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Into the night: The rogue series book one

Page 10

by Toni Goode

  “I wanted to take a run if that is ok?” She asked as he turned and looked at her. “I haven’t run since the other day and I am getting a bit antsy.” She said honestly. Her wolf had been used to running daily and now with two days nearly passing without her running it was becoming uncomfortable.

  “Yeah. I need a run too.” He said as he walked to the back door and stepped out.

  “Oh, I wasn’t asking if you would run with me.” She began to say as she got to the door, but he was already in his wolf form. His large black wolf looked at her. “Ok then.” She said as she went to remove her clothes, but he was just staring at her. He must have seen her awkwardness because he turned from her as she stripped out of her clothes. Her wolf landed on the ground with four red paws as he looked back at her again and then they were running.

  His property was enormous as he led her through the wooded trails behind his house. The moon was still out, and she finally felt free as she ran. She had missed this so much. Her wolf on the other hand was completely mesmerized by his wolf. Part of her human self was aware of the feelings racing through her wolf though she tried to ignore it. The thing about wolves was that they wanted what they wanted and that was that. There wasn’t much use in trying to fight it because when they were in control. Well let’s just say that they were way stronger than any human form.

  They raced side by side on the trail and then Emma took off faster as she passed him. His wolf howled as it took off after her. She turned and looked back at him but by the time she spun around she saw a deep cliff and she skidded to a stop though it wasn’t enough as her hind legs began to slide off the cliff. Below were rocks and water.

  She literally was hanging on by her front paws as she let out a strangled cry. Her big blue eyes looking at his and then he was leaning forward as he bit behind her neck and yanked her up. She let out a cry as he dragged her heavy body over the cliff.

  She panted and breathed heavy as all four paws were on the ground. He moved next to her and licked against her torn neck. The action was so intimate that her wolf nearly lost it. He stepped back and looked at her. Her wolf was screaming inside as she looked at him. Moments later his wolf was growling at her as he turned and began to walk away. Her wolf followed his and soon they were running once more. They made their way back to his house but instead of going back inside he ran to the pool and jumped into it with a huge splash. Emma’s wolf did the same thing and then they were both coming up for air in their human form.

  “Are you ok?” He asked as he moved closer to her and she swallowed hard.

  “Yeah, that was a close call.” She said quickly.

  “One hell of a stupid move if you ask me. You never take your eyes off the trail. You were seconds from going over.” He said with annoyance as he closed in the distance to her.

  “Sorry. I wasn’t thinking that there would be a cliff in the middle of the woods.” She said a bit angrily as she went to move from him, but he was too fast as he grabbed her arm and yanked her close. He inspected her neck that was slightly torn, and she winced some.

  “Ow. Don’t touch it! I’m fine.” She said as he let go of her arm now.

  “You can’t just be reckless out there. You always have to see what is coming.” He snapped and she sighed.

  “Sorry ok. I was excited to run.” She said quickly.

  “Don’t do it again because I might not be there next time to save your ass.” He said as he swam away from her.

  He wasn’t exactly mad at her. He was madder at himself for what he had been feeling. His wolf was still anxious inside of him. He had nearly mated her out there and he could tell by the way her wolf was reacting that she would have let him. His wolf hadn’t reacted that way to anyone since, well since Alana. It disturbed him. He hadn’t been expecting it and it was a lot easier to be pissed at her than to admit it to himself. He got out of the pool quick as she stayed there. He was back to being angry again. She had a feeling that she would never know what that man was thinking. Her wolf on the other hand was stirring inside of her. It was a feeling she had never felt before. It was a pulling at her heart. It was odd and terrifying at the same time.

  By the time she got dressed and made her way inside it was quiet once more. Now it was nearly six am and the sun would be rising soon. She headed up to her room for a shower.

  Nicholas stood in his bedroom with a picture of Alana in his hand. It was the only picture he kept in there. The others he had locked away in the room across the hall. He couldn’t bring himself to ever get rid of her things. So, he left them in the other room. It was easier that way.

  He ran his finger down the picture as he looked at her. He then quickly put it away as he jumped in the shower. He needed a cold one, a very cold one.

  Emma went back downstairs after she took a shower. The house was still quiet as she made her way into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. A fresh pot was already brewing as she waited for it to finish. Seconds later he joined her in the kitchen as his eyes darted to the nearly healed mark on her neck. She quickly turned and looked at him.

  “I was kind of hoping we could go over a few things today. One thing being how we can get my friend Lexi.” She began as he ran his hand through his hair.

  “Right now, we have other matters to take care of first.” He said seriously.

  “But Lexi needs help. I know it.” She began as he looked at her hard.

  “You should worry more about yourself at the moment. Not only do I have to go to the council and explain to them what happened. I also have to be prepared for when Lawrence decides to make a move.” He said sternly.

  “The council. If you go to the council, they will make me go back to him.” She said with worry.

  “Listen the council may be full of all the elders from the various groups, but they are still understanding.” He said seriously.

  “But what if they are not?” She said with a shake of her head. “You don’t have to go to them.” She began as he looked at her hard.

  “Why? Because you say so?” He laughed sarcastically as she huffed. “I am not about to put this pack in any more trouble than it is already in. I am going to the council. I have a duty to uphold for my pack.” He said angrily.

  “Then I want to go with you.” She said quickly and he laughed again. “Stop laughing, I’m serious!”

  “You are not going with me to the council. Absolutely not.” He said with a shake of his head.

  “You know this is my life on the line!” She snapped at him.

  “And this is my pack!” He snapped back at her.

  “I have a right to be there.” She said seriously.

  “Your presence there will only make things worse.” He said quickly.

  “Why?” She said as she put her hands on her hips.

  “It’s not happening.” He said quickly and then a knock was heard on the door. He quickly looked to the living room and then back to her as she stood there. “Upstairs, hurry.” He said as she quickly ran up the stairs. Nicholas got to the door and opened it. Veronica was standing there with tears in her eyes.

  “I am so sorry about last night. I don’t know what got into me.” She said as she hugged him hard. Emma peeked down the stairs and saw Nicholas hugging the girl from the night before. “Please tell me that you don’t hate me.” She said with tears and Emma rolled her eyes.

  “I don’t hate you. Last night was a complete mess but its over. No worries.” He said as she hugged him again.

  “I don’t like fighting with you. I won’t do it again.” She said as she pulled back and then her lips were crashing into his as Emma stepped back from the stairs. An emotion running through her that took her by surprise. Jealousy. She was actually jealous and that in itself freaked her out as she went to her bedroom.

  Nicholas saw images of kissing Emma crossing his mind as he pulled back from Veronica. Kissing Veronica made him feel odd. He couldn’t place it. His mind went back to Emma.

  “You’re still mad, aren’t you?”
Veronica wiped her tears some.

  “No. Just been a long few days.” He said seriously.

  “Can I meet her?” Veronica asked surprisingly as he blinked a bit in shock as he looked at her. Her hand was on his arm. “The rogue staying here.” She added.

  “Oh. Yeah. I forgot that everyone knows now.” He said with a shake of his head.

  “I can help her get acquainted to the town.” She smiled softly.

  “Yeah um. Sure. Hang on.” He said as he walked up the stairs and to Emma’s room. She was sitting on the bed as he knocked.

  “Come in.” She said as he opened the door.

  “So, there is someone I want you to meet.” He began.

  “Oh, ok. The whole town knows about me now?” She said as she swallowed hard.

  “The majority of it at least. Head downstairs when you are ready.” He said and then he was leaving as she sighed. He wanted her to meet the chick downstairs? Why? The thought actually made her feel ill. Was he dating that chick? She literally had no idea.

  Emma felt uneasy meeting this chick. She wondered how important she was to Nicholas? Was he marrying her? She slowly made her way downstairs after putting her hair in a pony tail.

  She could hear them talking as she walked down the stairs and then the dark-haired girl came into view. Emma hated to admit it, but she had a damn nice body. She was tall and had legs for days it would seem as she stood there in a black dress suit with black heels. It gave her another three inches in height. Her hair was dark and to her shoulders. Her body was tanned and fit. This woman could definitely handle herself if she needed to. They continued to talk as she got to the last step. Nicholas looked at her as the woman turned and forced a smile.

  “Emma, is it? I am so happy to meet you.” She said with a wide smile. “I’m Veronica but Nick here calls me Vee.” She said with a big smile as she put her hand out to Emma.

  “Nice to meet you.” Emma said awkwardly. This woman towered over her and it was intimidating to say the least.

  “I can take you into town if you want?” Veronica asked as she looked at Nicholas for permission.

  “I think that is a great idea plus I have a bunch of things to catch up on.” He said with a soft smile.

  “You’re not going to the council today, are you?” Emma couldn’t help but ask.

  “The council? You’re going to the council?” Veronica said with shock.

  “I am going but not today.” He said quickly. “You two should go and check out the town. Veronica here is a great tour guide.” He began as Veronica smiled and touched his arm seductively. Emma couldn’t help but feel like the touch was for her benefit only. Veronica seemed very territorial with him and yet he didn’t seem the same way back. It was odd.

  “It’s a great town, how could I not know every part of it?” Veronica grinned and then looked at Emma. “Are you ready?”

  “Yeah. I suppose so.” Emma looked to Nicholas, but Veronica was crashing her lips into his as Emma stepped outside. She didn’t like that woman one bit!

  Veronica made her way outside with a huge smile on her face. “I hope you don’t mind. I need to stop by my office before we head out.” She said as they got to her car. “So, have you been around town yet?” She asked as they got into the expensive car.

  “Not exactly.” Emma said seriously.

  “It’s a great town. There is a beautiful lake as well.” Veronica smiled at her. “Nicholas and I go there often.” She smiled some more. “I’m sure you are probably wanting to get your own place. I mean who wants to be a burden to someone else. Especially Nicholas. I mean he has a pack to run as it is.”

  “A burden.” Emma said softly.

  “It’s not your fault or anything.” Veronica said as she pulled up to an office building. The outside sign read Williams and Garner Attorney’s at Law. She looked at Veronica.

  “You’re a lawyer?” She asked and Veronica smiled.

  “Veronica Williams at your service.” She grinned.

  “Could you help me?” Emma asked with hope in her voice. Maybe a lawyer is what she needed.

  “Help? As in, rogue help?” She asked with piqued interest.

  “Well not exactly. I’m not a rogue. Well technically I am now but not really.” Emma began as Veronica looked at her with confusion. “I’m from the Midnight Pack. My father is Alpha Charles Stevens. I left because they were forcing me to marry The Nightfall Alpha. A man by the name of Lawrence.” She began and Veronica held back her surprise.

  “You ran from them and now I assume they are looking for you?” Veronica asked quickly.

  “Yes, and I need to know my rights regarding this. The age-old act of arraigned marriages was supposed to be a thing of the past and yet they were forcing me. I’m worried that if they find me here then they will continue to enforce it.” Emma said with concern.

  “Oh my. I see. There may be something I can do.” Veronica said as the wheels began to spin in her head and none of it would benefit Emma at all.

  “You would help me then?” Emma’s eyes got wide.

  “Us girls have to stick together. Of course, I will.” Veronica smiled big. Getting Emma out of town would be a hell of a lot easier then having to deal with her living there especially under Nicholas’ roof. This could be exactly what she needs. “Come on I will show you inside but let’s keep this between me and you, ok? You know how men can get.” She smiled.

  “Of course, I won’t say anything. Thank you so much.” Emma said with excitement. For the first time since she left, she actually felt hopeful. Maybe this chick wasn’t so bad after all.

  Nicholas finished his cup of coffee as his phone rang. He saw it was Steele and he answered right away. “Hey man, about last night.” Nicholas began.

  “Are you seriously going to try and apologize Nick. You were drunk, end of story. I didn’t call about that.” Steele began and then he laughed some.

  “Ok good cause I’m not good with those conversations.” Nicholas sighed with relief.

  “Yeah I know.” Steele smirked. “Listen I went back home and ran into the new rogue. I was thinking of bringing him by tomorrow. Maybe he can help with the Lawrence thing.” He added.

  “Oh, that would be great. The more information I can go to the council with the better it will be.” Nicholas said seriously.

  “Good. I will see you around noon tomorrow. Oh, and uh. I only brought her there to eat something. I wasn’t planning on doing anything with her even though she is quite delicious.” Steele grinned.

  “What? I don’t even know what you are talking about.” Nicholas said quickly. He was lying of course.

  “Oh ok. Sure. Noon, tomorrow.” Steele said as he smirked and then hung up as Nicholas stood there and looked at his phone. His mind went back to the kiss from the night before. He also thought of the run they had taken and the way his wolf had reacted. He couldn’t have a distraction right now especially one he didn’t quite understand himself.

  Chapter Ten

  Emma was surprised at how much she was enjoying her time with Veronica. She had misjudged the woman. They had drove around town and ate lunch at a pizza spot on Main Street. Veronica actually seemed to be very understanding and the fact that she was a lawyer helped enormously. Emma felt comfortable telling her all the details about Lawrence and her father. She actually felt sad to head back to Nicholas’ place because god knows what kind of mood he would be in. One could never tell.

  “Remember not to say anything ok?” Veronica smiled big at Emma.

  “I won’t. Thank you so much. I really appreciate this.” Emma said honestly as she got out of the car.

  “I got some things I need to take care of. Maybe we can do lunch again tomorrow?” Veronica smiled.

  “I would really like that.” Emma said as she waved, and Veronica drove off.

  Emma heard the splash on the side of the house as she got to the front door. Was Nicholas in the pool? Curiosity got the best of her as she walked around the house and there he
was in all his seductive glory. He hadn’t noticed her as she watched from a distance. His long hair was wet and pushed back. His tattoos visible and his body was tanned as well as incredibly toned. He must have sensed her because a few seconds later he turned his head and looked at her. She swallowed hard as she walked over to him.

  “You’re back? Was everything ok?” He couldn’t help but ask. Veronica wasn’t the easiest person to get along with. He knew that from personal experience.

  “Yeah it was nice to get out.” She fidgeted with her hands some. “I was wondering if I could talk to you about getting a job here.” She added as he began to get out of the pool. The sight of water dripping from his nearly naked body was a sight to see. He wore shorts that clung to his body deliciously. She tried not to stare at him. He grabbed a towel and proceeded to wipe off his body.

  “A job?” He asked as he looked over at her.

  “Yeah. I have been studying Forensics. Well I was back in my town.” She said nervously as she looked at him.

  “Forensics?” He said in shock.

  “Yeah. I was hoping I could get a job at the local police department and since you run everything here.” She began as he ran his hand through his long hair.

  “Yeah I don’t think that is going to work out. I think that Mary over at the quick mart could use another cashier.” He said quickly.

  “A what? Yeah, I don’t want to do that. I was studying Forensics.” She said as she watched him put a shirt on.

  “And I said there is a cashier job available.” He said seriously as he looked at her.

  “Is there a reason why I can’t work at the station?” She asked with confusion.

  “Besides the fact that I said no? The station has enough people.” He said dryly and she huffed.

  “I am good at my job if you would just give me a chance. I kept a 4.0 gpa when I was in school.” She added.


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