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Be My Bride: BWWM Romance (Brother From Money Book 19)

Page 22

by Shanade White

  “I don’t want to talk,” he told her huskily, lifting his head and shifting his body to slide her underneath him. “I want to bury myself inside you and stay there for a long time.”

  “Peter,” she murmured softly with a moan. He had gone hard again and he had discovered that with her, he had no problem being in that position. He entered her and with a sigh of pleasure she succumbed, dragging her fingers through his dark hair as he brought his head down to meet hers; her body moving against his urgently; matching his movements.


  It was almost ten thirty when they started getting ready for work and still when they showered together; there was a delay as he insisted on sponging her down from head to toe and lingering on her pubic area, using the sponge to clean her thoroughly and that led them making love against the bathroom tiles.

  Kimone shivered as she remembered his tongue inside her as the water from the shower sluiced off their bodies and her cries echoing around the room as her trembling body found release.

  He pinned the thin gold necklace around her neck that he had given her a week ago; bending to kiss the back of her neck softly, sending shivers down her spine. “How can I want you after having had you so many times?” she asked wonderingly; leaning back against him. She was still in her stocking feet and only came a little up to his chest. He was already dressed in a white dress shirt and gray pants with a red and gray silk tie loose around his neck.

  “That’s because I am irresistible,” he teased, holding her around the waist. “I don’t want to let you go,” he held her gaze in the mirror, admiring how she looked in her short floral dress with a chic little jacket to go with it. She had bundled her hair on top of her head and little tendrils were resting on the back of her neck.

  “How about we have an early night?” she suggested, turning around to face him, her hands going around his neck. “We can go out to dinner or we can have dinner at home by the fireside, naked.” Her impish smile burst forth, showing the captivating space between her teeth.

  “You are going to cook? Naked?” his brows raised as he stared down at her.

  “Okay, you will cook and I will be lounging by the fireplace naked and waiting to be served.” She said with a seductive look under her long lashes.

  “What are you doing to me?” he asked with a groan, lowering his head to tease her lips. “How am I ever going to concentrate with that image you just put in my head?”

  “I will make it work your while later.” She promised him, kissing his lips gently. “I love you.”

  “I will never get tired of hearing you say that,” he told her achingly, lifting her petite body into his arms and holding her close.

  “I love you,” she whispered, taking his lips in a kiss that had his knees buckling and his heart thundering inside his chest. He could not get over how much he loved her and with a groan he returned her kisses with an ardency that took her breath away. Kimone held him to her, not caring that she was getting later and later for work. She had found the love of her life and she wanted to savor the feeling for as long as possible.

  Chapter 10

  “I am sorry I am late,” Kimone was a little out of breath as she rushed into the little café. She had ended up being delayed because Peter had totally ruined her make-up when he walked her out to the car. They had been locked into each others’ arms until she had dragged herself away from him insisting that they both needed to go and sort out what needed to be sorted out and besides Samantha had called her and reminded her that she had a shipment coming in.

  “Darling I just got here,” Sandra waved a well manicured hand languidly. She had on less make-up than she had worn the night before and her blonde hair was waving gently past her shoulders. She looked younger and more vibrant. “But you look like the cat that swallowed the whole canary,” she added quizzically, giving the vivacious girl a curious look.

  “I am happy,” she said with a smile; taking a seat opposite and looking at the girl closely. They ordered mocha slush and plates of fries. “You sounded anxious over the phone anything wrong?”

  “I don’t have a lot of girlfriends,” she took a piece of fry and dipped it into the container of ketchup. “Over the years that seems to disappear because I could not bother with the explanations of how I am doing in my marriage and how come I never had children. It got easier not trying to justify why I got married for money instead of love.” She stared off into space for a minute and Kimone waited for her to continue. “I thought having money meant that it could insulate me from a lot of things; I have a closet filled with designer outfits and more shoes than I could ever wear in a lifetime and am surrounded by so many beautiful things and yet I am as lonely as hell and I have discovered that I am in fact yearning for a child; a child that I will never have.”

  “Surely it’s not too late!” Kimone exclaimed, reaching out to take the girl’s hand resting on the table. She had never thought about having a child or even getting married until Peter had suggested it to her and now she had a whole package dropped into her lap: a man who loved her and had loved her since he met her and one who would do anything for her; the wealth was an added bonus because she was not much on materialism but now to hear Sandra’s longing for things that seemed so out of reach for her; she realized that she had a lot to be grateful for.

  “A part of the agreement I made was that I would not get pregnant because my husband told me forthrightly that he already had grown children and did not need any more and I agreed because at that time, I was desperate enough to agree to anything. If I get pregnant, I stand to lose everything because of a paper I signed.”

  “I don’t usually interfere in other people’s affairs but honey that sounds like a death trap and something you should get out of fast.” Kimone said earnestly. She had abandoned all pretense of eating and pushed away her plate of fries. “You are still young and there is still hope for you; forget the agreement and before you do anything; talk to your husband first and then speak to a lawyer; the years you were with him have to count for something.”

  Sandra smiled at her tremulously; her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “You sound like such a strong woman and even though I pretend I am; I am really not. I am weak and I like the easy way out; that was why I accepted the proposal so many years ago and why I am still in the marriage.”

  “And now you are older and you realize that you want more,” Kimone’s tone was urgent. “It takes someone strong to stay in something that makes them so unhappy and that strength is what’s going to lead you to do what’s right for you.”

  Sandra took a deep breath and taking out a scented handkerchief from her designer pocketbook she dabbed at the moistness around her dark blue eyes. “I am glad I met you,” she said with a small smile, squeezing the hand that Kimone had on the table. “Now I don’t have to feel so alone.”


  Kimone did not go back to the store immediately. She called Amy and asked if her husband was in office and she was told yes; he had just come out of a meeting. “You want me to tell him you called?”

  “No, I will call him myself.”

  She then called Samantha and told her that she would not be there for the next hour or so and set out to her husband’s office building. She had spoken to Sandra and heard her sad story and had spoken to Dawn and heard how unhappy she sounded and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she had something real; something wonderful


  She passed through the reception area and could feel the curious eyes on her and was happy that she had worn the brand new dress she had chosen that morning. Amy smiled and told her that he was alone and she went straight in.

  He looked up from his desk and his eyes brightened in appreciation as he saw her. “This is a very nice surprise,” he pushed away from the desk and turned his chair around as she came towards him. “What brings you to my neck of the woods?” She jumped on the desk as she had done before and used her legs to capture his.

a wife decide to come see her husband?”

  “And that said husband really appreciates it.” He took her feet into his lap, not minding that her olive green heels probably had dirt on them. “You okay?”

  “I am just coming from lunch with Sandra. And talking to her and listening to her makes me really appreciate what I have.” She slid off the desk and landed in his lap. “Are we likely to be interrupted?” she asked putting her arms around his neck.

  “Not if I told Amy that we do not want to be disturbed.” He told her huskily, holding her hips against him.

  “So tell her,” she whispered, bringing her head closer to his. “I really want to show you how much I appreciate you.”


  Peter could not work after she had left. The impression of her petite body was still on his. He closed his eyes as he remembered how she had slipped off her panties and sat on him; taking in his erection and moving up and down his shaft; her eyes holding his; her mouth parted just a little bit as she panted from the effort. He had not even gone into the bathroom adjoining his office to freshen up because he wanted to savor the essence of her on him. She had come all over him as he shot his load inside her, both of them shuddering with the intensity of their combined passion. He had opened her dress and fed off her breasts with a hunger that was far from satisfied.

  With a deep groan he realized that he would probably have to go into the bathroom after all. There was no way he could face anyone looking like he did. He was still aroused and his hair looked as if a stiff breeze had passed through it because his wife had seized it with fingers like steel as she was reaching her peak.

  A glance at the clock on his desk showed that it was almost three and he had another meeting in the next half hour so he needed to clean up by then. But not just yet; with a sigh he rested his head back against his chair and visualize her on top of him and her mouth buried on his. She loved him and she had showed him just how much.


  “How about Italian?” Kimone linked her hands through her friend’s as they strolled inside the mall. They had finally met for lunch after a week during which she had been talking to Sandra every day. The girl was still undecided and Kimone was planning to introduce her to Dawn; she knew they would get along well together.

  “Not really hungry,” Dawn said shaking her head. Kimone noticed that she had lost some weight and she looked drawn and sad.

  “Well I am.” With a firmness in her voice she propelled the girl to one of the restaurants. “Big juicy burgers and I will not take no for an answer.”

  She ate because Kimone made sure of it and for a minute she saw the old Dawn resurfacing.

  “How have you been doing?” Kimone waited until she had almost finished eating. She was on her lunch break and she noticed that the girl had almost stopped wearing make-up; only a little colorless lip gloss on her lips.

  “Getting there,” she said with a short laugh. “I keep asking myself if I made a mistake; if maybe I should have stayed with him because he loved me and maybe I could get to love him too.”

  “That’s a whole lot of maybes Dawn.” Kimone was very concerned about her friend. When the break up had happened some years ago she had almost become unhinged but she had gotten through it; now, it appeared she was facing something similar. “Are you sure you are not in love with him?”

  “I am sure,” she said with a small smile. “I might not be sure of much these days but that one I am sure of. It’s just that it seems that my life has taken on a pattern. First I was deeply in love and he left and now he loved me and I left him. What if I never find someone who loves me and I love him? What if I never find what you have with Peter? What if I am just reaching for the stars?”

  “Nothing is wrong with reaching for the stars.” Kimone told her. “We are supposed to reach for the unattainable and not settle for what’s within our reach; that’s what’s wrong with a lot of relationships these days honey, we settle. I make no apologies for it but I refuse to settle for the mediocre; it has to be something out of this world. Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with someone you can barely tolerate for years to come? I for one, think that’s a slow death. Wait for that someone Dawn; he’s out there and in the meantime; stop beating yourself up on telling a man you do not love, the truth. If you had gone ahead and married him because you felt pressured into doing so then both of you would be very unhappy and he would end up resenting you for it.”

  “When did you get to be so smart?” her friend teased; the light coming back into her dark brown eyes.

  “Since I have become an old married woman.” She said teasingly; glad to see her friend smiling.

  “Thanks.” Dawn reached out to close her hand over Kimone’s on the table. “I really needed that.”

  “You’re welcome,” Kimone told her sincerely. “And I want to invite you over to the house for a small dinner party I am having this weekend with just you and this girl I met recently and mom and a friend of Peter’s. I figure it’s time I started being a wife to that husband of mine.”


  “Will you just relax?” Kimberley Bailey told her daughter for the third time in the last half hour. “It’s going to be fine, I am here aren’t I? And you have the very capable Annabelle here as well, so please get out of the kitchen; you are of no use here anyway.”

  Kimone left the kitchen to the two women and went to the living room. Dawn had promised to come over shortly but she was not here yet and Peter had gone to look at a building his company had acquired ,promising faithfully to be back in time to shower and change.

  “You had better,” she had warned him. “I am not used to doing this and I need you by my side.”

  “No place I would rather be,” he had told her, pulling her into his arms and capturing her enticing lips. “I wish we were going to be alone, I just want to be with you.” He had told her huskily as he felt the weight of her small breasts against his chest.

  “We are going to be alone later tonight.” She said wrapping her arms around his neck, feeling the heat racing through her body. They were combustible together and ever since they had declared their love for each other the flame had been fanned to red hot intensity.

  “Too long,” he murmured against her mouth. “I want you now.” And he had taken her right there in the hallway, bracing her up against the wall; her legs wrapped around his waist as he took her swiftly; his pants around his ankles and her panties ruined as he ripped them apart in his haste to get inside her. He had left her there weak and shaken with a bruising kiss on her lips before heading out the door. Kimone had to go and take a quick shower before Annabelle came back because she had gone to the store to get some more vegetables and as soon as she came from the bathroom; her mother had rung the doorbell.

  She had planned the menu with her mother and Annabelle and they had decided to prepare scalloped chicken, chicken teriyaki and Japanese ginger pork with wild rice and a salad with vinaigrette dressing. Her mother had made a chocolate delight for dessert which would be served with homemade vanilla ice cream and black coffee.

  Dawn came by shortly, bringing with her a change of clothes and looking far better than she had a few days ago. “Aren’t you going to give me the grand tour?” she asked, taking off her lightweight jacket and hanging it on the peg just inside the door. It was her first visit to the house and her eyes widened as she took in the elegance and sheer luxury. “You are one lucky woman,” she murmured as Kimone took her through the many rooms with the expensive yet tasteful art hanging on the walls but it was when she came to the master bathroom that she stopped and stared. “This is absolutely beautiful!” she told her friend, taking in the elegant claw footed bath, the mirrors going from one wall to the other; the dazzling pink tinged ceramic tiles and the huge shower stall.

  “The house belonged to Peter’s parents before and they left it to him and he made some changes.” Kimone told her guiding her to a guest bedroom where she could shower and change for the dinner party
. “I am glad you are here.” She gave the girl a tight hug before going back to the hallway to answer the door. It was Sandra and the girl hugged her before hurrying off into the kitchen to the delicious scent coming from the room.

  Peter came back as promised and greeted everyone warmly before going off into the bedroom to take a shower. Kimone followed him as soon as she introduced Sandra to Dawn and left the two girls chatting away.

  “I think they hit it off,” she told her husband as she entered the bathroom where he had started undressing.

  “Who?” he paused in the act of shedding his underwear.

  “Sandra and Dawn,” she clarified as she pulled the loose dress she had on over her head. It was a Sunday and the day had proven to be quite mild.

  “Hmm,” he murmured as she came over to him.

  “Peter we don’t have time,” she warned him seeing the light in his dark eyes and feeling the rush of feeling inside her body.

  “We can always find time,” he told her picking her up into his arms and taking her into the shower stall. “Nothing is wrong with bathing my wife is there?” he murmured, turning on the shower and adjusting the temperature of the water.

  “We never just bathe,” she reminded him, closing her eyes as he ran the sponge down her nipple and further down to her pubic area.

  “We always make stops along the way,” he agreed, rubbing the sponge against her mound. Kimone sagged against him and opened her legs to his ministrations; her heart thundering inside her breast.


  The dinner party was a huge success. Peter’s friend; Donald, a tall friendly African-American and a graphic designer, was very easy to get to know and during the course of the evening she noticed that he had singled out Dawn and they were having a very avid conversation.

  The meal was delicious. Annabelle and her mother had outdone themselves and for dessert they went on to the patio to enjoy the beautiful weather. The flowers in the garden sent off its heavy scent in the air and as it was approaching seven o’clock, there was still light out, enough for them to engage in a game of cards.


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