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Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10

Page 15

by Teresa Gabelman

  “I should have known, but none of our intelligence even pointed toward a possible shifter.” Blaze rubbed his hand down his face. “Once I realized what had happened, I ran inside. My team… my team lay with silver chains across them, burning, and there wasn’t a fucking thing I could do about it. I could walk in the flames, but they couldn’t, and it was too late for me to save even one of them.”

  “But, I don’t understand,” Caroline said when Blaze became silent again. “Wouldn’t they have healed?”

  Blaze shut his eyes for a second before looking her way. “They would have lived, but we all knew their bodies would never heal from that kind of heat. They would have spent the rest of their days trying to heal only to have their bodies fail. Their minds would have been fine, but their bodies wouldn’t, and for a Warrior, that is worse than death.” He shook his head. “I have the ability to control the temperature of my fire, and my orders from the top were to make sure every fucking thing in that building disintegrated, and that’s exactly what I did.”

  “This wasn’t your fault,” Katrina said and instantly regretted it when he glared at her.

  “The fuck it wasn’t,” he shouted, then seemed to fight for control. “I wasn’t a rookie. I was a seasoned Warrior who made a big fucking mistake that cost the lives of five of the best men I’ve ever known. Jesus, I can’t do this.”

  Katrina watched as he stomped toward the door and she knew without a doubt if he walked out, he would be long gone. What she was about to do would either strengthen whatever they had going on or end it, but it had to be done. She finally knew what Jax had been arguing with Blaze about. His men, the five, were here and speaking to Caroline.

  “If you leave, they don’t get their closure, and neither do you.” Katrina’s words stopped him dead in his tracks.


  Blaze had to get the fuck out of the room before he exploded and lost control. This was a bad fucking idea. He was a dangerous man when his control snapped and he knew it, but Katrina’s words froze his movement. His head jerked around, pinning her with his eyes that he knew were flaming red.

  “Closure?” he sneered at her. Logically he knew she wasn’t at fault, but he couldn’t stop himself. “You want closure? You want to hear exactly what the man you let fuck you did to his brothers?”

  “Blaze!” Jax growled a warning, taking a step toward him.

  “Step back, Jax.” Blaze didn’t even look his way as he stepped up to Katrina to lean over her. “As they burned, their skin sizzling on their bones, their screams filling the air, I took a fucking sharp piece of metal, and I cut their fucking heads off. Every single one of them died at my hand.”

  Blaze was too far gone in his self-hatred to truly register that she didn’t even flinch in disgust.

  “How’s that for fucking closure?” Blaze spat and then found himself flying across the room, hitting the wall hard. He jumped to his feet immediately to turn on who dared touch him and was shocked to see Lana glaring at him.

  “You best watch your mouth when talking to a lady, Johnny,” Lana said, but it wasn’t her voice and definitely not her strength.

  “Bryon?” Blaze shook his head, glancing around at everyone then back to Lana.

  “Who else, you dumbass?” Lana stood in a man’s stance—her legs spread apart, hands on her hips. “Sorry, ladies. I tried to teach him better than this and I’m going to go ahead and apologize now for my language, but it’s the only thing he fucking understands.”

  “Bryon?” Blaze again said, squinting as he stared at Lana.

  “He’s not too smart either.” Lana snorted then looked down. “You know, I should kill you for making me do this. I swore I would not take over this poor woman’s body because well, it’s just fucking weird.”

  “Tell me about it.” Sid frowned, staring at Lana. “Hurry the fuck up so I can have my mate back, and I swear if you hurt her—”

  “Calm down, badass. I’m not going to hurt the little lady, and I actually picked her because I know this poor girl has been through hell with us.” Lana turned toward Caroline. “I apologize for what we’ve put you through, but thank you for finally getting Johnny to remove his head from his ass.”

  “Johnny?” Caroline glanced at Blaze.

  “Oh, yeah.” He chuckled. “Johnny Bateman, but the guys nicknamed him Blaze, and it stuck. I was the only one who called him by his real name.”

  Blaze couldn’t believe what was happening and could only stand there like an idiot watching it all unfold.

  “Well, aren’t you going to introduce me to your girl, Johnny?” Lana walked to Katrina with a smile. “What a beauty. Katrina, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” Katrina smiled nervously then took Lana’s hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Katrina,” Lana said, then glanced back at Blaze with a sneaky grin. “I know he has his assholish moments, but he’s a pretty decent guy.”

  Katrina nodded, her eyes going toward Blaze.

  “Okay, well let’s get this over with. I’m totally uncomfortable, and this bra contraption is killing me. How in the hell do you women wear this shit?” Lana shifted and tugged with a curse.

  “Why are you here?” Blaze was still in a stupor. He didn’t even know what the fuck to say, what to do, and was seriously wondering if none of this was really happening and instead he was having a major fucking meltdown.

  “I’m here to thank you, you fucking idiot.” Lana’s voice became hard and stern. “And to kick your ass if need be. You need to put what happened in the goddamn past, and that’s a fucking order.”

  “How in the hell can I put what happened in the past?” Blaze finally broke free from his shock. “I fucking murdered—”

  “You did not murder anyone, other than the ones responsible for what they did to us.” Lana cut him off.

  “What they did? I’m the one who—”

  “Will you shut the fuck up for a minute?” Lana roared in the man’s voice.

  “The fault of what happened is with the intelligence who was working with the bad guys. It’s rare that someone gets one over on the Warriors, but it happens. We weren’t careful enough and trusted the wrong people. Our plan was solid and would have worked if we weren’t double-crossed. You did your job like you were supposed to do. I know the shifter changed into me. I know what happened. We all do.” Lana took a breath before continuing, “We knew what our lives would have been like if you’d pulled us out of that building like you wanted to do, and we all agreed to die that day. Unfortunately, you were the only one who could do the deed. You did not murder us. We asked… no, we begged you to kill us.”

  “I should have known,” Blaze said, his voice hard.

  “I was the leader, Johnny.” Lana’s voice softened slightly. “I am the one to blame. You did your brothers right, and we thank you. Not only did you give us a Warrior’s death, you sought and exacted revenge to those involved on our behalf. That is why myself, Thomas, Eric, Jack, and Davis have been fucking sticking around. We led you here, you moron, so we could finally say thank you, and of course tell you to get your fucking head out of your ass.”

  “So that’s why you quit the VC,” Sid said with a nod. “I always wondered about that.”

  “He quit so he could go after the bastards,” Lana said, looking over at Caroline. “Which he did quickly and proficiently, just like a VC Warrior would.”

  “I can’t—” Blaze started, but Lana was immediately in his face.

  “You fucking can and you will, goddammit,” Lana yelled. “Because if you can’t, then we can’t move on, and I’m ready to move on, my brother.”

  Blaze jerked away, leaned his head back, and cursed.

  “One last thing.” Lana grabbed his shirt and pulled him toward her. “Thank you for taking care of my Barbara.”

  “She’s with you?” Blaze asked, hoping it was so. Bryon’s wife, who was human, had never blamed him for what had happened. But he had sworn to Bryon before he killed him that he would take care of Bar
bara, and he did just that until she died from cancer. Blaze had told her he could change her so she could live, but she refused, ready to be with her mate.

  “Yes, she is. She also wanted me to give you a kiss, but I absolutely refuse to do that,” Lana spat in disgust, then looked toward Katrina before whispering to Blaze, “She’s exactly like my Barbara. You treat her right or I will haunt you forever.”

  Lana stepped back, straightened her shoulders then, with a fisted hand, hit her chest hard. “You are my brother, Johnny Bateman, our brother.” Lana took the same hand and clasped Blaze’s forearm. “I was never so proud as when you became a Warrior again. Do us proud and keep us alive in you.”

  Blaze nodded, his emotions spiraling out of control. There was more he needed to say, but the words wouldn’t come.

  Lana nodded and with one last look at Blaze, turned toward Caroline. “Thank you for everything, and please tell your sister thank you for the use of her body. We will not be bothering you anymore.” Lana then walked toward Katrina and pulled her into an embrace. “Stick with him, he’s a good man. Just give him time.”

  One minute Lana was standing strong and the next she was sinking to the floor. Sid, who wasn’t far away, caught her before she hit the ground. “Get Slade!” he shouted, but Jax was already out the door.

  “I’m fine. He just left abruptly and it took me by surprise.” Lana slowly sat up and rubbed her chest. “Why in the hell do you guys hit your chests so damn hard?”

  Sid frowned, pulling her into his arms. “You seriously need to stop doing this.”

  Lana stood with Sid’s help, her eyes seeking out Blaze’s. With unsteady steps, she walked toward him. Tears swam in her eyes as she reached up and pulled him down so she could kiss him on the cheek. Then she let go and stepped back. “That was from Barbara.” Lana stared at him for a second longer, making him uncomfortable. “You are a good man, Blaze. I know what you did for her.”

  “No, I’m not,” Blaze disagreed, then disappeared out the door. He was far from a good man.

  Chapter 23

  Watching Blaze walk out the door, Katrina battled with herself, not knowing if she should follow him or not. She decided to give him space, but not for long. She could only imagine what he was feeling, and her respect for the man gave her pause to following him. He needed time, and he was so worth the wait.

  “You okay?” Jax had walked up without her realizing it.

  “Yes.” Katrina pulled her gaze from the door. “Is Lana going to be all right?”

  “She’s fine, but Sid may need a minute.” Jax glanced back at the couple. “Scary watching your mate go through something like that. I hate when it happens to Caroline.”

  “Hey, where’d Blaze go?” Sid looked around as he came toward them.

  “He left.” Katrina frowned. “Why did you want me here?”

  Jax and Sid shared a look. “It wasn’t my idea,” Sid replied. “Blaze wanted you here.”

  Out of everything that had happened, that information shocked her more than any of it. “He did?” she asked, making sure she understood him correctly.

  “Don’t give him much time, Katrina.” Sid nodded toward the door. “He needs you now more than ever.”

  He was right. Blaze did need her. With a quick glance toward Lana to make sure she was really okay, Katrina headed toward the door then turned toward them. “Thank you.”

  She quickly headed toward Blaze’s room and knocked on the door. She wasn’t surprised he wasn’t there, but she had to check. She knocked again and tried the handle just to be sure, then headed toward her room. She knew for a fact he wouldn’t be there, but they were the only two places she could think of at the compound he would be.

  Throwing open her door, she was disappointed that he wasn’t there, but as she went to close her door, she looked at her bed and gasped. Letting go of the door, she stepped inside toward her bed and picked up the new acoustic guitar that lay across it.

  “Oh my God.” She didn’t have to look to see who’d left it. She knew. She held it close as tears fell down her cheeks. Considering she’d never held it before, it felt familiar, and she knew why. Blaze had gotten it for her, and that in itself made it familiar.

  Carefully setting the guitar down on her bed, she wiped her tears away. She was sick of crying, even though these tears were a mix of happiness and disbelief. She was ready to start her life, and dammit, it was going to be with the Warrior who had stolen her heart.

  With a new purpose, she gave the guitar one last look before walking out of her room, closing the door firmly behind her. She headed down the hall knowing where she had to go, certain where he would be. Hearing voices from the kitchen, she stepped inside. All activity stopped as the occupants stared at her.

  “I need a ride,” she said, her voice loud and clear.

  “Katrina, what happened?” Tessa stepped toward her.

  “Nothing.” Katrina frowned, then looked around. “I just need a ride right now, and I know I’m not supposed to go anywhere alone, but if no one steps up, I’m taking off.”

  Tessa gave her a proud smile, then handed her a napkin. “You have blood on your cheek.”

  With a sigh of thanks, Katrina wiped her face and looked around. “Please, I need a ride now.”

  “Jared will take you,” Tessa volunteered.

  Jared shoveled the rest of the food he was eating in his mouth, dumping his plate in the sink. “Okay, calm down, little red.” Jared kissed Tessa on the cheek before heading out of the kitchen. “Where we going?”

  Katrina went to follow him, but Tessa stopped her. “Get your man, Katrina.” Tessa gave her a hug then pushed her toward the door.

  Glancing back, she saw Jax, Sid, Lana, and Caroline all giving her encouraging smiles. Confidence blossomed in her chest until Sid spoke up.

  “If he gives you any problems, I’ll kick his ass.” Sid threw her a wink.

  While thinking of Sid’s words, she exited the kitchen to see Jared waiting for her. What if Blaze didn’t want her to find him? Shaking that thought from her mind, telling herself it didn’t matter, she passed Jared out the door.

  “Where we going?” Jared asked as they made their way to the bikes. Sliding on, he made room for her.

  “Blaze’s place.” Katrina realized sitting on the bike with Jared was nothing like riding with Blaze, not even close.

  “Blaze has a place?” Jared asked, surprised. “That sneaky bastard.”

  Katrina didn’t smile as she gave him the address. Then she held on as Jared took off. She didn’t have to tell Jared to speed up, because he was driving like a maniac—going up on the curb to pass cars, taking turns that would have thrown her off the bike if she hadn’t been holding on. Within minutes, he was pulling up to Blaze’s, and Katrina had never been so relieved in her life.

  “Holy crap.” She slid off the bike. “Who the hell taught you how to ride?”

  “Pretty impressive, huh.” Jared grinned, then killed the engine and stared at the house. “What a dump.” He snorted, then shook his head.

  “No, it’s not,” Katrina defended. “It’s… nice.”

  Jared snorted again as he got off the bike. He then leaned against it and stared at Katrina, who stared right back. “Well, are you going to go see if he’s here? I’m not leaving until I know for sure.”

  Katrina glanced back at the house. The courage that had filled her moments earlier had completely vanished. Not seeing his bike, she looked back at Jared. “His bike’s not here. Let’s go.”

  “Chicken?” Jared cocked his eyebrow at her.

  “No, I just think maybe it’s too soon.” Katrina kicked a pebble by her foot, then looked back at the house. She wanted to go, but she wanted to… ah, dammit. She didn’t know what she wanted.

  “You care for him?” Jared asked, looking far too comfortable leaning against his bike with his arms crossed. She really wanted to give him a nudge and knock him over.

  “You know I do.” She frowned, inching clo
ser to him so if she got the chance, the nudge could happen.

  “Then why run, little red?” His cocky grin had her lifting her foot.

  “I’m not running.” Frustrated, she stomped her raised foot.

  “Good, then turn around and talk to the man.” Jared turned and lifted his boot over the bike before looking over her shoulder. “You got her?”

  Katrina’s eyes widened like saucers, then narrowed dangerously at Jared. “You’re an asshole,” she whispered before his bike roared to life.

  “I know.” He winked at her, then gave Blaze, who apparently was standing behind her, a nod before taking off.

  Katrina remained still, working on her earlier bravado. Then with a sigh, she turned and gave him a half smile and a wave. “Hi.”

  Shirtless and bootless, he leaned against the doorframe. The only thing that adorned his body were his jeans that hung low on his hips. His lips curved slightly as his eyes left hers to search the area. Pushing himself away from the door, he came down the steps toward her, grabbed her hand, and led her inside.

  The house was dark, but her eyes adjusted quickly. Turning, she watched Blaze lean against the closed door, watching her intently. “Why are you here?”

  “I didn’t want you to be alone,” she answered honestly.

  “Katrina, I’ve been alone most of my life,” he replied after a few seconds.

  “So does that mean you want to be alone for the remainder of your life?” The words were out and she couldn’t pull them back. She bit her lip, afraid of his answer.

  He moved away from the door, heading deeper into the house and away from her. “Katrina, I don’t know what I want at the moment.” Blaze growled his frustration. “What happened tonight just brought back bad shit for me. This isn’t really the time to—”

  “You know, I get it,” Katrina said, quickly cutting him off. “I just wanted to thank you for the guitar. It was really a nice thing to do, and well, I thought maybe you needed a friend or something.”

  Blaze stood in the middle of the room near the kitchen table. The item brought back very vivid memories. Her eyes then roamed his body, stopping at the tattoos that continued from his arm onto his back. They were beautiful markings that fit the man. When he didn’t say anything, discomfort settled in her chest. It was as though she didn’t belong there. The sensation hit her hard. If she didn’t belong there, with the man who knew her in the most intimate way, where did she belong?


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