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Into the night: The rogue series book one

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by Toni Goode

  Demetri on the other hand was thinner and very tall. He had a shaved head and a lot of tattoos. He always looked very intense and today was no different.

  “Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to my beautiful daughter Emma.” Her father said with a big smile.

  “My, my.” Lawrence grinned and it literally made Emma cringe. He reminded her of an old perverted man. He looked her up and down slowly as he walked over to her. “The last time I saw you was at a Christmas party nearly ten years ago. Might I add that you have grown into a beautiful woman.” He smiled as she went to shake his hand, but he kissed it instead as he looked at her. “Now how does a woman as beautiful as yourself end up being without a mate?” He shook his head.

  “I like to focus my time on college, Sir.” She said quickly. He still held onto her hand and it was uncomfortable.

  “Beautiful and intelligent.” He smiled. “You have made a beautiful daughter. She looks just like Olivia; may she rest in peace.” He said as he looked at Charles and finally let go of her hand.

  “She is a wonderful daughter and very loyal to the pact. She will actually be on the towns council soon.” Charles smiled proudly.

  “I was unaware that women were allowed to be on the independent counsels?” Demetri finally spoke up as he looked at Emma and she fought the urge to hit him.

  “Well it is the twenty first century. We can vote too.” Emma said a bit sarcastically as her father’s eyes got wide.

  “I think what my daughter is trying to say is that times have changed, and the opinion of a woman is helpful to the town.” Charles said quickly but it was apparent that he was getting nervous and annoyed as he looked at Emma. She fought the urge to roll her eyes. She didn’t like Demetri at all. She knew his kind. He was still stuck in the eighteenth century and he felt that women should only speak when spoken to.

  “Well that should be interesting.” Demetri said as he shook his head.

  A knock on the office door broke up the awkwardness in the study. Charles opened the door. One of the house helpers named Clara stood at the door. She looked at them all as she forced a smile. “Breakfast is ready Sir.” She finally said quickly.

  “I hope you brought an appetite.” Charles said as he looked at the two men.

  “Sounds divine. I’m starving.” Lawrence said as he licked his lips and stared at Emma. It made her skin crawl the way he looked at her. He was creepy and weird. She was glad for the distraction from Clara. They all went to the dining room to eat.

  Chapter Two

  Breakfast was awkward and uncomfortable. Emma stared at her food on the plate as she moved it around with her fork.

  “Emma, Lawrence wanted to get a tour of the town.” Her father said as he broke the silence and she looked at him.

  “Ok?” She said with shrugging her shoulders.

  “It’s been awhile since I have been back to this town.” Lawrence smiled at her as he took another bite of food.

  “I told Lawrence that you could show him around.” Her father said quickly.

  “What?” She said in shock as she looked at her father. “Dad?” She kept looking at her father.

  “Don’t be rude Emma.” Her father snapped at her as he forced a smile. “Can you excuse us for a moment?” He said to Lawrence and Demetri as he got up and so did Emma. She followed him into the kitchen.

  “Dad what are you doing?” She said as he got in front of her fast and she gasped at the look in his eyes.

  “You will not ruin this. Do you hear me?!” He said sternly as he looked at her. “You will go back in there and you will show him around town.” He gritted his teeth. “You will do it with a smile!” He said as he left the room and she stood there forcing the tears back.

  “When was the last time you were in a limo?” The sound of Lawrence coming into the kitchen made her wipe her eyes quick as he continued. “I know your father likes to drive himself around, but I always find it more enjoyable to sit back and check out the scenery.” He said as she turned and faced him now. “Come on, it will be fun.” He grinned and she forced a smile.

  “Sure.” She said as she nodded her head and then they left.

  To say that Emma was uncomfortable would be an understatement. Lawrence kept smiling at her and currently his hand was on her thigh as she stared out the window.

  “You have the most beautiful hair Emma.” He finally said and she kept staring out the window as she watched buildings pass by. “You should wear it down more often.” He said as one of his hands went to her pony tail and she jumped a little now. Before he could say anything, the limo stopped, and she quickly opened the door.

  “Look we’re here.” She said as she swallowed hard and got out of the limo. He inhaled deep and then he got out too. Emma looked up and down the main street. “We should get coffee.” She said quickly.

  “Actually, I could go for something a bit stronger.” He smiled as he glanced at the bar across the street and she wanted to kick her own ass for not noticing it first. “Great idea Emma.” He smiled as he began to walk across the street and then he stopped as he turned and looked at her. “Are you coming?” He smiled and she finally nodded her head as she walked across the street with him.

  Mack’s was the neighborhood bar that was owned by Mack Jenkin’s. He had run the place for as long as Emma knew. His wife had passed away years ago and he now lived in the loft above the bar. It was his pride and joy now. Truly all he had left in this world since he never had any children of his own. It was a sad story really. Mack and his wife Pamela had tried to have children over the years but each time it ended in a miscarriage. After five miscarriages they had stopped trying and instead they had played the role of Santa and Mrs. Claus to the children during the holidays. It was their way of still being able to enjoy children’s laughter even when they couldn’t have their own.

  Mack still continued the tradition of Santa even after Pamela died but it was apparent that he had lost part of his heart.

  “Now there is my favorite girl.” Mack said with a huge smile as she walked up to the bar and then he looked at Lawrence and visibly swallowed hard. “Mr. Taylor. I had no idea you were in town. Drinks on the house.” Mack said nervously and it wasn’t lost on Emma. Mack actually looked scared of this man. She never saw Mack scared.

  “Mack. Nice to see you have decided to keep the old place up and running.” Lawrence said with a tight smile. “You could probably spruce the place up a bit. Maybe a coat of paint.” He added.

  “Sure thing.” Mack said quickly.

  “How about your best bottle of wine for me and the lady.” He grinned as he looked at Emma and she forced a smile back at him.

  “I don’t really carry wine here, Sir.” Mack said as he swallowed hard.

  “Then how about something that doesn’t taste like gasoline.” Lawrence said sarcastically as he leaned over the bar.

  “I need to use the ladies’ room.” Emma said as she excused herself and Mack began to fumble as he looked for something expensive for Lawrence to drink.

  Emma got to the bathroom and quickly went inside. She didn’t want to be with this creep. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She just needed to get him piss drunk and then she would leave. The sound of her phone buzzing made her jump slightly as she pulled it out of her pocket. It was Lexi texting her.

  I hope you didn’t get in much trouble. Sorry Em. Lexi texted as Emma sighed and texted her back.

  I’m ok. Let’s meet up this weekend ok? Emma texted her back.

  As long as I won’t get you in any trouble. Lexi texted back.

  I won’t. It will be fine. Emma texted back and then shoved the phone back in her pocket.

  She quickly left the bathroom and as she rounded the corner, she banged right into someone. She nearly fell on her ass, but a hand came up and grabbed her. As she looked up, she saw big blue eyes and she gasped.

  “I thought that was you, Red.” John said as he grinned, and she felt her heart flutter some.

  “Small world I suppose.” She swallowed hard. He looked even better in the daylight.

  “Yeah I see that. Trying for a round two?” He raised an eyebrow and smirked. Images of them kissing passed by her mind and she began to flush.

  “I was beginning to think that you got lost Emma.” Lawrence said smiled as he walked over to her. John looked at her and then Lawrence. “Well aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” He said with a tight smile.

  “John this is Lawrence Taylor.” She said quickly as John’s eyes got wide.

  Lawrence put his hand out to John who shook it quick. “Any friend of Emma’s is a friend of mine.” He added with a grin.

  “Like wise.” John said quickly as he stepped back. “See you later.” He said to Emma and then he was leaving. He had looked just as scared as Mack. It gave her a bad feeling.

  “Come on Emma. I got us some decent drinks.” Lawrence said as he put his hand on her shoulder and she fought the urge to cringe as she followed him. He led her to a small table at the back of the bar. First, she sat then he did. She glanced down at her drink. “Whiskey on the rocks. It’s the best they have here.” He said with a shake of his head as he took a sip and she did too. “I hear you are almost done with college. What do you plan on doing with your career?” He asked as he continued to sip his drink.

  “Hopefully get a job at the police station as a forensic tech.” She said as she sipped her drink.

  “Forensic tech? That’s kind of a hefty weight to carry, don’t you think?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “No, not really. I want to help people.” She said honestly.

  “Then become a nurse. Forensic tech isn’t a job that matches your personality. I know people over at Mayo Clinic. I could put a good word in for you.” He smiled.

  Emma nodded her head in agreement with him. It is always easy to catch flies with honey instead of vinegar. “So, tell me about yourself Emma?”

  “Um, there is not much to tell.” She said quickly. “I go to school and study. That’s about it.” She added.

  “How do you feel about children?” He grinned.

  “Children? Um. Probably not in the cards for me.” She said honestly.

  “You will have to carry on your family legacy.” He said sternly.

  “Not any time soon.” She added as she finished her drink and then stood up. “I’m going to get another drink.” She said as she began walking to the bar as he watched her. His phone began to ring as he pulled it from his pocket and answered it. Emma turned her head and looked at him. He turned his back to her as he spoke. She looked to the bar then the door and something in her made her do it. She made a bee line for the door and quickly got outside.

  She looked left then right as she began to run. She headed for the alleyway but as she got down there, she saw a man sitting on a motorcycle. He had a helmet on, and she skidded to a stop. He revved the engine and she went to run again but he called out.

  “Red, wait!” John called out as she stopped and looked at him. He took off his helmet.

  “I. I need to get out of here.” She said quickly as she looked at him.

  “You do know who that man is, right? Why are you with him?” He asked with confusion and a bit of fear in his voice.

  “Long story. Can you get me out of here, please?” She nearly begged him.

  “Ok hurry up and get on.” He said as she ran over to him and quickly got on the back of his motorcycle. He handed her the helmet. “Use this.” He said as she put it on her head. “And hold on.” He said as he revved the bike once more and then he took off like a bat out of hell as she grabbed onto his waist.

  Lawrence got outside just in time to see her fleeing on a motorcycle with the guy from earlier. He was beyond pissed. No one fucks with him. Not ever! He quickly dialed his phone.

  Emma couldn’t believe that she had actually taken off from Lawrence. This was by far the riskiest move she had ever made. She had no plan though. She didn’t know what to do from here. Her father would kill her for sure.

  John drove them through the roads of the town and then onto the dirt roads that led into the wooded area. He kept going until they hit the border of the town. Tree’s surrounded them. Huge trees and dense bush were everywhere. He stopped the bike as she took off the helmet and she got off too.

  “So, you want to tell me exactly what is going on?” He asked as she finally looked at him and put the helmet down.

  “I shouldn’t have gotten you involved.” She said seriously.

  “I’m not even sure what you’re involved with? It sort of looked like you were on a date with the Nightfall Alpha.” He said quickly.

  “It wasn’t a date. My father made me show him around.” She shook her head.

  “You are an adult though, right? Can’t you make your own decisions and choices? Not to be rude but cut the cord already.” He said seriously.

  “That’s real nice.” She said sarcastically as she wrapped her arms around herself. “You don’t understand what it is like to live with my father.” She finally said.

  “We all have parent issues.” He began as she rolled her eyes.

  “Listen I know you just think I am some spoiled brat.” She began as he looked at her. “It’s not fun trying to be perfect.” She turned from him, so her back was facing him.

  “I never said I thought you were a spoiled brat.” He said as she shook her head.

  “You don’t have to. I know that is what you think. I just want to live a life that is mine.” She felt her eyes welling up some as she stood there. She didn’t want to cry in front of him. “I should probably go.” She added as she wiped her eyes.

  “Red, wait ok.” He said as she began to walk, and she stopped.

  “I hate my life so much and the only person in the world that I could talk to is dead.” She said as tears began to fall. She felt his hand come onto her shoulder and the tears began to come down faster. “I just want to go away. Far away.” She cried as he pulled her into his arms and held her tight as she cried. Embarrassment washed over her, and she pulled back from him, but his hands were still on her. “I’m sorry. It’s like every time you see me, I am crying.” She shook her head as she wiped her eyes.

  “Maybe this is ‘our’ thing?” He laughed some.

  “You’re an idiot.” She shook her head as she laughed some with tears. He let go of her arms now as she backed up.

  “So, what is your plan?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

  “My plan? I have no idea.” She said with a sigh.

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” He laughed. “Listen the Alpha wants you.” He added.

  “Eww, he is hundreds of years old.” She cringed as she stood there.

  “Yeah well word is he is looking for a mate again and maybe he found one.” He raised an eyebrow.

  “No way. I would never.” She shook her head.

  “Well then you better come up with a plan.” He grinned.

  “Ok smarty pants. What would you do?” She wiped her eyes as she looked at him.

  “Smarty pants? Nice.” He smirked. “I would kick that old man’s ass if he was hitting on me.” He grinned.

  “You know what I mean. I’m being serious. What would you do?” She asked again.

  John sighed as he ran a hand through his long hair. “Well you have no idea what his intentions are but by the way he was looking at you. Well let’s just say that I don’t think his intentions are pure.” He smirked some.

  “No shit sherlock.” She said sarcastically. “I gotta get out of here. Whatever he is planning, I don’t want any part of it.” She said seriously.

  “Well then you should start by gathering your essentials and some money of course.” He grinned. “We could go rogue.” He added.

  “We?” She looked at him with wide eyes. She thought she heard him wrong. “Rogue?”

  “I’ve been thinking about an adventure. So, let’s do it. Let’s get the hell out of dodge.” He smiled.

  “You sound crazy.” She laughed nervously.

  “I’m serious. This pack blows.” He said seriously as he walked closer to her. “Let’s do this. For real. We could head to New York. There are a lot of rogues there. We can do whatever we want and no one to answer to.” He said as he got in front of her.

  “You are really serious.” She said a bit in shock.

  “Well unless you want a creepy old dude putting his hands on you?” He smirked.

  Emma rolled her eyes. “That would never happen.”

  “Well. Then what do you say?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Let’s go rogue.” She said with a smile.

  “That’s what I am talking about!” He grinned and before she could say anything his lips were crashing into hers in a passionate kiss. His kiss was hypnotizing, and she ran her hands through his long hair. After a few minutes they both pulled back as they looked at one another. “Get your things and meet me here at eight tonight. If you don’t show up, I’ll understand.” He said with a smile.

  “I will be there.” Emma said with a smile.

  Emma got to her house in a hurry. She even used the back door to be discrete. Adrenaline was pumping through her body. She was actually doing this! She got inside unnoticed and she quickly got up the stairs to her bedroom. She ran to her closet and grabbed a bag as she began stuffing clothes in it.

  “Where the hell have you been!” Her father yelled as she jumped and turned to face him. He was pissed.

  “I’m leaving.” She said quickly as his eyes got wide.

  “Like hell you are!” He snapped at her.

  “I’m an adult now dad! I can do what I want ok and I want to leave this town!” She snapped but within seconds her father was in front of her and growling deep as she gasped. Her father never shifted in front of her because of anger but right now it looked like he was about to. It scared the shit out of her.


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