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Charles Manson's Blood Letters: dueling with the devil

Page 5

by Richard Rubacher

The blonde removes her tank top.

  “Drop the knife, punk, or run for your life,” said Manson at the entrance.

  The Hit Man whirled around, sees Manson with a bandana wrapped around his hand. Manson snaked his way to the Hit Man. The Hit Man, ‘scared’ as he watched the oncoming Manson prepared to take him on.

  The blonde, fascinated by the little man’s courage, clutches her tank top to her chest. .

  Manson, unarmed, exudes a Richard Widmark cackle. On cue, Manson lunged at the Hit Man who backed away. “Fuck you,” he said as he ran out of the tavern.

  Manson women 2, 3 and 4 attend to the fallen beau who enjoys being comforted.

  The bartender brings Manson a beer. “Good thing for Helen that you showed up. Have a beer on the house.”

  “Good thing for all of us,” Helen said. Gratitude dances in her eyes as Manson joins her.

  The Manson women continued to nurse the fallen knight. He is kissed on the wounded chest. He receives a neck massage. His head is on the lap of one of the women.

  The Manson women escort the beau out of the tavern. Manson man 1 follows behind.

  The Manson women get into the beau’s car and drive away with him.

  The Hit Man and man 1 exchange high fives as they board the van. Manson charms the former damsel in distress. From his vantage point Manson watches the Hit Man and man 1 exit the bus, carrying sleeping bags and provisions. They salute Manson and head off for the woods.

  “Like Charlie said, we’ll make ourselves scarce for two days,” the Hit Man said.

  ”He’ll break the chick in for us.”

  “Yummmy, mama,” the other family man said.

  SUMMARY In the interview Manson referred to himself in the third person. He is the baby that began to interpret hate as love. In the prison meeting I tried to get him to speak about his crimes in the first person; he politely requested that the subject be changed. Manson used the first person when he referred to the crimes and killings.

  In his letters his tone is quite different. He writes in the first person. See the Sidebar, “Manson’s dispensation from God.” In this correspondence he claims God has given him dispensation. He also boasts about his Power to kill. Here are short excerpts from two other of his ninety-two letters and twelve postcards:

  July 29 1976. 4 page ltr from Vacaville on 8 ½ inch paper. CONFESSES AGAIN IN FIRST PERSON. “Yes Im a animal killer or whatever it takes for my own world & the people with me—my knife is so sharp…” In another section of the letter he focuses on my comment about a violent society: “Do you mean my society or yours—my society is peaceful.

  August 12 1976 from Vacaville. 2 legal-sized pp.I CAN KILL ANY ONE I WANT

  Manson Confesses In His Own Words

  (NOTE: In this chapter the dramatic Manson letters and postcards are excerpted and presented in a transcript form. In this chapter he compares himself to Hitler, Genghis Khan and the mighty monarchs of the United Kingdom. He writes: “Im the law, police, judge, church, government.”

  For the first time, in his own words, he confesses to his crimes. The Sharon Tate murders “are a warning to the nation.” “Yes Im a animal killer or whatever it takes for my own world & the people with me—” “Ive come to live to kill…Ive got the power to do it the madness to carry it out & the dispensation from god.” “My knife is so sharp.”

  On many occasions Manson giveth his permission to use his letters; on many occasions he taketh away his permission.

  We also are witness to his many moods; his ups and downs in prison.

  And we are able to view Charles Manson’s wit, occasional clarity of thought, wisdom, his insights and humor.) August 20, 1975. First letter. Four legal-sized pages. From San Quentin.

  In this letter he showed me his favorite word (play). This enabled me to break the Manson code as I was able to resonate with his Unconscious mind.

  August 21 1975. Second letter. One page legal-sized pages. From San Quentin.

  “Dear Richard, Ive been thinking about that smart letter I wrote to you yesterday. I was mad at the world. If I had a kecit (cassette) recorder and you had one –you could ask questions & I could answer. & you may be able to put a book together.

  Manson Confesses In His Own Words

  “Ive been in darkness so long that Im kinda blind…we can work out a great book.” PERMISSION. He giveth. Post card from San Quentin 1975 (postmark blurred)

  “You’re a nut—what you like or dont like about CM can stand in line with the rest who only judge there own reflections. Im not trying to beat you at any thing…Im a person of peace & a servant not a warrior.” Git me a kecit” (NOTE: cassette recorder). PERMISSION. He giveth.

  July 1 1976. from Vacaville. 6 page letter on 8 ½ paper.

  CONFESSION: “Maybe if I got out I could mass murder & put new laws. Ive come to live to kill…Ive got the power to do it the madness to carry it out & the dispensation from god.”

  July 7 1976 from Vacaville. 4 pages on 6”x9 ½ paper.

  After lamenting about being confined to prison for 30 years, he again writes about dispensation. “I am the authority & hold dispensation.” (NOTE: He rules his subjects as a mighty monarch world. A dictionary definition of dispensation: “An exemption or release from an obligation or rule, granted by or as if by an authority. To pardon, to forgive.”)

  July 29 1976. page ltr from Vacaville on 8 ½ inch paper. CONFESSES AGAIN IN FIRST PERSON. “Yes Im a animal killer or whatever it takes for my own world & the people with me—my knife is so sharp…”

  In this part of the letter he focuses on my comment about a violent society: “Do you mean my society or yours—my society is peaceful.”

  1976. postmark date not visible.

  KEEP PRIVATE; DON’T PUBLISH: He taketh away.You should of realized a lot of what I wrote you was not for a book—I didn’t feel no book without a tape (recorder)—youll see what I mean when we talk—Im not in (to) paper words.”

  The Secret Service paid him another visit. The guards wanted to cuff him so he refused to see the SS men.

  He asked me to accept Lyn Fromme, Sandy Good, Bruce Davis & the others in the family.

  He referred to the letter from Ed George that said I might be a Manson follower and might be terminated corresponding with CM if they found proof. The letters CM sent to me to forward to Lyn & Sandy were not forwarded. I told him I could not do that.

  KEEP PRIVATE: On the last page (page 3) he wrote, “You should of realized a lot of what I wrote you was not for a book.” He wants to have his words tape recorded.

  (NOTE: He did co-author a book MANSON IN HIS OWN WORDS by CM & Nuel Emmons (his prison buddy who was released on parole). He never confessed in the book.

  July 27 1976 from Vacaville. 4 pp on legal-sized paper.

  DON’T PUBLISH THIS: “I see into much that few could ever realize.” DON’T PRINT WHAT IS CONFIDENTIAL. He asks me again not to print everything he tells me. He taketh away. Once again I remind him of our agreement. I am the writer. If I am censored I will not continue our journey.

  August 2 1976. from Vacaville. 1 pp on legal-sized paper. HE WANTS TO GET OUT OF PRISON TO KILL. Manson again voices concern over the ecological disaster, including whales beaching themselves “because the water is so bad.” I cant get out to start the killing –they got to be killed they got to stop doing what there doing

  August 21 1976 from Vacaville. 1 page on legal-sized paper. KILLING PEOPLE. This is the second letter postmarked August 2 1976. Manson moans about “being kept in the pit” (darkness). “Must I kill people to show them where there (they’re) at (on back of page 1). Let’s do a book. PERMISSION. He giveth.

  August 9 1976 from Vacaville 4 pp on legal-sized paper.

  PRAYER OF FELLOW PRISONER: Manson heard a fellow inmate say this prayer out loud one night: “God help me git out so I can start killing them. A-men.”

  How CM is suffering: “No sunshine, no radio, visiting friends in handcuffs.”

  DISPENSATION: “Ive got d

  He writes President Ford making the “F” into a swastika. IN A CHILD’S MIND: “How does it feel to be dealing with a 10 year old brain in a 42 year old skull.”

  August 12 1976 from Vacaville. 2 legal-sized pp.


  MY BOOK WILL BE UNREAL: I am too sain (sane) to see into his madness, thus my proposed book will not capture his essence. PERMISSION. He giveth.

  ON KILLING PEOPLE: “My minds thoughts move people—Im thinking on top of more people now than you have ever seen—I can kill anyone or anything I want.”

  ON LYN FROMME: Of all the family member, she picked up his vibes & performed his will on, although he doesn’t mention her attempt to kill President Ford.

  ON DISPENSATION: “Im not unfair or unjust in my doings & Ive long been at work on a job I saw to be done.”

  HE IS SUPERIOR TO OTHER BEINGS: “I think in mass mind on levels past the common brain.”

  August 12 1976 from Vacaville. 2 legal-sized pp. This is letter 2 of 3. No sig.

  THE MURDERS WERE A WARNING: “I like Fromme & the rest of the family offered ourselves as a sort of warning & the dead bodies keep piling up…”

  Manson sees us as “a bunch of blind people” who don’t know they are blind.

  August 12 1976 from Vacaville. 2 legal-sized pp. This is letter 3 of 3. No sig.

  ON KILLING & VIOLENCE: “Yes Im from & in a violent family but whats new about that would you call a lawn mower violent when its made to cut grass.”

  ABOUT HIS SON: He wants to write to him if he could find his address. He said one day his son “will be here in the next cell.”

  August 13 1976. from Vacaville. 4 legal-sized pages. .

  Confesses again: “Yes Im a animal killer or whatever it takes for my own world & the people with me. My knife is so sharp.

  CM claims I am misinformed. He dislikes the media, calling them “blood sucking scabs.” He’s thinking about NBC’s request for an interview. Then he writes that I should interview him. That will “afford me to set the record straight. How wonderful you are. Were you on your knees when you said that..” (NOTE: I don’t remember what I said in my letter.

  Later on he repeats that his society was peaceful; ours is violent.) He wants me to interview Lyn Fromme, Sandy Good and Pat Krenwrinkel. PERMISSION He giveth.

  August 13 1976. from Vacaville. 2 pp on legal-sized paper. Starts with a PS. Initials on other side of the page.

  HITLER. He writes about the phony Jew & phony Christian. Both are into money. The Jews feed off Christian blood. When Hitler came into power that “90% of people are held to life by the money & without it they would wither & die.” Hitler ordered them out of “the country & they couldnt give up the money it had become there way of life— beyond good & bad hate or emotions Hitler knew they would die one way or the other.”

  MORE ON LIFE and HITLER’s role: “There is an order to life animals as well as people & he seen it—He needed to give people there faith back.”

  The news people are Jews.

  Jews have crucified him. “Jews are maggots feeding off the sufferings of others.”

  ON CHRISTIANS: “Christians are headless sheep.

  THIS IS PRIVATE INFO: Manson advised me:

  August 13 1976 from Vacaville. 4 pages on legal-sized paper. CONFESSION. “You had best git one thing fixted (fixed) in your brain—Im a convicted mass murderer…that’s for sure.”

  “Ive walked with life & death in my hands for a long time & understand Dispensation (he capitalized the word) from the souls truth & what takes life & what give it & all the laws of the gun & knife.” Two of his prison friends were released on parole. He gave them instructions what to do but he doubts if they carry out his plan. “PS: to RR secret file—never tell any one all you know or they wont need you no more.”

  August 13 1976. from Vacaville. 1 legal-sized page, both sides. SIG. Also letter from NBC about documentary & CM’s views on a violent society.

  My response to NBC for CM.

  My response to CM about the NBC flap (dated Aug 14 1976). He asks me to be his press agent & Bobby Beausolieu’s agent for his art work.

  August 18 1976. From Vacaville. 2 pages on 8 ½ in by 14” paper. He’s his own law. “Im my own police laws judge church government… I broke no law. The law broke the law.”

  August 19 1976. From Vacaville. 6 pages on 8 ½ in paper. MYSTICAL: “Most who don’t know want to know—but when one does know they cont want to know. Like everyone wants to be god— everyone but god. God must look at all the sickness & pain death & the maggots that call them selves people.”

  “No one wants to be nothing.”

  (NOTE: Many insightful comments about Dennis Patrick O’Donnell, whom I refer to as the Clint Eastwood of the California prison system. O’Donnell sided with me on the Tough Dude showdown. See ltr of 10/28/76.

  “You may tell me what you see or hear—what you think I could care less—thinking for the most part is unreal its like a person talking to themselves—Knowing don’t think it Knows.”

  “The truth hides from grownups.”

  “Truth is not a A-Bomb it’s a child telling it like it is & no like he wants it to be. Once you can see it as is then you can bring change.” More on child mind.

  PERMISSION. He giveth. About the book we’re doing. “It’s a shame we didn’t git a kecit tape & do a book from me but you can still end up with a good book because you are good with them paper words & you can pick through the things & put together a book from your the own soul…your paper words sayed more to me than all of others put together…you will have a books book.

  August 19, 1976. from Vacaville. 4 pages on legal-sized paper. Included is a story in the Enquirer about Paul Watkins a former family member who left before the Tate-LaBianca murders.

  Page 1 is written in a light pencil and cannot be deciphered until it is made into a darker image when copied. In essence, CM is distraught by a magazine (unknown magazine) considerably altering and shorting his story.

  He again refers to people as being lost sheep, meaning he is the proper sheep-herder.

  On page 2: PROCLAIMING HIS ABILITY TO INSPIRE FEAR: “I hold a very high fear level & can speek into minds now cause few people understand anything they look to someone els (else)”—once again, he’s the sheepherder.

  He giveth. PERMISSION. Why he is writing to me: “That’s why I wrote you the letters so you could fix to book brains reality.” On page 3. Fascinating—about his personality: “I know what I am that makes me arrogant—Ive got a mad mean attitude & Im not a good guy at all…how els could I of got my self in this mess.”

  August 20 1976 from Vacaville. 8 pages on 8 x 11 ½ in paper. THIS IS 1 of 6 letters written on this date.

  CM once again comments about the Tate murders in August 1969. As in a previous letter dated July 7 1976, he mentions the murders as a warning to the nation. “A phone number was rang up the universal mind, August of nine in your year 1969. Are your souls so out of touch with the one of your own existence that you would play act with your own destruction & pass the blame on me.” (NOTE: See his letter dated 7 29 76 where he says he write: “Im my own police law judge church government…I broke no law—the law broke the law.” Or the January 27 1976 letter where he states he broke no law.)

  In this letter he again states: “I broke no law to be here.” He sees his “children” (family members) as being on a divine mission to save the earth’s air, water, trees from an ecological disaster. He sees himself & family as trying to fix what’s wrong. His mission is to “wake up the walking dead.”

  August 20 1976 from Vacaville. 8 pages on 8 x 11 ½ in paper. . THIS IS the 2nd or 6 letters written on this date.

  It is addressed to Greg, the reporter on the Vacaville newspaper. It starts on p.2. It is written in someone else’s handwriting but the “voice” and arrangement of words is Manson’s.

  “Your (the reporter Greg) book brains hold no real reality in whats movin
g up on the planet earth…when some newspaper gives me blame it is useless to push that blame onto someone else. There is no blame in perfection as my minds thought moved people, as it is moving people now.”

  HE KILLS: “Yes, I can kill anyone or anything I choose…” On the top of page 2 is this statement: “I didn’t kill anyone and I broke no law, nor the will or anyone.

  (NOTE: On page 1 CM scrawls a note to me: “RR you gona need to rewright to book brain thought. Another entry is made along the left margin of page 1. It too is in CM’s handwriting: “In response to Vacaville reporter in Sacramento Bee July 26 1976.)

  “…my attitude did and do affect her (Lyn Fromme) as my attitude affects others, also others who do know me and will be affected by my attitude..”

  August 20 1976 from Vacaville. THIS IS THE 3rd OF 6 LETTERS. Pages 5 & 6 dictated by CM. On p5 CM makes four comments on the left hand margin. On p6 CM makes a long comment on the left hand margin.

  CM comments his intention was to save the world.

  August 20 1976 from Vacaville. Pages 7,8,9 & 10. This is letter 4 of 6 .

  One and a half pages are dictated by Manson and two and a half are in CM’s handwriting.

  He is down on “people who don’t work for a useful purpose.” If we don’t change our ways (saving the planet) we will all die. The $ mind is breeding sheep.

  MORE ON THE MURDERS: HE SEES HIS MISSION AS SAVING THE PLANET: “If Red (Lyn) like Blue (Sandy Good and the other girls in the family) like the rest of the people that were helping…and after 7 years you still haven’ seen the 9 dead bodies and the writing in blood on the walls and the thought that started coming in the courtrooms…you will become what you have been killing.” “In my short life I can remember the Great Lakes used to have fish (Manson is now writing) & children swam there—when you cover my heads in the family (he mentions several members) & the rest of you only reflecting that your not even there (that is, asleep to the destruction being caused) –your in the money mind. (All this indicates he is the Savior.)

  “…if you dont start a big change you will have no earth air or water or balance…like it or not that balance has been sold to the money mind.”


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