Wolf Trinity
Page 2
There were paths leading away from the cabin in every direction. A lot of their research would have to be catalogued off the beaten path, but at least they could explore a bit without worrying about proper clothing this afternoon. Poisonous plants, snakes, and spiders would be their main concern. They’d usually be traipsing around in long pants to protect themselves from the random creatures amongst the vegetation.
Jaden followed Liam a ways down his randomly selected path before running into his back. “What the…?”
Liam lifted up one hand to stop Jaden from continuing and tilted his head to one side.
Jaden held on to Liam’s bicep with one hand and strained his neck forward to catch whatever sound had made Liam pause. He jerked when a keening cry filled the air on the breeze. What the hell is that? It didn’t sound like any noise he’d ever heard before. Great. Their first hour here and already mysterious animal noises filled their ears.
“That is not human,” Liam declared.
“No shit.”
Liam tiptoed a few steps forward. “It’s coming from that direction, and whatever animal it is, it’s in distress.” Liam pointed north.
“And you think we should go investigate of course.” Naturally Liam would need to go check out the source of the horrible sound. Was something dying? Perhaps a large animal had captured a smaller one? This was the forest for heaven’s sake. It wasn’t unheard of.
Liam picked up the pace, increasing until he was jogging. “You think it’s a wolf?”
Jaden shivered as he followed. He’d thought the same thing. But why would a wolf be in distress? They were pretty high up on the food chain in this area. It was rare for one to be caught and killed by another animal.
As the crying grew stronger, Jaden slowed and grabbed Liam’s arm. “Be careful. You have no idea what you’re up against.”
Liam nodded and inched forward until they came to a small clearing.
The second Jaden stuck his face out from between the trees, he gasped. “Fuck.” He raced forward with Liam on his heels.
It was a wolf all right, and there was a distinctly good reason why it was in distress—it was stuck in an old abandoned trap. When Jaden knelt in front of the poor creature and reached forward, he startled so badly he almost toppled over backward. Only the urgency of the situation saved him from falling on his ass.
He took a long, deep breath in and released it without blinking. That inhale told him all he needed to know.
The little wolf was female. She was a shifter. And not just any shifter. She was his mate.
Jaden swallowed and reached for her fur. She winced, her eyes huge and bulging as she pleaded with him using just her gaze. Her glance moved from side to side as she took in Liam at his left.
At least she’d stopped crying, though her mouth hung open as she panted, and she shuddered when Jaden stroked her fur. “It’s okay, honey. We’re going to get you out of this.” He turned to Liam, who stared open-mouthed also, not breathing. “Right, Liam? You have any idea how these traps work?”
Liam seemed to jerk out of a trance. He turned toward Jaden and then swatted his hand away from the little wolf. He bared his teeth at Jaden when he looked back. “She’s my mate,” he growled.
Jaden smiled. “Perfect. Because she’s mine too.”
A tiny cry made them both look back toward the object of their newly formed affection. Her huge green eyes pleaded with them again to stop bickering and get her out of this fix.
Jaden leaned forward to examine her paw. Her hind leg was stuck good, the jaws of the trap having snapped closed around the lower section. He gingerly examined the paw and leg and determined her leg was indeed broken. They needed to get her out of the trap as quickly as possible. Who knew how long she’d been lying here.
“You hold her steady, and I’ll pry the jaws open,” Liam stated. He gripped the edges of the rusty metal and braced himself to open the trap. “Ready?”
Jaden gripped her little paw and her leg with both hands and nodded. “Go.” Seconds later, he’d pulled her free, her wail of pain piercing the air. He pulled her into his arms, careful to avoid the broken leg, and stood. “Let’s get her back to the cabin and see what we need to do.”
Emma panted heavily. Where the hell had these two men come from? Was she dead and heaven had sent two sexy gods to rescue her for eternity?
The taller one with dark brown hair and deep brown eyes held her against his chest. He smelled fantastic and soothed her with his tone as he dashed between the trees toward whatever cabin he’d mentioned.
The shorter one, which wasn’t saying much since both men were almost six feet tall, ran alongside his partner, glancing at her every few seconds. The concern furrowing his brow warmed her heart. No one had ever looked at her with that much devotion to her well-being.
She relaxed into the dark-haired man’s chest, letting him take her wherever he pleased. Her notion that this was heaven faded. She shouldn’t be in such pain if she were dead.
She’d been in that trap for only half an hour when the knights of her imagination showed up for the rescue. She wouldn’t have flinched if they’d been on white horses at this point.
In no time, they arrived at a cabin and entered. The inside was cool, much cooler than the weather she’d been experiencing the last few days. How the hell had she not seen this place earlier? Like before she’d stepped into a trap.
The dark-haired man set her on the kitchen table and stroked her jaw. “I’m gonna see what needs to be done here, okay? Can you be brave?”
She nodded her wolf head. She had no way to communicate verbally in wolf form, but she could at least nod assent.
“Good.” Jaden moved down her body and lifted her bleeding leg.
The blond man petted her ears and stared into her eyes. She’d been in so much pain, she’d not paid attention to much of what they’d said earlier, but suddenly she inhaled deeply and realized a few truths. These men were her mates. Both of them. Jesus, two of them? And they knew it too. They’d mentioned as much outside.
Shit. This was not good. She was on the run. No time for mates. No time for anything out of the ordinary—like a broken leg. But no way in hell could she allow herself to be claimed. It was too dangerous. For them and for her. She closed her eyes, letting the realization soak into her mind.
She needed to get away as soon as possible. But with a broken leg and who knew what other internal damage, soon was probably not going to be quick enough.
“Hold her steady, Liam. I’m going to set this bone. It’s a clean break, but it needs to be set as soon as possible. Who knows how long she’s been out there. I’m guessing less than an hour judging by the flow of bleeding. The slice to the leg is clean. I don’t think it needs stitches.”
The blond, who must be Liam, held her body with one hand and her head with his other. It wasn’t as though she was going anywhere.
When the pain hit her, she nearly fainted. Intense, sharp, distinct pain unlike anything she’d ever experienced wafted through her body. It didn’t even compare to the moment the trap had snapped her leg in the first place.
She heaved for breaths. Liam stroked her fur all along her head and body. “So sorry, baby. It’s over now. Jaden set it. The pain will ease in a moment.” He turned toward his partner. “Do we have any ibuprofen?”
“Of course. You don’t think I came all the way out here without a first aid kit, do you?” Jaden joked. These men were friendly. A peace settled over her entire body even before Jaden returned with two tablets. “Can you swallow, honey?” He turned away from her. She heard water running. Seconds later he set a bowl next to her jaw.
Water. The sweet, sweet taste of water would be the most welcome thing in the world right now. Clean, fresh, delicious. She’d never take it for granted again…if she lived through this experience.
Liam lifted her head and helped her line up with the bowl. She lapped at the cool liquid until he set her back down. “Don’t overdo i
t, baby. Your stomach might get upset from the pain. A little at a time.”
Jaden stepped up to her hind leg. “I’m going to clean up the cut and then splint this so it can heal some, okay? Just hold as still as possible.”
His hands were so gentle, caring. Tears welled up in her eyes. She wanted to shift and thank them for their kindness. But she knew better. If she shifted now, she could damage the leg.
As though reading her thoughts, Jaden spoke as he washed her fur and then wrapped her hind leg and paw in an Ace bandage around a butter knife. Resourceful. “You need to stay in wolf form, baby, at least until we’re sure this break is stable. Don’t want to risk damage to the human bones. You’ll heal faster in wolf form anyway. Any tendon or ligament damage will heal faster this way too.” He ran his fingers into the fur on her back, his touch soothing as her breathing slowed.
Liam stepped to her side and lifted her against his chest. He carried her to the sofa in the center of the room and set her down with great care. “Comfortable?”
She nodded. As much as I can be. And more than I ever expected in this lifetime.
“More water?” Jaden leaned next to her and held the little bowl out.
She stuck her tongue out and took another lap. She felt so tired. A deep exhaustion overcame her. She’d been on her own and tensed for a fight for two weeks by her count. She’d been the walking dead before the trap accident—probably the reason why she’d not been paying close enough attention to her surroundings.
She shut her eyes.
Liam stroked her fur. She recognized his scent already. “Sleep, baby. We’ll watch over you. Rest.”
* * * *
Liam paced outside the cabin while Jaden leaned against the rough log wall. “She’s awfully small. Do you suppose she’s full grown?”
“I’m betting so. I don’t think we would realize she was our mate otherwise. Probably just petite.” Jaden leaned his head back and stared at the sky.
“What are we going to do?”
“Not sure. We need to find out more from her. She’s frail and skinny, as though she’s been on her own in wolf form for a while. Her fur is matted and unkempt. She’s nearly starved herself.”
Liam had noticed all those things too. He ached to have her shift and tell them what her story was. But, for now, she needed to heal, and it was always better to heal in the form one was injured. At least for a few days.
Jaden chuckled. “I thought you said we were going to spend three months alone amongst the trees enjoying nature, female-free?” His eyes sparkled when he smiled.
Liam loved him. He’d never said the words out loud, but it was true. He adored Jaden with all his heart. Sure, Jaden wasn’t as outgoing and adventurous as Liam, but he was kind and considerate. Hell, did it matter? All Liam knew was how he felt, and he’d known for two years he never wanted to be separated from Jaden. He was totally chicken about expressing his feelings for fear Jaden wouldn’t reciprocate.
The thought of having a third between them worried him sick. That was his primary motivation for this trip. He’d wanted a nice long summer where he and Jaden could explore themselves more thoroughly without a woman getting in between them. Sure, he liked women too, but he’d never found one who made him feel the way Jaden did. His heart beat faster when the man was near. He’d do anything for him.
They’d rarely gone more than a few months without finding a new female partner willing to mix it up with two men. All of them had been human. Some had lasted months. In the two years they’d been together and sharing their bed with women, they’d had several short-term relationships, but never anything permanent.
Hell, they’d both always known it wasn’t possible. The complications of holding on to a steady, long-term relationship with a human were monstrous. Finding a female wolf and mating with one had been a quest even more outrageous. There weren’t too many in the area, and Liam had always worried if one of them found a mate, the relationship the two men had would be over.
He should be relieved now instead of more stressed. At least this female wolf of theirs belonged to both of them. But what did that mean for the men? Were they destined to remain on the outskirts of the woman, engaging in only the briefest of contact when they were around her? Few women they’d dated had been on board with their bisexuality. They’d dabbled, stroking each other here and there, but mostly they’d pleasured the female partner and vice versa and left their own needs toward each other out when they were with her.
Did Jaden even feel the same as Liam? Ugh. He needed to grow a set of balls and just tell Jaden how he felt. What was the worst that could happen?
He could turn his back on you, that’s what.
Fear of the unknown had kept Liam silent. What he wanted more than anything in the world was now right at his fingertips. Jaden and a female wolf. But could they sort things out to everyone’s satisfaction and solidify the relationship forever?
What should they do next? After less than half an hour into his dream summer with Jaden, they’d not only picked up another shifter, but one destined to mate with both of them.
He wanted to explore his feelings for her further as soon as possible, but deep inside, he mourned the loss of his perfect summer alone with Jaden.
Now that they had a mate in the cabin with them, Liam worried he and Jaden wouldn’t get the chance to be as intimate together as he had hoped. He’d wanted the opportunity for them to stare into each other’s eyes for days on end. That was a scenario Liam had been looking forward to. He’d intended to pin Jaden down often enough and with enough force to cause Jaden to beg for mercy and admit how he felt about Liam.
It wasn’t that he didn’t think Jaden cared for him. But love? The man seemed too aloof to have even considered that emotion.
Would this mate of theirs be uncomfortable with their sexuality and squelch the interaction between the men as so many women had in the past?
Liam eyed Jaden carefully, trying to assess his thoughts.
“What?” Jaden didn’t even glance in the direction of Liam when he asked that question. “You’re giving me that look.”
“What look is that?” Liam asked as he stalked closer.
“That sexy, come-hither look. Don’t you think we should check on our woman?” Jaden stood tall and pushed away from the side of the cabin.
Liam swallowed his pride and nodded assent. His best-laid plans for the summer had gone up in smoke. And he wasn’t even sure how to react to that since a soft female now lay inside their home away from home.
Chapter 3
Emma opened her eyes and stared at her surroundings. Where was she? And why was her mouth so dry?
Her memory caught up with her, and she lifted her head to glance around. No one was in the cabin just now. How long had she slept? No way to know. She’d been so tired. A bowl of water sat on a chair next to her head. Bless those two men who’d rescued her. She lapped at the water as though she’d never had a drink before.
As soon as she’d licked the bowl dry, the door squeaked open, and the blond, Liam was his name, stepped inside.
“You’re up.” He smiled and hurried to her side. “How do you feel?” He lifted her broken leg and held it up. He gently peeled away the bandage and set it aside. “Looks much better. Let me get Jaden. Maybe you could shift now.” Just as fast as he’d breezed through, he was gone.
Seconds later both men appeared.
Emma struggled to sit up on her haunches, wincing at the dull throb in her hind leg. It wasn’t nearly as bad as earlier, but it still hurt.
Jaden knelt beside her and helped her to sit. The room spun as she righted herself. She was so hungry. Her stomach growled.
“Honey, you think you can shift? You’ve been asleep two days. You must be hungry. It’ll be easier to feed you in human form. I think your leg is healed enough to withstand the shift.” He gripped her front paws, steadying her as she wove back and forth.
Liam sat next to her on the coach.
The tw
o nodded at each other and lifted her gingerly from the couch to set her on the floor.
“You’ll need more space,” Liam stated.
Her reality slammed into her. She needed to shift. It was going to hurt, and then she was going to be naked on the floor at the mercy of two sexy men. Shit.
She stared at both men, her glance switching back and forth between them. It wasn’t as though they weren’t going to see her naked for the rest of her life, but this wasn’t the way she’d ever intended to greet her mate…or mates…for the first time. Hell, she’d never wanted a mate, not even one, and certainly not two.
She’d just fled her home over a hundred miles away to avoid just such a fate and now look. Shit, she thought again.
Jaden snapped his fingers and dashed across the room toward the bed. He came back a moment later dragging a sheet from the bed. “Sorry. I didn’t think. You probably don’t want to meet us completely naked.” He turned toward Liam. “Turn around. Let’s give her some privacy.”
Both men turned when Jaden grabbed Liam’s hand and pulled him away from her. They didn’t release the touch they had on one another. In fact, they stepped closer together. A chill went down Emma’s spine. They stood so close, invading each other’s space. She had no idea what to think about their proximity, but she wished she were in their huddle.
Emma turned her attention to the floor. She needed to concentrate to shift. She was weak and injured. Not the best scenario.
It took her a minute, but finally she sat on the rough floor of the cabin, naked as the day she was born. She glanced down and stifled a gasp. She was so thin. She snatched the sheet from the ground in front of her and wrapped it around her torso.
When she cleared her throat, both men turned toward her.
She watched their expressions closely. She knew she was a wreck. Her hair would be a matted mess by now, and she was filthy.
Jaden spoke first. “You okay?”
She nodded and bit her lower lip. The entire cabin smelled of these two men. Now that she was in human form, she couldn’t fight off the natural pull toward them. A deep need to be possessed by both of them consumed her entirely. The air sucked from the room. The drive to mate and be claimed burrowed under her skin and wouldn’t be abated until she heeded the calling.