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When The Changewinds Blow

Page 16

by Jack L. Chalker

  "But why Charley?"

  "He-he is the largest supplier of full courtesans in the district. Those in the tavern tonight were all his, I think. They are not like common prostitutes, as I said. They require beauty and intelligence and are a special breed. The only thing I can guess is that Kligos decided Charley was one of the rare ones, and he knew his muscle men were outside, and he did not figure he had to pay me to take her. I once did him a disservice in the employ of one of his competitors, although he has also hired me. I guess he was getting even for that other time."

  "Yeah, that's all well and good, but how do we get her back?" They really had punched Zenchur out-that was clear-and she wasn't yet ready to give in to her suspicions. Not just yet.

  "We do not get her back. She is gone, Sam. Vanished into Kligos's territory in the district."

  "But-we got to get her back!"

  "It would cost much, and we would probably still die. Do you think it would be that easy to go into his territory and just snatch her back? It might take days just to locate her, never mind actually rescuing her, and by that time she will not be worth rescuing."

  Sam froze. "What do you mean by that?"

  "You saw the others. First they will drug her and send her to an alchemist to be made to look that good. Then they will give her a potion that will drainlier personality, so that she would no longer remember who or what she was and where she came from. Others would then make her mind malleable to remolding as she was trained to be the perfect courtesan. You see? Hopeless."

  Sam was appalled. "We have to do something! I don't care about the risks-we can't let that happen to Charley!."

  "Perhaps you cannot. I can."

  "But you need both of us for Boolean! He won't be pleased at this!"

  "He won't care, really. There was not supposed to be anyone but you. It is you they are all interested in, not Charley. She just came along for the ride. Even the two trunks-they were both for you, so we could disguise you as male or female, any way we saw fit or useful. She means nothing to me except someone else to worry about, someone else to drain our finances, which were, by the way, doled out on the basis of my having to protect you alone."

  It was all too clear now, and the realization only added to his cold and callous manner. "She was just an extra burden to you, wasn't she? You could find her. You could use that hypnotic jewel of yours and get right to her-but you won't. You won't because you sold Charley to those men, you son of a bitch!"

  His eyebrows rose and he looked somewhat offended. "You were there. This cut, these bruises. Does it look like a cold business transaction? There were gentler ways."

  "I wanted to believe that. That's why I kept hoping. . . . But let's skip all the pretendin', you bastard." She switched suddenly to Akhbreed. "I heard and understood your whole conversation, you horse fucker!"

  That got him. His mouth dropped and for a second he really didn't seem to know what to do.

  "Yeah," she pressed. "I speak and understand it completely. What was to be next for me? A horse that bolts and kills me, or runs away, or something like that? Maybe something Ladai is arrangin' that you don't even know nothin' about so when you go in front of Boolean you can honestly say you tried, right? Well it won't work now."

  He sighed and put down his towel. "You are quite right. This does change everything." He stood a few feet directly in front of her, and his hand went to his belt pouch. "I had hoped to avoid using this because it came from Boolean, but now it is the only logical approach. First you, then a good cover story, then I will use it on Ladai and myself so that even we will believe it. In a moment you will feel very girlish yourself, you will go over and put on the sexiest outfit in the female trunk, go down, and introduce yourself to someone who will be very lucky getting that reward from Klittichom."

  She hadn't known what was coming the first time he'd pulled out the Jewel of Omak, and so she hadn't paid much attention. Now, though, she saw that it did not shine its nasty light right off, but that the surface, a swirl of white and tan and black like polished onyx, slowly opened, like a camera lens. She weighed rushing him but knew that would be futile; the only hope she had was the oldest, stupidest trick in the book.

  At the instant the full glory of the jewel's interior shone forth, she dropped to the floor. The beam struck the bottom part of the mirror behind her and reflected back, striking Zenchur, because of the angle, in the neck. It was unexpected and apparently painful. He cried out, dropped the jewel on the floor, and his hand went to his neck while his face contorted in pain.

  Sam's head still hurt like hell but somehow it didn't matter anymore. She lunged for the jewel that was only a few feet from her now on the floor, came up with it, and rolled over with the gem in her hand as Zenchur recovered and whirled to come at her. She held it up in front of her without bothering to get up, and the beam shone and struck his face.

  Zenchur froze, the expression of mixed anger and pain also frozen on his face. She whistled some relief. Just like the freeze-frame on the VCR, she thought, amazed. She didn't dare move, though. Not yet.

  "Okay, lover boy," she said in English. "You will relax, go over and sit on the bed, and you will obey me and answer all my questions. Understand?."

  His facial expression softened. "Yes," he mumbled tonelessly, then loosed up, went over, and sat obediently on the side of the bed as told.

  Now she could get up. "How long do the effects of this jewel last?" she asked him.

  "Six to eight hours," he responded dully.

  "All right-you sold Charley to that man, didn't you? The whole kidnapping was a put-up job, wasn't it?"


  "You had her actually auditioning in there for the courtesan role, and then you sold her for a thousand.

  "What you told me about what they'd do to her-was that true?"


  That was bad. "How long have I got before they give her the potions that make her forget everything?"

  "They do the physical first and that takes a full day and night. They save the rest for after because the potions to do that are far rarer and more expensive than the physical ones. After a full day she would invite Kligos over to give her a love potion. Then she would do anything Kligos said. It makes the rest go . very easily."

  "All right-so who would they take her to? If you had to find her in secret, where would you look?"

  "First I would look at Boday's studio," he responded, still in that dull monotone. "The two women in the tavern tonight were Boday's work and Kligos would want the best."

  That name again. "Who is this Boday and where would I find him?"

  "Boday is a woman. She lives and works out of a studio loft in the warehouse district. She is an expert in artistic alchemy."

  Sam frowned. "What the hell is artistic alchemy?"

  "She feels she is an artist. She used to be a sculptor but when she came down here she changed. The courtesans are her creations. She thinks of each as a unique work of art."

  Well, that explained all the body painting. Kind of sick, though, not just that somebody would think of poor, helpless girls as nothing more than raw material like clay or paint. Even worse that it was a woman. She had-how long?

  "How long has it been since I was knocked out?"

  "About three hours," Zenchur replied.

  Okay, that was something. "So they can't mess with her mind until after dark tomorrow, right?"

  "That is the usual way. With Boday it often takes longer. She considers herself an artist and will not be rushed."

  "Where is this Boday's place? Exactly-from the hotel?"

  Zenchur told her. It wasn't all that complicated, since the warehouse was on the lake, but she made very sure she got it right. Twenty, maybe twenty-four hours. Oops! There was a thought.

  "How many hours are in a day, Zenchur?"

  "Twenty-four," he responded.

  Okay, at least some things were still the same. "This place of Boday's-have you ever been there?"

  "Not in
side. I have been past it many times."

  "Is it guarded?"

  "The warehouse is owned by Attum Merchandising. It has many guards there at all hours. Since the only stairs up to Boday's loft are well inside, it is all the protection she needs."

  "Uh-huh. And if you wanted to get inside Boday's place without those guards knowing, what would you do? Use the jewel?"

  "No. It might not get all the guards and might activate some protective spells. I would hire a thief, small and strong, and get up the outside of the building under cover of darkness, then secure a rope for me. There are large windows like skylights up there, most open to the breezes."

  "Huh. It's a wonder thieves don't get up there all the time, then. Or is there something else?"

  "Not that I know of. but I have never been inside. Boday would be well protected in any case from such things. She does work for Kligos and for a dozen others, including some procurers for the royal family, yet she has no taste for money or jewelry or anything of major value. Anyone breaking into Boday's would have the instant and total wrath of both the lords of this district and the nobility on their heads, yet probably such a crime would net little. It would not be worth it."

  Now that made a lot of sense. And most, if not all, of Boday's human raw material would be from the elements where nobody would be looking for them, anyway. It sounded easy-if you had a professional thief.

  She clenched the Jewel of Omak tightly in her hand. "I wish I knew how to do it myself," she said aloud.

  Immediately, clearly, in her mind, an eerie and inhuman voice responded silently, Awaiting input/action command.

  She jumped and almost dropped the jewel. "Who said that?"

  The hypnotized Zenchur took that as a question directed at him. "You said the last thing."

  "No, no! There was a voice-sort of. Like inside my head. Or is this bump doing it?"

  "I do not understand."

  "Neither do I. I . . ." She looked suddenly down at the jewel in her hand. Was it possible. "Was that you, Jewel of Omak?"

  Yes. You stated the activating command. Awaiting input/ action.

  "Holy shit. Zenchur-did this jewel ever talk to you?"

  "Talk? No."

  Well it was sure as hell talking now. And in English, too! She had stated the activating command, it said. What had she said? Just "I wish I knew how to do it myself." Hey! Maybe that was it. This was a land of magic. Maybe you had to wish.

  "Jewel-is that it? Do you do something except hypnotize people?"


  "I wish I knew how to use you properly," she said, hoping it could take a hint.

  Operation. Standard feature. Direct mental manipulation of remote subjects by carrier beam centered on forehead. Undocumented features. Manipulation of mind and body of operator as willed subject to energy limits. Access to data information files per specific request. Various protective measures available to bearer. Language used must be English as protective feature. Command must be phrased as wish. End operation guide.

  God. Sounded like a computer. "So how come you never talked to Zenchur?"

  Zenchur used only standard feature. Never used English until you appeared in speech or thought. Zenchur does not think in English, cannot therefore command access this mode.

  "You're from-Boolean?"

  Yes. 1 am backup system in case Zenchur failed. Any attempt by Zenchur to use jewel against Boolean's predetermined interests would have resulted in his destruction.

  She grinned and looked at Zenchur. "You don't know it, but I just saved your miserable life." She thought a moment. "I guess the wishes aren't like magic lamps, huh? I can't just wish Charley here and lots of money and all that?"

  Impossible. Wishes limited to mind manipulation of others and mind and body manipulation of bearer.

  She knew it wasn't gonna be that easy. "Zenchur said the effect lasts six to eight hours. Any way to make it longer? Like forever?"

  Yes. Aim beam at forehead, express input/action command as wish.

  She could command Zenchur to help her, but Zenchur said the only way he could manage it was to hire a thief and she'd had enough of others in this for now.

  She stood back, held up the jewel, and put the spot on the navigator's forehead. He stiffened.

  "I wish Zenchur would never recognize Charley or me again. Even if we went up to him stark naked and told him he would never recognize us or believe us."


  "I wish that Zenchur would never see me as other than a man, even if he saw me naked or in a slinky dress and everybody else knew what I was. I also wish he would forget he ever knew English, or even what English was, and be unable to ever learn a word of it again."


  She was on a roll now. Power corrupted, particularly when it was on the other side.

  "I wish Zenchur would forget about the Jewel of Omak, or that there ever was such a thing, and that he could never touch it again, even by accident. And I wish that he would forget Boolean and everything he ever did for Boolean. I wish he would forget everything for the past five days forever."


  "Zenchur-stand up."

  The navigator obeyed.

  "First, get and give me all your money, anything of value that could be spent in this crazy world."

  Zenchur gave her the change purse, which was fairly heavy, then went over to the trunk with the female dress inside and pulled out a small secret compartment. He removed a second bag and brought it to her. It seemed a lot heavier than the change purse. She managed-to cram it all into the small leather change purse that was part of her own outfit, although empty.

  "So you were gonna have me put on a bikini and go down and wander around offering myself until somebody took me up on it, huh? You bastard. I ought'a just order you to go down and become one of those storefront muscle men, but I won't. Uh-uh. Too easy. But for what you did to Charley, what I might not be able to undo, you deserve something real mean." She aimed the jewel.

  "I wish that you only loved men," she said to him, her voice firm. "I also wish that you loved to wear women's clothing and jewelry and cosmetics all the time if you can, and that you had the manner and tongue of one of these courtesans-very swishy and real feminine. And I wish you were scared, terrified, of a lot of things. Scared of all women, for example, Akhbreed or not, and the dark, and lonely streets. I wish you felt completely powerless most of the time, and scared. And I wish female centaurs were the scariest thing to you of all."

  Done, said the jewel.

  "Okay, get over there and go to sleep, you bastard," she ordered. "Dream nightmares, and when you wake up you'll be a new man."

  It felt good, really/satisfying, to do in somebody like that. It wasn't until she had done it, though, that she realized she had blown it. He'd already forgotten her and Charley and everything. He could no longer answer the one big question: why she was wanted by so many people.

  "Shit," she muttered, dismissing it as a lost opportunity. The real problem was what to do next.

  "Boy, I wish I could wish that everybody see me as a hundred percent man," she muttered. "That would protect me around here."

  Done, said the jewel.

  She was startled. "You mean I can really do that?"

  You are the bearer. Nothing has changed, but optically and aurally they will see someone male and different. I said I was a protector. Limitations: I can do only physical self; not clothing or inanimate objects. Illusion will also be transparent to higher classes of sorcerers, some non-Akhbreed races.

  "Huh. So I can't slip into something of Charley's without lookin' like a man in a dress. Still, it's good enough. It means I won't hav'ta worry 'bout this as much. I'm still real amazed that anybody bought it. When that guy looked at Charley.and me in the tavern and said that 'bout the two girls I figured I was nailed." She sighed again. "Okay, jewel. I talk to you in English but the one I zap don't hav'ta know it?"

  Correct. I will provide the interfaces needed.

it'll work on the others, too. Not Akhbreed. Like Ladai."

  Yes, but not all. I may also be unable to affect halflings, the accursed, and others of that ilk. Also certain races with intrinsic powers or whose memory and emotive patterns are too different from your own.

  She thought a minute. "You can make most folks see a man when they see me. What else can you do to me?"

  Question oddly phrased. I can maximize use of anything that is actually a part of the animate bearer. I can give pleasure, dampen fear, speed some types of damage repair, direct energy where it will do the most good, and provide some needed survival reactions and data within the limits of the information available to me. Warning: use me sparingly. I must recharge my energy or my abilities diminish.

  She nodded absently. "Yeah, but what I need now is to save Charley and I don't know how. I wish I had the strength, stamina, ability and sheer guts to go after her myself, but . . ."

  Done, said the jewel. Warning: your body will pay a physical price for this later.

  Suddenly there simply was no question in her mind as to what she had to do. Her head stopped its aching, her mind became remarkably clear, although the knot was still there and it was still ugly. She felt strong, confident, wide awake, and cautious, not afraid. She searched Zenchur's bag and the trunks for anything else of use. Not much, and she had no patience to search for secret compartments, not now. Still, in his bag was something solid wrapped in soft crimson cloth, and she took it out and unwrapped it.

  It was a knife-no, bigger than a knife. The handle looked more like a sword handle, but the blade was maybe a foot long, perfectly proportioned. She picked it up, felt it, made a few slash and jab moves. It was as if she'd always had the thing and practiced every day.

  She took the time to change. There was a soft pullover top of near jet black in there, a pair of black male tights, and a loose but sturdy black leather-belt. She tried on the outfit and it fit pretty well, although the top was lifted up a little by her breasts. The body was all girl, though; she searched and found a loose leather jerkin that went over it and concealed a bit. She knew she didn't really need it with the power of the jewel working for her, but you never knew if you were coming back. Her soft leather boots would continue to be fine. The short sword's scabbard fit on the belt, so that was added. She was reasonably satisfied-it was men's clothing, although she didn't look very mannish in it. That jewel's spell had better work. She kind of liked the look, though.


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