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Blaze (The Protectors Series) Book #10

Page 17

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Why don’t you use that money to fix up the house?” Blaze took the leap. He was a smart man and knew it was heading that way anyway so he may as well jump now.

  “The house?” Katrina frowned, then her eyes opened wider. “Your house! Really? Oh my God. Yes, a million times, yes. I’ll fix it just the way you want it. Wait, hold on.”

  Blaze watched her search around the small room until she found paper and a pen. She jumped up on the bed, sitting cross-legged with the pen ready.

  “What colors do you like?” she asked, tapping the pen to her chin. “Not black though. I know you like black because that’s all you wear. You know you’d look really good in blue, a dark blue.”

  “Whatever color you want. You pick.” Blaze leaned against the wall, amazed. This once shy, quiet woman had bloomed before his eyes, and he’d been almost too dumb to have missed it by pushing her away. He saw the flash of excitement at his offer, but then she shook her head.

  “No, I’m not picking the colors.” Katrina rolled her eyes with a laugh. “You pick.”

  “No, you pick the colors to our house.” Blaze watched her closely.

  “Blaze, stop being difficult.” Katrina sighed. “I’m not picking the colors of your house, just like I won’t pick anything else, but I will see it done.”

  Blaze pushed off the wall and sat in front of her on the bed. “How about you understand what I’m saying and you pick the colors of our house.”

  “Ugh, I’m not… wait… what?” Katrina dropped the pen, which landed in her lap, but her eyes never left his. “Our…”

  “…house,” Blaze finished for her. “Unless of course you like this little room so much and—”

  Blaze didn’t get to finish. Katrina was in his arms and hugging him tightly. Her body shook as she held him. “Please don’t be teasing me,” she whispered. He heard the tears in her voice.

  “Hey.” He tried to pull her away so he could see her, but she clung to him like glue. “Hey!”

  “No, I don’t want to let go because I might be dreaming,” Katrina said into his neck.

  “Katrina, stop.” Blaze laughed and finally pried her away a little so he could see her face. “Why would you say that?”

  “Because good things don’t happen to me,” Katrina said, then wiped her eyes. “Holy cow, I’ve been blubbering a lot.”

  Her words broke him. Many times he had faced adversity, faced monsters ready to destroy him, yet only her words broke him. “Well, you better get used to good things happening to you.” Blaze gently tipped her chin up. “Me and you are a team now. You hear me? Now answer my question. Can you fix our house up to be a home for us?”

  Katrina’s chin wobbled. She bit her lip as though trying to stop them from trembling. “Yes, I would love nothing more.”

  “Good, now we better get going before Sloan comes to find us.” Blaze helped her off the bed. “And, Katrina, I would never tease you about something like that. Those days for you are over.”

  Katrina reached up and tugged him down, kissing him softly on the lips. “Thank you,” she whispered with another kiss. “So much.”

  Blaze deepened the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. “You might take those words back.” He smirked into her hair. “I’m not the neatest person.”

  “I don’t care.” Her voice was mumbled against his chest. “Just don’t leave the toilet seat up.”

  It took him a minute, but his head slammed back as his laughter filled the room. God, it felt good to laugh again. It felt good to feel again.

  Chapter 26

  Katrina felt like she was walking on air as they made their way to the game room, her hand held tightly in his. A nagging sensation nipped at her, but she pushed it away. She was going to be happy, dammit. She deserved it. She wasn’t naïve enough to think her father wasn’t going to strike, but for this moment, right now she was going to enjoy being a part of something good. That included having a friendship… a relationship with a man who cared enough for her that he asked for nothing in return. Or at least, nothing she wasn’t willing to give.

  The doors to the game room were closed. “Oh, no,” Katrina whispered, glancing up at Blaze. “I’m sorry. I made us late.”

  Blaze shook his head with a sigh. “This might be ugly.” He reached for the doorknob. “Sloan hates when someone is late.”

  “Wait.” She grabbed his hand. “We have to have a reason. Think of something.”

  “Hmmm, how about you couldn’t keep your hands off me?” Blaze answered seriously, then grinned when she punched him.

  “Don’t you dare.” Katrina huffed before cocking her eyebrow at him. “And your hands were pretty darn busy, mister.”

  “No, I think it was you who was trying to stick your hand down my pants, if I remember correctly.” Blaze went to open the door again, but Katrina stopped him again.

  “I was trying to put money in your pants.” Katrina hissed, then rolled her eyes when he laughed. “Seriously, what are we going to say?”

  “That you couldn’t keep your hands off me.” Blaze quickly grabbed the knob and shoved open the door.


  Katrina screamed and jumped behind Blaze. She peeked around him to see everyone laughing, smiling, and obviously there for her. Tessa, with her beautiful smile, ran up and pulled her out from behind Blaze.

  “Come on, birthday girl.” She rushed her inside the room that was decorated with balloons, streamers, and even Sloan Murphy, who gave her a small nod.

  Becky smiled at her before rushing up and giving Katrina a hug. “Happy birthday, Katrina.”

  “Thank you.” Katrina returned her smile, still stumped that this was for her.

  Daniel raced to her wearing a party hat and carrying one in his hand. “Here, Trina.”

  Katrina knelt and allowed him to put the hat on her. “How do I look?”

  “Pretty,” he said shyly. A moment later, he blew a party favor in her face before running off.

  By the time everyone came and wished her a happy birthday, Katrina was lost for words. She’d only had one birthday party in her life, and it had included a drunken brawl with bloody presents, as well as plenty of booze, drugs, and sex.

  Nicole walked up to her and smiled. “You a little overwhelmed, hon?” When Katrina nodded, she gave her a glass. “Here, take a drink of this. It will help.”

  Gratefully, Katrina grabbed the glass, needing water to get rid of her dry mouth. She lifted the drink and the sickening smell of alcohol hit her. She quickly handed it back to Nicole. “I’m sorry, but I don’t drink.”

  Taking the glass back, Nicole hugged her. “I’m sorry, I seem to keep forgetting that.”

  Daniel returned and clasped her hand, leading her to where the presents were. “Come on, Trina. Open mine first!” He looked at Duncan, then added, “Pleassse.”

  “Absolutely.” Katrina laughed, her eyes meeting Blaze’s; he stood with the Warriors. Staring at him as he watched her intently, she couldn’t find the will to move or look away. A grin tipped his lips and he winked. Butterflies swarmed her stomach; she could have easily stood there all night gazing at him, but Daniel was having none of it.

  “Come on, Trina.” He shoved a gift at her. “Guess what it is!”

  Pulling her gaze from Blaze, she looked at the gift in her hand, then held it to her ear. “It’s an… elephant.”

  Daniel laughed loudly. “Noooooo.”

  “Are you sure?” Katrina held it up to her ear again and gave it a little shake. “Oh, wait. It’s a… motorcycle.”

  “Ah man, you stink at this.” Daniel giggled, then pointed at it. “Just open it. You’ll never guess.”

  Opening it, Katrina savored every single minute of it. It was her first wrapped present she had ever received on her birthday that wasn’t bloodstained.


  Blaze couldn’t take his eyes off Katrina as she sat among the women, letting Daniel help her open all her gifts. After reading
the card from each gift, she stood to hug the givers.

  “Just got word that the Drakes are on the move,” Sloan casually said from beside him. “We know they’re going to strike, just not sure when, so I’ve had eyes out watching. Got a hit today. They were seen downtown, maybe five or six.”

  Blaze frowned, taking another drink of his beer, his gaze fixed on Katrina as he listened to Sloan. “The strike is coming soon,” Blaze replied, his eyes narrowing at the thought of them getting their hands on Katrina.

  “I’ve told everyone to be vigilant. This is probably going to get ugly.” Sloan frowned. “But we’ll do whatever we can to make sure she’s safe.”

  After giving the update, Sloan left, leaving Blaze to consider what could happen next. He knew what would happen to Katrina if the MC caught her, but he’d die before that happened.

  Hearing her laughter, he watched as she stood and headed toward Steve. She wrapped her arms around him in a big hug. Steve, wearing a huge grin, hugged her back until he saw him watching. The change on Steve’s face was comical as he shoved Katrina away.

  Katrina frowned, before glancing his way. Blaze gave her a “what?” look, then grinned when she narrowed her eyes at him as she went to sit back down.

  Shit, he guessed he needed to make nice. Finishing his beer, he tossed the bottle in the trash and headed toward Steve, who looked like he was ready to make a run for it.

  Blaze stuck out his hand, making Steve jump back and stare at his hand in horror. “Thanks for everything you’ve done for Katrina since she’s been here.” Blaze held his hand out and waited.

  “I swear I didn’t want to hug her, but she just ah… huh?” Steve’s eyes traveled from Blaze’s large hand to his face, no doubt the words sinking in. When they did, Steve took Blaze’s hand in a handshake. “Ah, man, I thought fire was going to shoot out of that big hand of yours.”

  Adam, who was standing next to Steve with Angelina, rolled his eyes.

  A grin tipped Blaze’s lips. “No fire, just a handshake.”

  Steve let go of his hand looking uncomfortable. He then peered at Katrina. “And don’t thank me. Katrina is my peep. I’d lay down my life for her.”

  At that moment Blaze examined Steve in a new light. As fucking goofy as he was, he was a loyal Warrior and obviously a good friend to those around him. Blaze didn’t know much about friendships, but he did know loyalty.

  “I have no doubt about that,” Blaze responded, and meant it. “You’re a good man, Steve.”

  Blaze glanced toward Katrina, who was watching him as she helped clean up the wrapping paper. She mouthed “thank you” to him with a radiant smile. With a nod, he moved away from Steve and Adam, but heard Steve say, “Holy shit, I thought I was a goner.”

  A huge smile broke over Blaze’s face. Even though he made nice with Steve, it was good to know he feared him and would think twice where Katrina was concerned. She was his and very soon, he would make that official.

  “Did I do well?” He took the bag of trash from Katrina.

  “You did well.” She smiled up at him. “I knew you could play nice.”

  “Yeah, best not get used to it.” Blaze gave her a fake frown. “I have a reputation to uphold.” He leaned toward her to give her a kiss.

  “Hate to interrupt, kids, but we have to go to work.” Tessa grabbed the garbage bag to throw away more trash. “She riding with me and Jared or are you taking her?”

  “I’m taking her. Then I have to take care of something, but I’ll be back.” Blaze glanced toward Jared, who was making his way over. “You got them until I get there?”

  “Absolutely.” Jared nodded without his normal snarky grin, and both Tessa and Katrina picked up on it.

  “Okay, what’s going on?” Tessa put her hand on her hip. “I know you well and I know that look in your eye.”

  Blaze and Jared shared a glance, then he gazed down at Katrina. “They’re on the move.”

  The anger that rushed through his body at not only the fear in her eyes, but the acceptance that this was her life burned like raging fire.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he vowed.

  “I know.” Katrina gave him a smile, but the fear behind her beautiful golden eyes called to him. “Just be careful.”

  Chapter 27

  Blaze had not only dropped her off, but along with Jared, he had walked through the bar eyeing everyone, getting a read on the customers, and checked around the property. Then he left with a warning to stay inside and in sight of Jared at all times. He definitely didn’t get an argument from her. All too well she knew the threat was very real. For the first time in her life, she felt safe; it was a wonderful feeling.

  She wasn’t surprised that her father was taking his time. He was good at being patient before striking at the enemy. It was a perverse satisfaction he took in knowing that someone was waiting for his wrath. It was also what made him a force in the MC world. He was unpredictable, and that was what made him so dangerous.

  Heading across the bar, she glanced at Jared, who had taken a spot in the corner, his back to the wall as his eyes scanned everywhere and everyone. They fell on her for just a second before moving past. This was a different Jared from the one she had come to know. This was the Warrior he really was. Usually Jared was joking, laughing, and playing pool with the customers, but not tonight. Tonight he had the air of “stay the fuck away from me,” and people were paying attention.

  “Hey, get that table over there in the corner for me.” Tessa nodded, her hands full.

  Katrina quickly went that way and noticed a large man in a cowboy hat, his head bent looking at his phone. Weird, she’d never seen him walk in.

  “Hi.” Katrina stepped up to the table and noticed the light above was out. “I’m Katrina, can I get you a drink?”

  His head lifted slightly, but not enough to show his full face. “I’m good, ma’am.” His western drawl was slow and deliberate, almost hypnotizing. “Thank you.”

  The door opened, drawing Katrina’s attention. Adam and Steve walked in, tossing her a wave. She returned it, then looked back to her customer. He was now looking at her with deep golden eyes glowing from under his cowboy hat.

  “Uh, can I fix that light for you?” She glanced at the light. “I don’t mind.”

  If her heart weren’t already taken, this man’s smile would have ripped it right out her chest. “I like the dark,” he replied, his smile still in place. “But thank you again, ma’am.” Katrina had a pretty good people sensor, as she called it, and didn’t feel threatened by this man at all. There was a time when she’d had to be suspicious of everyone, mainly because her father was a ruthless bastard. Regardless, even though she felt there was no threat, she would make sure Jared knew about him.

  “Okay, I’ll check on you in a bit, but if you need anything, just wave me down.” She returned his smile, then added, “And please, me and ma’am just don’t go together. I’m Katrina.”

  The only response she received was a nod and that same melting smile before he pretty much dismissed her to look back at his phone. Katrina cocked her eyebrow then headed toward Jared, picking up empty beer bottles and glasses on her way. Holding the empties to her chest, she slid into a chair across from Jared.

  “Hey, little red,” Jared said without really looking at her. She had never seen Jared so focused before; it was pretty damn impressive.

  “There’s a guy over there, sitting at the table with the light out.” Katrina did a sideways nod toward the table.

  Jared glanced that way then back at her. “He’s good” was all he said. Then he dismissed her just like the cowboy in the corner had.

  Alarms went off at that moment. She knew from experience when something big was about to go down, and something big was definitely about to hit. “What’s going on, Jared?”

  “It’s under control, Katrina.” Jared frowned at her.

  “Where’s Blaze?” Fear tightened her throat. When Jared didn’t answer, anger slammed
into her chest. “Where is Blaze?”

  “Shit!” Jared hissed, then leaned toward her. “We got a hit on where they are. They’re going to get them. Now go back to fucking work so I can focus on what the fuck is going on.”

  “No.” Katrina had a bad feeling. “It can’t be that easy. Something isn’t right.”

  That got Jared’s attention. “What?”

  “There’s no way my father would be that careless,” Katrina hissed. “Why didn’t anyone say anything to me. I know them. I know how they operate.”

  “We know what we’re doing. This is not our first rodeo.” Jared glared at her, but there was also concern behind his glare.

  “With the Iron Drakes it is.” Katrina cursed as she nervously glanced around. “If anything happens to them….” She couldn’t finish.

  “Nothing is going to happen,” Jared growled, then reached out and squeezed her hand. “We have—” The door opened, and his eyes darkened dangerously.

  “Get to the back. Now,” he said as he stood. Katrina started to turn to look, but he growled, “Now!”

  Standing, Katrina then took two steps to do as Jared ordered, but stopped when she heard the name she despised, spoken by the man she despised even more.

  “Hey, Kat!” Breaker’s greeting didn’t sound sincere, and everyone in the bar heard the venom in his tone. “You’ve been a bad girl.” His tsking sent chills down her spine.

  Katrina watched as Bobby sent people out the back door, but they only returned as more Iron Drakes forced them back inside. Slowly she turned around. Her eyes landed on Breaker and she wanted to throw up. Then she glanced to his left to see John staring at her, wearing a prospect vest.

  “John?” She frowned as she put two and two together. The shock of seeing him momentarily left her speechless.

  “Oh, yes. I almost forgot.” Breaker put his arm loosely on John’s shoulder. “John here is the reason we’ve known your every move, and on a personal note, which Warrior you’ve been fucking. They really need to check their potential Warriors out better.”


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