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Screams in the Darkness (Dark Screams Book 1)

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by Sabrina Samples

  Once Roy and Carlos were out in the hallway, and the door was closed to Alex’s room, Roy inquired.

  “What happened?”

  “I started questioning Brandon about what happened when he began to flip out. He started yelling about keeping Alexandra away from him. He was extremely upset when he learned she was just down the hall from his room.” He paused for a second. “The nurse had to sedate him for the time being. It will be several hours before we will be able to question him about anything. I asked her to call me when he is awake, so we can come back.”

  With a sigh, Roy rubbed his neck. “I guess right now we will have to make do with questioning her. She hasn’t given me much so far. There was no connection between them before the incident. I was just about to get into what their relationship was like after she was admitted.” He jerked his head toward Alex’s door. “Tread lightly with her. We do not know what will set her off.”

  “Is there something I am missing? Aren’t we considering her the victim in the case?”

  Roy couldn’t help but laugh at the confusion on Carlos’ face. “How much did your Captain explain to you about this case?”

  “Not much. He said that you would fill me in along the way.” Carlos looked a little embarrassed.

  Roy shook his head. “It looks like you have some homework to do before we can come back to talk to Alexandra and Brandon.” He turned to walk back into the room as Carlos followed him. “Miss Parker, we have to go back to the station to take care of a situation. We will be back first thing in the morning to talk. Is that alright?”

  Alex rolled her eyes. “It’s not like I have anywhere important to be.” Alex pressed the button to turn the TV on that was stationed across the room. Adventure Time blared to life. Alex immediately turned the volume down. Roy pulled a card from his pocket and sat it on the table next to the phone.

  “If you need to talk before tomorrow morning, here is my card. Call at any time, and I will be up here.” He picked up his briefcase and jacket off the chair and turned to walk out the door. Carlos was right on his heels.

  As they walked out of the room and closed the door, Roy kept walking as he began to shuffle through his case. He grabbed a file and handed it to Carlos. Roy said, “Read the file before tomorrow morning and make sure you understand the case.”

  Carlos looked at the large file in his hands. He thought there had to be at least 50 pages in it, if not more. “I guess I should get home and start reading.” He lifted the folder as they walked out of the hospital and headed toward their separate cars.

  Chapter 3

  Alex was putting the last of her clothes away when there was a knock on the door. She assumed it was Brandon again because she had heard what she assumed was the alarm for lunch. Although she didn’t move to go toward the door, the handle turned anyway, and Brandon stood in the doorway.

  “That was the alarm for lunch. Come on, I am supposed to show you where it is.” Brandon was short with Alex, and he did not look directly at her as he spoke.

  “Still pouting because I don’t care about your little ‘secret’?” Alex asked as she walked toward him. She could see the anger flame within his eyes and his hands ball into fists.

  “C’mon, you don’t want to be late.” He turned to walk out of the room. Alex’s hand shot out and grabbed his arm. He stopped and turned to face her.

  “Why do you do it?” she asked as she let go of his arm.

  “I thought you didn’t care,” Brandon said in a cold voice as he stared at her.

  “I don’t, I mean, I was just trying to be nice. But hey, whatever, I won’t try it again.” She walked toward the door. “Which way to the cafeteria?”

  Brandon shook his head as he moved past her and down the hall. “This way, Princess.”

  “I am far from a princess. I sure as hell wouldn’t be locked up here if I was one.” Alex walked faster to catch up with him.

  “Oh yeah? Where do they send royalty when they go crazy?” Brandon asked with a smile on his face.

  Alex stopped walking. “I am not crazy!” she shouted. Brandon turned to look at Alex with a smile on his face.

  “Calm down there, Sweetheart. I was just messing with you,” he said as he stepped back toward her. “Learn to take a joke. You will have a better time here if you loosen up a little.” He winked at her before turning around and walking again.

  They made it to the cafeteria with only silence filling the air between them. Brandon opened one of the swinging doors and gestured for Alex to enter. Alex couldn’t help but smile as she walked inside the large cafeteria.

  She took in the enormous room before her. There must have been around two hundred patients, all in white and gray clothing, milling around the cafeteria. Some were standing in line waiting for food while others were sitting at tables alone or in groups. Alex turned back to the door and saw Brandon leaning against the frame. His eyes were resting on her, and as they made eye contact, he licked his lips. Alex bit the inside of her cheek to hide the smile that was trying to form on her face. Instead, she arched her eyebrow at him, turned, and walked over to the line of people waiting for their food. Although Alex tried to look interested in figuring out what was for lunch, she couldn’t stop herself from watching Brandon move through the cafeteria to a group of orderlies standing against the wall who were talking to each other. As she moved closer to the service station, she could see Brandon periodically glancing in her direction.

  Alex finally got a tray of food that consisted of a large piece of dry turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, a stale roll, and milk. She turned away from the station and headed toward the tables. She was searching for a place to sit when her eyes moved to Brandon who was still leaning against the wall watching her. Alex quickly found an empty table and sat with her back to Brandon to prevent him from staring at her while she was eating. While she slowly ate her lunch, she could still feel Brandon’s eyes on her. As she finished her roll, the alarm sounded to signal the end of lunch. Alex took her tray over to the bus tubs on the wall by the service station, and then headed for the door.

  “Where do you think you are going, Parker?” Brandon moved from the wall and started walking toward Alex.

  “I think I can find my way back to my room on my own,” Alex snapped as she started walking out the door. Brandon grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him.

  “You have to have an escort until you can prove that you are capable of being left alone.” Brandon let her arm go as Alex rolled her eyes at him.

  “Having an escort is something I can handle. But, if you keep staring at me constantly, we are going to have a problem.”

  “You don’t like me watching you?” Brandon took a step closer, so there was no space between them.

  “No, I do not,” Alex said.

  “Then, why are you blushing and breathing a little harder all of a sudden?” Brandon looked her in the eye. “If you can tell me, without a doubt right now that you want nothing to do with me, I will leave you alone.” Alex stood up straight and met his gaze. Brandon licked his lips. Alex’s eyes locked on. “I didn’t think so. Let’s get you back to your room.” Brandon said with an arrogant grin on his face. He turned to walk down the hall back to her room.

  “Just because you can distract me, doesn’t mean that I want you,” Alex protested as she moved to catch up with Brandon.

  “If you say so, Princess.” Brandon was still smiling while they turned the corner down an empty hallway.

  “What makes you think that I would want you anyway? I just met you, and you have been nothing but an asshole to me,” Alex said.

  Brandon stopped walking, and Alex stopped next to him and crossed her arms. Brandon’s smile faded, and he turned to face her. Now, Alex was pinned between the wall and Brandon.

  “You wanna know how I am so sure of myself?” He placed his arms against the wall, and he stepped forward. Alex swallowed hard, nodding, her body pressed against him. Brandon could feel her heart pounding in her chest against his
. “Aside from the fact that your heart is pounding against my chest,” he said, pausing, as he quickly moved his hand from the wall next to her and slid it into her jogging pants, “You’re soaked right now.”

  He slid his hand out of her pants and took a step back from her. Alex opened her mouth, but then closed it. She was too stunned to speak. The cocky smile returned to Brandon’s face, and he stood there watching Alex as she fought to regain her composure.

  After a few seconds, Alex pushed off of the wall. Without a word, she started walking down the hall with Brandon next to her. Brandon kept his eyes glued on her the entire way back to her room. He could see her blushing as she occasionally glanced over at him, and they locked eyes.

  Once they made it to Alex’s door, Brandon stopped and turned to her.

  “They aren’t expecting you to jump right into activities today. You can spend the next few hours here in your room, or one of the workers can show you around the facility.”

  “I want to be alone for right now,” Alex said as she intentionally avoided eye contact with Brandon.

  With a sigh, Brandon unlocked the door and stepped out of the doorway. Alex rushed past him into her room, and Brandon was hit hard with her intoxicating scent of cherries and sweat. He closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. When he opened them, Alex was staring at him knowingly.

  “I will be back in a few hours to escort you to dinner. If you need anything before then, just knock on your door, and someone will be down.”

  “Oh joy, more quality time with you watching me eat. That is just what I want!” Alex rolled her eyes and faked her enthusiasm.

  Brandon looked at her angrily as he took a step closer to her. “I already proved that you enjoy my attention.” He licked his lips and moved to stand face-to-face with her. “Maybe I need to check again.” He put his hand on the waistline of her pants, and Alex’s eyes closed as she felt his hand move. She was not expecting him to pull his hand away though. When her eyes opened, she just looked at him with confusion, longing. “I don’t even have to touch you to know that you want me now.” He said with that cocky smile returning to his face.

  Brandon stepped back from her and moved to the doorway. With his hand already on the knob, and ready to close it, he glanced back at Alex. He licked his lips before closing the door behind him.

  Chapter 4

  The next few days were a blur for Alex as she grew accustomed to her schedule. Her day started at 7am–sharp with a breakfast that consisted of overcooked scrambled eggs, dried toast, and burned bacon. Her day then ended promptly at 10pm with the lights out. The food was edible enough. She realized that she enjoyed art therapy and any outdoor activity because she was left alone. During group therapy and individual therapy though, she was constantly being bothered to open up and share with the group or with the therapists. Alex found herself usually looking out the windows instead of giving in to their demands. She learned to love counting the cars that drove in each day and would get irritated at the therapists for pushing certain topics.

  The first week dragged on, and Alex became hostile to the point that when she came into

  group on this day, she was already angry. She sat in her normal seat by the window. One car, two cars, three cars…

  “Alexandra, would you like to share with the group how your first week is going here at Kingsbury?” the balding therapist asked loudly as the group settled into their seats. He wore a tweed jacket that looked like it was made in the 1960’s. His brown pants matched the jacket perfectly as did his brown loafers.

  “No, I wouldn’t like to share,” Alex spoke and continued to look out the window, her face expressionless. Four cars, five cars, six cars…

  “Alexandra,” the therapist said again in a stern voice as he leaned forward in his chair, “your unwillingness to participate in group is becoming a problem. You need to help yourself for us to help you.”

  Finally, Alex looked the therapist dead in the eyes. “Frank, did you ever think that I don’t want help? Maybe I don’t want to be here.” As Alex called the therapist by his first name, the rest of the group gasped. “I was thrown in here against my will, and now you are trying to force me to talk about things that I don’t want–or need–to talk about. So, I pass, Frank. Move on to someone else.”

  “My name is Doctor Fischer, Alexandra. Please refer to me as such,” Doctor Fischer spoke in a neutral voice. “Alexandra, why don’t you share with the group what brought you here to Kingsbury in the first place?”

  Alex’s eyes went wide. “No! I am not going to share anything with the group.” She went back to looking out the window. Seven cars, eight cars…

  A scowl came across Doctor Fischer’s face. “Since you don’t want to share anything with the group, maybe you can enlighten me on something instead.”

  “And what would that be?” Alex rolled her eyes as she continued to look out the window, but there were no more cars.

  “Why have you refused to speak with your parents since you have been here?”

  Alex slowly turned back to look at Doctor Fischer. He was now leaning back in his chair with his arms folded across his chest. He had a condescending smile on his wrinkled face.

  “Don’t you dare bring those people up to me,” she spoke low as she balled her hands into fists. “Those people who forgot about me. I didn’t fit into their world, so I got locked up here.”

  “Those people are your parents, Alexandra. They have not forgotten about you. They have been here twice. Doctor Torres thought it was best if you didn’t see them yet.”

  Alex slowly rose from her chair, her eyes growing darker as she glared at Doctor Fischer.

  “If they are my parents, then why the fuck did they dump me in this nut house? Why am I here, Frank?” Alex asked as she took a step toward the doctor. She clenched her fists and glared at him.

  “Alexandra, please sit back down. Group is not over yet.” Doctor Fischer stumbled over his words as he began looking nervously around the room. The rest of the patients sat in their chairs unmoving with their eyes glued on either Alex or the doctor. It was silent in the room except for Alex’s loud breathing.

  “What happens if I don’t sit down, Doc? Are you going to spank me? Ground me to my room? Take away my free time? Jesus fucking Christ! You are just as bad as my mother and father! Always trying to control me.”

  “Orderlies, I need you in here now!” Doctor Fischer yelled toward the slightly opened door.

  Alex lunged at the doctor and knocked him out of his chair. She pulled her arm back and balled her fist. As she started to bring it down to make contact, Brandon and another male orderly burst through the door. Brandon grabbed Alex’s fist right before it connected with the doctor’s face. He pulled her off her feet.

  “Put me down you fucker!” Alex shouted at Brandon.

  “Brandon, get her back to her room. I will take care of things here,” the other orderly shouted over Alex’s screams.

  “I swear to GOD, I am going to beat your ass Frank!” Alex continued shouting.

  Brandon gave the other man a quick nod and began carrying Alex out of the room. He carried her down the hall toward her room. As he turned the corner into an empty hallway, he stopped walking. He was still carrying her while she was still screaming.

  “Alexandra, if you stop screaming, I will put you down. You can walk back to your room on your own, but if I have to carry you all the way there, you will be restrained. Make your choice now.”

  Brandon stood there as Alex calmed down. A smile played on his face as he gently put her down.

  “Why are you smiling? Does it amuse you that I am upset?” Alex asked, shouting, and glaring at Brandon.

  “No, it does not amuse me. But what does amuse me is how you take my orders so well.” He smiled more and winked at her.

  “What the fuck does that mean? You aren’t giving me orders.” Alex was perplexed by Brandon’s words.

  “Let’s get you back to your room. You are in some serious tr
ouble for that stunt,” Brandon said as he looked at Alex with a mysterious smile.

  With a huff, Alex began to stomp away from him toward her room.

  “Hey Princess, wait up,” he called to her as he caught up.

  “I don’t take orders from anyone, especially you,” she snapped at him as they arrived to her door. “I do what I want to. It just so happens that it is the same things you have me doing so far. Don’t think I am just some silly little girl who is going to get weak in the knees just because a guy shows me attention. Especially when the attention is unwanted.”

  Alex stepped into her room and promptly closed the door in Brandon’s face.

  Chapter 5

  Brandon stormed into the empty common room. The TV buzzed quietly as he tried to calm himself down. “Don’t blink. Blink and you’re dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don’t turn your back. Don’t look away. And don’t blink. Good luck,” the Doctor warned ominously from the TV.

  “What the hell were you thinking, Harris? She is a patient,” Brandon scolded himself before getting agitated with the TV. He bent down and jammed his finger into the power button turning it off. His reflection stared back at him. As he began to turn away, he saw his reflection shift. Brandon shook his head before looking back to his reflection.

  “She may be a patient, but you can’t ignore the sweet smell of her that still lingers on your hand.

  “Who's there?” Brandon turned from the TV to scan the room. It was empty aside from him.

  “We are alone,” the voice spoke again.

  Brandon found the room was empty and went to stand up when his reflection in the TV caught his eye again. It had a malicious smile, but Brandon was not smiling at all. He stumbled back onto the floor; the reflection stayed where it was. Brandon cautiously got back up, never taking his eyes off the unmoving reflection that still smiled maliciously at him.


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