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December (The Oliver Brothers Book 1)

Page 13

by Watson, Q. M.

  Josh and Gray laugh and converse noisily behind me. They’re lively tonight. I down my whisky while I lean against the sleek steel railing, searching the rowdy crowd for someone special. I spot a very pretty blonde but pass immediately. Josh doesn’t do blondes. When I say “do,” I mean fuck. He says it’s because his mother was blonde and when he’s near a blonde woman who isn’t his sister, he either wants to choke her or run from her.

  I’m glad he runs from them.


  A smile spreads across my face when Mia calls my name. I know her sweet and calming voice from anywhere. I face her, and I’m stunned by her beauty. Her long hair cascades down her elegant shoulders in heaps of loose waves. Her exotic eyes are dark and twinkling in the dimness of the club. Her mom is Asian and her dad is black. That makes for one incredibly sexy ass woman.

  “Mia,” I greet, embracing her.

  She matches my enthusiasm. “You look pretty.”

  I roll my eyes and laugh. I’m wearing an old school white denim jumpsuit with a ratty Bob Marley fringed T-shirt underneath that displays half my stomach, and I have Air Jordans on. They matched the green, yellow, and red in my shirt. I couldn’t help myself. Plus I hate heels.

  “You are pretty. And you’re wearing a skirt in frosty December,” I say to her. She looks like an Egyptian fantasy. Mia has on a flowy white gypsy skirt and a fitted white lace crop top. Gold armbands are painted on her gorgeous skin. Gold and metallic paint is dusted on the sliver of skin on her leg that the long split in her skirt reveals. This must kill the guys. I’m even intrigued to find out where exactly the paint ends.

  Josh eyes Mia with interest as we head to the booth. He sits up straighter and smiles at her and then at me. I wiggle my brows at him. He totally has a thing for Mia. Josh has had a crush on her for the longest time. His feelings for me are just in the way. He can’t think clearly. But he will soon.

  “Isn’t Mia a vision, Josh?” I encourage, purposely sitting Mia between Josh and me.

  “Yeah,” he replies huskily.

  She laughs softly, nudging his shoulder with hers. “Thank you.”

  He clears his throat, scrubbing his hand over his mouth.

  I smirk, fighting a grin. That’s right, Josh. Wipe the drool off.

  “Check out her really cool armbands.” Josh begins to trace one of the gold armbands with the tip of his pinky, following the intricate designs.

  He stares at what his pinky is doing before looking up at her. “Are they painted on?”

  “They’re flash tattoos,” she answers breathily, and shudders. I can only imagine how good his pinky feels. “Temporary jewelry tattoos.”

  His finger trails up to a gold feather that curves up the side of her neck, disappearing into the hair at her nape. “Yes. Very pretty.”

  I smile inwardly. I am the best wingman ever.

  “Oh, fuck,” Gray says, crouching down under the table. “She’s coming.”

  “Who is coming?” we all ask in unison, staring down at a pale-faced Gray.

  “Tina, the chick I’ve been screwing for the past week.”

  “Why are you hiding from her?” I ask, amused.

  “Because I haven’t called her in the last three days,” Gray mutters. “She saw me with January last night. We were at Taco Bell.”

  “Why is that such a big deal, you psycho?”

  “That’s where I took Tina,” he grumbles. “I told her that’s where I take the women I really like. The truth is, I just really like Taco Bell. Oh, and January. Taco Bell and January together blew my mind. I can’t go back to Tina after having my mind blown. It isn’t the same anymore.”

  “Gray, you so owe me for this,” I say, giving him a small kick under the table.

  He winces and grabs my foot to keep it from kicking him again. “Okay, okay. Put it on my tab.”

  Tina comes up to our table and smiles. “Is Gray here tonight?”

  I put on my best fuck-off face, annoyed. “And who’s asking?”

  Her brows furrow, and she cocks her head to the side, her gaze on mine. “Tina’s asking. I’ve been with Gray all week. I haven’t seen him lately. I want to know why.”

  “It’s because I told him not to,” I say easily. “He’s my man. He belongs to me. He is mine. Gray is a natural wanderer. So I let him try out samples until he has had his fill. That’s all you are—a sample. He doesn’t want anymore of you, Tina.” I give her a dismissive wave. “You can leave now.”

  She laughs humorlessly, taking off her big silver hooped earrings one at a time. Everyone knows an angry woman removing large earrings is the universal sign for beating some ass.

  Mia’s eyes are wide and horrified.

  Josh can’t stop laughing.

  I’m going to kick Gray again once this is over. Why is it me who has to fight his clingy chicks? I like to fight, but only my battles. I swear I would have more female friends if it weren’t for Gray.

  “I’m going to fuck you up,” Tina says, tying her long red hair into a bun.

  Sighing, I put my hair up into a ponytail with an elastic band from my wrist. I don’t want her to pull at it, either. Why do chicks always initially go for the hair during a catfight? “I’m glad I wore sneakers.”

  “Ladies,” Gray says, crawling from under the table like he’s walking through a door. Gray doesn’t have any shame. He stands between us, shielding me from Tina with his body. “There’s no need to fight.”

  Tina shoves at his chest, and he takes a step back, making sure she doesn’t touch me. “Where the hell have you been for the past three days?”

  “It’s over, Tina.”

  “Because of that bitch?” she sneers.

  “I’m his bitch, not that bitch,” I correct.

  Tina lurches toward me, her eyes crazed and her claws out. I step forward, but Gray pushes me back. Josh tugs at my arm until I follow him down the steps and out the exit. We’re in the back alley of the club.

  “That was scary,” Mia says, zipping up her coat.

  Josh nods. “Girl fights usually are.”

  “It wasn’t my first rodeo, lady and gent,” I say, smoothing my bangs over my forehead. “I can handle myself just fine, but I am relieved I didn’t have to get into a physical altercation tonight.”

  “So am I,” Mia agrees. “You guys want to get coffee?”

  “Yeah,” Josh says, smiling at her. He offers his arm to her. She takes his proffered arm, her smile just as big as his.

  The wheels instantly turn in my head. “That sounds great. You guys go on. I’m going to catch a cab.”

  Mia pouts. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive,” I reply. “You’ll have a great time with Josh.”

  He scowls at me, and I wink at him. He doesn’t fight me on this, which leaves me vaguely surprised. Josh turns his back to me and begins to lead her out of the alley. “Do you like hot chocolate? I know this great place a block over. They have the best hot cocoa in town.”

  Sighing heavily, I stroll around in the snow and take my time as I walk to the front entrance of the club. There are waiting cabs that line the street. I get into one and go to the only place I’ve wanted to be.

  I tip the cab driver well and then exit the warm vehicle. My pulse is beating through my chest when I unlock and open the door to Danny's house. I feel like a nervous teen coming home way past curfew, as if my father is patiently waiting in the armchair to give me a good scolding when I walk through the door.

  Glancing around the simple leather and wooden furnishings, I breathe a sigh of relief. The living room is bathed in soft golden light emitting from the ceramic lamp by the couch. Danny is nowhere to be seen and definitely not sitting in the armchair as I imagined, but I know he's here. His Yukon is parked out front. Chloe comes charging down the hallway to me. She pounces on me, and I fall to my knees, holding her in my arms.

  “I miss you, Chloe. So much,” I say in my baby-talking tone as I kiss her and rub her.

  She lic
ks my face and whines, telling me how much she misses me. She lies flat on her back with her paws in the air, urging me to scratch her belly. I oblige and laugh at the way her tongue hangs out the side of her mouth.

  “I miss you more, Chloe. Mommy loves you. And I’m sorry I’ve been away.” I scratch her stomach the way she loves and watch her foot vigorously kick. Her eyes shut. She’s enjoying her doggy massage. “I’ve been a bad mommy.”

  “Yes, you have been a bad mommy.”

  My hands pause on her belly. I look up at Danny, my heart fluttering at the sight of him in nothing but silk black pajama bottoms. His hair is combed back away from his face. His smooth brown skin is glistening with shimmering dew drops that cling to his strong shoulders and trickle down his abs in small rivulets. My mouth waters. He looks like he just got out of the shower. He leans against the wall, his watchful gaze on mine.

  “Danny . . .” I clear my throat because I detest the sound of my husky voice right now.

  “You’ve come home. Does this mean you want to be with me tonight?”

  I nod, not trusting my own voice.

  He slightly narrows his eyes, and something I don’t recognize is working behind his retinas. “Come. We need to talk.”

  I push to my feet. Chloe and I follow him into his bedroom. He allows me in and then shuts the door in Chloe’s face. I’m about to say something, but I close my mouth when he looks at me. His deep brown irises penetrate through me, aware of many things I will never confess. Instead of digging a bigger hole for myself, I sit calmly on the edge of the mattress.

  He stands in front of me and crosses his thickly-muscled arms over his bare chest. “You know I’m not happy with you, right?”


  “Do you know why?”


  “Would you like to guess?”

  “I’d rather skip the guessing and you tell me.”

  He snorts, unamused, and scratches his brow. “That would be nice, wouldn’t it? Skip all the nonsense and get right into what matters.”

  “That’s all I’m trying to do here.” I shrug casually.

  He seems unconvinced. “Is it?”

  “Yes,” I mumble. “Now tell me why you’re angry with me.”

  “I shouldn’t even have to tell you, December. The fact that I do lets me know where we stand.”

  My eyes narrow, a frown marring my mouth. “Where do you think I think we stand?”

  He glares at my ironic tone. “You think we’re not a very high priority.”

  “Am I a high priority for you?” I ask, feeling suddenly defensive.

  Something in his eyes flares. His expression is darkly solemn. “You’re my number one priority, December. You have been since day one. Jesus, you know that. I’m upset with you because you gave me an ultimatum. You wanted me to brutally and forcefully take your virginity or nothing at all.” He stares at me, the accusation transparent in the depths of his burning eyes. “I would have never done that to you, nor will I ever. You want me to be a man that will continually take and take from you. You expect me to be ruthless and cruel. You want me to be harsh and severe.” He shakes his head, repulsed with the very idea. “I am not that man.”

  “No,” I agree. “You’re not that man, but you were that man.”

  The fire in his gaze intensifies into a blazing inferno before it burns out into something cold and distant. “I’m not forcing you to be here, yet you’re here. Why? If I cause you unbearable grief, then why are you here with me?”

  “Because I love you, Danny,” I scream at him. My voice lowers to a whisper as I stare briefly down at my hands in my lap. “I missed you.”

  His eyes remain on mine, aware of everything as he regards me coolly. “How long are you here before you’re not?” He says it without a hint of menace or irony, but the words sting. Danny’s words are hurtful.

  I shrug it off like it doesn’t matter, like nothing matters. “I don’t know. We have the ceremony next weekend, and then we’re all going to be in each other’s faces for a while.”

  He remains impassive, not giving anything away. “You’re only here for tonight until I see you next weekend?”


  “I see,” he responds flatly. “What did you expect when you came here?”

  “I wanted to see your face. Like I said, I missed you. That’s all.”

  “Do you expect to fuck?”

  His bluntness causes me to choke and cough. “I’m not putting it off or turning it down.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” He studies me closely. He comes over to sit beside me on the bed. “There are things you need to know before we get into bed again. Every time we are intimate, you will give yourself to me. I will no longer be the man that takes from you. If you want me, you will have to prove it by being mine.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying we’re not having sex again until you commit yourself to me. Sex is not a casual act for me. I’m not sharing my body with someone who is not committed and faithful.”

  “Is this because of Josh?” I question, perplexed, my mouth hanging open. “Because he went down on me?”

  His mouth gets tight. “The only woman I’ve ever had sex with, other than you, is Piper. The people I’ve been intimate with are people I plan to have a bond with for the rest of my life. I don’t want casual. I don’t want easy. I want you, December. I want all that you are and all that you will be.”

  Something in my chest tightens and then cracks and shatters. “Even after what I’ve done with Josh?”

  He gives me a small smile, taking my cold hands into his. “You’re no angel, December. Neither am I. You are just starting out on your journey. You’re coming into your sexuality, and you’re curious. I’m not angry at your curiosity. Your desire is a healthy thing. The fact that you waited for me is an honor I will appreciate forever. You probably think I don’t like who you are since I’ve been back, but I love you even more than who I thought you were before.”

  “You do?” I whisper, shaking his hands free from mine so I can touch his face.

  “Nothing will keep me from loving you,” he vows, holding my wrists as I stroke his cheeks. “I’m not going to stop in my endeavors of making you mine.”

  “Don’t hold your breath. It might take forever.”

  He gives me a devilish smile that I feel in the pit of my stomach. “Something tells me I have you right where I want you. You’re in my clutches, and I’m not letting you go.”

  My gaze lowers to his, and I shiver. Danny’s eyes are both radiant and dark, promising sinister and beautiful things. I move closer until I’m in his lap. My thighs are on either side of his legs. His hands squeeze my wrists in some kind of warning. I don’t take heed. When he lets my wrists go, my hands slide into his silky hair. He groans when I tug it hard. Leaning closer, I hold him by fisting my hands into his hair, and then I press my lips to his. He keeps his mouth clamped tightly, forcing himself to grip the sheets underneath us.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Kissing you,” I reply, licking the seam of his closed lips.

  He shudders and gives himself to me and my coaxing kisses. “We’re not fucking.”

  “But we could be.” Danny grunts when I wrench his head back and deepen the kiss. Shoving my tongue into his mouth, I release my inner huntress and devour his lips as if the taste will quench my ever-present thirst. He hardens under me. Shifting my hips, I grind down on hot steel. He swells in his silk pajama bottoms, and I can’t help but want them off. I drop my hands from his soft hair and tug at the waistband of his pants. He swiftly grips my hands, pinning them down on either side of me while his wicked tongue slides up my neck. A gasp escapes me when he bites down on my pulse point.

  Scorching hot desire courses through me. My temperature rises. My blood boils. I break out into a severe sweat. I’m burning hot. I’ve reached my peak. The only thing that will cool me off is Danny inside of me now.

“I want you.” I moan as he nips my earlobe.

  He buries his face inside the side of my neck, kissing the skin there. “Mmm.” His supple lips skim delicately over my collarbone and down the front of my chest. This is the first time I’ve noticed that he unclipped my suspenders at some point. His hot mouth travels down to one of my breasts. He bites my nipple through the fabric of my shirt. Every muscle in my body clenches, and I lose what little breath I do have. Sparks of pain surge through my body and transforms into a new brand of ecstasy.

  “Please,” I beg, tossing my head back and surrendering to his tantalizing mouth as he bites the other nipple.

  “I like the way you beg,” he murmurs into my ear. “Beg more and I might consider it.”

  “Danny, please,” I plead with no shame, dry humping him.

  He laughs, throaty and deep. It washes over me like warm honey, sending my hormones into overdrive. “You’re horny when you drink.”

  “How do you know I’ve been drinking?”

  He licks across my bottom lip, squeezing my hips to hold me immobile so I can’t dry hump him anymore. “I can taste the whisky on your lips and tongue.” He kisses me, but when I try to reciprocate, he pulls back out of reach. Overwhelmed with frustration, I growl, and that earns me another rich laugh. I make a desperate noise in the back of my throat, feeling defeated. “We have to stop. There’s nothing sexual between us until there’s something more between us. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes,” I mutter obediently.

  “You can sleep here.”

  “Am I allowed in the bed, or do I have to sleep on the couch? Or do I have to take the floor, my king? I know my mere presence is unworthy to be looked upon by your vision. I don’t want to taint and corrupt your surroundings, much less your physical temple.”

  “You may sleep in the bed with me.” He grins at my sarcasm.

  “You have honored me, my king,” I reply, smiling. “Your generosity humbles me.”

  Danny releases my wrists and pats me on the bottom. “You’re wasting time, my loyal servant. Up and in the bed you go.”

  We carefully break apart. The absence of his hands on me is a significant loss. He pushes the sheets back for us and watches with unabashed interest as I begin to undress. Stripping off every piece of article of clothing, I wink at him as I stand in the nude. I am bold. Or maybe the whisky has gone to my head.


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