Katrina pulled the money out of her pocket and gasped as she counted out ten hundred-dollar bills. Holy shit, Blaze had given her a thousand dollars of his money just to play poker. What if she blew it and lost it all? How in the hell would she pay him back?

  “Change your mind, sharkie?” Sid teased with a serious undertone. “I mean, we usually ante a hundred, but you know, with you being….” Sid didn’t finish the sentence, but grinned, watching her closely.

  Katrina continued to look at the money, letting Sid’s words sink in. The asshole. Knowing she could do this, she grabbed a hundred out of the stack and tossed it in the middle.

  “A hundred it is.” She was pleased to see Sid’s shocked face before he quickly shifted back to playing it cool. Oh, yeah. She was going to be able to read him very well.

  “Honey, as much as I would love to have you on my lap, shit just got serious.” Jared gave Tessa a hard kiss then swatted her ass when she stood. Tossing his hundred in the middle, he grinned at each of them. “Get ready to lose your money, bitches.”

  Katrina cocked her eyebrow but didn’t say a word. Sager had come to sit next to her, his big head resting in her lap.

  “Okay, boys”—Sid winked at her—“and girl. Five card draw. May the best man win.”

  “How about the best woman?” Lana had come into the room, and kissed Sid on the cheek as he dealt the cards. “Kick their asses, Katrina.”

  Katrina gave her a smile of thanks as she picked up her cards and did a quick scan. Not bad, but not great. Looking up, she watched the reactions of everyone and realized they were good, real good. No sign of what they might hold at all. This was going to be harder than she’d thought. When she’d played before, which was hundreds of times, she played with drunk, drugged dumbasses, not sober, smart Warriors.

  “I’ll raise a hundred,” Jared said, tossing in his money. Jax followed. It was her turn. She hesitated on purpose but finally tossed in her hundred. Sid did quickly as well.

  When it was her turn, she discarded two cards and picked up the two Sid tossed her. Holy shit, she had four of a kind on her first hand. She knew her face was void of any emotion despite her insides quivering with excitement; she’d had a lot of practice hiding any feelings.

  Jared glanced her way, his golden eyes studying her closely. A slow grin spread across his face. “I’ll raise another hundred.”

  Katrina watched him just as closely. The only thing he could have that could beat her four of a kind was a straight flush or royal flush. There was no way he had that. Jax folded, so it was up to her.

  She had to go for it. “I’ll call your hundred and raise another hundred.”

  “Damn, look at all that money.” Steve slobbered over Jared’s shoulder.

  “Steve, back the fuck up,” Jared ordered with a growl.

  “Chill,” Steve said, but backed up quickly. “Where is all the hate coming from, bro?”

  Katrina ignored Jared and Steve as she watched Sid. Her bet was in, and she waited patiently for Sid to decide. Without hesitation, he tossed in his money, and it was time for the truth.

  “Okay, little girl, what you got?” Sid looked from her cards to her.

  Katrina frowned and looked at Jared. “You first.” She smiled sweetly.

  “Three of a kind.” Jared grinned then reached for the money. “No way do you losers have a better hand.”

  “This loser has four aces, so get your hands off my money.” Katrina tossed her cards down with a bigger grin. “Unless of course, Sid has a straight flush or royal flush.” Her tone indicated she knew he didn’t.

  “Shit!” Sid threw his cards down, showing a straight.

  Katrina laughed, raking the money toward her. “You guys up for another hand or have I proven my point?”

  Sid tossed his cards at Jared. “Deal.”

  Giving a snort, Katrina sorted her money then glanced at Blaze, who winked at her with a nod. Even though it was just a stupid poker game, the pleased look on his face was better than any amount of money she could ever win.

  Jared dealt as Damon walked into the room. “We just had the DA pull up with a shitload of cops.”

  As one, the Warriors stood, no longer just regular guys playing a game of cards. They were alert and warrior ready. Blaze walked past her toward the door.

  “Stay here,” he ordered before disappearing.

  She nodded and watched as Lana and Tessa slowly made their way toward the door to look out. Katrina stood and followed. She watched as Damon allowed the police and DA to enter as Sloan came out of his office.

  “And here you are again,” Sloan said, his authority overwhelming. “What do you want this time? Which Warrior do you want to arrest now?”

  Evan Nico cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable. “There’s been an accusation that a Warrior has burned down a building, and we have evidence to—”

  “Where’s the evidence and who is accusing?” Sloan didn’t let him finish.

  Katrina frowned, looking closely at the man talking. Her eyes scanned the eight cops. Two were vampires. Her frown deepened, as did her concern. She looked back at the man in the nice tailored suit, his dark hair combed back from his face, and she gasped. She had seen him the day he had come to arrest Blaze, but she had not recognized him then.
She knew him. Oh God, she knew him.

  “You know I can’t give that information away, Sloan.” Evan tried to sound confident. “But know we have it recorded.”

  “And where is the recording?” Sloan countered back. “Because I’m not turning my Warrior over until I see it.”

  “Listen, I have the authority to—”

  “I thought we had this conversation before.” Sloan sighed. “You have no authority over me or any of my Warriors.”

  “If they break my laws, I do.” Evan’s anger flared, his voice lifting and face heating.

  “Your laws?” Sloan’s voice boomed.

  “Yes, and he”—Evan pointed at Blaze—“is under arrest for arson. I also know you have three men in your custody. I want them returned to me immediately.”

  “Oh, my God,” Katrina whispered.

  “What is it?” Lana whispered, her eyes never leaving the men outside of Sloan’s office.

  Before things got out of hand, because every single male out there was getting antsy, the room ready to explode in violence, Katrina rushed out the door.

  “I know you,” Katrina said, drawing everyone’s attention. “The day you came to arrest Blaze I didn’t pay any attention, but I know you.”

  “I think you’re mistaken.” Evan Nico gave her a glance before dismissing her, but his confidence faltered, and everyone heard it.

  “I’m not.” Katrina frowned, then looked at two other men. “I also know you and you.”

  “Can you control this woman so we can finish our business?” Evan said, dismissing Katrina, but Katrina wasn’t going to be ignored.

  “I’ve seen you at the clubhouse,” Katrina said, then nodded. “You know my father.”

  “She’s telling the truth.” Adam sneered, his eyes never leaving Evan Nico. “He’s had dealings with Samuel Drake.”

  “I have not had dealings with Samuel Drake.” Evan’s attitude changed in a flash. “I have been trying to take down their organization for a long time, and yes, I’ve been there and met with him, but only about his criminal activities.”

  “No.” Katrina shook her head. “Unless snorting coke and screwing whoever was thrown your way is the way you do your business.”

  “I’ve never—” Evan started, but Katrina stopped him.

  “Not you that I’ve seen, but you two, definitely.” Katrina took a step. “You remember me, don’t you?” she asked one of the cops, who was having a hard time keeping eye contact with her.

  “No,” the cop stated, his eyes shifting away from her toward the Warriors.

  “Let me refresh your memory.” Katrina took a step closer and noticed that Blaze had moved closer to her. “You mistook me for one of my father’s ‘girls.’ Cornered me, and if it wasn’t for the knife I always carry, you would have raped me.”

  “I’ve never seen you before in my life, lady,” the man spat with narrowed eyes.

  “Then how’d you get that scar on the back of your neck?” Katrina countered.

  It was obvious to everyone in the room that Katrina had not been able to see the back of the man’s neck, but Steve walked behind him and whistled. “Somebody is about to get his ass kicked.” Steve glanced at Blaze. “Big old scar and looks pretty much like a knife wound to me.”

  “And the reason you know about the fire at the clubhouse is my father has the recording on his phone through the Petcube,” Katrina added, anger building inside her. When he didn’t say anything but just glared, she figured to continue since no one was stopping her. “You knew me that day you came here, didn’t you? Is that how my father knew where I was?” Katrina really wasn’t asking. She had wondered how her father knew her whereabouts when his gang beat her that day. Now she knew.

  “Truth,” Adam added with a smirk when Evan glared back at him. “Actually, truth that he knew who you were, but he isn’t the one that told your father where you were.”

  “It had to have been him,” Katrina argued, pointing directly at Evan.

  “I don’t think you understand what exactly is going on here,” Evan Nico finally said, shedding his good DA routine for the dirtbag he really was. “You have no proof of what you’re saying, and who in the hell is going to believe Samuel Drake’s little whore of a daughter? She’s nothing but trash.”

  No one except for Evan Nico and the cops were surprised when Blaze went to tear the bastard’s throat out. It took every Warrior there to stop him.

  Chapter 12

  The fury that hit Blaze hearing the bastard call Katrina a whore sent him into a dark place that even scared him. It took every Warrior there to stop him from killing the son of a bitch. Guns were drawn by the cops, but they were soon disarmed when Jill took them by surprise with her power.

  Knowing he had to calm down so the Warriors could protect the women, Blaze eased his fight. “The women,” he shouted as he was let go.

  “Get the fuck out of here and never come back.” Sloan sneered at Evan, who was now surrounded by the police. “We are cutting ties with all law enforcement.”

  “You can’t do that.” Evan pointed over one of the cops’ shoulder. “You don’t have that power.”

  “Oh, but I do,” Sloan responded, his eyes black as night. “It is in our bylaws that once we know the human law has become corrupt, we cut ties and do things our way.”

  “Thank you!” Sid said, cracking his neck back and forth. “Because honestly, human ways were getting real fucking boring. Can we start killing them now?”

  “I say yes.” Jared grinned, revealing his long, sharp fangs.

  “Hold on, now.” Adam’s hands rose. “Not all of them know what the fuck is going on so killing them all would be murder and well, we don’t do that… do we?”

  Katrina watched the fear cross their faces, even Evan Nico’s, at Adam’s words. The one who had cornered her in the clubhouse glared at her, but there was fear in his eyes.

  “You are going by what this bitch says, the daughter of the Iron Drakes?” Evan shook his head. “She’s a fucking liar. She’s playing you for her father, and you’re too blind to see it.”

  “Do I even have to respond on that?” Adam rolled his eyes, his body, along with others, shielding the women behind him.

  “I don’t know what you can do, freak,” Evan growled toward Adam, “but your facts are wrong. You have no idea what you’re bringing down on yourselves.”

  “If my father has you on his payroll, which I believe is true, then I know exactly what is coming, and I plan on stopping it,” Katrina said, her eyes darkening. “And it’s about time he, as well as his cronies, meaning you, are stopped.”

  Blaze was on edge, waiting for shit to fly, but damn, he was fucking proud of her for speaking her truth. He knew then and there she was a damn strong woman. Fuck it, his woman. She was his fucking woman.

  “And you can tell him I said so,” she added before turning around to walk out of the entry and back into the room she had come from.

  Blaze grabbed Evan before he could take a step toward the retreating Katrina. “Motherfucker, it will take nothing for me to snap your head off.”

  “And here I thought Damon was the only one who did that.” Jared looked thoughtful. “Wonder if Blaze could do it as clean as Damon.”

  Sid pulled out a twenty from his pocket. “I bet he can’t. No way. Damon is an expert at decapitation.” Sid snapped his twenty.

  “Twenty?” Jared snorted, shaking his head. “That’s all you got?”

  “Until I get my poker money back, yeah.” Sid frowned. “You taking this bet?”

  “Never turned down a sure thing before.” Jared pulled out his own twenty then glanced at Blaze. “Don’t let me down, bro. Needs to be a clean decapitation.”

  Fear crossed Evan’s face as he began to struggle. “Let me go.”

  Sid chuckled then looked at one of the cops next to him and elbowed him in the ribs. “You want in on this?” Sid grinned then sighed. “Damn, okay, but I’m telling you, Damon is a sure bet.”

nbsp; “Okay, Blaze.” Jared gave the nod. “Rip that sucker off, but nice and neat.”

  “Jesus.” One of the cops gagged then spun away.

  “Dude, he hasn’t even done it yet.” Jared gave him a disgusted glare. “Grow some balls. Be a man, for shit’s sake. This is good shit and a good way to make some extra money, as long as you bet on my guy there.”

  “Let him go, Blaze.” Sloan finally stopped the Sid and Jared Show.

  Blaze held the bastard for a minute longer before leaning in his face. “You even look at her and no one will be able to save you.” He let him go with a shove before sneering at the rest of the men who had come with the bastard. “That goes for every single one of you fuckers. You go near her, I will hunt you down and I will not stop until I find you.”

  “This better be the last time I throw you out of my house, Nico.” Sloan took a step toward Evan Nico. “We will be doing things our way until the corruption stops, and it will be stopped, no matter what it takes. You want a fucking war with us? Your mistake, because you sure as hell will get one. I’m done. Now get the fuck out while you can leave of your own free will.”

  “This isn’t over.” Evan pointed toward Sloan. “You can’t do this.”

  “I’ve heard that before from you, and yes, I just did it.” Sloan dismissed him, looking over at the other men. “I know a few of you, so you best determine which way you’re going to fly because shit is about to get ugly, and you’re going to be on the front lines.”

  “Are you threatening law enforcement?” Evan asked with fake shock.

  “No, I’m warning them,” Sloan added, then nodded toward the door. “Make sure they get off the property.”

  Blaze walked away because he didn’t trust himself not to kill somebody. They didn’t need his help at that moment, and he wanted to check on Katrina. Walking into the room, he found her instantly standing next to where she had been sitting at the table. Tessa and Lana saw him and quickly left her side.

  “You okay?” Blaze gazed down at her bent head.

  She nodded, but her words contradicted it. “No, not really,” she whispered.


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