Love Left Behind

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Love Left Behind Page 40

by S. H. Kolee

  "I guess I never have to worry about going broke with you around."

  I smiled, wrapping an arm around Jackson's waist and leaning up to kiss him thoroughly. "I'll still love you even if you go broke, as long as you keep me satisfied in other areas," I joked, breathless from the kiss. I stepped back to make my way to the front door when Jackson dropped our suitcases, grabbing me close and wrapping his arms around me.

  "I didn't hear any complaints last night," he said with a mischievous glint in his eye. "But I'd be happy to give you another demonstration right now. I aim to please."

  "Jackson," I squealed, my laughter ruining the effect of my disapproving look. "Our flight, remember?"

  Jackson sighed dramatically, releasing me but not before swatting me on the behind. He grabbed our suitcases again and made his way out the front door. I followed him, locking the door behind us. I had given up my apartment a while ago and we were now living together in Jackson's apartment. The past few months since we found out about Claire's lies had been a whirlwind. It had been a joyous time, but it wasn't without its difficulties. Now that the ghosts of the past had been eradicated, we were forced to focus on the challenges of a relationship with two people that were relearning everything about each other.

  Jackson had mellowed out since we had moved in together, but I was still surprised by how autocratic he could be. And Jackson was finding out that I wasn't as pliable as I had been five years ago, when I had been willing to let him make all the decisions. But these were minor issues that were easy to navigate. The real challenge for me was having a relationship with someone who was constantly in the limelight, which consequently meant I was frequently under the microscope as well. The paparazzi hadn't been too bad since we didn't give them much to report on besides being happy and in love. Still, it was a huge adjustment for me to become a semi-public figure.

  Despite the challenges, I had never been happier. We had gone to my mother's house for Thanksgiving, and she had been in awe of Jackson, his celebrity status erasing any lingering doubt she had about him. Trisha and Sean had been a little more reserved, willing to accept that Jackson's actions had been misconstrued in the past, but still wary of his intentions. It had been cringe-worthy to listen to Trisha give him the third degree over turkey, questioning how he was going to ensure that we had a healthy relationship when we were based on two different coasts and the challenges I would face dating a celebrity. Jackson had taken the interrogation good-naturedly, and I had to admit that I was as interested in his answers as Trisha was. I wasn't sure how we were going to manage a relationship when Jackson lived in California, never mind all the traveling he had to do while shooting films.

  Trisha had been somewhat mollified when Jackson told her that he was planning on being based out of New York because he knew my job was important to me, and that we would face any challenges together.

  Christmas had been spent in Westchester with Jackson's family and I finally got to meet his father, his brother Ryan, and his extended family. I had been nervous, but everyone had embraced me and we had a wonderful holiday. I had never seen Jackson so content, had never heard him laugh so easily, and it had warmed me, heart and soul.

  New Year's Eve had been a bit of a battle. Jackson was contracted for a celebrity telecast that was being filmed live in L.A., benefitting a charity raising money for heart disease. A beloved celebrity had passed away from a heart attack earlier in the year and his colleagues were gathering to raise money on his behalf, an unprecedented event filled with A-list celebrities. I had been touched when Jackson explained he had agreed to the telecast, something he had signed on for before we had met again, because I had lost my father due to a heart attack. But I was unable to join him because of too many obligations at work, and Jackson had been a royal pain trying to get me to take time off.

  In the end, I had stood firm and stayed in New York, but it had been lonely being without him on New Year's Eve. I had watched the program, but seeing Jackson on my television screen made me feel even lonelier. The one bright spot was when Jackson narrated a segment about the lives the charity had helped save, my heart squeezing with love when I heard John Lennon's Imagine as the accompanying music.

  I had cried watching the montage, wishing that I had thrown my work obligations out the window so that I could be with Jackson. He had called me shortly after midnight when the telecast was over, telling me he loved me and would see me soon. I had fallen asleep with those words on my mind, and I had been overjoyed when I woke up to find myself in Jackson's arms. He was completely clothed and sleeping soundly, looking exhausted from having taken the redeye back to New York. I had woken him up with my lips and hands, showing him how much I loved him and missed him.

  It was now mid-February and we were flying to L.A. I had taken a couple of weeks off from work so I could stay in California while Jackson negotiated some offers he had received. I knew Jackson was holding off on accepting any roles because he didn't want us to be apart, but I insisted that his career was important and that I was willing to make the sacrifices necessary for Jackson to pursue what he loved. I knew how much satisfaction and gratification Jackson got from acting, and I didn't want to take that away from him. Even though I would miss him since he was bound to be shooting on location somewhere far from New York, I was confident in our relationship and knew our bond would never break.

  Craig got us to the airport in record time and I was relieved when we boarded the plane.

  "Isn't Craig coming with us?" I was confused when Craig wished us safe travels with a smile after he dropped us off, and then got back into the SUV. He always came with us whenever we traveled, although Jackson usually did all the driving outside of New York with Craig only filling the capacity of bodyguard. The only times Craig didn't travel with Jackson was when I had to stay behind for work. Jackson was insistent that Craig stay with me.

  "No, he's staying in New York." Jackson didn't offer further explanation and I was too distracted boarding the plane to ask. The pilot greeted us and then we settled into the luxurious seats, buckling our seatbelts. Even though I had flown on private jets multiple times with Jackson now, I still couldn't get used to the luxury. It would be hard to ever fly coach after this.

  The pilot went through some safety checks with us and then told us we would be taking off shortly. Jackson held my hand, knowing that I got a little nervous flying in a small plane.

  "Where's the flight attendant?" I asked, craning my neck to look behind us. The plane only had eight seats, but there was also a lounge behind us where we were free to move around once we reached our cruising altitude. The flight attendant was usually strapped in a seat in the front but I didn't see her.

  "We don't have one on this flight."

  "Oh," I said confused. We always had a flight attendant on our private flights. I brightened, looking at Jackson approvingly. "A cost-cutting measure. Good for you."

  Jackson grinned at me, looking highly amused, but I chalked it up to being excited about going back to L.A. He had mentioned looking at some new property since his current apartment was pretty small and sparse. I had been surprised the first time I had seen it, expecting something much grander. Jackson had shrugged his shoulders, saying that he hadn't thought much was necessary since he just considered it a place to sleep. He insisted that he wanted my input on the new place since I would be living there as well, and I was flattered that he wanted my opinion.

  Once the pilot announced that we could move around the plane, Jackson and I both unbuckled our seatbelts and moved to the back to stretch out on the sofa.

  "Are you hungry?" Jackson asked.

  "Aren't I always?" I smiled as I watched Jackson play flight attendant, opening a small refrigerator in the back and pulling out a large platter as well as a bottle of champagne.

  "What's the occasion?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, looking pointedly at the champagne. Jackson set the platter full of meats, cheeses and crackers on the low table in front of us and proceeded to ope
n the bottle expertly with a small pop.

  "Do I need a special occasion to enjoy a glass of champagne with the woman I love?" Jackson leaned down to give me a quick kiss before filling two flutes, handing me one.

  "I guess not." I took a sip of the wine, feeling deliriously happy as the bubbles tickled my nose. Jackson frowned, looking a little put out.

  "We haven't toasted yet."

  I suppressed a grin at Jackson's expression of boyish displeasure and put on a face of chagrin. "Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead."

  Jackson smirked as if he knew I was laughing at him, but then his smirk transformed into a gentle smile as he gazed at me.

  "Emma, I can't tell you how happy I've been these past few months. Spending my life with you is all I could ever ask for. Anything else is a bonus." Jackson reached over, cupping my cheek gently with his hand as his gaze lowered to the diamond pendant that had found its home again around my neck. My heart started beating faster, wondering if this was the moment. Jackson and I had never explicitly discussed marriage but I assumed it was in the future, although I hadn't expected it to happen so soon.

  "To spending the rest of our lives together." Jackson clinked his glass with mine and took a sip of his champagne. I released the breath I didn't realize I had been holding, feeling a little deflated by the lack of a proposal, but I dismissed the thought. It was too soon and I was just happy to be with Jackson now.

  "To spending the rest of our lives together," I repeated with a smile, taking another sip of my champagne as well. Jackson's smile faded slightly so I turned towards his hand on my cheek, kissing the center of his palm softly. I would catch Jackson looking melancholy every now and then, and he would admit that it was hard for him to get over us being apart for so long because of Claire's deceit. It was hard for Jackson to forget how happy we had been, and how that happiness had been destroyed by Claire's obsession with him. I would remind him that we couldn't change the past, that we had our whole future ahead of us, and it looked glorious.

  Jackson's expression turned serious at my caress. He took my flute from my hand, putting it down on the table along with his. He drew me closer, his thigh wedged between mine and his arms wrapped around my waist.

  "Promise me you'll never leave me," he whispered fiercely. I remembered my last promise to him, to never leave him as long as he never hurt me.

  "I promise to never leave you." I cradled Jackson's head in my hands, kissing him softly, our lips clinging together. "It doesn't matter if you hurt me, if you make me angry or if you make me cry. I'm yours forever no matter what."

  Jackson groaned, crushing me to him as he slanted his mouth fiercely over mine. I responded just as intensely, feeling desire course through me as his knee pressed against my softness and my thighs clung to his, wetness pooling in my center. I was wearing a skirt so the only barrier to my arousal was the thin cotton of my panties.

  "I need you now," Jackson said harshly against my mouth, his hands already moving up underneath my blouse.

  "Jackson!" I protested, looking behind me at the cockpit door that was closed. "We can't. What if they come back here?"

  Jackson gently pushed me back onto the couch so that I was laying down, his eyes glittering with desire. "Don't worry sweetheart. They have strict instructions not to enter without permission."

  I wanted to protest more, but I was lost once Jackson unbuttoned my blouse, pulling the cup of my bra down and latching his hot mouth onto my hard nipple, suckling hard. I tried to suppress my cry of pleasure, not wanting the pilot or the first officer to hear me.

  "I need to hear you, baby. Don't hold anything back from me."

  I couldn't deny Jackson anything, and when he slipped his hand underneath my skirt and fingered my wetness, I cried out wantonly.

  "Always so wet for me," Jackson muttered, as his mouth moved down my body until his mouth joined his finger.

  "Jackson, please!" I was circling my hips restlessly, pushing up against him as he relentlessly suckled my clit, two fingers slowly plunging in and out of me. I whimpered in need, my legs trembling as I felt the pressure mounting. I blinked when Jackson pulled away, looking up at him confused. When I saw him unbuttoning his pants, I automatically lifted my legs, my lower body convulsing with the need to have him inside of me.

  "I can't wait, sweetheart," Jackson said through gritted teeth. "I need to be inside of you."

  My back bowed in pleasure when Jackson rammed into me, crying out as ripples of pleasure shuddered through my body. Jackson made guttural noises as he withdrew his erection almost all the way, then slammed back into me. His hips pumped faster and faster, his breath harsh and his face tight with desire.

  "C'mon, baby. Come for me, sweetheart."

  Jackson's words tipped me over the edge and I cried out as my climax convulsed through me, rocking me with such pure pleasure that it was almost painful. Jackson swallowed my cries, kissing me fiercely as the last of my release left my body.

  I caressed Jackson's cheek, damp with sweat, and gazed up at him, feeling so much love that it was almost frightening. "I love you, Jackson," I whispered. Jackson groaned at my words and I felt his erection jerking inside of me, spurting into me endlessly until Jackson finally collapsed on top of me.

  I caressed his sweaty back, loving the feel of him still inside of me. Jackson raised his head, grinning at me. "How does it feel to join the mile-high club?"

  I burst out laughing, shaking my head. "So much for words of love and romance." I sobered as an unwelcome thought invaded my happiness, but I pushed it aside.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I just..." I trailed off, not knowing how to finish the sentence. I told myself it didn't matter, but I took a deep breath and asked, "Are you an established member or is this your initiation?"

  Jackson smiled, leaning down to kiss me softly. "Definitely my initiation. There's no room in my club for anyone except you and me."

  I felt relieved by Jackson's answer. It was sometimes hard not to assume that he had led a crazy celebrity lifestyle while we had been apart, but I was learning that Jackson had led a pretty tame life.

  I was grateful that Jackson hadn't popped off any buttons on my blouse, as he was apt to do during the heat of passion, and straightened my clothing. I dug into the food with relish, my appetite enhanced by our impassioned interlude.

  Afterwards, I dozed off in Jackson's arms as we listened to music. When I woke up with a start, it was already dark and I sat up to stretch languidly. I turned around to see Jackson laying beside me on the sofa, but he was wide awake.

  "How long have I been asleep?"

  Jackson smiled, rubbing my thigh with his hand. "The champagne must have gotten to you. You've been asleep for two hours."

  "Two hours!" I exclaimed. I then laughed ruefully. "I guess that's what happens when I drink three glasses of champagne in under an hour."

  I peered out the window but I couldn't see anything except the blackness of night. "Where are we right now?"

  A knock on the cockpit door prevented Jackson from answering. It was kind of funny that the pilot was knocking to enter instead of the other way around. My cheeks flamed when Jackson called out permission and the pilot stepped into the cabin. I wondered if he had heard my earlier cries of pleasure.

  "Mr. Reynard, we'll be landing in LAX to refuel and restock in about an hour and then we'll be back up in the air. We're right on schedule and the weather looks clear for the rest of the flight."

  "Thanks for the update. Let me know if anything changes."

  The pilot nodded and stepped back into the cockpit, leaving Jackson and I alone.

  "What does he mean we'll be refueling and restocking in LAX? That's our final destination." I was still fuzzy from the champagne and waking up, but I was sure I had heard the pilot correctly. Jackson grinned and I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

  "Where are we-" I abruptly stopped talking when I caught sight of my left hand. I had looked down at my hand because something felt odd, and that's when
I saw it. My third finger on my left hand was now adorned with a ring. But it was unlike any ring I had ever seen. An enormous square-cut diamond was surrounded by smaller diamonds, the band made up of smaller diamonds as well. I wanted to squint, the glare of the diamonds twinkling on my finger so brilliant.

  I looked up at Jackson openmouthed, speechless as he sat there grinning at me, looking extremely pleased. I finally found my voice, although it was strained.

  "What...what is this?"

  Jackson gave me a mock frown, ruined by the twinkle in his eye. "You mean you don't know?" He gave a dramatic sigh, speaking as if he had an audience. "It figures the love of my life doesn't even recognize an engagement ring when she sees one."

  "Hold it right there," I said, resisting the urge to shake my head to clear it, the comedy of the situation not lost on me. "Aren't you supposed to ask me first?"

  "Your answer isn't yes?"

  "Of course it's yes!" I exclaimed, feeling exasperated. I didn't think this was what I should be feeling when the man I loved asked me to marry him. Except he hadn't, exactly. "But you're supposed to ask me! I wasn't even awake for the proposal!"

  I folded my arms across my chest, wanting to pout at Jackson's imperious manner. Jackson's expression turned serious as he shifted his body to drop to one knee by the sofa.

  "I've never wanted anything more than to spend the rest of my life with you. I slipped the ring on your finger while you slept in my arms because I wanted to see you wearing it so badly. But I know the ring is just a symbol. We already pledged to be together for the rest of our lives, and this is just making it official. You already belong to me. And I belong to you." Jackson reached up to caress my cheek and I couldn't stop trembling with emotion. "Emma Mills, I love you. You're my heart and my life, and I can't imagine breathing one breath without you by my side. Will you marry me?"


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